• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 11th



For years Celestia have lamented the fact that she failed to save Twilight and her friends when one of Twilight experiments with the ‘Harmonic Powers’ went wrong but now something have appeared bearing one of Twilight’s personal glyphs and it may hold the answer to what happen and what a tale it holds but more than that it hold many surprises.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

for those who don't play WoW a lot can you tell us what class they are. wheres spike?

That'll actually come in the next chapter or the next again and to be fair it is a little more like hybrid classes but it will be explain soon in the story but feel free to guess even you haven’t played wow much I think you have a pretty good chance of guessing most of them.

Well guessing about classes not hard. AJ - Warrior, RD - Hunter, Pinkie Pie - Rogue, Flattershy - Druid, Rarity - Priest? Twilight - Mage. Pretty good party. But I want know in that kind of Azeroth you placed them? Before orc invasion? after? before Thrall rebelion? before NerZul/Arthas Scourge? Vanila, BC, WtLK, Cata, Pandaria?

Well you were close but one was wrong as for when they will appear that come in next chapter but just to make it clear it's after BC and about half a year or less before the WOTLK and the Lich King's attack on Light's Hope chapel with the Death Knights and here’s a little info it will involve Twilight, Applejack and a group of Blood Knights and there will be a few changes than what happened in the game and I hope to make it epic or at least interesting.

P.S. they will be scattered across Azeroth and beyond.


I take it you find it interesting... I home you wil find the start of next chapter as fun as I do. :pinkiehappy:

4588692 yes. one more thing AJ is a paliden

yes she is she is mainly paladin but as I said in another comment they are more hybrid classes that the game classes so she also has some minor powers that would more be seen as another class but where it counds she is a Paladin wanna guess on her spec?

4588805 that i cant dad has a paliden thats how i new

Wait. Rhonin's in this? Is this before, during or after the events of Day of the Dragon?

If I remember right Day of the Dragon is before Warcraft 3 and this takes place sometime before WOTLK

I'm not sure you understood or else I'm wrong about when DOD happened but yes they have meet after all WOTLK happens after DOD if I remember right that is.

hey can you have my wow guy if so his name is Cerrun and he is a night elf hunter with spirit cat/beast named spirit fang. oh and dalthrean is a death-knight

Actually he is a warrior at the moment but yes when he appears in Equestria he is a DK

P.S. Maybe but no promise yet on you charecter.

Celestia's gonna freak when she finds out he died and came back as a death knight. also since my brother forgot to mention this, Ceruin is a 20 something hunter. but if you are accepting WoW characters, here is mine.

name Landuin

Class Warlock

level 47

specialisation demonology/affliction.

I may use your characters but no guaranty also if I am going to I need a bit more info like a little description like: hair, eye, and skin colour, scars and tattoos and the like, and if you want some specific armor. So PM me with that if you want me to use your characters if I am going too.

Yes as much relevant information as possible.

Been quite a long time since I read this story, and I wanted to read it again. I've been wondering if you'll ever continue writing the story or if it's dead. I'd like to see it continued though

I am going to try and finish the next chapter soon... I'm just not that good at writing but I'm glade you like the story so far.

Thanks for the offer I might just take you up on it. ^^

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