• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 15,880 Views, 743 Comments

Silent Ponyville 3 - SamRose

Twilight must confront a town overcome by a demonic fog.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Edited by: Cool Story Brony and Brony17

The taste of bitter strawberries flowed down her throat once more. The bruises on her skin slowly shrank, though they didn't disappear completely. She felt a small rush of rejuvenation through her body, returning some of the energy she'd lost during her fight. It was only a small amount, but she had to take what she could get. She still felt winded, her body still ached, and she probably had a cracked bone or two still left in her body, but if she could recover from a stab wound through the shoulder, she could brush off a few bruises.

With the bottle emptied she tossed it aside, a shiver running through her body as the medicinal drink finished taking effect. She stood on her hooves and gave a small stretch, feeling her bones popping in place and her muscles ache. She panted softly as her lungs demanded more air and she sat back down. She knew she couldn't stay in one place for too long, but she just needed a moment.

Merlin's spell was doing circles in her head, trying to process the new information she'd just received. Though she knew how it worked, she couldn't completely decipher it. The spell called for her to focus her magic onto a single spot and channel as much of it as she could into a single cast of the spell. It was a very 'all or nothing' kind of spell and that worried Twilight. He had said that the spell had the power to save everyone, but if she only got one chance to cast it...

Even if she was willing to risk possibly passing out, or being without her magic for a short while in this hell of a world, there was still the fact she had to break through the seal restraining the spell. The spell was designed in such a complex way that it would not work unless the seal was broken, and no matter which way Twilight looked at it she couldn't think of how the spell could be made without the seal.

'Merlin certainly knew how to craft a spell...' She thought to herself, letting out a slow sigh as she stopped thinking about the spell for a moment. Merlin had said that the seal required her to be under great emotional duress in order to break it. Not for a moment did she think the seal would be a problem to break. She'd been hurt, nearly killed, broken down crying several times, watched her friends be mutilated before her, and just let the world break her several times. Emotional duress she had plenty of.

So she had a spell, a spell that could save everyone, but she couldn't use it right now. She had no idea what it did, why it did it, or what the end result would be. She needed to be someplace safe, someplace where she could rest for a bit and just let her magic recuperate after casting the spell.

Finding Magus came to mind, but that would require her to escape the hell she now found herself in. She knew that was possible at least, every time she'd come to face some big monster this ghastly world at least returned to some semblance of Ponyville, and when the town was like that she would be able to find Magus. However, she had just finished off a big monster that had nearly succeeded in killing her.

The memory of her head floating away from her body in a black abyss came back to her mind and she put her hoof up to her neck. She had come very close to being killed.

And yet there she was, still in this awful Otherworld.

"Am I trapped here now? Am I not allowed to leave?" Twilight shuttered, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself. Her mind was starting to escape her again and she had to keep it under control. She had made it this far alive. She could make it out of here alive.

The sound of hooves striking the metal floor from behind her made her nearly jump out of her skin. As quickly as she could muster she summoned the black sword and swung her body around, holding it ready to strike at the pony approaching from behind. Her vicious gaze fell upon a cloaked figure, strolling towards her before coming to a stop.

Twilight recognized the pony, though she had completely forgotten about her every time she'd shown up. But she had followed her through this whole incident, cryptically saying things that either didn't make sense or just left her with more questions. Never once had she offered an explanation, given any assistance, or even shown her face.

Twilight was sick of it now, she'd had enough of this nonsense to last her a lifetime.

"Stay right there. Don't you DARE take another step." Twilight growled, her teeth clenching as she glared at the pony. "Are you a monster or aren't you?! Show your face! I'm sick of this! Of everything! Are you here to help me or kill me like the REST of this town!?"

Twilight could hear herself panting heavily. The only thing on her mind was the pony before her and what she was going to do to them if they were an enemy.

The air was still between them, the cloaked pony not moving an inch, not saying a word. Twilight held the sword tightly, adjusting it a little just to ensure she could get a clean swing in should an attack head her way. She was watching carefully, making sure she didn't miss a detail. The cloaked figure remained quiet for what Twilight counted as a minute, before it finally spoke up.

"Twilight Sparkle, I am not your foe. I simply know of your woe." The pony reached up to the hood covering her face, grabbing hold of it and pulling it back to reveal herself. Twilight's eyes widened as she stared at the pony before her, if she could even call it a pony. She wasn't sure there was enough there to be called a pony.

The pony in the robe was nothing more than a skeleton, missing all flesh and muscles to bind to its bones. The black eyes of its empty skull stared back at her. Its bony mouthed opened as it began to speak more.

"I've watched over ponies since time long gone, seen countless generations and their spawn. I see time flow and eras pass, with all trying see time through a looking glass. I see what can be and what will occur, everything that life offers and that it will incur. I am there when life begins, to view all of pony sins. You all say my name with your last breath." The cloaked figure tilted its head, a chill running up Twilight's back,

"Everypony knows me as Death."

"Y-You... you can't be!" Twilight cried out, slashing her sword through the air. The edge of the blade struck the ground, carving a small groove into it. "You're death!? Death isn't a pony! It's a concept! There is no harbinger of 'death'! You're lying!" Twilight pointed the sword at the robed skeleton before her, the sword lightly shaking as she tried to calm herself down.

"You still have your doubt after all, proof that your mind has not made the final fall." The mare’s voice seemed to be joined by a quiet tacking sound now, the sound of her bones clicking together as she talked, "But this is where we will part way, can you truly say that my words betray?"

The shaking sword faltered for a moment as Twilight tried to absorb her words. Of all the possibilities in this world, she never would've thought she'd meet someone, or something, that claimed to be the harbinger of death. Something like that was only true in fairy tales, stories passed down of a ghostly image you see before you die. Even with all the monsters she'd seen in her life, she never would've thought something would manifest the concept of death itself.

"...Okay, so what if you are death? Why are you here? Why are you following me? An omen? Watching me as I slowly die in this world!? Well sorry to disappoint, but I have no plans of dying today. I'm going to save my friends, I'm going to save Ponyville, and I'm going to bring an end to this nightmare once and for all!" Her sword stopped shaking, determination flowing through her body once more. If death wanted her life, she wasn't about to hand it over. She had come too far to just let it end here.

"I come not for thee, Twilight Sparkle. This world is as seen, merciless and feral. The lives of many are tied to this world, gathered together in a place that is all but unfurled." The skeletal mare turned away from Twilight, stepping towards one of the walls. Twilight stared confused, unsure of what Death's next move would be.

Death raised her hoof to the wall and pressed against it gently. She stood there for a moment, before removing her hoof from the surface. The sound of stone grinding against steel began to echo through the empty ballroom, as the wall split and began to open. A path appeared from behind the opening, appearing to be a lightless hallway leading somewhere.

"My hooves were not made to dwell in the land of mortals, but I exist here only due to maddened angels. I wish to see this realm that mocks my land cease to be, so that ponies may once return to their lives carefree. You are the only one with power now, to defeat the darkness by heaven's vow." Death stood next to the opening, staring at Twilight. She shifted on her hooves uncertain. She had no other way out of the room but for the way that Death had opened for her, but that thought sent chills down her back. She had to follow Death's path, not a thought she liked in the least.

She considered her options for a moment, realizing she really didn't have much other choice. This world had shown her repeatedly that she had to follow the paths before her and that any other path would be blocked off or locked unless she had a key or solved some kind of puzzle. There really was no other option...

Hesitantly she put a hoof forward and began to walk, heading for the imposing doorway that stood before her. She came to a stop just a foot away from it, Death standing next to her. Death stared at her with that featureless face, as if the empty sockets could see straight into her soul. Another shiver ran down her back, and she turned to look Death in the face.

"Answer me just one thing before I go..." Twilight almost whispered, knowing once she stepped forward there was absolutely no turning back, "Are my friends okay?"

"Those whose fates are tied to you will be made clear soon, a fate similar to the eyes of the pale moon." The words didn't comfort Twilight a bit as she gripped her magic around the black blade. "I am certain that their fate will be one you find to be in your favor, for not every thread will leave you a quiver."

"Right..." Twilight murmured, looking back at the dark hallway before her. She raised her hoof and turned on the light from her pendant, illuminating some of the hallway before her. "I guess this is goodbye then."

"You are correct that we will not meet this way again. The next time we meet will be under the gaze of madmen." With those words, Death turned from Twilight and walked towards the center of the empty ballroom. Twilight's eyes followed her for a moment or two, before returning to the hallway before her.

"Comforting..." Twilight murmured to herself, before taking the first step into the darkened abyss. Once she'd made several strides, the sound of grinding stone on metal returned and the hallway sealed off behind her, trapping her in the eternal dark of the hallway. The only light that came was from her pendant and she kept a grip on her sword tight. There wasn't much room there, only maybe a foot or two on each side of her, but she had to move forward.

The light only reached a few feet ahead of her before greeting the thick darkness that encompassed the hallway. There were no sounds there, just the constant beat of her hooves against the ground. The walls seemed a dull red, covered in stains and cracks, the only things that crossed her vision as she walked.

Step by step she continued further down the hallway, her black sword hovering by her side, ready to strike at anything that might cross her path. She had no idea how far the path might stretch, but she knew that as long as it continued to stretch forward, she had to follow it. There was no turning back; her way back had been sealed. Her only goal now was to reach the end; the end of this nightmare.

"I suppose there is no forgiveness for me this time..."

Twilight stopped in her tracks as a familiar voice echoed through the hallway.

"Hello!?" She called out, desperate to hear that pony’s voice again.

"I've gone too far, there's no turning back..."

The voice echoed through the hall, as if coming from the dark abyss before her. Realizing they might be ahead, she began to pick up the pace, heading towards the end of the hall faster now.

"I suppose, in the end, I have earned everything I have now..."

The voice sounded familiar, one she'd heard all her life. It'd been so long since she last heard it, but she knew that voice.

"But what I have is not something I ever desired..."

It was Celestia's voice. She could hear her mentor's voice echoing through the hallway. Her quickened walk turned into a full-on gallop, racing to try and reach the end of the hallway, to see her face once more, to be able to hold her in an embrace, to know she's okay.

"There's no undoing my sins, I can only look towards tomorrow..."

Where was she? Her voice was so clear, but she seemed so far away. Twilight had to reach her, wanted to reach her. The echoes of her hooves sand loudly her desire to see her mentor once more.

"Perhaps one day, I can atone for these sins."

Just as Celestia's voice vanished, the seemingly endless hallway opened up. Twilight skidded to a halt as a large room appeared before her; twisted metal chandeliers circled the ceiling and cast a dim light down on the circular room. On each side of the circular room were two doors made of stone and covered in intricate carvings. In the center of the room though, was a massive door, covered in a large depiction of Celestia pressed against one of the crosses she had seen in town. Beneath her, flames flickered ready to burn the princess's flesh, while behind her were the shadows of ponies long since gone. At the bottom of the door were four squares, looking similar to the indents she'd seen around town that indicated something went into their slots.

"Celestia... she must be behind that door!" Twilight said, hoping that her mentor was just within reach. She walked up to the large doors and inspected the holes, seeing writing underneath them.

Only once the memories have gathered will the hollowed chamber open.

With a press of her hoof, she confirmed that the doors weren't going to budge. Just another obstacle on her path.

Twilight let out a reluctant sigh and took a step back, staring at the depiction of Celestia on the cross. She'd already seen three ponies die in her hooves because of that accursed symbol, she wasn't about to let her mentor fall to the same fate. Her eyes wandered to the four doors around the room and quickly stepped over to the one on the far right.

The carvings on the door depicted a soldier, a weapon in its mouth as it faced down a dragon. A few thoughts ran through Twilight's mind, but something told her the key to opening the big door was in the smaller doors around the room. She raised her hooves and pressed against it, the stone door slowly opening, grinding against the floor.

Stepping through the thick doors, they quickly closed behind her once she was in the room. It was pitch black inside, save for the light coming from her pendant. She couldn't see very far, but she thought she could see the edges of the room. It seemed to be a small, cramped, square room, with just barely enough room for a pony to be able to live in it.

A quiet, whining groan struck her ears and she pointed her light forward. Before her appeared one of the many soldiers she had seen throughout town, the clanking of metal hitting each other as its head moved slowly. A small bit of flesh fell from its face as it turned towards the light, a pained whine coming from the creature. Twilight stared at it, the soldier slowly moving as it seemed to adjust to being on its feet once more. It lowered its head slowly and grabbed a spear that was lying at its hooves, picking it up slowly.

The soldier seemed different from the others. It didn't move with tactical precision, it seemed slow and shambling, almost as if it didn't want to fight. But it started lurching forward, shifting the spear and lunging at Twilight.

"Sorry, you're in my way." Twilight spoke quietly, the black sword moving swiftly from her side.

The blade swung without hesitation, splitting the spear into pieces. With another swift swing, the soldier stopped moving.

The pained whining stopped as the two of them stood there for a moment, before the armored pony crumpled into a pile on the floor. Blood began to spill from the soldier's neck, though not a drop appeared on her blade. She'd made the cut quick and swift, ending the fight before it'd really begun.

Twilight stared at the body, almost unable to register that she'd struck down yet another living being. The first time she'd done it; she had broken down and cried. Even though it had tried to eat her, she never wanted to kill it. But she'd killed so many now, so many had tried to kill her in return, what was another monster dead? They weren't ponies, no matter what Magus said. She couldn't hold back against them, or else she'd find herself dead.

And she had to live. She had to. She was the only one who could stop all of this.

Twilight nearly jumped as a light appeared from the body of the soldier. It floated up from the body heading for the center of the room. Twilight stared as the light centered itself, and then began to expand. Her eyes widened as she realized that this was just like the other times her vision had been shrouded in light.

It was the light that always accompanied memories...

"CAPTAIN!" The loud cries of the soldiers rang out as the blast of intense fire engulfed his being. In a matter of moments the charred corpse of a pony fell to the ground. A dragon's roar pierced through the following silence, which caused the soldiers to erupt in a frenzy of panicking yells.

The large body of soldiers began to scramble, some fleeing from the battlefield while others looked for places to hide. Any semblance of an organized fight had now been lost, fear and panic swelling through the soldiers. Towering before the soldiers was the large black dragon, one that filled the hearts of ponies with dread.

Acnologia, the Dragon of Apocalypse.

"No! Stop! You mustn’t run away now! We have to fight!" The grand ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia, stood before her soldiers, looking at them in shock. "If we lose now, we lose Equestria forever!"

"Princess, we must escape!" A panicked soldier near the princess cried, "We've lost seventy percent of our soldiers! The captain was just obliterated, and we've barely even made a dent on the beast! We can't win! We have to escape!" The soldier then turned and ran; the battlefield that was once filled with soldiers was emptying, leaving only the charred and bloody remains of their fellow ponies behind.

"STOP! I ORDER YOU TO FIGHT!" Celestia bellowed out. But no soldier listened to the command of their leader. The field was emptying of soldiers, leaving the alicorn alone on the field.

"You... you cowards..." The monarch bitterly spat. The loud thud of mass and muscle stepping behind her broke her from her thoughts, and her heart sunk. The hot air of the dragon's breath rushed over her neck as chills ran down her spine. Her head slowly turned, the black dragon appearing within the corner of her vision. Another billow of hot air crossed her back as a deep chuckle ran through the dragon's neck.

"So, the mighty ruler of Equestria, stranded by her soldiers." The dragon laughed, staring at the princess who was unable to move. "Oh how the mighty do fall. It's laughable to think you even stood a chance against me."

"Acnologia..." Celestia hissed, her body slowly turning to face the dragon. Her eyes glared daggers, but failed to hide the fear that surrounded her, "You will not destroy my lands or my subjects. We will stop you-"

Her words were interrupted when air escaped her body. The large, sharp talons of Acnologia wrapped around her body and squeezed, lifting her up into the air suddenly. Acnologia brought her to face level with him, his row of teeth gleaming through his grin.

"Your land? Your subjects?" Acnologia lifted his head and a laugh echoed across the land. Celestia's eyes twitched as she struggled to breathe, her whole body shuddering from the sound of the mighty dragon laughing. Her body shifted as his hand moved, turning her to face the lands they had been fighting on. "View your 'land', your 'subjects'. I do not see anything that belongs to you anymore."

The fields surrounding the battle were scorched black, fires burning in various spots. Charred and maimed corpses littered the ground, the remnants of the large army she had acquired to fight the dragon. The lush world that they had stepped into had been reduced to nothing but a burning wasteland of death. A sharp pain filled her chest as she stared at the destruction of the things she held dear.

"You no longer rule these lands Princess. These lands are mine." Celestia was turned to meet his gaze once more, her eyes staring back into the red depths of his vision. She grit her teeth, unable to say anything, barely even able to breath. There was nothing she could do anymore. She was powerless.

"Damn you..." She bitterly spat again, struggling against his hand.

"There's no point in struggling anymore. Just accept it, you all belong to me. I decide whether you live or die, whether you have a home today or not. I get to enjoy every moment of playing with your lives." The dragon chuckled, seeing the look of fury on Celestia's face, knowing just how powerless she actually was. "But, for you 'dear Princess', I'm willing to let live. Under the condition that you serve me the rest of your days."

Celestia's eyes widened in horror at his words.

"You... you can't be serious..." Her lip trembled as the horror of the situation began to settle in.

"It's either that or die here." The dragon chuckled, his grinning growing wider as he stared her down.

Celestia's mouth hung agape as her mind tried to even process what he was saying. She was the ruler of Equestria; she was no one's subject. She had helped the age of ponies out of its darkest times, out of being ruled by madmen and corrupt royalty. She had made the world a better place... only for this dragon, this monster, to seize everything she'd ever worked for?

"Very well." The dragon growled before she even had a chance to respond. His large mouth opened, bearing several rows of razor sharp teeth for her to see. Some were clearly stained with blood, blood that had once belonged to her former soldiers. The slimy tongue rolled out and her head was being placed into his mouth, his hot breath washing over her face and mane.

'This... this can't be the end...' Celestia's mind panicked, flashes of the teeth crunching down on her neck appearing in her mind. 'I... I can't die here... I've lived for so long already... What were the last thousand years for if I die now? What was the point of everything I've done?' The world seemed to move slowly as she felt the heat grow hotter and the mouth open wider. He was seconds away from devouring her.

'No... No I can't... I can't die here... I can't... I CAN'T DIE.'


Acnologia stopped his movements, hearing the shrill cry of the Princess in his mouth. He slowly pulled her out, raising an eyebrow curious as he looked at the trembling Princess in his hand.

"I..." Her voice cracked, hot tears beginning to roll down her cheeks, "I'll... I'll do it..."

Ancologia's grin reflected his devilish joy upon hearing those words.

"That's what I thought." His draconic voice chuckled. "I'm glad we could come to this agreement."

"What... do you want me to do?" She nearly bit her tongue as the words fell from her mouth with vile bite. Every inch of her mind was telling her what she was doing was wrong. But she couldn't stop herself. She had to live, she had to.

"Well, you see, I can't possibly be everywhere in Equestria at once, as much as I'd love to ravage more lands and partake in more delicacies. So what I want from you, 'dear Princess', is to periodically send me your subjects." His laughter echoed once more, "You will send them to me for me to feast on. So that I may partake in ponies from two parts of the country at once."

Celestia's mind reeled. He was ordering her to send her subjects to their death. Not just their death, but to be eaten. To be devoured by this dragon. The subjects that looked up to her, that trusted her, that saw her as the leader that carried them through the dark ages of pony kind. He was asking her to betray them, betray all of them. Just so that she could live... to send them to die in her place.

"Well?" Acnologia did not care to wait for an answer, "Answer now or I will just devour you."

Celestia's head lowered, her tears striking his scales as she grit her teeth.

"Fine... Fine, I'll send you my subjects..."

The draconic laughter echoed across the fields as Acnologia let out a long, billowing laugh. His laughter echoed through her ears and into her heart, as she could feel it shattering to pieces.

"The memory of Celestia..." Twilight murmured to herself. The light died down and she stood once more in the dark room, barely illuminated by her pendant. The bloody body of the dead soldier still lay before her. Her body shuddered slightly, taking a deep breath as she calmed her aching nerves.

"I can't even pretend to know how she must have felt..." Twilight closed her eyes, the images of Celestia's face still fresh in her mind. "To be forced to sacrifice her own people, just so that others might live..."

The black sword gripped within her magic floated upwards and she looked into the blade, the reflection of herself just barely within view from the shined edge.

"So that she could live..."

It was a bitter pill to swallow. Her teacher, her mentor, had agreed that others should die so that she could live. It wasn't the kind of image Twilight would have pictured of her teacher. Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, cared deeply for her subjects. Twilight could only picture Celestia ever giving herself up so that her people might live... but the memory laid here told her the opposite.

Celestia would sacrifice her people so that she might live.

"There must have been a grander purpose..." Twilight's words were so quiet that they didn't even have a chance to echo back to her. "A reason that that she had to live. After all... Acnologia still lived... if she died then, who could stand to face him? Though she had lost... she still had to face him. To stop him from ruling the land..."

They were the only words that convinced Twilight to accept what she had seen. That her teacher was not a selfish monster willing to sacrifice her people, but a benevolent ruler who knew what had to be done.

The sound of stone hitting the floor struck her ears and she quickly looked away from her sword. On the ground next to the dead soldier was a tile. Etched onto its surface was the same carving she had seen on the door, a dragon facing down a soldier.

"I see... I need to gather four of those to open the door."

The tile began to float and quickly disappeared, joining Twilight's magical reservoir. She turned around and opened the grinding stone door once more, entering the circular room that contained five doors. She had completed the first, and one required four tiles in order to open. Her mind quickly told her that the other three doors also held memories, much the same as this one had.

She quickly swallowed any bubbling fear that had appeared in her throat and walked up to the door next to the one she had just entered. On its surface a picture of a pony reading a book with Celestia looming overhead was carved into the door. A few possible thoughts ran through Twilight's head, but there was only one way to know if they were correct.

Raising her hoof, she pressed against the door and it opened slowly, grinding against the floor once more.

The first thing that hit her ears was the familiar sound of paper being crumpled, as though it was being eaten. The light of her pendant followed next, falling upon the back of the creature she had seen in Stalliongrad Library. Her sword rose before her as the creature seemed to stop, noticing her presence. She wouldn't give it the time to attack.

It's blank, round head turned to face her as the swift black blade soared through the air. In an instance, the sword was imbedded deep within the creature's neck. The devourer of books let out a sickening howl of pain, before it was silenced by Twilight splitting its neck in half.

The bulbous body fell to the ground, blood oozing from the large wound in its neck, life slipping away.

She had gotten quite good at killing. The actions were coming by instinct now. There was a monster before her; it wanted to take her life. She couldn't afford to get hurt any more than she already had, so she had to end it quickly. Aim for the vital points, the head, the neck, the heart, the brain. A decisive blow to any part of them would end the battle quickly and in her favor.

For a moment, she wondered if that perhaps, this is what it felt like to be a soldier.

Just as her thoughts came to a head, the familiar light appeared from the body before her. Floating up to the center of the room, it quickly filled the room once more, her vision becoming trapped to that of her mentor's memory.

The young mare was thrust to the ground. A hoof slammed down on her back, causing her to yelp out in pain as she struggled to breath. She struggled against the hoof until it dug into her back, causing her to wince. She looked up slowly, seeing the looming figure of Princess Celestia sitting on her throne. The cold, cruel eyes of a vicious leader looked down upon her.

"Golden Seal," the commanding voice of the Princess boomed forth, "Thou are henceforth charged with the illegal acquisition of information and treason to the throne. How doest thou plea?"

"Not guilty!" The yellow mare cried out quickly, only to have her breath stolen by the hoof on her back. "I-I'm loyal to the crown m-my Princess... I... I would never betr-" Another stomp of the hoof silenced her.

Princess Celestia glared down at the mare, her horn lighting up as several books were drawn forth before her.

"Thou were caught not only in possession of these tomes, but red-hoofed in the middle of reading them. These tomes contain vital secrets of the Equestrian Kingdom, and thou were just appraising them as if thou owned them." Celestia's hoof slammed down on her chair as she glared at the mare, "And thou has the nerve to say that thou is not guilty!?"

"Y-Your Highness..." The mare coughed, a small trickle of blood forming at the edge of her mouth, "I-It is true what you say... I began to read one... b-but I am no traitor... Equestria is my home... I bear no ill will towards the kingdom or the throne... I... I just wanted to know more, so that I might help the kingdom further."

"We know that thou speakeths lies!" Celestia boomed, causing the whole court to wince in fright. "Thou comeths from the land of Lord Gemstone, a contemptible stallion who has been charged with attempting to overthrow our Kingdom. Thou ar't in league with such a villainous royal."

"NO!" Golden cried out, her eyes widened in fear, "I would never betray your majesty! I swear it on my life!"

"Then thy life is what we shall have." Celestia slammed her foot down on the ground once more. "Take this peasant away. She shal't know what it means to betray the crown."

Golden's body trembled with fear, her eyes watering as the guards picked her, dragging her away thrashing. "NO! NO PRINCESS, PLEASE! I WOULD NEVER BETRAY YOU! I NEVER MEANT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN! PLEASE! PLEASE LISTEN-"

The doors to Celestia's throne room slammed shut as the mare disappeared behind them. There was a lingering silence left in the room once her departure left. A feeling in the air that would not dissipate, yet no one would dare speak a word of it.

"I will return to my chambers now." Celestia spoke standing up from her throne, "Do not disturb me unless it is of grave importance." The guards of her throne quickly saluted her as she walked out of the throne room, headed for her chambers.

"Thou hast grown colder since thy battle." A voice cut through the thick air, causing Celestia to stop. There was only one pony who would dare speak to her in such a manner. "We cannot dare to imagine what it is that thy witnessed, but thou returned changed."

"Our battles do not concern that of thou, little sister." Celestia almost growled, not wanting to turn to face her sister. Luna stepped out from the shadows, standing behind Celestia, her gaze unchanging.

"Our kingdom is changing, not with the ideals of hope in mind. Little though there is that we can do to stop it, for thou arrest the one who controls the royals. Our crown has little power these days."

"Thou need not lecture us. We've seen our kingdom with our own eyes. We will save it."

"Then let us do it together sister, for no reason should our powers be divided!" Luna stepped closer to Celestia, Celestia's own aggravation growing with Luna's words. "We recognize that the crown has more power in thy hooves, but thou should know that such a matter won't last if thou doest not want it too. Tell our court, tell our people, tell them that we shalt work together! Under the name of the crown we-"

"THY CROWN IS NOTHING BUT A LIE!" Celestia bellowed, turning her head to glare at her sister.

Luna stepped back in horror, unable to believe her ears. Celestia glared at her sister, malice coursing through her veins.

"What has thou done to help thy kingdom!? All thou hast done is stand by and let others do thy work, thoughts of weakness and doubt fill thy mind! If our kingdom was left to you, there would no longer BE a kingdom to rule!"

Luna was appalled, taking another step back as her head lowered upon hearing her sister's backlash. Celestia grit her teeth, glaring at the younger alicorn for a moment longer before realization struck her. She turned her head away and tried to calm down, knowing she was speaking out in anger instead of logic.

"Thy words cut deep like a dagger." Luna growled in return, "We will do our best to save our kingdom. Thou knowest nothing."

Luna turned and fled the hallway, leaving Celestia standing there alone. Left to contemplate her thoughts.

The alicorn stood, alone, unmoving for several moments, letting the stress and weight of her position and power sink in further. Then she stepped forward, heading back to her room.

Twilight took a step back, recovering from the effects the memory had on her. The light of the vision faded and left her in the room once more with the bleeding body of the creature that ate books. She shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around what she had just witnessed.

"Celestia sent that poor mare to... to her death..." Twilight shook her head again, the thoughts jumbling together to try and form a picture she didn't want them to form. "All she did was read a book... she even said she was loyal to the crown..." Twilight rubbed her head, trying to stop a headache from forming.

"Celestia must've had a good reason... right? She even said so... but..." She bit her bottom lip, remembering how the Princess had yelled at her younger sister, how she had declared that Luna's crown was basically worthless...

The clacking sound of a tile hitting the floor distracted her for a moment, her eyes quickly noticing one having landed just before her. It bore the same inscription as the door, a pony reading a book with Celestia bearing down on them.

"I... I shouldn't think too hard about this for now." Twilight swallowed, quickly grabbing the tile and having it vanish into her reservoir. "I'm so close to seeing Celestia, I just know it... I can ask her anything I want once I'm out of here... I just have to get out of here first."

Twilight didn't waste any time getting out of the room, just wanting to distance herself from the memory.

Princess Celestia was like a second mother to her, a source of wisdom and guidance, a beacon of light in a world that might not always be at its brightest. To break her down into something akin to a despot... it wasn't something Twilight was willing to accept. Celestia had never been the type to destroy the lives of other ponies just because it favored her, or to wrongly accuse a pony of a misdeed. Nor had she sent anyone to their deaths within the last four hundred years, she just wasn't that type of ruler.

"...But maybe she was once..." Twilight stopped before the next door, just left of the large double-door. Etched into the stone were the two Princesses, facing away from each other. Luna's eyes were drawn down into a glare, while Celestia's were closed, hinting at a despair that refused to show on her face. Over their heads was the silhouette of a small alicorn, whose figure appeared to be ascending into the heavens.

"I suppose... the only way to find out is to see more of her memories..." Twilight gulped again, pressing her hoof to the stone door. The monsters she had faced were one thing, losing her friends one by one was another... But to be forced to believe that her mentor was not always the wise, loving, gracious ruler that she had always been was the most bitter pill of all to swallow.

The stone pushed open, grinding against the floor to revel the small square contents of the room. In the center stood yet another familiar monster. A shabby cloak covered its body, with its blade like legs. Its back was turned to her, it only seeming to notice her entrance once the light had hit it. It quickly turned, revealing the theatre mask that covered its face.

It let out a screech, quickly turning its body to face the intruding mare. The last time Twilight had fought this creature, she had barely a dagger and some books to defend herself. But she was ready now, the black sword gleamed in the light of her pendant and her instincts had been honed. The creature would not last this time.

It raised its sharp forelegs and swung them down, intent on ending this in a single blow. But his aim was imprecise, her eyes naturally saw through the movement. Her body jumped to the side, the sharpened edges digging into the stone floor of where she had been standing.

Without letting the creature retaliate, her sword swung upwards in a flash, slicing straight through the connected joints of its limbs. The creature let out a horrifying wail as its body crashed into the stone floor under its own weight. It writhed; trying to get it's upright on its missing front legs. Twilight's hoof came down hard on where its shoulder should be, pinning it to the floor. The theatre mask looked up, just as the point of her blade was slammed down into the center of the creature's forehead.

The blade buried itself halfway into the monster's skull before it finally stopped thrashing. Twilight panted softly, waiting a few seconds to ensure that it had stopped moving, before withdrawing the blade from its forehead. She turned her head to stare at the blade, seeing the blood slowly sliding down the length of the blade.

She flicked the sword carefully, freeing it of as much blood as she could, as she stared at the body in the room. It only took a few seconds before the familiar orb of light popped up once more. Twilight swallowed a little, bracing herself for whatever she might see next. She didn't know if she was ready to see more of her beloved teacher in this way, but she had a feeling that she wasn't going to have a choice in the matter.

The bedroom doors slammed open, light infiltrating the dark chamber. The figure of a darkened alicorn stood there, anger visible through the darkness.

"Thou shalt explain thyself NOW, dear sister!" Luna's voice bellowed through the room, causing the laying figure to stir. Celestia's weary head turned, facing her sister who had so rudely barged into her room. Even within the dark room, it was possible to see the darkened streaks under her eyes, signs she had been crying for some time.

"We ordered thou to leave us for the day." Celestia growled, not wanting to deal with her sister for now. "Thou hast got what thy wanted, power of the court. Thy crown shines there, why hast thou intruded on us despite our order?"

"Thy mouth is full of tarnished bile; thou knows the court thinks us a jester!" Luna slammed her hoof down on the ground, growling right back at her sister. "The royal court has become a mockery of its one irrefutable reputation, merely begging and grasping for when their mighty ruler Celestia might grace their presence once more. They care not for our interventions or ideas! Thou hast brainwashed them into your ideals and your ideals alone. They shall not take my crown with the authority it should unless thou art there to ensure its power! And thou knows this!" Luna shook her head, gritting her teeth trying to control her anger before glaring at her sister. "So why hast thou set up this mockery!?"

"There hast been no mockery towards thee sister." Celestia bit back, bringing a hoof up to rub her face for a moment and try to regain some of her composure. "We needed this day off. We thought that thou wouldst be happy controlling court for a day."

"A shallow thought indeed. What has thou so pent up in thy room that thou cannot come to the Royal Court? If thou truly didst care for us, you'd be there to ensure we were not made into a jester!"

Celestia was silent for a moment, her eyes gleaming over before looking away from her sister. She didn't say a word for several moments, not helping Luna's growing anger.

"Well!? Answer us!" Luna slammed her hoof against the ground again, this time causing the bed chamber to shake ever so slightly. Celestia could feel it through her layers of quilted pillows and knew how serious her sister was. There was no escaping this unscathed, the only thing she could think to do was tell the truth.

"Luna..." Celestia's voice finally wavered, closing her eyes to take a deep breath before finally turning to face her sister. "We... were with child."

Luna's head kicked back in disbelief, unable to process her sister's words.

"With... child? What does thou mean? Thou hast not shown the signs, nor hast thou had the time! How could thou be with child!?"

"Sister, thou hast not heard me." Celestia shook her head slowly, closing her eyes solemnly. "We were with child until the sun rose over the mountainside..."

"But... thou hast no child... what thou says makes little sense!" Luna shook her head, trying to piece together what her sister was saying, "Where is this child thou speaks of if thou no longer has him!?"

Celestia turned away from her sister, anger starting to swell inside of her.

"Must thou make us relive our pain already!? We were with child; our mood was changed as such. But our child no longer lives. A first breath of life was he denied a chance to see our world under its magnificent light, to know of pleasures and pains, to know of love and deceit. Thus was our child robbed of these joys, before he even began to see life within me."

Luna stood unspeaking, unable to believe what she was hearing. Her sister had been carrying a new life inside of her, but had told no one. And then as quickly as it had arrived had it vanished from this world. But as the shock began to wear off, several questions began to enter her mind.

"But sister, thou hast never before mentioned a stallion that thou liked. A suitor of sorts that you chose has not been shown. Nor hast thou been making any arrangements for a wedding, or to make a family!" Luna shook her head and slammed her foot, "Sister! When didst thou have time to bear a child!?"

Celestia did not respond. She turned to face Luna, quietly staring at the younger sister. She did not speak a word, her tired eyes were all that needed to be seen. The pieces connected in Luna's mind and realization slowly began to dawn on her. The hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end, her muscles tensing as her body reacted to the thoughts that her mind was fighting.

"No..." The younger sister's word came out quiet, but the hesitation and fear was apparent within it.

"Luna..." Celestia began, but was cut off before she could say more.

"No... No! No, thou did not! Thou would not stoop to such... such a heinous act!" Luna's hoof slammed against the ground again, her body beginning to shake as her teeth grit. Her brow began to furrow in anger, glaring daggers at the elder alicorn. "Thou did not do what our mind has conceived! Thou would not betray us like that!"

"Luna... please..."

Luna's eye twitched, her hooves stomped on the floor again, her head lowered and her teeth were grinding in her mouth. Her hair twitched violently, surging with her magical energy as the betrayal hit her hard.

"Thou KNEW! Thou KNEW that we had taken a liking to that stallion!" Her hoof slammed hard, rocking the bedroom once more, this time leaving cracks upon the floor. "But thou did this anyway!? Thou took not only our crown and our power, but our love as well!?" He voice began to boom, echoing through the halls.

"Sister, please listen!" Celestia begged, trying to stand, "It's not what thou thinks-"

"Oh we can see it CLEARLY sister!" Luna's head rose sharply, her eyes glaring death at Celestia. The normal cool eyes of Luna were glossed over, shining a radiant blue that overtook her sight. "BETRAYAL! Thou has done nothing but betray us! But no more! No more will we stand for this!" Luna's mane began to rage upward, magic filling the ceilings of the castle, Celestia's eyes widening as realization began to strike her. "If thou will be a tyrant, then we shall be the ones to stop you! To bring you down! No more will your sun plague the lands or our lives. You have seen the last of your days, 'dearest sister'. The next time we meet, it shall be your end."

Turning around, Luna walked away, disgusted at the mere sight of her sister.

"Luna, WAIT! Please!" Celestia cried out, standing and trying to follow after her sister. But the doors of her bed chamber lit up with a darkened magical aura and slammed shut before her face. Celestia stared in shock at them, realization slowly dawning of what just happened.

She had turned her sister into her enemy.

The only family she had left in the world was now someone she had to oppose, to fight.

Her body shook, tears flowing down her cheeks once more. Her head rose up, and a wailing cry echoed through her room.

A cold chill ran down Twilight's back as the memory faded away. She stepped back, as if trying to flee from the memory, only for her backside to run into the stone door that kept her inside the room. Her sword fell to the ground, her magic losing focus for the moment as her mind reeled from the information.

Her mentor was going to be a mother once, but she never went full term. The father... was Merlin. A stallion that Luna had desired... but Celestia had betrayed her sister, knowing full well that Luna had feelings for him, and was bearing his child anyway.

"Celestia... what were you thinking?" Twilight's voice quivered as she spoke out-loud, trying to keep herself together. She knew Celestia could make mistakes, she knew she wasn't perfect. She always came out right in the end though; she made the right decisions... right?

"This... this happened over a thousand years ago." She shook her head, trying to calm her thoughts. "She's... she's learned a lot since then! She's become a benevolent ruler... She doesn't lie, or cheat, or betray... and she never meant to back then either! It just... it just happened that way..." Twilight swallowed hard, mustering her courage to steady her feet once more. "I... I have to have faith in her... faith that she truly is the wonderful teacher I always knew her to be...."

She turned her eyes to the center of the room as the tile fell into place once more, a gentle clacking letting her know it existed. Her eyes quickly looked over the cover, seeing the dual alicorns with the smaller one in the sky. She hadn't known what it meant at first, and now she couldn't help but wish she hadn't.

The tile was quickly placed with the others and her sword once again was within the grip of her magic. There was one last door she needed to check out, and likely one more memory she needed to witness. The large doors with Celestia on them had enough space for four of the tiles, and she knew it would not open without all four.

It did not take her long to get to the final door, less than ten paces even. She stared at the carvings in stone.

Several unicorns were depicted, several wearing crowns to show their royalty.

A few thoughts ran through her head about what the carvings could mean. So far each door had been directly related to a memory of Celestia's, and this one was no doubt the same way. But nothing she could think of felt like it fit the picture the door portrayed. It seemed there was only one way she was going to figure it out. She raised her hoof and pushed against the door, hearing the familiar grinding stone as it opened.

She readied her sword as soon as the door was open, knowing another foe was waiting for her inside the room. Her light fell upon the sickly flesh of the creature inside, the squirming beast coming into view. It was the largest one she'd seen, long and slimy, much the same as a leech. It let out a gurgling groan as it turned towards her, no eyes visible on its head, only the gaping mouth filled with rows of teeth. The last time she'd seen this creature it had been devouring the leftover remains of ponies, but now she was the only pony there for it to devour.

Its mouth opened, letting out another gurgled cry, its hefty body slithering towards Twilight with the intent to kill. This time there was no obvious head or neck for her to slash, nowhere for her to know for certain what it needed to breath or to think. She would just have to cut into it, make it bleed to death.

As the creature lumbered towards her, Twilight quickly moved to her left, letting the brunt of the creature land right where she had been standing. She raised her sword and swung it down, slicing into a good chunk of its flesh. It retaliated with a gurgled cry, whipping its fleshy tail back and forth. Its body lumbered to turn towards the unicorn once more, ready to lash out.

Twilight grit her teeth and concentrated her magic, ramming the blade straight into the body of the leech. It let out a cry and slammed its head down in her direction, Twilight just barely managing to jump out of the way in time. She flicked her head back, sending the sword carving across the leech's body. It let out another gurgled cry, blood quickly spilling from the large gash being opened down the side of its body. Its mouth full of razor-sharp teeth tried to reach forth and grab hold of the purple pony before it.

The black sword pulled out from the leech's body and pierced through the side of the leech's mouth. It was mere inches from Twilight, writhing in pain, narrowly having caught the pony within its massive maw. It raised its head up, gurgling to the air in pain. With a snap of her magic, the sword cut through the leech's mouth, splitting it in half.

With a final, pained gurgle, it smashed into the ground and the writhing stopped. Blood poured freely from its open wounds, life escaping the leech. Twilight panted, knowing she narrowly dodged having a limb removed. She flicked the blade in the air, removing the blood that stained its black edges so that it was clean once more. The strength of the blade surpassed any blade she had ever seen in her life. Despite the multiple uses and the constant staining, it remained sharp, slick, and ready to slice into its foe at a moment's notice.

For a moment she had to wonder, what could this blade possibly have been made out of?

She shook her head and looked back towards the center of the room, the ball of light containing Celestia's memory appearing once more. She swallowed hard, unsure of what she was going to see this time, but she tried to brace for whatever it was.

"So, it's true then..." Celestia asked, pacing the confines of her bedchamber.

"I am afraid so your Highness, half of thy royal court just seems to have decided this was for the best." A rather portly white unicorn spoke, his dark blue mane tied back. He pulled the monocle off of his face and cleaned it with a cloth from his suits pocket before placing it back on his face, "I must say that they must've been waiting for this opportunity. The royal court has always been a bit... shall we say, contemptible, while you weren't around."

Celestia paused her pacing to think over his words. She shook her head lightly, before returning to her pacing. Bags had started to form under her eyes, a clear sign of stress and exhaustion. She had barely been able to sleep since Luna stormed out of her bedroom that night, and since then she'd been amassing a following. Convincing the people that she was the rightful ruler, and even convincing some of the royal court to follow under her command.

For someone who cried about having no power under the crown, she was certainly demonstrating that she had a lot of it.

"In fact, I wouldn't doubt if there were still supporters of Luna still within the royal court. Playing spy for thy very enemy." The royal chuckled to himself, as if the idea was somehow amusing. Celestia stopped her pacing once again, glaring at the empty space before her.

"Thou says such brash words with nary a hint of dismay. Tell us, does thou believe thy words to be true?"

"Oh, I'd hardly think them to be false at all! I've seen the way they shift their eyes, waiting for thou to be at your weakest. I'd dare say if they weren't after the power of thy crown for themselves." The royal unicorn snorted as he suppressed a chuckle, "I would not deal with them if I were in thy shoes."

"Pray tell sir noble, what wouldst thou do if thou had our power." Celestia closed her eyes, concentrating on his words and them alone.

"Well, I'd certainly try to find the villainous scoundrels and put them to death!" He chuckled at the thought of it, brushing a hoof against his chin. "Such underhanded methods of trying to attain the crown's power is straight forward treason. I can think of no better punishment than a swift and justified end."

"So, thou thinks we should kill the members of our court that would have our head." Celestia's voice held no emotion, a flat resonance of sound that was unlike the monarch.

"But of course! Let us find those who would stray from the crown and show thy people that thy crown truly is the strongest. No other shall come to claim it." The royal let out another laugh, almost as if enjoying the very thought that the criminals would get their dues.

Celestia was silent, thinking over the words of the royal member sitting in her chambers. Her mind thought over everything that was happening and about his words. Slow realization dawned on her and she turned to face him.

"Thou speakeths the truth. People of our court wish for the power of our crown. Though we have survived treasonous plots, attempts on our life, and changes to the land, what we face now requires a more drastic action." She spoke calmly, no longer pacing, but slowly walking towards the noble.

"I am glad that thou has seen to reason! Shall we call the guards and undertake the search for the treasono-GACK" The portly ponies words were cut off suddenly, yellow magic gripping tightly around his neck and lifting him into the air.

"We shall put to death the ponies that wish to control the power of our crown... starting with thou." Celestia glared death at the struggling unicorn before her. He squirmed and fought the grip of her magic, gasping for air as the grip seemed to tighten.

"Y-You’re... H-Highness." The portly pony wheezed, his face growing bluer as he struggled, "I... would never..."

"Thou hast been trying to play us for a fool for some time now. Using thy people, lying to our face, living in luxury while thy belly grows. Thy bid for the crown did not go unnoticed, and so thou shalt be the first to taste our fury."

A loud snap echoed through Celestia's room, as the once royal pony's head was now twisted the wrong direction. With a loud thud, the body hit the floor, released from Celestia's magic. Her cold eyes stared at the body, unwavering in the fact that for the first time she had killed a pony with her own two hooves. It was always others that carried out her orders of death, but now she had blood on her hooves, the same as her soldiers.

She turned towards her chamber doors and walked towards them, her magic flinging them open.

"Luna is building an army, looking for weaknesses in our kingdom... but if it is a war she is after, than a war she shall get."

The bedroom chamber doors slammed shut behind her, leaving the body of her first victim within.

Twilight shuddered as the world returned to her once more, thankful that the memory was finally over.

Her mentor, her second mother, the one pony she looked up to more than anyone else in the world... she had done such a horrible thing. Twilight understood the reason why she had done it, the memories made that clear. But the thought she had actually gone through with it... her stomach didn't agree with the answer.

Her legs felt week, even though she knew she needed to be strong. She hadn't escaped from this world yet, only learned its truth. Whatever it was, it was tied to Celestia. And it was tied directly to what had happened to Celestia all those years ago.

Twilight needed answers. This darkness that was clouding her head, clouding her entire life now, she needed to clear it. But she couldn't do that unless Celestia was there to answer her. She needed to know the truth, to know why Celestia had done all this. What it had meant and why it was necessary.

Celestia wasn't a tyrant. She was beautiful and kind, she was loving and serene. She was the picture of perfection in Twilight's mind. Never in her life would she ever have thought of Celestia as a monster, as something other than a benevolent and loving ruler. It just wasn't Celestia to do these horrible, horrible things.

Her only consolation was the sound of a tile hitting the ground, one of its edges splashing lightly in the leech's blood. Twilight let out another shudder to try and clear her mind, but walking slowly towards the tile on the ground. It was carved to resemble the door, the same as the others, and it too joined the tiles in her reservoir.

She had all four pieces now. She could finally open the large doors that halted her progress. Something deep inside of her, something primal, told her that waiting behind that door was Celestia herself. The thought brought both comfort and fear to the unicorn.

Was she ready to face Celestia now? Could she do it after everything she had seen? But then again, she didn't have much choice, she was in a dead end with only one way to go. Through those giant doors. And she was going to meet Celestia, whether she was ready or not.

Such was the way of this world she wasin. Pushing her to move when she didn't want to, forcing her to realize and see the things she didn’t want to, and to live with those facts.

Twilight took a deep breath and let out a long sigh before walking back over to the stone door. The grinding stone echoed once more as she pushed it open and stepped back into the large circular room, the door closing behind her.

Only a few small steps and she found herself before the two large stone doors once again. They towered above her and she stared at them almost in awe. The divine picture of Celestia nailed to that cross was horrifying. And yet, in Twilight's mind, it now seemed to make perfect sense. If any pony was going to be splayed to such a cross, then Celestia seemed to be that pony.

Her eyes wandered to the four holes on the doors waiting for Twilight to place her finds into them. It would only take a moment, and she would hear the doors open. Just the way the others had before her. She was moments away from the truth.
Twilight froze in place, hearing the sound of hoof steps against stone. She quickly turned around, sword at the ready. She hadn't been expecting anything to be out here, after all she had come down from that hallway to get here. There hadn’t been any monsters in there, and the only monsters here were in the doors...

No, that was wrong. This world changed around her as it pleased. It could very well put a monster down the hallway whenever it felt like it.

But this time she was ready.

She wasn't about to let herself be killed here, not after everything she'd been through. She was going to see this to the end.

The hoof steps grew louder, drawing closer. She tightened her grip on the sword and took a calming breath, focusing on the sound. Step by step, louder and louder. If the monster was coming for her it had done a terrible job of sneaking up on her. She only had to be patient; she could practically hear it in front of her now. She could count the steps before it'd be visible to her.

Five steps... four steps... three steps... two steps... one....

The creature stepped into the light of her pendant, stepping fully into view, and for a moment, Twilight was stunned into silence.

"I'm glad I made it here before you went through! I was worried I'd be too late," the familiar cheerful pony spoke up, a serene smile on her face. Her hair had fallen straight, framing the side of her face, but there was no mistaking her.

"P-Pinkie Pie!" Twilight gasped, the shock still hitting her. "H-How did you get here!?"

"I'm... familiar with how this world works." Pinkie sighed, a hoof rising up to her hair. It ran through the lengths, gently running against the red ribbon that was tied to the end of her hair. "I've had to experience it twice before and... now for a third time. I've come to realize what this world wants... and it doesn't want us to go through it together."

Pinkie's eyes opened in surprise as she was suddenly hugged tight. She hadn't been expecting the hug so suddenly, but the comfort of having her friend right there in front of her soothed her worrying mind. The two ponies quickly wrapped each other in their hooves and held tight, not wanting to let the other go.

"I don't get it Pinkie, I don't, but I'm so glad you're okay!" Twilight squeezed a little harder, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, "I-I met up with the others b-but... I don't know if they're okay or not! They were hurt, or possibly even killed right in front of me! And I couldn't do anything to stop it!" The tears that had been threatening to burst finally began to fall, landing onto Pinkie's back. "I couldn't save them Pinkie! And I don't know if they're gone or not now!"

"Twilight..." Pinkie spoke softly, rubbing the unicorn's back in comfort. "I wish I could tell you if they were or not... but there's only one way to really know for sure."

"Huh, how?" Twilight pulled back a little, looking into Pinkie's eyes. Pinkie smiled in return, nodding her head slowly.

"You have to finish this Twilight. Through that door... you can end all of this. Return the world back to normal... you are the one who can save everyone."

"But how!?" Twilight cried out, pressing her head against Pinkie's shoulder. "I keep hearing those words, that 'I'm the one who can save you all', but how!? I couldn't save anyone! What am I supposed to do!?"

"Twilight..." Pinkie spoke softly, comforting her friend with a gentle hug. "All you have to do... is what you've already been doing. Face the truth this world has to show you... and accept that it's real." Twilight didn't say a word for a moment after that, just holding on to her pink friend.

"I'm scared to..." Twilight quivered, not wanting to see anymore of her dearest mentor as that horrible tyrant.

"I know Twilight, but I assure you... the truth will set not only you free, but everyone here. And I know only you can do it." Pinkie stroked Twilight's mane as she began to calm down. Twilight sniffed loudly as she pulled back a few steps, looking at Pinkie confused.

"Why do I have to do it alone though? Why can't we do this together?"

"Twilight... oh how I wish we could... but you've seen it for yourself haven't you?" Pinkie shook her head slowly, "You've seen what happens when you try to be together here?"

Twilight bit the bottom of her lip as she did remember. She remembered what happened to each of her friends in turn, the horrific fates that had befallen them. When she had tried to be together with them, this world ripped them apart. And it left Twilight twisted and broken inside each time.

"That's why I came to see you now Twilight." Pinkie smiled, "Right before you went through those doors and ended this. I've seen you around a few times, as well as a few of the other ponies, but I knew I couldn't go see you. It'd be too painful to have us split apart... so I sent you my wishes and waited for when I could see you. I just got lucky that now was that time."

Twilight stared at Pinkie, grateful but still confused. She swallowed lightly and turned around, facing the large twin doors that depicted Celestia one last time. She wiped her face of the tears and calmed her nerves.

"So... I have to go now, don't I?" Twilight's lip quivered, but her determination to see this through to the end was returning.

"I'm afraid so Twilight..." Pinkie shook her head slowly, "As much as I would love to spend more time with you... you have to end this now. But once this is over... I'll throw all of us the biggest party you've ever seen."

Twilight swallowed again, nodding her head before walking up to the door.

"Four slots... four tiles..." She whispered to herself. There was no markings on the door that told her which tile needed to go where, so she hoped that just putting them anywhere would do the trick. The four tiles appeared around her, hovering within the grip of her magic. She put them up to the door and tried to fit them in.

The third tile slot entered with a 'click' while the others didn't. She couldn't remove the third tile, and realized that when she put them in the right place that they would click into place. So it was more just guessing now.

Quickly trying each of the slots, each of the tiles fit into the door with a satisfying 'click', and the door let out a low grinding sound. The room shook a little, dust falling from the edges of the door, before the split down the middle began to slowly open, the grinding noise filling the room as the large doors opened slowly.

Twilight stared into the empty abyss that was behind the doors, unable to see anything taking shape in there. She grit her teeth and her muscles tensed. She prayed that there wasn't a monster just lurking around the corner. The doors opened fully and came to a stop, silence hanging in the air. Her medallion wasn’t making a sound, and she took that to mean that for the moment, she would be alright.

"Alright..." She finally spoke up, turning around to face Pinkie one last time. "I guess this is it then..."

"Good luck Twilight." Pinkie's words were quiet, but could clearly be heard, "I know you can do it."

Twilight just gave a slow, simple nod in return, before turning back to face the door. Letting out one last sigh, she began to walk forward, entering the dark room as the sound of grinding stone was heard behind her. She turned her head and saw Pinkie Pie for one last moment, as she disappeared behind the giant stone doors. She was once again in a pitch black abyss, lit only by the light of her pendant.

Twilight walked forward, not knowing where the room was leading her, but having no choice but to keep going.