• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Writer, blogger, saucy chat mom, occasional bitch. Hablo espaƱol. She/her/ella.

Comments ( 81 )

Excellent... Excellent... It is here!

This is just beautiful...absolutely beautiful.

I'll be hella mad if this doesn't skim the Featureds. Futa is usually written as super hot lesbian sexytimes and nothing more but this was actual love and it had storyline to it, which is very rare. Dammit, bats, you magnificent bastard, you did it again. Good on ya, mate.

Good job, buddy. That should say something to you, since I'm normally a guy who only reads humanized or RariJack, and tends to shy away from clop fics. So for me to enter 0 for 3 on the fic and still really like it, well... it takes a certain kinda fic and author to pull that off, nawi'msayin'? :ajsmug:

As much as I avoid the "spicier" varieties of fiction found on this site, I do my best to read the plot elements thoroughly. Given your previous iterations of non-continuous narration (breaks between scenes to backtrack), this one is quite fantastic. The rhythm of the storytelling worked well with the way the more risque elements of the story rested between forward-moving scene wrappers. It did start slow, but pace gradually picked up to a very enjoyable clip. This story is definitely worth the time I set aside from work to read.

This caused entirely too many giggles while reading. I blame you, sir. :ajsmug:
(what /would/ she be named?:twilightoops:)

This was actually very cute, even if it was clop. :twilightsmile:

I say, good sir. How dare you have actual human (equine) considerations and feelings cluttering up my fetishy clopfic. :moustache:[/monocle level over 9000]


That was HOT.

Well done, bro.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Woo! A good TwiJack!

That's rare. Never see this ship ever. Or at least I don't see any good ones.

Also, I really wanted to say: The juxtaposition of story descriptions according to the latest stories is just hilarious.

You know, they could of had Shining Armor rut with Applejack and the genome would have been rather close considering Twilight is his sister. Is that a weird thought? :twilightblush:

Anyway, I'm not knocking your story. That's just what I thought as I started reading. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Ah, I see. ā€œ...Unless we went with Big Macintosh or Shining Armor.ā€ So that is covered. Well done, I'm loving this story so far!


Hast thou read the entire story? Thou mayest find shocking revelations within.

We need more TwiJack stories like this. :twilightsmile::heart::ajsmug:

4532926 Not yet. Will do though! :pinkiehappy:

4532966 Love your avatar!

This was gorgeous. Thank you.

Homie groan.


The real question is why he didn't write about Pinkie Pie. Clearly he's lazy and too stupid to use her. I mean, she even has the mirror pool, so she could be both mares! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp:

ā€œAreā€¦are we really yellinā€™ at each other about who likes whose privates more?ā€


Yes you are. And bats just killed me, GODAMMIT BATS


You're welcome. :rainbowkiss:

4532863 you should go through some of bats' recent stuff... And Bookplayer's. And Jake R's...

And now I'm trying to remember what the Earth Ponies in "Fireflies" called an Earth and Uni pair called.

I don't really keep up with the shippings, so I'm not too knowledgeable about who writes what. That being said, I do have some of bats's stuff in my Read Later, so I also attribute it to bad memory.

This was one of the most interesting (and better) uses of futa I've seen in a fic. Moar excellent TwiJack pls.

Also, that argument between the two :rainbowlaugh:

I was interested in reading this until I saw the futa warning. And so because of that, I think I'll pass on reading this fic. Not gonna downvote though. That would just be mean.

There's the bats I know.

Twilight sat hunched over herself with both hooves on her erection, stroking and kneading the mottled flesh. Applejack sputtered and she straightened up, wings spreading from her sides as she hugged the cock to her stomach. ā€œWhaā€”what the heck are you doinā€™?ā€ Applejack stammered, shaking her head forcefully.

I think you need to add a "Twilight's" there, because as it is it sounds like AJ has wings.

4533670 But that wouldn't make sense. Twilight (she) is the one who straightened up, not AJ.

Order of operations is thus: Twi is messing with new magidick. AJ makes surprised noise, prompting Twi to straighten up, spread wings, hug dick to belly. AJ talks.

4533583 Good on you for not downvoting! :pinkiehappy: Though you're missing out. The futa is... well, it's the topic of conversation in the fic, but it's not focused on heavily, if that makes any sense? it's worth a read ;)

PHR #30 · Jun 12th, 2014 · · 1 ·

What's this? A futa fic with legit dialog and plot, with lesbos that don't love cock? Heresy! :flutterrage:

Just kidding. This is brilliant, batsy.

small follow up chapter tying up loose ends would be great but not necessarily needed well done definitely worth the read:pinkiehappy:

4534051 Makes sense, but I'm still not going to read it.

This may sound dumb, but What is futa? This is what I found:
The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (or FUTA, I.R.C. ch. 23 [dead link]) is a United States federal law that imposes a federal employer tax used to help fund state workforce agencies. Employers report this tax by filing an annual Form 940 with the Internal Revenue Service.

? Could somepony tell me?


Futa is short for futanari, which is a genre/fetish of mature media in which otherwise female characters have functional male sexual anatomy.

4534752 Oh. :twilightblush: my bad.Learn something new everyday.

4534738 4534752 It is also, quite literally, the Japanese word for "Hermaphrodite" or someone/thing who has both male and female sex organs.

Good story. I do like the fact you had them reluctant/uncomfortable about the change. More realistic reaction than instant joy I think.


Futa refers to Futanari. Generally, it means a girl with man-bits instead of their usual down below.

SO funny, I cant even begin to think.

and I love the way you took the story, there are so many stories that use that spell, and they always love it, its great to see one that that uses the spell, just for the goal, and not just for fun. Great work!

Wow. This was sexy and sweet and beautiful all in one. One of the best futa stories I've read. Have a fave! :twilightsmile:

4533860 then the "she" in "she straightened up" should be replaced with "Twilight", cause it still sounds confusing.

this whole story was absolutely fantastic, it's just this one little spot that really bothering me.

This checks so many of the right boxes for me -- just so cute and sweet and warm and loving and a bunch of other positive words, with real emotional depth and the weight of a properly-realised relationship behind it. The world needs more porn like this.

I liked the premise of this story.

I liked the discussion about their various options.

I liked the scene where she got the penis.

Something felt a little bit off about the arguments section; it didn't really sit right with me.

I wasn't super enamored with the actual clop. :derpytongue2:

And it did feel a teensy bit long to me for some reason.

All in all, though, it was a very reasonable story.

Oh you. :ajsmug:

You can tell you've been around the wrong (or right, I suppose, depending on one's point of view) people too long when someone puts a "Warning: futa" on a story and you don't even think twice about the fact that a lot of people have no idea what that is.

Man, and here I was reading over one of my other stories which had this issue in it and having to go through and fix it thanks to my editors pointing it out. Who gets bothered by this? Clearly it is contextually clear.

Sigh. Way to lose me my internal argument, even though I was going to give in and do it anyway. But it definitely doesn't quite parse right there.

spent the entire argument sequence yelling "you can have more than one child!" at my phone

also, the argument about whose genitals were more loved made it hard to breathe i was laughing so hard

How is this story so amazing?! Who could possibly be this-- oh, it was written by bats. Well, that explains everything.

Stop being so goddamned amazing, bats.


Holy crap, this story was frigging hilarious. As in, you may want to add in a comedy tag hilarious. I mean, yes, it did have all of that beautiful quiet romance stuff you do so well, but man, when I think back on this story, all I'll be able to think about is arguments about who loves whose vagina more.

I kind of felt bad about liking this - mainly because Twilight's discomfort with the whole thing was so intense, that it made me feel pretty uncomfortable about enjoying it. That's not a criticism however - in fact, it's more of a compliment as to how well you wrote Twilight.

I enjoyed this story and I'm upvoting anyway, but it threw me out a little when nobody ever discussed that sperm donation does not actually need to involve sex? It's totally possible for someone with a penis to jack off into a cup, and then for the contents of the cup to be moved into somebody else's vagina (magic might make it easier, but really, the highest level of technology needed for this is a funnel.) I know the point of the story is to get them to have sex, and they needed to rule out the possibility of having each other's brothers donate sperm, but I think it could have worked even if the characters did understand that sex-free sperm donation would be possible? Brother semen might still be Too Weird, even without brother sex, and if someone has to go through the discomfort of having a penis, she might at least want her wife to be able to get something out of it.

Don't get me wrong, it was definitely a good story, but I found myself constantly wanting to inform the characters about funnels, and that's sort of a weird way to read a story about sex.

You're thinking in a human setting. Pony setting is different in all sorts of ways, so all those things might simply not be available to them. (Also, it would ruin the story, so there :P)

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