• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


It's fanfiction all the way down.


Over a year ago, myself and four other FiMFiction authors started our own Ponyfinder campaign. The campaign lasted over a year, and followed the adventures of five brave little ponies, as they attempted to win fortune and glory in the eyes of their princess. Traveling across all of Equestria, into distant griffon lands, and through the realm of dreams itself, they struggle to prove themselves and win a place in the world.

Nine hundred years before Nightmare Moon's return, Equestria is a very different place. Old tensions between the three races still linger, and Celestia's peace is still unproven. It is a more brutal era, and one in which ponies find it hard to see how friendship and magic can prevail.

Novelized by Pav Feira. Who is awesome.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 35 )

That Virtue truly is a shining example of all that it means to be a pony. :rainbowkiss:

But what were your builds?


Hey, nice strategy guide!

And, I'll save us both some time. Here are the sheets!


Moonie's sheet seems to be down for some reason. But she was a straight up Improved-Summoning feat line druid.

Custom Variant Druid, adding cheese on top of cheese, with a side of GM-enabled cheese. Moonlight's turns took the longest usually. Not because I'm slow. Just because she was doing five to ten things each round.


Looks cool.

Man, I wish I could have played a pony game...

"two regal sister" -> "two regal sisters"

"you reigned your" -> "you reined your"

"Princess’s Cout." -? "Princess's Court." ?


Those are indeed clever suggestions! Fixed. Thank you! :pinkiesmile:

Silver Shine observes the curious pair of mountain lion and pony of garish pink mane, saying nothing.

The small mare, Moonlight Meadows, is hip-hopping back and forth, humming tunelessly to herself, while the mountain lion, Balti, looks on in aloof amusement. Or whatever it is that cats look at the world with.

Although they're somewhat hard to spot against the skyline, Moonlight takes notice that she're being followed—or perhaps escorted—by the charcoal grey pegasus, a battle-saddle and bags thrown over his barrel. He's not exactly trying to hide himself, though.

Moonlight Meadows stops, turns to look up at him, and waves, a big goofy grin on her face. "Hi!"

Silver Shine flies down to land beside Moonlight, keeping his distance from the mountain lion. "Hello. This is your cat, I presume?”

"Yep! She's a good kitty, yes she is!"

Yup, those are definitely characters about to become part of a character party.

"boat" should probably be "moat".

You have an interesting little story going on here. Is the campaign still running or has it come to an end and you're merely writing out the tale?


The campaign has come to ane end and we're writing it out. However, we are also currently ropelaying the sequel -- Herald's of Luna. Which is also on FiMFic! (though it isn't EQD ready yet)

For sense of scale, the campaign ran weekly for a little over a year. So we've got all the logs archived, we know how the story ends, all the dialogue is intact, etc. But since it's all in chatlog format, and is littered with typos, dice rolls, and OOC chatter, it takes a little bit of massaging to turn it into something Fimfic-ready. Still, we were working away on a few chapters while waiting for Sethisto-senpai to notice us, so expect updates to resume shortly.

Glad to see this get posted.

On an unrelated note, I finally wrote a story in something other than third-person -- second-person! And present-tense, to boot!

It was definitely a different experience. It certainly offered a lot more freedom to describe certain things, and really get into the character's head.

Contest entries aside, though, I don't think I'll be going back to second-person anytime soon. It's a bit gimmicky.

p.s. Post more Daring Do


On an unrelated note, I finally wrote a story in something other than third-person -- second-person! And present-tense, to boot!

My reaction to this was, in rapid succession, "Oh, nice! Glad to see CiG branching out." Followed by "Wait, second person present tense?" and then "Waaaaugahaaguahhhaghuuahh."

I love present tense. It's great for getting into a character's head. But why second person? :pinkiesick:

p.s. Post more Daring Do

Given your day job, I've got no room to complain, but I had twelve and a half hours of classes yesterday. I admit, it's impairing my writing speed. :facehoof:

Still, I've got two more chapters in the queue. Hope to post them in the next few weeks!


I had twelve an a half hours of classes yesterday.


It was for Obs's contest; we had to choose some 'bad' trope and try to write it well. I chose second-person.

I think it worked pretty well. We'll see how the contest goes.

Will the story be updated soon? :pinkiesad2:


Yes! It's all written, I just need to stop being lazy and start posting.

We literally told each other this on a biweekly basis since... June.


Hmm... Moonlight Meadows seems familiar.... pink-ness, energtic-ness volumous mane... things in hair.... dangerous animal as a pet... possibly related to two ponies who share a voice actor... Hmm...?

"play chest"... Chess right?


Also, an oddly magical earth pony! Yes, she is Pinkie Pie's great great grandmother.

The character work here helps keep us invested in the characters. I think I'm more interested in their adventures after this chapter than I was when they were fighting Diamond Dogs.

I do hope you one day write out the rest of this, as it's marked incomplete but I noted that you've put up part of the sequel campaign so the story is finished just not recorded (though given how much I'm enjoying your Actingverse fics, I suppose I can't complain that you're providing them instead). I know it's not as well followed as some of your other things but it's a worthwhile story and who knows, your increased fame might snag more readers when it continues. I know I put off reading this for a while because "a transcript of a D&D session" doesn't sound as interesting as many other stories, but that's because many players don't put the kind of care and effort into characterization you obviously did and thus such things can feel flat when turned into a story rather than an interactive experience. But this one, in the form you've posted it, reads just like any other piece on the site.

...She feels a slight urge to set one of their buildings on fire and kidnap a bride.

Huh. I guess Virtue does have a shot, then.

This is some extremely flimsy evidence, even for a magical augury. And a wacky shenanigans plan that sounds like it could go horribly wrong.

Azure looks back at them, blinking, gears whirling in her head. Three… two… one… She jolts upright. “Uh! For fixing her attitude. With force. I didn't—” She blushes.

Dawn Star looks confused. "Um, you didn't want Azure?" Virtue laughs.

I think this should be "you didn't what Azure"

This Blueblood is extremely likeable since, he's actually given more depth.

Wait... Isn't being mailed to Cloudsdale a good way for a unicorn to die? Step out of the box without a cloudwalking spell and good bye.

Maybe the disembodied voice is more ruthless than Wisp and wanted to convince her to kill someone without realizing it.

"What sorts of things?"

Moonlight Meadows nods. "You learn a lot just by listening."

This feels a bit like a non-sequitar. Otherwise it was an enjoyable update. Good job keeping a wide cast of OCs feeling distinct, either as a writer or as players or most likely both.

Oh, I've reached the end. That's a shame, I was really invested in this story. A very fun read with a cast of interesting characters. I just wish it could have concludded properly. /)

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