• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 15,554 Views, 755 Comments

Chaotic Neutral - C-Puff

When magic starts failing, chaos threatens to consume Equestria. Good thing the ponies have Discord on their side to help fix things.

  • ...

Best Laid Plans

Chapter 26

Applejack let go of Rainbow's tail as she landed, eyes glued to the approaching figures of Stoneflower and Cloud Bastion. Twilight glanced briefly at Blue Jay, realising the sudden surprise arrival meant he could easily get a shot at them while they were distracted. Blue Jay, however, seemed just as shocked as everypony else, staring slack-jawed at the approaching mare.

“Oh, Splendid,” Discord muttered as he stepped over Fluttershy, making her peer out between his arms. “I was just thinking we could do with a few more opinionated maniacs to yell at us.”

“Anypony know who that is?” Rainbow asked in her trademark 'too loud to actually be quiet' whisper.

“That's Stoneflower,” Applejack said icily, “The 'Mayor' of Falabel.”

“Oh! So she's the pony telling that bunch of crazies what to do?” Pinkie said with a wide grin which immediately fell into an angry glare. “Yeah, I don't like her.”

“What are you doing here, Stoneflower?!” Blue Jay called.

Stoneflower and Cloud Bastion stopped a few paces away from the other two groups. Stoneflower's mouth was drawn into an angry line as she glared back at Blue Jay. Her eyes briefly flickered to the glowing bubble before snapping back to him.

“I'm here to stop you and your little entourage!” She yelled, her voice still thick with arrogance as well as a barely hidden anger. “You had to know I would find you eventually, Blue Jay! Did you really think your plan to assassinate me wouldn't backfire on you?!” She broke into a cold smile, “You seem to do so well with things backfiring on you, you must have expected this.”

“Leave, Stoneflower,” Blue Jay turned back to face Twilight instead. “This has nothing to do with you any more.”

“I am here to retrieve the Seventh Element!” Stoneflower barked, clearly insulted by the brush off. “And you can be sure when we do leave with it in our possession once more, we will not give you a chance for another attack on us!”

As the Mayor of Falabel ranted, Twilight kept her gaze firmly locked on Blue Jay, a deep frown on her face. Without looking away, she reached out and tapped the closest pony with the tip of a wing. Rarity blinked and turned to her, unsure if the tap was actually meant to catch her attention or not.

Twilight's eyes flitted to her to make sure Rarity was paying attention before she spoke under her breath. “We need to stop this before any of those three can do any more damage with that thing.”

“What should we do, Twilight?” Rarity asked, moving closer to her friend for the hushed conversation.

Twilight said nothing for a moment, looking from Blue Jay, to Stoneflower, and then to the stone.

“We need to hit that thing with the Elements, but I don't know if we're going to have enough time to charge our attack. Our other option is to try and get to the stone and take it away from here where Blue Jay can't use it and use our Elements on it later.”

Rarity pulled a face. “Frankly, I don't think I want to lay a hoof on that thing myself. Who knows what touching it could do?”

“Maybe,” Twilight nodded. “But I don't know if touching it would actually hurt. Blue Jay doesn't look like it's done much damage to him, but getting close enough to grab it means we have to get past him and his magic. I don't think Stoneflower will be too happy with that either. It's a big risk.”

“So, we're still going to hit it with the Elements instead?” Rarity whispered back.

“If we get a chance to charge our attack,” Twilight repeated.

“And how will we do that, dear?” Rarity turned to look at her properly.

“That's what I'm still trying to figure out,” Twilight said, pulling a face.

Blue Jay rolled his eyes at Stoneflower. “Seventh Element.” He gave a loud scoff. “I've said it before Stoneflower; you are wrong. The Stone is nothing like the Elements of Harmony. But that's the problem with you and the other Defectors, isn't it? You were always so willing to believe it was what you were told it was that you never stopped to think it might be something more powerful than that.” He turned to face her properly. “This Stone is not your 'Seventh Element' Stoneflower. It never was. Now I will say it one last time. Leave.”

“Blasphemer!” Stoneflower Shrieked. “We never should have let you inside the Fortress! I tried to warn Black Lavender of what a little worm you were! He didn't listen and just look at what you gave him for that!”

“Forgive me for eavesdropping, my dear compadres,” Discord lowered his head to join Twilight and Rarity's hushed conversation, “but perhaps if we were to divert the Peanut Gallery's attention elsewhere for a while you could power up your Rainbow of Death in peace?”

Twilight risked turning away from Blue Jay to look at him. “Meaning what exactly? A distraction?”

“Well done,” Discord said although Twilight ignored the condescending tone. “I was just thinking to myself while we're standing around not doing anything useful or interesting, 'I would really enjoy have a little one-to-one with our current and former hosts.' There's quite a few things I would adore getting off my chest.”

“You want to go over and talk to them?” Rarity whispered back. “You do realise that awful stallion still has a horn full of magic, don't you?”

“She's right Discord,” Fluttershy crawled out from under the cover of his chest to look up at him. “If you make that pony really angry, he might try and hit you with his magic, or maybe something worse.”

Discord bristled slightly as he turned to pout at her. “I find that rather insulting, my dear! Do you really think without my magic I'd be outclassed by such an amateur? I still have my wits about me, and he appears to only be playing with a half deck!”

“Yes, but your wing's still hurt and you can't fly,” Fluttershy reasoned, turning to face him properly. “And you haven't been feeling well either, remember? Well... I... I suppose you would remember... but we also remember, so don't try and pretend we'd just forget and let you do something dangerous like this.”

Discord gave an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes so hard he looked like he might have strained something. “All right, all fair and so on, Fluttershy. But if I may pose this question then; What choice do we have at this point? Those two aren't going to keep arguing and forget about us forever.”

Fluttershy bit her lip.

Blue Jay seemed to shudder for a moment when Stoneflower mentioned the old cult leader. However, he shook it off before continuing. “Black Lavender would not listen. I told him as I'm telling you, the stone is not the Seventh Element! If you don't want to end up the same way you will return to your tower with the rest of your misguided idiots!”

As he said this, Blue Jay's horn started to glow as he pointed it at Stoneflower. She grit her teeth but seemed in no hurry to turn around and walk away. At the raised horn, Cloud Bastion blew his nostrils and took a few steps forward, scratching the cobblestones with a hoof.

“I...” Fluttershy sunk, her ears flattening. “...alright... but don't do anything silly, okay Discord?”

Discord broke into a broad grin. “Now Fluttershy, what a silly thing to say!”

She shook her head. “Just, don't do anything to get yourself hurt.”

He rolled his eyes again. “I'll be fine... however,” His expression snapped to a frown as he turned to Twilight again. She stared back at him, unsure if she should frown back. He jabbed a finger towards her, meaningfully.

“Do not hit me with your magic jewelry! Do you understand me?”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked several times before nodding. “Oh... Oh yeah. Yeah, we won't. Just keep those three away from the stone.”

He did not budge. “I mean it, Twilight Sparkle. If you hit me with those, so help me, I will turn every book in your library into a deep sea spider crab and you will have to figure out what to feed them, how to groom them and how to take them for walks without any help from me! Or your books! Because I will turn them into deep sea spider crabs!”

“Alright alright! I get it already! We're not going to hit you with the Elements!” Twilight snapped back.

Discord held his frown a moment longer before straightening. “Good.” He broke into a grin again before turning and strolling towards the heated argument.

Twilight blew out a breath before turning to the others. “Alright, you heard him. We don't have much time so let's get these things going.”

The others nodded, moving back into formation. Fluttershy stumbled absentmindedly into her spot, watching Discord as he went.

“You're not going to shoot me, Blue Jay.” Stoneflower said, her face twisting into a cold smile again. “You were always such a weakling when you wormed your way among us. Even as Black Lavender's second in command, you always shirked giving out discipline to the lower members. Too afraid of blood to ever do anything. You always left me to pick up the slack for you.”

“I killed Black Lavender, didn't I?” Blue Jay threatened, his horn glowing brighter.

“Yes,” Her smile faded away, “I was surprised when I heard. But even then, you couldn't do it face to face, could you? You had to leave a hex as you slunk off into the forest,” Her face hardened. “Not only are you a coward, but you are also the most traitorous pony I have ever come across. Not only did you murder our leader, but you did so with the very magic you claimed to want to set free! You betrayed your ideals to do exactly that which we set out to put an end to! I thought that, despite everything else despicable about you, at the very least your conviction was true! I should not have given you so much praise!”

“Stop. Talking!” Blue Jay screamed, raising his voice properly for the first time.

“Oh no. Please, do go on,” Discord said pleasantly as he walked over.

The other three ponies spun to face him, Blue Jay's horn fizzling out. Stoneflower's eyes narrowed as Cloud Bastion unfolded his wings, turning away from Blue Jay to glare at Discord instead.

Blue Jay gave a low growl. “Don't push me, Shadow Spirit! My patience is at an end!”

“I wouldn't dream of it,” Discord said, standing himself uncomfortably close to the stallion. “After all, I'm afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. I'm still without my powers after all. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to ask how it is you've managed to hold on to yours?” He gave a pert smile at the seething stallion. “Just out of curiosity. After all, should this ever happen again I'd much rather hang on to my own magic. It's such an inconvenience to have lost it. Not that you'd understand that of course. Actually,” Discord frowned, tapping his chin. “Are you planning to give up yours as well? After all, you seem rather against the whole 'ponies with magic' idea.”

“I don't have to answer anything from you!” Blue Jay snapped, turning back to Stoneflower. “Take your insane rambling somewhere else. I have other vermin to deal with first!”

“Oh, Vermin am I?!” Stoneflower yelled, taking several steps forward.

“Don't get so worked up, your Mayorness,” Discord said sympathetically, walking to stand between the two of them. “Now, I know you and your other earth ponies are far superior to us lowly magic users, but you can't expect poor Blue Jay to understand. He's a little touched, after all.” He leaned forward towards her, raising to talk behind a paw without bothering to lower his voice. “I heard the poor boy thinks the land spoke to him once. It's sad really.”

“Oh?” Stoneflower broke into a smile once more, turning back to Blue Jay. “Are you still spouting that nonsense to ponies? I thought you only said that so Black Lavender would let you join us. You actually believe it?”

Blue Jay seemed unmoved by this, gradually calming down again to stare at them with cold contempt. “I use to. But I was wrong,” He drew himself up, lifting his head high. “It was never the land who asked me to set it free. It was the stone.”

“Ah, of course,” Discord nodded, “I should have known. It's silly for the ground to talk but a rock? That's completely different.”

Blue Jay's eyes narrowed. “The stone is more than you or even they ever imagined it to be,” He nodded towards Stoneflower and Cloud Bastion with a disgusted expression. “It's no Shadow Element of Harmony, and it's no magical rock either,” He cocked a brow at Discord. “It's much more.”

Discord gave a drawn out yawn, “Yes yes. All very dramatic, I'm sure. But that doesn't change the fact that you seem convinced a piece of rubble from many miles away locked in a tower spoke to you asking to set it free.” He smiled widely. “May I suggest next time trying to find a princess in a tower instead? Far more rewarding, I assure you. Besides, you look like the kind of stallion who could use some, shall we say, rewarding.”

Blue Jay made a disgusted noise, but broke into a smile of his own. “You can insult me all you want, Shadow Spirit. You have no hope to stand up against the Stone.” He turned back to Stoneflower, his smile staying where it was. “Why don't you do me a favour and go back with this mare to her following of clowns? She seems so eager to get her precious Seventh Element and I've had more than I can stand from all of you!”

Stoneflower made an infuriated noise, marching forward again. “That makes two of us!”

Cloud Bastion gave a flap as he took off, hovering over his leader as he glared daggers at the unicorn. Blue Jay's horn flared with power once again as he prepared to fire.

“And we were having such a pleasant conversation too,” Discord sighed, going to all fours. He turned and gave Blue Jay another grin, but this one had a sharp edge to it. “But then, all good things must come to an end after all. Besides, I see my friends are all set and ready to go.”

Blue Jay snapped his head to Discord before spinning to the group of ponies he had completely forgotten about.

The group of six were engulfed in light, a rainbow'd ribbon connecting them to each other as Twilight at the front spread he wings and opened her eyes, glowing with energy. There was a blinding flash as a second rainbow burst out from the group, barreling towards the glowing bubble and the Stone of Null.

The bubble resisted the blast for exactly two seconds before it started to crack. Long spider-web like cracks streaked across its surface before it seemed to break apart completely. The rainbow sped forward once more before slamming full force into the spinning stone at the center.

The world exploded into white with a deafening boom. Discord found himself instinctively shielding his face from the light. Even as he did so a small voice from somewhere inside him spoke up, chastising him for not facing the blast head-on. For not standing proudly and defiantly instead of, once again, cowering. For showing weakness and letting ponies know that despite all he is and all he ever was, they can still overpower him whenever they wanted. And yet he could not stop the stab of panic that shot through him. The anticipation of getting locked in place unable to move, unable to speak, unable to live. Locked in marble and plunged into dark, silent loneliness.

'It's not for you,' A second voice spoke up, quieter than the first, but with more conviction.

'It's not meant for you.'

He lowered his arms slightly.

The blazing light faded.

Swirling dust, or maybe smoke, tumbled away from them in all directions. The sudden rush of wind died down. Somewhere, several streets away, there was the sound of something wood and stone crumbling in on itself. The clouds above them rippled and broke apart.

There was coughing as all ponies present got back to their hooves, shaking dirt from their manes and brushing their faces clean. Discord turned to the group of ponies who had just fired their Elements, but they all seemed fine, considering.

Twilight spat the grit out of her mouth before getting up and turning to where the Stone had been floating.

The triangular artifact hung in the air in front of her, spinning lazily on its own axis. The glowing bubble of light surrounding it throbbed, causing small ripples around its base. There was a soft, held note in the air. A quiet trill somewhere in the back of her hearing. Like the ringing in your ears that happened for no reason.

Twilight stared at it. She could physically feel blood and heat drain out of her face as ice seemed to grow itself up her spine. She realised she was shaking her head, but she could not make herself stop.

“Nothing happened...” Pinkie's voice, sounding far away, squeaked.

“You monstrous heathens!” Stoneflower screamed, leaping into a full canter as she stormed towards the glowing bubble.

“Stop!” Blue Jay yelled, stumbling to his hooves. “Get away from it!”

Stoneflower ignored him, torpedoing towards the stone, Cloud Bastion swooping down and following after her.

“Stop her!” Applejack yelled, jumping to her own hooves and running towards the bubble as well.

“Right behind you!” Rainbow called back, shooting into the sky.

Stoneflower leapt the last few feet, her forelegs outstretched as she plunged into the bubble of light, grabbing the spinning triangle with both hooves. She broke into a manic smile, eyes wild as she ripped the stone from where it spun with a triumphant cry.

The bubble throbbed, shrinking in on itself before swelling dramatically in size. There was an off-kilter sound as the high-pitched trill dropped and a moment of dead silence filled the air. The stone in her hooves flashed white for a moment before bursting into what could only be described as a light devoid of light.

Stoneflower screamed but did not let go. She shut her eyes, arcing her back as the dark light engulfed her. Cracks, like a drying riverbed, shot across her body as she seemed to glow with her own inner light. Her scream drew on, growing louder and higher.

And then, she burst.

Crystal like shards rained down on the others as they turned to shield their eyes, or simply stared in horror. Applejack skid to a stop only a foot or so in front of the bubble, spinning in place as she turned her face away, throwing both forelegs over her eyes. Rainbow, who had been aiming for Cloud Bastion, looped in the air and instead streaked towards Applejack, her legs outstretched. As soon as she was within reach, Rainbow grabbed her friend around the middle and continued forward towards the others, pulling Applejack away from the danger.

Cloud Bastion faltered to a stop, flapping wildly as he stared at where his leader had been standing. There was clear terror on his face, but not a single sound came out of him.

In the center of the bubble, the dark light around it fading to nothing, the triangular stone fell back into its rhythmic spin, the bubble reverting to normal. Neither showed any indication that anything had happened.

Discord stood rooted to the spot, watching the series of events unfold with a dumbstruck expression. He gave his head a shake as he realised he had not moved in the past few seconds. He turned to Blue Jay.

The pony was standing in the same spot, staring at the bubble and the stone with a sort of quiet conviction. Discord had seen that expression before, long ago on the faces of ponies who had that terrible thing in them; a sense of duty.

He turned to the panicked Cloud Bastion, who was now flying large circles over the courtyard. It seemed almost as if he was looking for Stoneflower, as if she had simply teleported away and he would find her standing in an alleyway or street just a few houses away if he looked hard enough. There was a terrified madness to his eyes.

Discord turned to the group of ponies carrying the Elements. Rainbow Dash had landed with Applejack among the group again. Rarity was anxiously asking if the two of them were alright. Twilight stood as if she had been frozen in place, staring at the glowing bubble in shock.

Fluttershy had her hooves to her mouth as she stared at the stone. She appeared to be trembling.

Discord dropped down and bounded towards them. He stopped in front of Twilight, cutting off her line of sight with the spinning stone. She blinked several times before turning to look up at him.

“Time to go,” Discord said, reaching over her and picking up Fluttershy.

Twilight blinked again, apparently struggling to come back to reality. “We... We can't... we... We have to...”

“Later,” Discord interrupted, dropping Fluttershy on his back before reaching and grabbing hold of Rarity and Pinkie as well, tucking one under each arm. “Right now, it's time to go. You two alright to move?”

The last statement was aimed at Applejack and Rainbow, who both nodded dumbly in reply.

“Alright then, off we go,” He turned and without waiting to hear another word, sprinted down a street and away from both Blue Jay and the Stone.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were quick to follow.

“Come on, Twilight!” Rainbow urged, grabbing hold of one of her forelegs and tugging her with them.

Twilight turned to stare at Blue Jay. He stared right back, but made no move to follow them. His expression was cold and distant, as it had been when he first stepped out to face them.

Twilight stumbled forward before breaking into a run and following the others down an alley, across a street, and out of sight from the courtyard.

Author's Note:

See? I promised the next update would come sooner than last time. :pinkiehappy:

So uhm... yeah. This is a thing :rainbowderp:

Here's a picture of Stoneflower, as I realised I'd done the other 2 major OCs of the story but not her.

I was on a real roll with this chapter and really wanted to get it up before Monday. So once again, please let me know of any typos or grammar mistakes or anything of the like. It's always appreciated. :pinkiesmile:

I can't think of anything else to comment with. I'll try and get the next chapter up as soon as I can. And I really hope you guys enjoy the story. I really truly am trying my best. I really am. And I want to thank you for all your comments and support, as always. If not for you I might've given up because of my inner critic looooong ago.

It's actually a 'Japanese Spider Crab' but that wouldn't make much sense in Equestria.