• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Ash. they/them. Loves Fluttershy, Pokemon, and the color pink.


After a long day, Rarity returns home to the wonderful, loving surprise that is Pinkie Pie.

Warning: fluff. Lots and lots of fluff.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

FLUFF! :pinkiehappy: But this was super-cute.

I'm not generally a RariPie fan, but this was cute!

I'm drowning in fluff :heart:


My job here... IS DONE. *dramatically walks out of the room*


I... wow, well I'm happy I could make this enjoyable even if you don't like the ship. I'm glad you like it! :twilightsmile:

:ajsmug: Quite impressive, I honestly enjoyed this, a very rare pairing to:yay:

3940997 Indeed. But there's actually quite a bit of shipping fuel for the two if you look hard enough. I really wish we could get a Raripie episode in the show itself. :pinkiehappy::raritywink:

Pinkie's description is similar to a RariPie story of mine wich I'm going to publish after a friend of mine translate it from Italian :D very good, I like this shipping. Pinkie Pie is adorable, under that mask of laughters theres a very caring pony :D sorry for my bad english... Bye!

Yes! I will do anything for more RariPie! I would FlutterPie (:pinkiesick:)for more RariPie! :pinkiecrazy:
But I'm not promising anything! :twilightoops:

Pinkie's description is very similar to a RariPie fanfic of mine, which I'm going to publish after a friend of mine translate it from Italian :D Pinkie is adorable, under that mask of laughter there's a very caring pony :) sorry for my bad english... Bye!

Thank you all so very much for your kind words! I honestly didn't expect so many people to like this, and it was a great surprise when I got home (not sure if that's irony or not)!



Make sure to tell me when you get that story published -- I'd love to see it!:yay: And don't worry too much about your English. It was just fine, and I even thought English was your first language at first.

Very cute, I'm tempted to high-jack it and toss it into the continuity of my RariPie stories.


Aw, thank you! I am curious by what you mean by, 'toss it into the continuity', though. I don't mind if you use this, you've just got me honestly curious.


Well, one of the things you mention in this story is Pinkie making special cake. One of the things I have that goes through both of my RariPie stories is Pinkie making Rarity special cakes.


Oh, really? Okay then, my curiosity has been satiated. You can use this if you'd like. :twilightsmile:

3945095 This is the story, the first chapter is TwiJack. Each chapter will have a different shipping and the second will be a RariPie. If you understand italian you can find it here :) ciao :3

Nicely written, my friend.

My Valentine's Day ended up being difficult, but I was smiling the whole time reading this. Thank you so much! RariPie is my OTP, and I'm so happy to be able to read this adorable piece.

On a different note, I think you misspelled "incense" somewhere. I didn't notice any other typos, but I'll tell you if I catch more during re-reads.


I'm so glad I could make your Valentine's Day better, and I'm sorry it was bad to begin with (:fluttershysad:). Hopefully it will be better for you next year. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for pointing out the typo as well. I'll look through this later and see if I can find/fix it and any others.

It was good, but the relationship kinda seemed... over the top. I don't know. The story didn't make me feel invested in the characters. But it was still good.

Oh thank goodness I just saw a story that I was unable to read because the name of a chapter alone and some of its contents just about brought me to tears. After reading this I no longer have a 20-ton weight in my stomach- it's more like a 5-ton one now. Much easier to quell than 20 tons.


I'm glad the d'aww could help you. :rainbowkiss: Though I've got to ask, what kind of story could be just so sad? :fluttershysad:

4023322 it was a soarindash fic, and one of the chapters was called funeral. Scared, I read 4-5 paragraphs of the chapter and almost choked to death on tears, seeing as soarindash was always my favorite couple grouping, and I've read soarin so much that I know his and dashes personalities like the back of my hand.


Was it "Violet Hill" by any chance? I haven't read it yet, but I think now I'll have to, hearing about the feels and such. If that was what you were talking about, anyway.

4030886 yeah, it actually was. Lol. I haven't read it either it's just I was browsing and since most of my emotions in a given day are influenced by feels from books I couldn't bring myself to read it. That's just a testamant to the story though with how it affected me without me even reading much of the story.


Considering the funeral chapter was only around two to three thousand words, it has to be some pretty powerful stuff. I'll have to read it some time, sounds good. :yay: Oh and thank you for the follow/watch by the way! What caught your eye, if you don't mind me asking -- this story or something else? Just curious.

4034993 this book and because you're awesome. In fact one would say you're *sunglasses* 20% cooler than your average joe


I don't even ship these two, but who cares? Just, d'aaaaaw.

And I adore what you have to say about Pinkie. It's so true.:pinkiehappy:


To be honest, I don't really ship them either. At least, I didn't before writing this (I really like it now). It just sort of came to me, and I'm both surprised and thankful that so many people including you liked this. Thanks for the compliment.

4035961 Lol, I came to look at this comment again (except this time with my VERY OWN INTERACTIVE RAINBOW DASH!!!) and she stood on the picture. Somehow this both seems adorable and awesome to me. Yay.


That sounds absolutely adorable. :rainbowkiss: I would have my VERY OWN INTERACTIVE RAINBOW DASH (!!!), but unfortunately my computer won't support it for some reason(?) It's actually pretty hilarious -- she comes on screen, says something, and then walks quickly off screen never to be seen again.

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