• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 8,782 Views, 974 Comments

The Rock Farmer's Daughters - Sketcha-Holic

In an AU where Pinkie barely misses the Rainboom, neither she nor Cheese Sandwich are party ponies. However, Cheese ends up working at the Pie family rock farm.

  • ...

18. Abide With Me

He couldn't put his hoof on it, but that orange pony looked awfully familiar.

The blue unicorn stallion shivered under his umbrella, both from the chilly air and from the scene he had just witnessed. While he had seen scenes like that before, he was expecting better from a small town. He was still unnerved by the chanting that had reduced a grouchy mare into a quivering little filly, and that orange stallion who knew her had every right to be angry. And while he would like to assist in the search, he had someplace to go that he couldn't be late for.

He walked into a building, shut his umbrella, and was quickly greeted by an older unicorn mare wearing a faded blue vest and had her graying dark violet hair up in a bun.

"Oh, Bluejinx, you're here!" she exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug, not caring that he was muddy.

Bluejinx returned the hug. "Good to see you too, Aunt Purple."

The mare, Purple Prose, broke the hug and skipped to a door in the back of the room. "I'm so glad that you're here to assist me, Blue. Now, please take off that hat, you look silly." She pointed up the stairs. "And go wash up, dearie! You're a mess!"

Bluejinx rolled his eyes and put his top hat on the nearby rack. He bolted up the stairs with his aunt watching, and before long, came back down all clean from the tips of his ears to his withers to his hooves.

He smoothed down his white mane, and then followed his aunt to the other room, where a few other ponies were working. The mare gestured to a printing press, explaining that they printed the weekly local news of Nickerlite, as well as news that came from other places in Equestria. She brought up a few examples of local news, including that of a rumor flying around about a pie and an apple.

"…and frankly, I have some doubts on their relationship status myself, seeing as I've never seen them together, not to mention Pinkamena is usually out on that rock farm with her family."

"Rock farm?"

"Yes, across the railroad and beyond the hills."

Bluejinx blinked. "Oh, so that's the farm that he was talking about…"

"Who, dear?"

"Pony that was at the candy shop."

"Oh, okay, anyway, there's no way I'm going to print a rumor until I know the absolute truth of what's happening between Pinkamena Pie and Cortland Apple. Haralson's and Cortland's thoughts on the matter conflict, everypony else seems to think that a marriage would make the Pies be a little more open, and then there's the Pies themselves, who don't come to town all too often…"

"Why not just go to their farm and ask them?"

"Ponies are just too afraid to go out there. Some think that they'll have rocks thrown at them, some think they'll be attacked by a wild creature, and some fear that they'll find out something unpleasant about the Pies. And then there are those who don't want to take the long walk there."

Bluejinx scoffed. "Pansies. I'll be happy to go and ask them about the situation… though, I don't think that after today, they'd even approve of this stallion."

"Well, you're not going out in the rain, mister! Wait for sunshine." Purple tilted her head and arched an eyebrow. "And what happened today?"

"Well…" He looked around, and motioned for his aunt to follow him back to the front room. They went out of the room, and he cautiously looked at both doors. Their brown eyes met, and Bluejinx spoke with a hushed voice. "Cortland's a green stallion with a brown apple for a cutie mark, right?"

Purple nodded slowly.

"And Pinkamena's… pink?"

"Well, it's in her name."

"Well, let's just say that the scene I saw was nothing less than sexual harassment, with a crowd of townsponies cheering him on."

Purple blinked. "…what?"

Bluejinx nodded. "I've seen plenty of harassment like that in Manehattan, but goodness, in a small town like this you'd think they'd see that she was obviously unhappy that he was there. Even after he forced a kiss on her, she smacked him! What makes this worse is that she rescued me from some thugs just by letting them know she was there, and then the next thing that happens she's broken down by ponies telling her to smile in a creepy chant."

"Wait… they broke… a Pie mare? Oh, dear, to make such a tough mare break down is so… shocking."

"Yes… she ran away… I had to point her… uh, friend? Brother? Well, I had to point him the direction she ran off in. Whoever he is, he knows and cares for her, seeing as he looked like he was going to kill Cortland on the spot." He gazed up at the ceiling, recalling the image of that pony holding up Cortland by the bandanna and giving him a venomous glare. He found it interesting that his mane had bristled during the brief staredown. I thought only my friend Tommy and his brother could do that…

"Hm, friend? Well, it's obviously not a brother, since the Pies don't have a son… oh, you must have seen their hired hoof, Cheese Sandwich. Makes sense that he'd be angry about that, since he's said the Pies are like his sisters, despite it being only a month since he started working for them."

"Huh… Cheese Sandwich?" Bluejinx tapped his chin. His first thought was that Cheese had a funny name, and he suppressed a chuckle at the coincidence of knowing someone with the surname "Sandwich". Then, his eyes widened and his jaw went slack as he realized just why Cheese looked so familiar to him.

"Pinkamena! Where are you?!"

Being cold and drenched was nothing new for Cheese Sandwich. He had met plenty of rainy days on his travels, and though raindrops on his glasses were really annoying, he learned to manage. However, usually he was either looking for shelter or just enjoying it, feeling refreshed after scorching heat. This time, he was out looking for a runaway mare.

It was difficult for his mane to bristle while wet, but he still felt anger over what had transpired earlier. It was bad enough that Cortland had annoyed Pinkamena for a long time; now she had been humiliated, something that Cheese couldn't believe was possible. What kind of proposal contained creepy chanting anyway? Cheese couldn't help but feel a little glad that some of Cortland's dignity had been smacked away, especially with such a large bruise now marring his face.

Still, Cheese couldn't find Pinkamena anywhere. He thought he could easily pick out her pink coat, but his search of the surrounding hills turned up nothing, and the rain was only pouring harder. Worry was gripping his heart, and he was certain that Cloudy Quartz was worried sick as well. He thought of the other Pie sisters, wondering what was taking their sister and the hired hoof so long. He hoped he could find her soon.

Standing on a hill overlooking the town, he took a deep breath.

"Pinkamena!" His chest heaved after that yell, and the thunder rolled. He looked up at the sky, expecting lightning to come down and strike him.

He sat down on the wet grass, letting the chill of the rain run through him. His mane lay on his neck in waves, having been dampened down from its curls. He brushed some wet locks from his face, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth. He felt awful for taking so long in the candy shop, and not being outside to at least be supportive of her. He had heard the chanting, but was hesitant in going out.

Then again, what could he have done? Get bucked to the wall so Pinkamena could defend him and put Cortland in his place? He cursed his weakness compared to the farmers of small towns like Nickerlite, and wished that Maud hadn't been sick so she could accompany Pinkamena instead of him.

He looked at one of the hills across the railroad, specifically a tall, grassy one with a lone tree. Under the tree was what looked like a small mound of grayish pink.

Wait, grayish pink? Was it her?

He'd have to get closer to know for sure. He stood up and started to head there, wondering that if it was her, what path she did take to get there. And that if it was her, she'd receive his company.

Turns out that he was right. He reached the hill as the rain lightened, though it was still a significant rainfall.

She lay there facing two grave markers, having left her saddlebags against the tree. Her coat was more gray than usual, and the hair of her tail was spread out behind her. She seemed not to have noticed Cheese, and her breathing was audible, even though the pitter patter and dripping of rain filled the air.

He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated. He didn't want to disturb her moment of peace, and he wondered if she should be left alone.

"Cheese, I know you're there," she murmured.

Okay, so she did notice him.

"It's okay. I won't bite."

He tentatively approached her, taking careful steps around her tail and slowly taking a place beside her. He sat down, his insides feeling heavy and an ache permeating his heart.

He looked at the gravestones, reading the names of a Surprise Diane Pie and a Petra Pinkamena "Pinkie" Primrose. She glanced at Pinkamena's expression, which was a dull stare toward the stones, but her eyes emitted a sadness that he never thought he'd see. He wanted to give her a hug, but resisted because he felt that she wouldn't accept it, especially after the way she had been handled earlier.

Pinkamena sat up. "Meet my Granny Pie and Nana Pinkie."

Cheese nodded, remembering the photos he had seen the other day. His mind went to the drawing at the end of that scrapbook, and he listened as she continued.

"When my parents first met, these two became the best of friends. They became like sisters after Ma and Pa were married, and they absolutely adored their granddaughters. With them around, it was a lot of fun.

"Granny Pie was the one who brought music to the rock farm. She had a song for every situation, such as going to the river, tickling me and my sisters, and facing your fears. Nana Pinkie was the one who would tell the stories. They were either fun stories from her fillyhood or myths and legends that she had heard and wanted to pass on. I've always enjoyed their company."

Pinkamena sighed. "One day, Ma and Pa just found them in their beds, lying still and stone cold, with not a breath from their bodies. It broke my heart to learn that they weren't going to wake up, and the atmosphere at the rock farm just became gloomier.

"I… I come up here to talk to them when I'm sad or distressed. And well… I'm sure you know what happened."

Cheese pursed his lips. "Yes, I do. And I'm sorry for not being there to at least try to help you."

Pinkamena shook her head. "There wasn't anything you could have done. They somehow magically used a tune that I like against me, and I guess… I guess… ugh, I guess I felt betrayed. And a sense of betrayal is awfully frightening."

Cheese looked down at the grass, and ran his hoof over the wet blades. "Yeah… it is."

Pinkamena stroked her wet mane, and wiped her mouth. "I just hope that I can get rid of the taste of rotten apples; it's an awful reminder of what I've been through."

"Uhh… rotten apples?"

"He kissed me."

Cheese sat there, looking at her with wide eyes, before his face fell into a scowl. He snorted and growled, "I hate that guy... I mean, what gives him the right to do that?"

"He thinks I'm secretly in love with him and playing hard to get. Um, no, I'm sure I wouldn't be acting like this if I actually was in love… not sure how I'd act though…"

Cheese shrugged. "Who knows? I guess when it hits you, it hits you. Heck, you could be in love and not even know it for a while. But, hey, I don't think it's happening anytime soon, and nopony can rush you, especially not him." He glanced at her, noticing her looking away, and coughed into his foreleg. "Well… how was your talk with your grandmothers?"

Pinkamena squeezed her eyes shut. With a trembling lip, she answered, "I wanted them to give me a hug."

Cheese blinked, and his mouth formed an O.

"And well, you see the obvious problem with that. I'm sure they're hugging me in spirit, but I just want them to just come back to life and use their actual bodies for that. I just—I… I…"

"I know. You miss them."

Pinkamena nodded in response. She turned away from the gravestones and looked out over the valley. "Must be a shock to see me like this, huh? The tough rock farmer mare that can lift and crush boulders, scare off stallion thugs with a simple look, and could care less of the concerns of the townsfolk, and you get to see her when she's sad. I suppose you think less of me now that you've seen my more vulnerable side."

Cheese turned and scooted beside her. "Not at all. All of us need to cry sometimes. It's what makes us ponies, after all."

Pinkamena was silent, still looking over the town of Nickerlite with that same dull, sad stare. Cheese could see that she resented how the ponies were trying to tell her how to be happy, blind to her actual feelings on the whole Cortland mess. The idea of the mysterious lives of the Pies caused speculation about what dirty secrets they hid that made them so unhappy. All Cheese himself had uncovered was an old scrapbook that was only halfway finished.

He twiddled his hooves, watching as the rain was easing from a shower to drizzle, and he could notice sunbeams poking through the clouds. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "If it's all right with you… m-may I give you a hug?"

Pinkamena turned to face him, her blue orbs signaling surprise and the corners of her mouth tightening. Cheese tried to read her expression for any trace of disgust or delight, but to no avail. His heart sank as he figured that asking a Pie for a hug would be like asking a bear for a refund.

"Uh… is that a no? Well, I guess I could take you home, and maybe you could implore Maud for—OOF!"

He was caught by surprise as Pinkamena wrapped her front legs around him and gave him a tight squeeze. She had her head against his chest, and he wondered if she could hear his heart pounding.

Still, he was glad to return the hug, and wrapping his front legs around her was warmer than any blanket or any fire. His heart felt like bursting into song, and he felt as if he was going to sprout wings and soar. The rest of his body tingled, and the smile that graced his face was almost involuntary. It was strange to think of a rock farmer mare as being huggable, but the warmth he felt told him that Pinkamena Diane Pie was indeed a very huggable pony. He couldn't help but wonder how she was feeling.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and caught something in his vision. "Pinkamena… look!"

Pinkamena broke the hug, and looked up to where Cheese pointed. Her eyes widened and her mouth was barely open at the sight of a shimmering arch of light, bearing a spectrum of colors from red to violet. It was bright against the dark sky, and the sunlight that had broken through clouds gleamed upon it. Pinkamena's awe was palpable, and she continued to stare with childlike wonder in her eyes.

"What a beautiful rainbow," Cheese muttered.

Pinkamena nodded. "Yes… it is beautiful… rainbows don't come to Nickerlite very often…"

"Well, aren't we a couple of lucky ponies to see this beauty?"

She nodded again. Cheese saw the corners of her mouth tighten again, and he was finding that to be a little annoying how that kept happening. However, before his eyes, the tight corners were pulled up by an invisible force, and there was a strange air of relaxing upon the entire mouth. Her teeth were bared, and her eyes gleamed as she continued to stare at the rainbow. And before he knew it, he saw her colors brighten.

Cheese blinked at the sudden transformation, his awe directed at the mare beside him.

He couldn't believe it. She was smiling.

It was more beautiful than he had imagined it. There was a distinct warmth and sweetness in her smile that made even the most well-done cake look stale, and the teeth were a whole lot whiter than he thought was possible. Her eyes exposed many shades of blue, and they sparkled to complement the smile. And for the first time, he could see unmistakable joy in her face.

"Wow…" he whispered.

Pinkamena turned to him. "Hmm?"

"P-P-Pinkamena… you're… you're…"

"I'm what?"

"You're smiling... you're smiling!"

Pinkamena felt her mouth. "So I am. Wow, it's been a while since I did that." She frowned again and raised an eyebrow. "Why? Does it scare you?"

"Oh, no no no no! It's actually quite nice!" He knew that was an understatement. That smile had made it very tempting to kiss her, as he was wondering if it tasted as sweet as it looked. Of course, he quickly shoved that thought aside. "I'm just surprised to see it happen, that's all."

"So… do you like it?"

"Like it? Pfft, I actually love your smile. It's a hidden gem."

Pinkamena stared a moment before she smiled again. "Well, I'm glad you do. You're the first pony that's seen me smile in years. And, well… you deserve it, for being such a good pony."

"Aw, shucks." Cheese blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Looking back at the graves, he added, "You know, I can't think of a better place for that smile than their graves. They would have been really happy to see it."

"You're right." Pinkamena turned her head toward the graves. "I hope you like it, Granny and Nana."

There was a silence as they stared at the graves. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining, though sadly the rainbow had disappeared. Still, Pinkamena felt better, no doubt about it.

She stood up and walked toward the tree, humming as she did so. She grabbed her saddlebags and sighed, shaking her head. "Time to go home."

Cheese stood up as well. "We're in trouble, aren't we?"


As they started to walk down the hill, knowing they were walking toward their fate, Cheese wondered, "Say, what would it be like if the rest of your family smiled?"

"I don't know," Pinkamena answered. "But I have a feeling that Marble and Limestone will crack soon."

Author's Note:

Finally! The chapter I was eagerly anticipating to write and the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Hehe, I was so excited for this chapter I wrote it all down in one day! ^^

So, the identity of the blue pony is revealed… and it’s not Pokey Pierce! Haha, psych! This guy is Bluejinx, who appeared in one of my other stories on FIM fiction, and by sheer coincidence, ends up in the same town as Cheese in this story. Aaand I just had to name his aunt Purple Prose.

But, anyway, I know what the moment you’ll all be gushing about is, so just relax a bit before you flood my messages. I’m just hoping I pulled it off well. ^^;

Anyway… what do you suppose will happen next? I am just dying to kn—wait. I’m the author.