• Published 23rd Nov 2011
  • 5,925 Views, 52 Comments

Cupcakes: The Musical - SweeneyXoz

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Act II: Part III

Exterior of Sweet Street

Pinkie Pie exits Carousel Boutique through the front door and walks lightly to the basement. The beggar, from the shadows, looks from Pinkie to the stairs and back to Pinkie again, wondering where Rainbow Dash is. She jitters back and forth and backs into the alleyway. Meanwhile, Pinkie descends the stairs-- which are lined on both sides by over a dozen ghosts, pale and bloody. She doesn't notice them and continues to the door. Rarity exits the shop and follows behind her, hiding the knife.

Doctor Whooves
The batter mixed, the oven steamed--

For far too long she'd hoped and dreamed.

As Pinkie approached her finest hour,
A Rainbow arrived, and a Rainbow devoured--

Doctor Whooves
To serve the laughter dead and wry--

Ghost Chorus
Of Pinkie Pie--

Ghost Chorus
The spastic baker of Sweet... (half the chorus sings "Pinkie!" on "Sweet")
Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie!
(the piercing whistle sounds)

Pinkie and Rarity unbolt the door to the basement and step inside. The ghosts watch their every move and follow them as they step inside and seal the door behind them. Back on the street, a crazy, pale earth pony wanders about. She jumps at random intervals. At first it seems there is just this one. She is soon followed by another, then two, then an entire crowd of escapees from the apple factory.

Male on fire!
Where does he hide?
All the mad mares screaming in the streets!
Ponyville's up in flames! Yes!
Male on fire!
Discord spreads his
Chaos all around!
What a nightmare beneath the moon!
Watch out!
Trotting through the madness
Tearing manes looking for the
Male on fire!
Male on fire!
Male on fire!

The inmates scatter about, screaming and searching through every alleyway. Ponies in the streets flee in terror and retreat inside their homes and shops. Applejack and Fluttershy, dressed in baker's attire, turn around a corner and fight against the crowd of ponies to reach Pinkie's shop.

Is that your brother behind us?
I hear him coming.
Right behind us!
I hear his hooves drumming!
Hold me!

The crowd disperses somewhat and hide in the alleyways and behind barrels. The poke their heads out to sing at ponies trying to escape the madness.

Male on fire!
Where does he hide?
All the mad mares screaming at the moon!
Ponyville's up in flames! Yes!
Male on fire!
Discord spreads his
Chaos to the sound
Of a nightmarish, dreadful tune!
Watch out! Look!
Flying o'er the rooftops,
Pegasi screaming for the
Male on fire!
Male on fire!
Male on fire!

Interior of the basement

Pinkie Pie and Rarity are searching around the room for Spike. They see the tray of cupcakes pulled from the oven, but no trace of him. Watching Pinkie's every move, Rarity calls out first.

Where are you, love?

Pinkie Pie
Where are you, pal?

No one's gonna love you...

Pinkie Pie

Not the way I do...

Pinkie Pie

Where are you hiding?
No one's gonna love you...

Pinkie Pie: We're just gonna have some fun!

Not the way I do...

Pinkie Pie

Scoundrels'll twist you
With their words...

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie: Hmmmm. It's so strange. He couldn't have gone far.

Rarity: Perhaps he went in the sewer?

Pinkie Pie: Maybe. Oh, well. You wait here for him. I'll go see if our friend is back with Fluttershy.

She walks to the door and opens it. She looks outside for a moment, then shuts the door again.

Pinkie Pie: On second thought, I can wait for a little bit.

Exterior of Sweet Street

The streets are in complete chaos as the crazy ponies leave their hiding places and spill out into the streets once more, blocking Applejack and Fluttershy's path to Pinkie's shop. The ponies form one massive crowd and move away from Sweet Street, becoming a cacophony of mayhem and insanity.

Male on fire!
Where does he hide?
All the mad mares screaming at the moon!
Ponyville's up in flames! Yes!

The beggar slowly comes out from the alleyway and stares at the door to Pinkie's shop. She begins making her way through the mob with unusual ease.

Derpy Hooves
Rainbow! ... Rainbow! ...
I'm not crazy, I saw you!
Are you really there,
Rainbow? ... Rainbow? ...
Get her, but look out!
She's a tricky one, she'll seduce you
With her tasty cakes
And her tasty pies
And her--

Muffins! Muffins!
Discord's work!

Where are you, Rainbow?

Male on fire!
Where does he hide?
All the mad mares screaming at the moon!
Ponyville's up in flames! Good!
Male on fire!
Discord spreads his
Chaos to the sound
Of a nightmarish, dreadful tune!
Watch out! Look!
Flying o'er the rooftops,
Pegasi screaming for the
Male on fire!

The crowd finally makes its way off the street. Applejack and Fluttershy are nowhere to be seen, as they have already made it inside the shop. Big Macintosh peers from around a corner to be sure the crowd is gone and starts to creep toward Pinkie's shop. The beggar simply waits under the stairs.

Interior of Pinkie Pie's sweet shop

Applejack and Fluttershy look around the empty confectionery. The sounds of screaming outside drift away as the mob leaves for another street. Faint shouts in the distance become the only sounds in a otherwise silent and empty room.

Applejack: Ms. Pie?

Fluttershy: It doesn't look like anyone's home.

Applejack: Not to worry. I'm sure as sugar she'll be back any moment. I trust her more than I trust my hooves. Just wait for her here. I'll be back with the coach in less than half an hour.

Fluttershy: But what if Big Macintosh is looking for us? What if Twilight finds us? What if Pinkie Pie doesn't come? What if somepony comes in asking me to bake something!? Please let me come with you!

Applejack: Calm down, Fluttershy. I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous out there right now. I probably should've thought this through a little more, but it'll be fine.

Fluttershy: But it's so lonely in here. I'm scared...

Oh, miss,
Listen here, listen here, miss, oh,
Listen here please, oh,
I'll keep you, I'll keep you safe I swear.
Oh, miss,
Soon we'll be, soon we'll be gone
And traveling the world
And happily, happily wed

Applejack and Fluttershy
And we'll travel Equestria
And see its wonders
From the Appleloosa Plains
To the gems of Dragon Cave.

Applejack / Fluttershy
And then come home to / And then home.
Ponyville / --

Applejack and Fluttershy
Someday. Someday.

They embrace each other for a few moments.

Applejack: Don't worry. I'll be back in two shakes. (exits through the door)

Derpy Hooves
(from outside)
Rainbow! ...
Where are you?
Rainbow, dear!

Fluttershy: (gasps) Oh, no! Somepony working for Rainbow Dash!

She frantically looks about for a hiding place. At the back of the kitchen, she sees the ice box-- the same ice box that held Trixie's body. She opens it and squeezes inside. The door opens. The beggar is standing just outside and she screams upon looking inside. She jumps away from the door. She waits... Then, she looks back inside again and takes a step. She looks at the balloons, ribbons, and streamers and giggles somewhat. She pokes a balloon with her hoof and looks at the window next to it. She gasps. She pushes the window open and breathes in the cool, night air. She backs away from the window and looks inside the kitchen. She darts for the ice box and screams incoherently as she claws it. Suddenly, she stops. She mimes picking up a baby in her hooves and smiles. Rocking the imaginary baby back and forth, she sings a lullaby.

Derpy Hooves
Rainbow bingo bingo bingo bingo bongo,
Rainbow bongo, Ra-bingo bongo...
Aren't you a cutie, my ole, my elf?
Your father's at tea with the prince himself.
He'll bring you the moon, put it on your shelf.
Don't be so snooty, my ole, my elf,
He'll give you love more than any wealth
Sing here again, home again,
In his health.
He'll be coming soon now
To kiss you, my ole, my elf,
Giving you the moon
And a love more than any wealth.
He'll be coming here again,
Home again...

The door swings open again and Pinkie steps inside. She looks into the kitchen and sees the beggar dancing about. She stops upon seeing Pinkie and hunches over again.

Pinkie Pie: Hey! What are you doing here!?

Derpy Hooves: There's an evil here, miss. The stink of evil coming from below-- from her! Rainbow dear, Rainbow!

Pinkie Pie: Get out, if you know what's good for you!

Derpy Hooves: She's Discord's wife! Beware her, miss, beware! She'll stab ya in the back!

Pinkie Pie: Out, I say!

Derpy Hooves: Hey, don't I know you miss?

Pinkie Pie: (looks out the window) Twilight Sparkle! (looks back at the beggar and growls) I don't have time!

In one swift motion, Pinkie picks up her hacksaw and slashes it across the beggar's neck. Blood spills down from the wound as the music heard at the end of "Epinkany" plays. Pinkie picks up the body and hurries to the back room with it, where she sends it flying down the chute. She returns to the main room just as Twilight steps inside.

Twilight Sparkle: Where is she? Where is Fluttershy?

Pinkie Pie: Just downstairs, all taken care of by my neighbor, Rarity. Thankfully, the traveler kept her hooves off your daughter and she's even come around to see things your way!

Twilight Sparkle: Really?

Pinkie Pie: Yes, indeedy! She just keeps going on and on and on about you, begging for forgiveness!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Well, that's a relief. And she'll be up here soon?

Pinkie Pie
I think I hear her now.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I couldn't be happier!

Pinkie Pie
(listens at the door)
Is that her gentle hoofstep on the stair?

Twilight Sparkle: (joins Pinkie) I don't hear anything.

Pinkie Pie
Yes, aren't those her wings you hear fluttering?

Twilight Sparkle: Where?

Pinkie Pie: There!

Pinkie Pie
Her coat and mane shinier than usual.

Twilight Sparkle: So shiny...

Pinkie Pie
If possible.

Twilight Sparkle: Pretty fillies...

Pinkie Pie: Pretty fillies, yes!

Twilight Sparkle: Quickly, miss! A batch of cupcakes to satisfy her taste!

Pinkie Pie: Sit, miss, sit.

Twilight sits in a comfy chair while Pinkie begins assembling her finest ingredients.

Twilight Sparkle
Fluttershy, Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie
Pretty fillies!

Twilight Sparkle: Please hurry!

Pinkie Pie
Pretty fillies
Make one happy...

Twilight Sparkle: You're in a merry mood again, Ms. Pie.

Pinkie Pie
(starts baking)
Pretty fillies.

Twilight Sparkle
How we love these--

Pinkie Pie / Twilight Sparkle
Pretty fillies!
Flying through the blue sky
Or pulling magic tricks.

Even when they're sad / When they're sad...
-- / Even when they're so sad
They still / And crying, they somehow
-- / Can still smile for
Can smile / You. Yes they
They smile... / Smile for you...

In record time, Pinkie has a batch of cupcakes prepared for Twilight. Each one is violet, creamy perfection and lacks the usual sedative. She picks one up.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Ms. Pie. Perhaps I've finally found the friend I've been looking for.

Pinkie Pie: It does seem we have similar tastes... (hands Twilight the cupcake) in ponies at least...

Twilight Sparkle: (takes a bite) What are you talking about?

Pinkie Pie: It may have been quite a long time, Judge Sparkle, and I may look somewhat different. (draws closer) But I guess the face of a baker-- of a prisoner bound for exile --doesn't stick out much.

Pinkie's face is now completely in front of Twilight's with a smile that seems almost impossibly wide. Twilight is confused for a moment, then the truth suddenly dawns on her like a frying pan to the face.

Twilight Sparkle: Pinkamena Diane Pie!



Laughing uncontrollably, Pinkie raises her hacksaw and digs it into the side of Twilight Sparkle's neck. The whistle sounds and blood spews forth as Twilight thrashes about and gurgles. Pinkie pulls her weapon out of her victim's neck and drags her to the back room, where she places her on the table. With one final wave good-bye, Pinkie pulls the lever that sends Twilight, still dying, down to the basement. Her laughter soon fades and she returns to the kitchen. She kneels and sets the hacksaw on the floor.

Pinkie Pie
Rest now, my pal.
Rest now forever.
Sleep now a satisfied
Sleep for the ages.

Pinkie Pie: Oops. (moves for the door) Almost forgot about Spike. (turns back) I'll need my pal for this.

When she returns to the kitchen, she sees a yellow pegasus baker standing in front of the ice box.

Pinkie Pie: What are you doing here?

Fluttershy stammers and tries to give a response, but is unsure of what to say.

Pinkie Pie: Well?

Fluttershy: (coughs and tries to deepen voice) I, uh, was just looking to buy a few of your, uh, world-famous cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie: What're you deepening your voice for? You're obviously a girl. And-- say, I didn't even hear you come in!

Fluttershy: (dropping the act) Oh, please, miss. I'll never tell anyone what I saw.

Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes, eh? (grabs Fluttershy's apron)

Fluttershy: (cowering) Please, I'll never tell. I swear.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, if it's cupcakes your after, I think I can... treat you. (giggles)

Pinkie throws Fluttershy into the hallway to the back room and moves in for the kill.

Rarity: (from below) Die! For heaven's sake, die!

Pinkie turns to listen to Rarity's screaming and Fluttershy seizes the oppurtunity. She gets up and gallops past Pinkie and out the door. Pinkie nearly catches her, but fails. She gives a low growl and moves for the door. A large crowd of ghosts is waiting inside the main room as Pinkie walks through.

Ghost Chorus
Raise your hacksaw high!
Pinkie, hold it to the sky!
Slash right through the skin and bones of

They follow as she exits.

Interior of the basement

Twilight Sparkle is clutching at Rarity's leg and refuses to let go. Blood still spurts from her mouth and the opening in her neck, a slow painful death. Nearby, the beggar lies dead on the ground and leaning against the wall is Rainbow Dash's mutilated corpse.

Rarity: Die! Just die!

Twilight gives one last gurgle and passes away, leaving Rarity panting. She backs away from the body and sets the knife she was carrying on the floor. She moves at the body of the beggar. She lifts up the hood of the cloak and gasps in shock.

Rarity: You! Did Night Mare Moon come back just to torment me!?

Pinkie swings the door open and steps inside. Big Macintosh, who seems to have followed her, pokes his head inside.

Big Macintosh: Excuse me, I'm just looking for--

Pinkie turns and slashes the hacksaw across his neck. He appears shocked for a moment as the whistle sounds again, then collapses to the floor.

Pinkie Pie: The last thing I need is another loose end. (drags the body to the others) What happened? Is Twilight still alive?

Rarity: Just for a few moments. She's done in now. (grabs the beggar's body) We really should clean up this mess.

Pinkie Pie: I'll take care of them. I've been waiting to bake this unicorn for fifteen years. Open the doors for what's left of Rainbow Dash.

Rarity: (continues dragging the baker) Then surely we can get rid of this one.

Pinkie Pie: (gestures with the hacksaw) Just open the doors!

Rarity obeys and opens the door to the furnace, spilling the light from the fire onto the bodies. Pinkie inspects Twilight's body one last time and smiles in satisfaction. She moves to the beggar's body.

Rarity: No! Leave her!

Pinkie Pie: What's the matter? Afraid you'll get blood on your-- (freezes) Oh, no.

She stumbles back from the body, speechless. Her hair begins to fall from its usual position and becomes straight.

Pinkie Pie: "Don't I know you?," she said. (looks at Rarity) You knew. You knew all along.

Rarity: (moves slowly towards the knife) But I was only thinking of you.

Pinkie Pie
(moves to the body)

Rarity: Your Ditzy! A derp-eyed, haggard beggarmare picking rotten apples out of back-alley trash cans! I didn't want you to know what she'd become, didn't want to see you hurt like that!

Pinkie Pie: (takes Ditzy's hoof) You lied to me...

Yes, yes, when we first met,
Yes, I may have lied.

Pinkie Pie

Said she lost her sugar-- she did --
And I may have said that she died--
Poor dear,
She lived--

Pinkie Pie
I've come home again...

Tried to help her out, but she fled,
Offered her a home, nice, warm meals, and a bed--

Pinkie Pie

Should've seen a doctor,
Wound up at the factory instead,
Poor dear!

Pinkie Pie
Dear Celestia...

(almost to the knife)
I thought you should think she was dead.
Yes, I lied 'cos I love you!

Pinkie Pie

I'd care for you like she never could!
I love you!

Pinkie Pie
What have I done?

Could she have loved you the way
I do?

Pinkie gets up with a smile and looks at Rarity just as she is about to reach the knife.

Pinkie Pie
Ms. Rarity,
Not ceasing to amaze,
To think that you could conjure such an
Enterprising idea.
You've sung more than once before
We should leave things as they are in the past!

Pinkie moves closer to Rarity and holds out a hoof, beckoning her to come closer. Rarity steps back slowly, becoming more nervous.

Pinkie Pie / Rarity
No, come here, my sweet... / Oh, that's such good news.
Not a thing to fear, / Just for a few moments there I thought
Sweet... / We were through. But
What's dead / You must still
Is dead. / Want to be
-- / Married?

Pinkie lunges forward and puts her hooves around Rarity. The two spin around in a dance reminiscent of their duet in "A Little Prince". Rarity lifts up the knife with her magic and tries to get it closer to Pinkie's back. Unseen, Spike lifts his head from the sewer grate and watches the macabre scene.

Pinkie Pie
The history of Equestria--

Oh, Pinkie Pie,
Ooh, Pinkie Pie,
Never you fear...

Pinkie Pie
Is setting aside one's own area.

Canterlot, Pinkie Pie,
Where we'll be so happy,
Canterlot, Pinkie Pie,
Won't we look so snappy?

Pinkie Pie
"Life's for the living," you've said, my dear
So let's keep living it--

They spin faster and faster as they draw closer to the furnace. Rarity fights to maintain her hold on the knife. By the light of the furnace their faces are illuminated in each others' eyes: Pinkie's, smiling evilly, and Rarity's, desperate and determined.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity
Just keep living it,
Really living it!

Just as Rarity is about to drive the knife into Pinkie's back, she is hurled into the open flame. She screams in fiery pain as her body becomes charred and consumed. Pinkie slams the door shut and waits for the banging and screaming to stop. When it is done, she turns around and glances at the knife on the ground. She steps over it and makes her way to Ditzy Doo's body, her face no longer illuminated. Pinkie falls to her side and holds the body close.

Pinkie Pie
There was a baker and her friend
And she was so silly.
A foalish baker and her friend.
It seemed their friendship had no end
And she was so silly
And so spontaneous.
The baker was...

She hears footsteps behind her and glances over. Spike has come out of the great and is holding her hacksaw in his claws. A look of fury is on his face, but he remains silent. She tilts her head up and fully exposes her neck. Spike moves behind her and, without a word, drags the blade across her neck, spilling blood onto Ditzy's corpse as the whistle sounds. Pinkie allows death to overtake her and Spike backs away. He looks at the hacksaw and starts to laugh. At first it is a small chuckle, but it soon grows into full, maniacal laughter. Fluttershy, Applejack, and two guards enter the basement and are stunned by the bloody display. Applejack looks at Big Macintosh's body in particular.

Applejack: (sadly) Oh, Big Mac...

They hear a clatter from the baking side of the basement and move a little closer to see Spike mixing up a bloody batch of cupcake batter. He looks at them with an insanely cheerful look on his face.

All you have to do is take a cup of flour,
Add it to the mix.
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour,
A bit of salt, just a pinch.

Baking these treats is such a cinch,
Add a teaspoon of vanilla,
Add a little more, and you count to four
And you never get your fill of…

He sets the bowl down and closes his eyes. He walks past the ponies and onto the street, where a large crowd has gathered. Fluttershy, Applejack, and the guards move to behind him. His eyes open and the whistle sounds.

Attend the tale of Pinkie Pie
Her mane was bright, her movements spry--

Applejack and Fluttershy
(move to stand at Spike's side)
And ponies all across the land
Would come to see new parties that she had planned.

(move to stand at Spike's side)
But no one saw through all the lies

Of Pinkie Pie,
The spastic baker of Sweet Street.

The group parts to make way for the beggar, who seems to have risen from the dead. Blood from hers and Pinkie Pie's cuts stain her rags.

Derpy Hooves
She owned a store in Ponyville
Where all the ponies had their fill--

Twilight also enters from the basement and stands next to the beggar.

Twilight Sparkle
And though many customers tasted her treats,
Some unlucky ponies would become the sweets--

Through Pinkie,
Through Pinkie Pie,
The spastic baker of Sweet Street.

The group makes its way to the front of Carousel Boutique as, from opposite sides, Trixie and Rainbow Dash enter; Trixie descending the stairs from the sweet shop and Rainbow Dash ascending the stairs from the basement

Trixie and Rainbow Dash
Raise your hacksaw high, Pinkie!
Hold it to the sky!
Make them writhe in pain before your
Deadened eyes...

A multitude of ghosts spill out from all sides: the basement, the stairs, and the entrance to Carousel Boutique. Each one has his or her throat slashed, clearly a victim of Pinkie Pie's insanity. They surround the only ones left living: Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and the guards. The entire groups sings in a whisper.

Balloons and ribbons across the store
Concealing what lay at the core:
A heart so cold, if still she lives
She never forgets and she never forgives.
You've seen the dark that does not die
In Pinkie Pie,
The spastic baker of Sweet Street.

The mob of ghosts begins to make its way through the crowd of living ponies, who at last see the ghosts. They find themselves unable to move and allow the ghosts to walk around them with foreboding looks frozen on their faces. Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and the guards also travel into the crowd. A small flame is seen starting inside the Carousel Boutique window. It grows as the ensemble sings.

Pinkie wishes the fun to stay,
Pinkie's choking down her dismay.
Making her guests weave and yaw,
Wondering why it's called a hacksaw.

Pinkie waits in the bakery
Making your speech become slurry.

You've eaten the cupcakes, death's inside you,
Isn't that Pinkie there beside you?

Ensemble (joining in a few at a time)
Pinkie wishes the fun to stay,
Pinkie's choking down her dismay,
Is Pinkie!
There she is, it's Pinkie!
Pinkie! Pinkie!
Pinkie! Pinkie!

The ensemble points all about the crowd, while they all remain frozen in fear. By now, Carousel Boutique has been engulfed in flames, mirroring the scene in the beginning.

Ensemble (joining in a few at a time)
There! There! There! There!
There! There! There!
(point to the Carousel Boutique door)

Pinkie has stepped forth from the inferno once again and stands with Rarity at her side.

Pinkie Pie
Attend the tale of Pinkie Pie!

Attend the tale of Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie Pie
She served her laughter, dead and wry!

She served her laughter, dead and wry!

Pinkie Pie
Seek not revenge on those who wrong--

Unless you expect to be taken along--

Pinkie Pie and Rarity
With Pinkie--

The ensemble begins to leave the crowd.

With Pinkie Pie,
The spastic baker of Sweet--

The ensemble has left the crowd entirely and the flames have died down, leaving Carousel Boutique and Pinkie Pie's Capricious Confectionery a charred husk. The ghosts fade into the shadows and the ensemble's living members slink into the alleyways.


Rarity gives one last look of hatred to Pinkie and turns to go down the stairs to the basement. Pinkie is left alone at the door to Carousel Boutique. Despite the rest of the building's destruction, the door remains intact. Pinkie steps inside. She turns around to face the crowd and gives one last wicked smile. She steps inside and pulls the door shut. The crowd is silent.