• Published 11th May 2014
  • 33,826 Views, 846 Comments

Mother - Foals Errand

One thousand years ago Princess Celestia was forced to banish her sister to the moon. What she didn't know was that Luna had been hiding something very important to her. Now Luna is home but is it to late for her to take the role she always want

  • ...

Twilight Awakens

There were a few things that bothered Twilight Sparkle. Well, actually, bothered was a gentle way to say it. A more accurate way to say it was: these things caused her to react as if the world was ending. Strangely enough, the world actually ending was not one of them. At any moment, however, Twilight was going to come face to face with two of them.

Twilight let out a large yawn while stretching out her back and limbs. I have to stop falling asleep at my work desk. It’s going to give me back problems. Princess or no Princess. She blinked a few times looking down at what she had been working on. It was a basic drawing of the box that the tree of harmony had gifted to them. Twilight rubbed under her horn with her right hoof. Princess Celestia knows more about that box than she’s saying… more secrets, I really thought that all of this ‘keeping me in the dark’ stuff would stop once I was a Princess! Twilight lamented to herself.

Someday I’m going to make her tell me the truth about everything! Twilight felt her stomach growl. Once again it seemed that she had forgotten that for life to function on a day to day basis, nourishment was required. In other words; Twilight had forgotten to eat dinner and her stomach was warning her that there would be consequences if this was not rectified.

“Spike!” Twilight called upstairs, hoping she was loud enough to get her assistant to wake up. While she had attempted many times over the years to learn to cook, the result was always the same: fire, and sometimes ice. Spike for one really didn’t want to think about the ice incident; he was still figuring out how it was possible to freeze a pot of boiling water. Come to think of it, Twilight herself was still trying to figure out how that was possible.

“Spike!” Twilight furrowed her brow, her stomach’s growling promising a swift halt to any activities she had planned unless it was fed, and quickly. Her left ear flicked as she heard a small thump. Only one thing... rather, one dragon is capable of making that sound. Twilight smiled as she heard the telltale sound of claws on wood as Spike sleepily made his way downstairs with his eyes still closed.

“Twilight? Do you have any idea what time it is? Look, alicorn princess or not you still need sleep!” Spike stopped and stretched with a loud and long yawn. “At least I think you do. I know that Princess Celestia sleeps; I’ve seen her bed. And even if you don’t need to sleep, I’m still a mortal dragon and I do!” He blinked trying to pry his eyes open. “That being said, I’m up…” He trailed off as he took in the image in front of him.

Twilight’s desk was covered in multiple sheets of parchment as it usually was, along with a quill set haphazardly placed in an ink pot. None of this was unusual. However, instead of the familiar mare whom Spike had been expecting, the same one whom he was scolding for not sleeping again was not there. In her place was a foal.

Spike stepped closer to the foal who was frowning at him. She was lavender colored with a small stubby horn. Streaks of pink and purple were made visible in her navy blue mane by the flickering light given off by a lit candle upon the desk. A unicorn foal, then? But how did she even get in here… Spike frowned as he saw twitching coming from the foal’s back. He looked closely and stared open-mouthed at the small fluffy wings that were twitching. Not a unicorn… she’s an alicorn, but then…


The foal blinked her large purple eyes. “Of cowse it’s me! Wait, my voice, what’s wong wif my voice?” She put a hoof to her mouth and stared at Spike for several seconds before realizing she was looking him in the eye.

Spike swallowed hard. “What happened, Twilight? You weren't like this when I fell asleep, were you?”

Twilight shook her head and her hoof returned to the floor as she looked around her study. Was I really so distracted that I didn’t notice how much bigger everything was? I can’t even see the top of my desk! She took a shaky breath. She would not panic. That was ‘past-Twilight’ who panicked. Slowly she brought her shaking fore leg to her chest, just like Cadance had taught her.

Breathe in... breathe out. She repeated the motion several times before her heart stopped racing. Alright, Twilight, you are apparently a foal again between the ages of one and three. First step: find a mirror and determine your exact age.

Spike reached for a quill and piece of parchment. “I’m going to write the Princess about this Twilight. I mean, this can’t be normal… can it?” Spike hesitated; maybe this was normal. After all, the last time any pony had ascended to alicornhood had been Princess Cadance, and at the time she had been little more than a foal herself. Maybe it’s a necessary part of being an alicorn, that you have to be a child? “Twilight?”

Twilight sat on her haunches with her left ear flicking. It was a tick she got when nervous, and it was always her left ear. It got a bit annoying when she stopped to think about it. Now was not a good time, though.

“I don’t know, Spike. I weally don’t. Thewe is so much that I don’t know about being an alwicown. M-maybe dis is nowmal?” She shrugged helplessly and licked her lips, carefully sounding out the words before speaking. “Anyways, even if it’s not, distubin-disturbing the Pwincess this late is not the wight thing to do. I am cewtin that I am in no dangew.” She paused and felt her body shiver as she heard herself speaking. She swallowed. “I mean, wes-yes, I sound like a foal, but I am fully cognizant in my mind and my vocawulawy. If I was having pwoblems wif dat, then I’d be much mowe in a huwwy fow help.” She pawed at the ground with a soft snort. Nuts, no matter how much I try to correct my speech it’s not working… priorities, Twilight. Determine your age first, and everything else second.

Spike sighed. She really needs to get over that phobia of disappointing the Princess; for my sake as much as her own. “Alright, Twilight. This is your call.” He put the parchment and quill back on the desk as Twilight got to her hooves, albeit a bit shakily.

Twilight stood perfectly still. This is ridiculous, I was walking within a few minutes of my birth! Why on Equestria do I feel so shaky on my hooves? Twilight snorted and took a step towards the stairs. “Fiwst I am going to detewemine exactly how old I am. And to do dat I need a miwwow, and the only miwwow I know of is upstaiws.”

Spike nodded as he watched Twilight toddle toward the stairs before he blinked. “Wait, Twilight. I have a small mirror Rarity gave me. Give me a moment, and I’ll go get it from upstairs. You just stay down here, ok?”

Twilight’s tail swished in annoyance. “Spike! I am not a foal, so don’t tweat me wike dis! I can go upstaiws in my own home!” Spike gently laid a claw on Twilight’s shoulder while looking down into her eyes. Twilight swallowed her annoyance as she realized she had to look up at Spike to look into his eyes.

“Twilight, until we can figure out what happened to you, you are a foal. Not only that, but you’re having trouble getting used to your new size. What if you fell down the stairs and hurt yourself? What then?” Twilight’s eyes turned to look at the floor and she sniffed. “Please, Twilight. you’ve taken care of me since I was a baby. Trust me to take care of you?” A simple nod was Twilight’s response, but Spike smiled. It was enough. “Alright, you stay right here and I’ll be back in less than a tick.”

Twilight sat down hard as she watched Spike head upstairs. It wasn’t until she saw his feet vanish from her sight that she noticed her ears were plastered to her head. A shiver was steadily running up her body. It took only a few moments for Twilight to figure out what was wrong as she bit her lip. She was terrified. Why is this happening to me? Why am I so small… Is it just that my body size has shrunk or have I truly become a foal again? Twilight shivered again.

“I found it!”

Twilight looked up as Spike ran back down the stairs, holding a small mirror in his claws. Twilight forced a small smile as he stopped right in front of her. “Dank you, Spike! Now let me see?” Twilight frowned. Forming words felt a lot more difficult and she was having to force them to come out correctly. I hope this is a very temporary thing. I don’t know how I’d be able to get anypony to listen to me if all they heard was foal babble!

Spike nodded and turned the mirror so Twilight was able to see herself. He watched in silence as her eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, with a single tear trailing down her left cheek. Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Alwight, accowding to what I wemembew fwom Mothew’s photo album--minus the wings--I appeaw to be two yeaws old.” She shivered slightly at the realization of just how young she now was. Oh, shoot. If I really am two and don’t just look two… “Spike?” She looked away from her reflection and up to her assistant.

“Y-yeah Twilight? What is it?” Spike just wasn’t sure what to think of what was happening, though he hoped that he was able to hide how completely out-o- touch he was feeling with the whole situation. Come on, Twilight. Figure out what’s going on! This is just so weird!

Twilight put a hoof out as if to touch her reflection, then stopped, shaking her head in self-disapproval. I must look like a foal reaching to touch my own reflection like that! She licked her lips, turning away from the mirror to face Spike.

Spike cocked his head as he gazed at the filly foal before him. Her bottom lip was jutted out and she seemed to be struggling not to cry. Not that Spike could blame her. “T-twilight?”

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Just twying to keep myself fwom having an ovew weaction.” She sat down carefully and looked around. The flickering light from the candle made her normally friendly-appearing home feel cold and scary. She swallowed hard while her ears plastered themselves to her head. “It’s difficult Spike. I’m so small that I feel scawed in my own home…”

Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight, feeling her tiny body shaking in his embrace. “Okay, Twilight, that’s enough. You’ve done enough on your own, now let’s send a letter to Celestia. The worst she can say is that this was supposed to happen.” Spike wiped a tear from her cheek. “I promise she won’t be angry with you, Twilight.”

Twilight sniffled and rubbed at her eyes with a hoof. “Youw wight, Spike! Pwincess Celestia twusts me and I twust hew! Can wou get some pawchment, please?”

Spike smiled. After giving Twilight a final squeeze, he jumped up to get a piece of parchment and a quill from Twilight’s desk. “Alright, Twilight. Shoot!”

Twilight opened her mouth to begin dictating when they heard a loud ‘thwump’ coming from upstairs. Twilight blinked rapidly. “What was that?” Spike shook his head and stood in front of Twilight, pulling himself up to look bigger than he was with sharp teeth bared. Nothing is going to hurt Twilight!

“It’s alright, dear Spike. It’s only us.”

Spike looked up and immediately relaxed at the sight of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Celestia had a slightly sad smile on her muzzle, while a look of nervousness marred Luna’s normally stern yet beautiful face. Her eyes seemed to be darting around the room as if she were expecting the shadows to attack.

“I was just about to write you, Princess... er, Princesses! Something happened to Twilight! We were sorta wondering if it was a normal alicorn thing or if something had gone wrong?”

Celestia pursed her lips together and gently draped a wing around Luna whom she felt shiver. Is this in anticipation, little sister, or in fear? “What is it that happened to Twilight Spike? I did not see her as we passed by her bed. Did she stay up late studying again?” Celestia relaxed her stance as her visible eye searched the room for her former student. My niece...

“Y-yeah, she did. I think she fell asleep studying. When she woke up she called for me. I think she was hungry, and we’ve made a rule that she’s not allowed to prepare anything more complex than tea after that last incident.” Spike grimaced while Celestia lightly chuckled.

“Anyway, so I came downstairs to explain why sleep was such an important part of life, even if she was an immortal alicorn...” He paused, biting his bottom lip.

Celestia lifted his chin with her right fore hoof. “What is it, Spike? What did you see?” Celestia was curious just how large her niece had grown since she put the glamour on her. It’s been fifteen years since that day.

Spike let out a sigh after a few moments of opening and closing his mouth in futility. “I think it’s best if I just show you.” Spike stepped to the right, revealing what could easily be mistaken for a ball of lavender fluff if one was not looking closely enough.

Celestia laid down on her belly to be face to face with her niece. My niece… She’s so very little, and so scared. She could hear the gulp of air that Luna swallowed. Stay calm, Luna. It’s not time yet, my precious sister… Soon, I promise. “Twilight? Twilight, it’s alright... Look at me please.”

Twilight lifted her head the smallest amount, her stub of a horn just barely poking out from behind her tail.

“All the way, Twilight. Come on.” Celestia smiled at her nervousness… What is she to me now? Throughout her life she has had two roles: my niece and my student. Now she is no longer my student, yet I still want to treat her as such and teach her. Perhaps that is part of being an Aunt? I hope it is.

The lavender ball moved after a few moments, uncurling itself into the form of a small foal lying on her belly. Large purple eyes looked up at Celestia as she laid her muzzle on her forehooves.

Celestia gently moved the strand of pink mane from where it lay over Twilight’s eye. “There we are; much easier to have a conversation when I’m not speaking with a ball, but rather, a pony.” She saw the barest hint of a smile on Twilight’s face and beamed to herself. Oh, Sun and Moon, I forgot just how much like Luna she could look.

“Pwincess Cewestia, do you know what’s going on? Is dis nowmal? I mean, did you know dis was going to happen?” Twilight bit her lip. She knew Princess Celestia had been asking her to just call her ‘Celestia,’ but right now…

Celestia sighed. One thousand and three years I’ve had to think about what to tell her and I still have no idea what to say... “Yes, Twilight. I did know this was going to happen. I’ve been waiting for it to happen, in fact.” She watched as Twilight’s wings twitched in irritation. Oh dear, that may not have been the best way to put it…

“Y-you wewe waiting fow DIS? You wewe waiting fow me to become a foal again? Why? Why is it so impowtant?” Twilight sprung to her hooves while trying not to glare at her beloved mentor, but was having a very hard time not feeling like a pawn in her games. Again!

Celestia smiled a bit sadly as Twilight pulled herself to her full height, demanding answers. Admittedly, her full height wasn’t much anymore. Celestia lifted her head off her forehooves and looked into Twilight’s eyes. “Yes Twilight. I was waiting, I’ve been waiting for so very long. You were such a beautiful and powerful mare, but it wasn’t you, Twilight. Not really.”

Twilight frowned as she considered what Celestia had just said to her. There’s more to this... I haven’t seen her so hesitant in ages. “Tell me what’s going on, please? Don’t I at weast desewve da twuth?”

Celestia nodded. “Alright, Twilight, alright. Luna? Spike? Please, come join us.”

Luna laid down next to Celestia as Spike sat next to Twilight. After a few moments, Twilight sat back down on her haunches. Normally she’d want to take notes, but for some reason… for some reason it didn’t seem like the right course of action to take.

“Now that we’re all settled, I’ll tell you the story; the whole story.” Celestia smiled and opened her mouth to begin...

Author's Note:

And there we are! Look forward to the next chapter Questions and Answers. ^.^