• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/


Many generations ago, Greed reached the shores of Equestria...
Insatiable, Devastating, Willing to plunder everything...
But it didn't come from within the heart of a man.
It came from beyond the seas,
Riding the waves and winds with behemoths of iron and scales...
It was made of men and beasts, swords and claws.
The Dracans pillagers had come to ravage the prosper land of Equestria...
But, Equestria fought back!

Extra character tags: Snow Drop and OCs

Note: It's hard to find Epic humanized cover art of Luna and Celestia
More informations on Dracans : here
Prequel: Side story of the Apple Scratch Verse
600 years before an Apple Scratch Toward the world

Thanks to Kapuchu for his translations and for montaging the cover.
Other character tags to come.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 50 )

Interesting, interesting. Aside from Zirnitiran, what is the langauge the dracons are speaking? (can't find somethign that would translate it, making me think it's the same as what's in Twilight's council story, but not sure :trixieshiftright:)

Also, this shall be very interesting. You already have some more action-like stories, so one of the fight between Equestria and Zirnitira should be interesting to see. If it's 600 years before the start of the Apple Scratch series, then this is just fine/too little OP for Tia and Lulu; they've had at least a couple of thousand years to get stronger, they're pretty well off. The real question becomes, what are the Dracons going to do about it if they want the plunders of the land :pinkiecrazy::trixieshiftright::pinkiehappy:

They speak Danish (Dracans are vikings :p)

Glad you liked it ^^
More characters are to come :raritywink:

I'm excited! :pinkiehappy: I can't wait to see more from that!

Also, it's nice to see Snowdrop playing a part in this story. Especially since she works alongside Princess Luna.

Hope to see some "good/honorable" Dracans in this epic tale, even if it's just a minority.

Oh. My. God. You don't know how much I fangirled here. I don't know if you remember that during the first series of Apple-Scratch verse I commented how much I wanted to see Luna fighting, now that I have a better image of how much she loved to do it I can't stop rolling in my bed. And Celestia... asdfasdf.

I don't have enough words to express how much I liked this chapter, and I should stop fangirling so bad.

Nice story, I hope to see more of this!

I hate you for starting another story, but I love you for making it so awesome. As always, this story will be fantastic and I will spend an unhealthy amount of time reading it. And yes, Luna and Celestia need to be much more OP. :ajsmug:


Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!

I'm with Emist1 here...I hate you for starting a new one but yet I love you because it is just amazing!

I knew that this story will bring me hate, so no hard feelings :raritywink: Glad you liked it nonetheless.

Good chapter! I definitely like the roster of that time period's Council Members. But isn't there supposed to be one more member in the group, making it a total of six? Is Starswirl the Bearded one of them?

Also, I'm betting that Cadance is a descendent of Queen Gleaming Topaz and King Sombra.

It's tradition to have six members, but it's not always possible.
A sixth one needs to be found yet at that time...

Also, Starswirl was one of the first Titanians, he's from a time before Celestia and Luna:raritywink:

4108683 Oh okay, I didn't know about that. Hmm... I wonder who the sixth one will be?

By the way, I not only love the interaction between the Alicorn sisters, but I also love how you've pointed out their difference when it comes to handling the grim situation with the Dracans. I especially love on how sincere and heartbreaking Celestia was when she expresses her feelings of immense frustration over this war. It also serves as an important aspect that the two sisters need each other for comfort and guidance when it comes to carrying on the heavy responsibilities of their country.

Thanks ^^ Glad to have my writing appreciated ;)

How's the next Ford Mustang chapter coming along?

Also, of the five members, who do you like best? or Surprised you the most :p?

And to think that Chairman Dash still doesn’t understand why he always gets such good deals for the services of Equestria’s greatest blacksmith, Shadow Kicker.
*Shakes head disapprovaly* Kicker is Kicker, no matter if it is during a summer at the farm, in the wild western or Dracan war.....:facehoof:
Hair Bender
oh you didn't....:rainbowlaugh:
also, how is the next chapters for your other Apple Scratch stories coming along?:raritywink:

4108701 For my next chapter, I'm still working on the second parter to the climatic showdown, but I'm certain that I will be able to finish it before the end of the month. :twilightoops: Sigh... I just hope it will pay off in the end on what I have to reveal. But then again, I did take that gamble when I posted my first story here, so this shouldn't bother me one bit.

I think what truly bothers me is that once I upload them, I'm worried that there's a possiblity on my recent story being featured on the main page again. Sure, I should be ecstatic on how it will attraction more readers, which mean more potential Watchers and those who will Fave it. But it's a double-edged sword to me because that will also attract those who would write negative comments about my work, whether they take the time to read it or not. With my rising popularity with just only two stories, it can be quite overwhelming and frightening sometimes. Either way, this has been a fun experience for me to write these fanfics, and I'm glad I can share it with those who appreciated and supported that. So, in any case, I'll just swallow my pride when the time comes and let the rolling dice determine my fortune.

4108701 Anyway, regarding which member I like best, I'm still deciding on either Snowdrop, Daring Do, or Shadow Kicker. Don't get me wrong, Mane-iac and Sombra are surprisingly interesting additions, but I'm more attached to the ones I've picked. But if I have to choose which one surprised me the most, it would definitely be Shadow Kicker. For one thing, I should have seen this coming when Cloud Kicker did research on her ancestor. And second, a name like "Shadow" is pretty ambiguous, so I originally assumed that it was a guy. But to my surprise and even more so my delight, Shadow Kicker is a woman. And what's more, she has four lovely,identical ladies sharing her bed. :trixieshiftleft: ...Yup, the uncanny sex drive definitely runs in the family! :trixieshiftright: Can't wait to see her in action!


:twilightoops: Uh, I mean in battle! On the field of battle! :twilightblush: Y-yes, that's what I meant to say! Ha-ha-haaaa! ...Oh dear. :facehoof:

You don't know loud my gasp was when I realized that Daring Do was inside of the story after reading the description of her wings. After that, I was ready to take the hits of the next members of the Council... with not so much success because I wasn't expecting the identity of the others hahaha.

The relationship between the Alicorn Sisters is so nice, it hurts to see Celestia being so upset about the situation but Luna comforting her was great.

And I'll give you a "nice" -thumbs up-.

Everyone fails before the Kicker charm :raritywink: Though contrary to her distant descendants, Shadow's only faithful to the Dash Quadruplets :raritywink: instead of changing partners very often.:twilightsmile:

Also her name comes from the Winning verse Shadow, who's also a female

4109034 Thanks good to hear on Shadow's faithfulness. Though I can't help but wonder on how she would have someone carrying on her bloodline. Maybe it's one of her relatives who does that instead.

Let's just assume that the Kicker family name continued through Shadow's brothers. and the sons of her brothers and so on...:twilightsmile:

Great chapter can't wait to see how this story continues.:pinkiehappy:

Also I think the extra chapter was mentioning the dashes.

Ps also loved this

“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” the ringleader shouted for the two fighters before turning to the sailor who was showing off his muscles. “Don’t pull her hair,” he advised in a whisper.
“Every blow is allowed in a cage fight, right?” the burly man asked with a frown.
“I know, she just gets really nasty when someone pulls her hair,” the bartender explained matter-of-factly before stepping out of the cage. “BEGIN!”

that reminded me of the beginning of the first Xmen movie.:twilightblush:

Wow, this was good. I knew that the blacksmith was Kicker related. :rainbowlaugh: that was funny. The diamond dogs were cool to see too. Hmm I wonder why the council we know didn't have those medallions? This is an intriguing chapter to me. Can't wait to see what happens next. :pinkiehappy:

Very interesting, very interesting indeed. :rainbowderp::twilightsmile:

I like the interaction between the two sisters and most of your choices for council members are unique and interesting, but I'm... I'm concerned about Sombra.... He's cannon-evil, there's no real way around it.... If we grow attached to him as a good guy, it will hurt all the more when he turns on them.... Unless you're just flipping his character around and presenting a good side/version of him? But, you have him be the first one to betray Vinyl and them in Scratchin' Thieves............

:unsuresweetie: This will end badly, I can feel it.... :fluttershysad:

4110543 Mariacheat-brony loves his references.... :ajsmug:

If it makes you feel better, I literally saw the scene flash in front of my eyes when I was reading it and had to fight to read what the actual description said instead of the movie scene. :pinkiehappy: It helps that the fight scene gets stopped and the illusion falls away after the medallion is pulled out. :twilightsmile:



Before I even start reading:

Many generations ago

Now let me go and read this!

Thank you so much for updating! I can't wait for the next chapter. This one felt short, but I loved it. I wonder if there is going to be a play at diplomacy, or if it will just be a straight up rampage. The latter, I hope. :ajsmug:

Great chapter :yay:
Looking forward to the next one:pinkiehappy:
And take all the time you need to make your stories as great as they can be:ajsmug: we can and will wait for your perfection :derpytongue2:...:moustache:

This keeps getting better and better. Well done!

So far so good, I just have one problem. The introduction of Daring Do needs to be changed. As far as the reader knows the Diamond Dogs were minding their own business, and Daring broke into their kingdom and tried steal their royal treasures for a reason she didn't explain. If the Alpha brought this to Celestia, Daring Do would have no defense because she was entirely at fault.

Might be true, but I based the Verse Diamond dogs very closely to their canon interpretation: in which they try to enslave ponies to find gemstones... :ajbemused:
Though, I haven't really developed that race in the Verse's group... Might be a good idea to do so :twilightsmile:

Anyway, glad you liked it:raritywink:

This. Was
- Epic?
- Epic!:rainbowkiss:
How is it going with onward to the Equestria games?
Also before I forget it
"Vi får gæster."
This really makes me curios, what language (if any) is the Drakan language inspired by?:trixieshiftright:

I was about to get some sleep when my mail notified me about this chapter. I couldn't say no.

Wow, what an amazing plot twist you threw right there, I'd never imagine how this chapter would end and how near was the battle between our favorite Goddess and their enemies.

P.D. I love all of them but I must say I'm in love with Daring and Mane.

This is getting interesting. :trixieshiftright: Hmm I bet it was planned that the Thanes wanted to separate everyone to make the Equestrians weaker. That's my theory anyway.

I really liked the backstory of Mane and Daring so cute. :heart:

Great chapter man :yay: can't wait for the next one:pinkiehappy:
To answer your question my favourite character would have to be Snowdrop because you make her seem like a defenceless blind girl.... Then she freezes an entire Dracan fleet into the ocean:derpytongue2: just love it
Keep up the great work:moustache:

Great chapter! Loved it!:yay:
Oh yes, the next chapter are going to take some word count if you want to do it properly!
My favourite Drakan War character so far? Snow Drop! To quote Night_Sonata: " because you make her seem like a defenceless blind girl.... Then she freezes an entire Dracan fleet into the ocean just love it" Even though Luna comes in second place!:trixieshiftright:

Agree about Snow Drop, she is so freaking awesome!:rainbowkiss:

Favorite character so far?? ITS A TIE!! I LOVE THEM ALL!! VILLIANS INCLUDED!!

It's rare that I dislike a character that I created... But Freia...

Then again, I interpreted her, you're hardly to blame for that :twilightsmile::raritywink:

Awesome chapter! Love how epic snow drop became in the battle. Pretty epic battle you got going on.

"this was..."
Way to go, Snow Drop!!! I already thought it was epic when she freezes all that water and crush the Dracan ships, and now you made her this Awesome!! I'm at school reading this and is trying to avoid laughing out loud, but you're making it haaaaaard!:applecry:
Can't wait for the nex chapter! This is going to be sooooo epic!:rainbowkiss:

:pinkiegasp: Wow ... Amazing! Wait what happened to the old council?!:derpyderp2: :fluttercry: Next time ... :twilightangry2: Oh well, I'll be waiting.

(GTVS?:pinkiehappy: Oh boy! Excited for that.)

Yep, GTVS is next ^^

And don't worry, you'll find out what happened to them..... one day :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

... Okay, I'm trying to deal with all of this and I... think I can survive. I'm not going to lie, I'm REALLY curious about what happened but I trust you will tell us later about all of this.

Thanks for this story!

So of all the Thanes, Freia is the only one that is potentially a danger to Celestia and Luna. Interesting :derpytongue2:

Also, you better have Tavi grow up soon to mend the damage that this chapter did xD In all seriousness, if I didn't know that you were planning on elaborating in You know. The thing we talked about? Also, seriously guys, did you really think I'd spoil it here? :p then I would call bullshit on this chapter. Lots of unanswered questions.

I kind of agree. He HAVE to make Sombra returned at some point, even though we'll probably never see our beloved council members again, nor The Crystal Empiors beloved Queen and her unborn child.....:ajsleepy:

Great chapter man. :flutterrage: uhh cliffhangers.

GTVS you say?:ajsmug: alright you are forgiven... For now :twilightangry2:

grandioso capitulo me encanto la pelea por fin podimos ver el poder las las princesas y me muero de ganas de saber que paso con el imperio de cristal y el consejo de la armonia pero me da una sensacion de que pondras las respuestas en los juegos de equestria

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