• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
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"If it explores new possibilities or evokes the slightest excitement, it has no merit." —literary scholars, probably


Rainbow Dash is the coolest pegasus in Ponyville. So why, after helping Twilight Sparkle out with another weird project, has she suddenly found an interest in the mysteries of fashion? Reluctantly she decides to turn to Rarity for help, and what results may be stranger than anypony could have predicted.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 67 )

Just a few grammatical errors that can be fixed with another pre reading on your part. Interested in seeing how this goes. Good job!

Interesting Concept.
Good story flow.
And an ending that makes me what to see how this will go.
You, My fellow Bronie, Have earned a track

This is gonna be interesting.



Let's see
Stalin likes recreatino of ones of most funny (in his opinion) moments of the show ("Hellooooooo Rainbow Dash!" and "Burglar, BURGLAR!")
Also, Stalin recommends to describe Twilight's coat color as lavender, not purple

Overall, very interesting story! Stalin likes it. Pacing and flow are good, eriting style is good. Humor is fine. You defenetely deserved your likes!

:moustache: Stalin commands to dance!

Hmm... Darling? Wat has happened to Dashie, we wonder... We shall find out in the next chapter! Tracked!

~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria

Oooooh! I'm interested! I'll be keeping track of this little gem, so to speak.

A demon? Apparently a very girly demon? Oh snap :pinkiegasp: Keep up the work. This is getting good.

A demon of girlyness!:rainbowderp:

A demon? The demon isn't... generation 3.5 Rainbow Dash is it?! :pinkiegasp:

Interesting. Please hurry with the next chapter:twilightsmile:
edit:I have also noticed that the time between rainbow having G3 Dash thoughts is getting shorter

Is she calling Rarity a demon? I mean come on! Sure shes annoying when she defensive against anything dirty, but still! She is not a demon! :rainbowhuh:

XD You know, it WOULD be hilarious if it WAS 3.5 Dashie! XD That would be SO bucking Epic! XD

The demon isn't Rarity, no. Rarity would probably die of shame before that happened. Besides, if she was the demon, that would imply that she's somehow inside Rainbow Dash.

... That sounded cleaner in my head.

344276 I just thought that since Rainbow dash had said 'darling', Rarity's quote, that she had a mini Rarity inside her.....That sounded cleaner in my head too. :rainbowlaugh:

Wait, a demon?:trixieshiftright:
Seriously, THAT'S what you went with?
I could've seen a personality merge with rarity, but a freaking demon...?:rainbowhuh:

Oh my god yes. This has so much potential. :coolphoto:

Rainbow means she woun't be Fim Dash she will however be G3 Dash. This is getting good.

Oh my... (Is it sad I can't quite figure out who's shipped with who yet? ^^;)

That fantasy at the beginning was great :rainbowlaugh: And, gosh, you and your cliffhangers. I wanna see RD learn to sew!

So, she's going to turn into G3 Rainbow Dash?

Why cant I hold all these yes's?


In a kinda-sorta sense. It's more along the lines of G3 Dash being the demon, with FiM Dash gradually taking on some of the traits and interests associated with G3 Dash as her presence grows more prominent. She'll still be FiM Dash at her core though, but how well that core will hold out remains to be seen.
Well, either that or it's G3.5 Dash as the demon. I've never seen either series, so I'm not entirely sure what the difference is.
(I hope that made sense.)

366454 G3 Dash was basically Rarity, just so you know.

366454 Huh. So that means one of two things:

1. The term "demon" is just a blanket for the spirits of ponies from past generations, among other things.
2. G3 ponies were so terrible, they were sealed into Tartarus.

In any case, I look forward to more as Dash struggles with Dash.

:rainbowderp:...need more...

When Is the Next Chapter?

Whenever I get up off my lazy rear and actually work on it. Sorry it's taking so long; sometimes my muse just packs up and goes. But I will rope it back in.

OK, after that cliffhanger, don't you dare take another 3 months to write the next chapter.

Edit: First!

Glad this has been updated:pinkiesmile: I'm still loving RD's thought processes through all of this. I also liked the little tie-in with the Dragon Quest episode. But darn you and your cliffhangers:flutterrage:

Hey, it's the famous buffalo celebrity, Hangs-From-Cliffs!

HUZZAH! This has FINALLY updated! xD Can't wait for the next chapter!

Great Chapter. Hope you get the next one up sooner rather then later.

This story is proving to be interesting! The idea of Rainbow having an internal battle against becoming a frou-frou filly is really comical. I'll be keeping an eye on this, curious as to where you'll take it. :twistnerd:

Like the Megido Butterfly there. They tend to rapidly divide themselves into copies when startled, or occasionally hop backwards in time by a minute or so.”
:rainbowhuh: The Fuck?

That sure took you long to do that update, Reshiram. But it worth it :D

Also, i recommend you to dent your chapter (there is a "dent" and "outdent" buttons in edit toolbar) so it would look more, ummm, professional.
Either way, can't wait till next chapter :D

Homestuck reference.

I would, but the way it looks bugs me for some reason. Maybe because I haven't indented my fics in about a hundred years.

Anyway thanks for reading everyone! Now to figure out how to top this cliffhanger.

When Is next Chapter?
It has been over 6 weeks since last update.

Oh wow I totally forgot this was a thing. Whoops. Well I should most likely be actually working on it over the weekend, if all goes well. Thanks for reminding me!

Well, that was... short. Still, at least an update is an update, right? Seems to me like Dashie doesn't really win either way. (At least, the OLD Dashie.) I mean, a Spa, or Rares wears her girliest dress? How is that a BAD thing for Rares? (Aside from potential dress tear-age or something.) *Tries to wait patiently for the next chapter*

EDIT: Cool! I hereby claim

Yes, sorry about that. The time between updates was getting ridiculous, so this is probably better than putting it off for another couple weeks.

And the thing about the bet is that, if Rarity loses, she has to wear a very nice dress that she undoubtedly adores and spent hours working on ... to the dragon migration, where any dragon flying overhead might see her as an obvious torching target. And in the trench where they watch the dragons, where there is undoubtedly enough dirt to pose a serious hazard to it. Considering how little Rainbow usually likes girly stuff, this is a pretty fair bet. (Or at least they see it that way.)

Oh yay; this story still lives! I sense a lot of slapstick in the foreseeable future :rainbowkiss: keep up the good work!

1164770 ... Fair enough. I guess there's enough dirt, and the potential flame target could work, I suppose. I was just seeing it from a different angle, so thanks for clearing that up. xD

Let the sewing lessons begin.

It’ll be fun!” “But secret,”

This reminded me of the whole "secret butt fun" thing that was going around the fandom for a while. I have no idea if it was supposed to but I :rainbowlaugh: anyway. This whole story is hilarious, and a really interesting concept - hope it continues to update :pinkiehappy:

Its almost been 5 months. When is the next Chapter?

Guh. Yeah, apologies for the ridiculous wait. University work has been tough for me, but now that I'm on Christmas break I should have more time to actually write something. Stay tuned.

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