• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 15,809 Views, 173 Comments

Fly Too Close to the Sun... She May Never Let Go - Spacecowboy

2nd POV. HiE Romance with Celestia. It's been five years since your arrival into Equestria, and five years since her. Today will be a day to remember.

  • ...

Part IV

It had taken you weeks to climb out of the depression fueled by the door finally shutting on any chance of returning back home. All of the ponies you'd already come to call friends frequently came to your room within the castle, trying to help you through it all. In the end, Celestia had perhaps been the largest help of all, a bright sun in your dim world.

Night and Velvet had been true to their word and offered room in their home for you, but you had decided to remain within the castle instead, the princesses extending their offer of hospitality indefinitely to you. They had even gone so far as to offer you a job, while Twilight continued teaching you the ways of Equestria. You were grateful to all of them for helping keep you busy, giving you less time to mope.

Eventually, you accepted their offer of a job. You were rather surprised when you were directed to Celestia's official office, the princess meeting your confused look with a coy smile. With a point of her hoof, she directed you to take a seat and began explaining what you were to do as her new secretary. The awkwardness slowly melted away, and you found the duties enjoyable enough, especially attending the Day Court, at least once the ponies became more used to your presence.

The days passed, and then weeks, and before you were even aware, Celestia had quietly pulled you aside one morning, her wing draped over your shoulder. While you didn't remember, she had, and commemorated your first full year with them by taking you to her favorite donut shop. They had been delicious, and you found that what had been life shattering wasn't all that bad to you already.

Trips to snatch a bite somewhere, or to sneak to the castle's kitchen became commonplace with her, and it wasn't much longer before you began to notice her. Not Celestia the Princess, but simply the mare. Other mares hadn't really drawn your eye, on account of them being ponies, but Celestia seemed to be different. Of course, you had considered it to be unprofessional, and did your best to hide it, even if you were friends.

No matter how well you hid your awkward and budding feelings for her, you were certain Celestia knew. After all, she was old, and very perceptive. Yet, she seemed to respect it. Eventually, though, even her guards had begun catching on, one of the more zealous ones deciding to quietly confront you over it. What neither of you had expected though, was for Celestia to hear almost every word that had been exchanged between the guard and you. Whether out of annoying at her guard's actions, interest in you, or other odd factors, she chimed in her opinion.

And that was how you landed your first date with Celestia, leading into many, many more.

Candles were lit, the sun had just set, and you were standing just after that turn into the garden, waiting. Eventually, you could hear a voice in the distance, your heart starting to beat faster. "-n, Princess, you know it would ruin it if I told you." Ah, Twilight Sparkle, your willing accomplice in this endeavor. She had squealed so loudly at your intentions that you'd thought yourself deaf afterwards, and had offered her aid once your hearing had returned.

The door opened, and you could hear that quiet laugh you'd grown to love. "Very well, good luck in your studies," Celestia replied, only a slight pause before you could hear the lone set of hoofsteps approaching you, each one growing louder, almost deafeningly so you thought for a brief moment. The faint memory of your first date, and the nervous wreck you'd been, came to mind. Vowing not to repeat the awkwardness, you swallowed your nervousness, just as Celestia stepped around the corner.

"Oh my, this looks a lovely treat," she warmly remarked, walking up to you with a bright smile. Smiling right back, you walked to her, even as you wished you still had a camera to capture her image. While Celestia was normally a lovely mare in your eyes, today she looked exceptionally stunning in the bright moonlight. Her coat was immaculately groomed, not a feather out of place in her wings, and you swore she'd even put on a bit of makeup. The shimmering blue dress she wore also did a lot to enhance her natural beauty.

Giving her a brief hug and kiss as you met her, you moved to the table, pulling out a chair for her. "I wanted to do something special, my Princess," you replied, making no attempt to hide your study of her body, which she seemed to return in kind. Once she was seated, you slightly pushed in her chair before moving around to the other side and taking your own seat. "For you, and to commemorate five years here."

Smiling, Celestia watched as you pulled out one of her favorite brands of wine, the cork already loose enough to simply pull off. As you poured into both of your glasses, she took in a deep breath. "Any time away from my duties spent with those I care deeply for is always welcomed, my not so little human," Celestia softly quipped. "A lovely choice of candles, and a finer choice of wine. Perhaps not so fine as the company I find myself with, though."

"It seems you've taken my line, my Princess," you replied with a joking sigh as you raised your full glass. "To your day, and you. And to my arrival here, as scary it was. Who would have known the love of my life would be a 'talking horse,'" you playfully added at the end, lightly clinking your wine glass with Celestia's, the both of you taking a small sip after.

After setting her glass down, Celestia let out a hearty laugh. "We toast to my day, yet here we are beneath my sister's night," she joked back, leaning forward a bit. "Today has already been quite the treat, you did an excellent job arranging it all. But, tonight appears to be just between you and I, hmm?" she questioned, leaning forward just a bit more to smell the flowers in the vase in the center of the table. "Even going so far as to get your hands on fire hydrangeas... I feel quite spoiled."

You quietly laughed at that. "Well, I would be worried if you weren't, Sunshine. But, there's more," you coyly stated, even as the sound of the door opening once more drew the attention of both of you. "Ah, here's one part of it."

Celestia had a momentarily look of annoyance on her face that shifted to confusion as Twilight Sparkle came into view. The two plates levitated in her magic, however, quickly explained her presence. Without a word, a rarity for her, Twilight set down both plates and gave you a wink that Celestia couldn't see before taking her leave.

On each plate was a generous portion of lasagna, complete with a side of garlic bread and cheese covered broccoli. Not quite your average meal for such a date, but it held significance. "... so my sister, and Twilight, are both in on tonight, hmm?" Celestia curiously enquired, picking up a knife in her magic and slicing a small bit of the lasagna. "Is this..."

"Go on, give it a try," you urged Celestia, smiling fondly as you remembered why lasagna had been your meal of choice. You had spent nearly three weeks trying to not only learn, but improve upon, the lasagna recipe made more complicated by the fact that ponies didn't eat meat. Tofu was a poor substitute, but eventually you'd found the right mix of spices, cooking methods, and came out with a delicious meal. The first homecooked meal you could lay claim to in Equestria that you shared with Celestia, as you were now doing.

While temporarily lost in your reminiscence, Celestia had eaten her small cut of lasagna and was letting out a rather content hum of satisfaction. "It is, even tastes like the very first one," she fondly stated, caressing your cheek with her magic, one which you returned in kind as your eyes lit up for the briefest of moments to facilitate your magic use.

The nervousness bloomed once more, the moment you were waiting for rapidly approaching. One hand felt underneath the table, the large box just above your lap, waiting for you to pull it down and present it to her. "Today had me feeling pretty nostalgic, my Princess. So, I did a bit of cooking. Well, prep work, truthfully, all but cooking it," you admitted, fighting to keep your nervousness from showing as you cut your own piece to eat, even as the butterflies in your stomach told you to hold off on food.

"Oh?" Celestia asked as she started to enjoy the simple, yet tasty meal. "Anytime I asked about your actions today, I was given rather cleverly worded, ambiguous answers. I could have sweated a guard or two, but that would have been cheating." Smiling, she let out another hum of satisfaction.

Nodding in agreement, you felt your heartbeat speed up a bit. "I spent some time with Velvet, and went around Canterlot for a bit. Nothing too special," you deflected, trying not to give anything away just yet. "I just thought adding a bit more of suspense would make you more curious."

Slowly, the two of you enjoyed your meal, banter and small talk dominating the conversation. You found your nervousness spiking, heart beating as if you were running a marathon. You didn't think she had caught on yet, or so you hoped, as you met those lovely magenta eyes of hers, raising your wine glass once more after both plates were finally cleared of food. A quiet tink of glasses meeting sounded out before both wine glasses were drained.

This was it, now. The moment you'd been waiting for. "Celestia," you softly spoke, reaching for that box and grabbing it with both hands. "Five years ago, you saved my life, despite not knowing who I was, what I was, or what I could be capable of. You took an interest in me, and in time, our friendship became... something more." You'd gotten up from your seat now, so as to be closer to her. The box was in one hand, hidden behind your back, as your lovely goddess beamed brightly.

That beaming smile washed away any remaining nervousness. "You and I have only continued to grow closer, and despite knowing that your duties to Equestria would always come first, our bond only strengthens," you continued on, seeing it in her eyes that she'd caught on to what you were doing. Still, you had taken the plunge, so you were committed to see it through to its end now. "I know our time may be short, in your eyes, but will you do me the honor of marrying you, oh Princess?" you finished, pulling the box from behind your back and opening it to show the horn ring.

A pregnant pause occurred after you finished your proposal, each second of it excruciating. You felt magic grip your shoulders, carefully pulling you down, her eyes meeting yours as you felt as if she were looking into your very soul. However, only a brief moment passed before you found those soft, pony lips meeting yours. The kiss was passion-fueled, bright like the sun, yet as gentle as Celestia's kind, nurturing nature. When it parted, Celestia looked at you with a loving smile.

"Yes, my little human."

Author's Note:

So... three years later and everything. Well, bit more really. Sorry it took so long, but here it is. Done. Over. Finished. This had only begun has an attempt to do a proper 2nd-Person-POV story in which no names, genders, etc were given, where the reader should be able to insert them into the shoes of our protagonist for this short duration. Did it succeed? That's up to you all to decide.

Probably not going to write anymore on this. Especially since I am now focusing on reducing the number of incomplete stories I possess. Here's to knocking that number down by one!

Comments ( 11 )


So, did it succeed as a 2nd person story? Fail? I know this could have been taken further than I did, and I probably could have elaborated even further on the scene, but this is how it ended up turning out.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Even if it took me over 3 years to finish.

Not bad i am not a huge fan of 2nd person but i enjoyed this one

Ya did pretty good, author.

You did good, Spacecowboy. You did good.

An enjoyable fic!

Was a good read, great 2nd person story. There was a mention of additional content at the end of chapter 2, are your notes at the end here indicating you're done with this story for good?


7797825 Outdated idea to do a male and female 2nd person (individually) sex scene for the end of the night, but it was trashed. Partially because writing sex isn't actually all that fun (despite how easy it is) and because shortly after, the policy concerning mature materials had changed, so I would've had to link to another story instead of a GDoc for those two. I think. But yeah, this is done, focusing on another story right now and slowly plodding at its next update.

Thanks for the kind feedback, too, glad to know I captured what I was aiming to do.

I'd say that this was a truimph. I'm making a note here; huge success.

Short-ish, fluffy, and very, very sweet. Well done :twilightsmile:


Too short! Too short! I must have more!

Ah well, I'll deal with not having enough. Putting this out means you'll have some more time to write Worst Nightmare, right? :raritywink:

Pretty good.:duck:
Like you say, the scene could have stood to be elaborated or lengthened. Though how to lengthen it, I'm not sure.
Only thing I can think of is a time skip to the vows or wedding kiss, but that would be tricky to implement.:applejackconfused:
Actually, that would likely ruin the gender neutrality (Unless there are ladies out there that get married in a tux)

After a quick reread of the first two chapters and seeing the explanation that the consort is supposed to be gender neutral, it became kinda fun alternating the consort from male Cmdr. Shepard to female Cmdr. Shepard between the Consort's lines, when someone else spoke (I frequently reach for default male Shepard as a visualization and voice when not a lot is given in regards to the human's appearance, or I forget between updates:twilightblush:)
And you know what?
The dialogue and actions actually worked well with either Shepard! :scootangel:
Visualizing fem Shep dressed up in a suit was helped by in game fem Shep wearing the formal uniform.
Though looking back, when Consort got changed for the proposal date, you left it ambiguous as to what formal wear the Consort was putting on. So female Consort could have worn a suit or dress. The same suit or dress rule applies to male Consort (because male Consort is secure in himself:rainbowdetermined2:, and Rarity was never corrected/told that human males are supposed to wear suits :rainbowlaugh:)
Great job on the gender neutrality front! :twilightsmile:

After reading the final line, I initially wanted to say that '"My Little Human" would have made a nice story title in retrospect versus the current semi-agressive one that others have commented about', but thinking a bit more, "My Little Human" would probably have implied a whole different story altogether. Like some sort of human-to-pony story. Also, your response about the story starting with the Consort flying a plane is still valid

All in all, an enjoyable read!:twilightsmile:
Let's see where the rest of your stories take you, as you ride your personal writing renaissance!:scootangel:



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