• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 1,589 Views, 5 Comments

By the Thickness of Water - LickleSoxy

Long ago, a friendship between three immortal beings was shattered, all thanks to a single entity. This beast has found a way to return to Equestria. And this time, nothing will stand in its way.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Warning: Contains both character death and (undetailed) violence from the start.


It had too many heads.

That was the only thing running through her mind as one of the giant's jaws slowly descended towards her. Her own mouth couldn't seem to form a scream as her whole body was engulfed by the heat of breath and saliva. Paralysed with fear, it seemed that her mind had decided to focus on an insignificant little fact, probably as a defence mechanism. If she'd been in her proper state of mind, Milknut would have scoffed. Her body's survival functions were severely broken.

Perhaps it was the shock of what was happening that had caused the glitch in her system. The problem was, the thought she had was entirely true. Obviously there were creatures that had multiple heads, but it was rare. Plus, most were limited to two or three, maximum. This thing had hundreds of them. From what she'd been able to process, before freezing up, Milknut had distinguished no real difference between the heads. Every one was dragon shaped, and each one looked identical to the one beside it.

It wasn't possible.

Breathing heavily, Milknut's body was stiff and unmoving. Getting wet from the spit surrounding her, she felt a swell of repulsion pulse through her. She was inside a mouth, tucked neatly around the row of pearly white teeth adorning the lower jaw. And, any second now, she would be shredded to pieces from the force of the top and bottom teeth coming together. The image of that, added to the sudden idea of how painful it would be to die in such a way, pulled Milknut from the tiny world she'd unwillingly been forced into.

This time she managed to scream as her terror finally let itself be known. The sound was pointless. No one could protect her. No pony could save her life. It was far too late for that.

Her fate had been sealed the moment she had laid eyes on the beast.


Twilight Sparkle could safely say that she had seen quite a lot in her short life. From books that could suck the reader right into the story, to beings that could steal the love right from the heart of a pony, she'd experienced it all. No pony in Equestria would dare call her a fool for believing she couldn't be surprised anymore. She'd grown, both mentally and physically, and had become a princess worthy of standing beside the rulers of the sun and moon.

Despite all that, Twilight honestly couldn't deny the shock that had filled her when Spike had coughed up a rather rumpled looking scroll. The letter had been urgent, rushed, and written in an unfamiliar way that had put Twilight on edge instantly. It was almost as though Celestia had been in some kind of panic when she'd sent it off, considering the scrawl was a mass of ugly scribbles scraped hastily across a torn piece of paper. Celestia hadn't even bothered to roll the scroll neatly before forcing it out of Spike's flames.

As she rushed into Canterlot Castle for what felt like the umpteenth time in a matter of weeks, Twilight came to an abrupt halt as she caught sight of the princess who'd summoned her. Not a second later, someone came crashing into the back of her with a startled squeak. Almost tripping from the collision, Twilight had to contain the apology that wanted to escape as she realised her mistake. Fluttershy had been given no warning that she would stop, and now the poor pegasus would probably end up with a bruise or two.

Twilight made a quick mental note to make it up to her friend later. Right now, however, her attention was fully on Celestia. Scratches marred her wings - they didn't look deep, and wouldn't leave scars, as far as Twilight could tell - and her mane was a ruffled mess.

"P- Princess?" Her voice sounded quiet and confused, even to her own ears.

The pony in question drew out a long breath, before raising her head and opening her eyes. Twilight's worry amplified greatly when she saw the sorrow behind the narrowed gaze. Trying to ignore the sudden desire to run over to her mentor and embrace her in an attempt to offer comfort, Twilight swallowed. The dry warmth in her throat was unwelcome.

"Oh my." That was Fluttershy. Having recovered from their earlier bump, she was peeking her head around the back of Twilight's body to get a better look at what was occurring.

Twilight took a tentative step forward. "Princess, what happened?" She was grateful when her voice didn't waver. Celestia's features lowered into a frown.

"Something is wrong with Discord."

Almost immediately, Fluttershy let out a gasp and stepped around Twilight without hesitation. Although she kept her ears low and her wings pinned to her sides, Twilight could see a determination in Fluttershy's movements that was baffling. It didn't take long at all for her to figure out what exactly it was that she was witnessing. Fluttershy had become defensive. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise.

"He is not the trouble, my little pony," Celestia said, her tone placating and soft. At once, Fluttershy's ears perked up as concern washed over her.

"Is he okay?" she asked.

Celestia shook her head sadly. "I'm afraid he is the one being troubled. Both myself and Luna have tried to calm him, but it is of no use. That is why I have called the two of you."

Twilight frowned. "What's wrong with him? What makes you think we can help?"

"You know of his ability to sense magical imbalances, correct?"

Both Twilight and Fluttershy nodded.

"Well, he has sensed something... We believe a creature. We are not entirely certain. Its power is immense; that we do know."

"What has that got to do with Discord?"

Celestia pursed her lips. "He can't control this ability, Twilight, regardless of his pride and desire to. He can't stop it. Each time that being uses magic, Discord is sent another surge of energy." Her face twisted into a cringe. "After a while, Discord began panicking, and I have yet to understand why. He's hysterical."

Twilight blanched. "Excuse me?"

Hysterical. There were so many words that Twilight could use to describe Discord. Insane sprung to mind, as did chaotic. Lonely was another word that seeped into her thoughts, and guilty quickly flashed through, though she dismissed them both as she tried to make sense of what Celestia was explaining to them. Hysterical truly wasn't an adjective she would conjure up to link with the ancient draconequus. Imagining him in a frenzy of panic was just not right.

Discord was the epitome of controlled in his emotions, even when angry or frustrated. He hadn't even showed an inclination of alarm when he'd realised he was about to be turned back into stone, for Equestria's sake.

So... what could make a creature like him lose control?

Twilight wasn't sure she wanted the answer.


The room had been destroyed. The walls were lined with holes, the pillars smashed and broken, and the floor was covered in what appeared to be the remains of any furniture that had once stood on it.

In the far corner was the one who had caused all the damage. With his tail curled under him and his head resting against the cold wall, Discord looked as wrecked as the rubble surrounding him. He was staring at the patterned surface in front of him, though his eyes seemed glazed over. Soft pants escaped his body as he sat there, unmoving.

Unsure whether or not stepping closer would provoke a reaction, Twilight turned a questioning glance towards Celestia. It was obvious that, in the time it had taken them to get here, Discord had exhausted all his energy until he'd collapsed.

Suddenly, a sharp hiss broke through the near silence of the room. Attention snapping back to Discord immediately, Twilight felt a swell of fear wash through her. He'd closed his eyes, and his features had twisted in pain. From the angle she was at, she could only see his lion paw; it was clenched into a disturbingly tight fist. If his claws hadn't been sheathed, she was sure that he'd be drawing blood from the pressure he was applying. Twilight paled. She was kind of glad his talon was hidden from view.

"Isn't there anything we can do to stop it?" Fluttershy blurted out, her voice high and desperate. She was the one closest to Discord, and the only reason she hadn't already rushed over to his form was because Celestia had stopped her. Twilight couldn't blame the older princess, considering Discord was not in the right frame of mind right in this moment. Fluttershy was his good friend, yes, but that didn't mean he wouldn't lash out at her given the current circumstances.

"Please, we can't just leave him like this." Fluttershy was close to tears. Despite this, her voice never cracked, nor did it have its usual quietness to it. Twilight wasn't sure if that was because she cared for Discord, or because she saw him as a wounded animal. Either way, it didn't matter. All they needed to focus on was finding out how to sort out Discord's predicament without compromising their own safety.

"I can't allow you near him until we know he will not attack you, Fluttershy," Celestia said, sympathy leaking into her tone.

"He won't!" Fluttershy cried, stamping her foot in frustration as she turned to Celestia with anger. Twilight's mouth parted slightly in shock, but Celestia seemed unfazed by the display of fury.

"Talk to him from where you stand." Celestia's eyes moved to Discord. "If he shows a sign of knowing it is you, then I will allow you to go over to him."

That seemed reasonable. Fluttershy seemed to think so too, if the way her body's tenseness deflated was any indication. Looking back towards Discord once more, Fluttershy drew in a deep breath. Letting it back out slowly, she lowered her head and attempted a friendly smile.


There was no response.

"Discord, can you hear me?" she asked, this time at a higher volume. "Please, Discord. It's me, Fluttershy."

Again, Discord didn't react. Watching as Fluttershy turned her gaze back to Celestia, Twilight felt a twinge of empathy with her as she caught sight of the devastation in her features.

"Maybe if you just let me near him, I can-"

"No." Celestia's interruption was hard and final.


"No, Fluttershy. I will not allow it."

The tears were falling freely now, and Fluttershy did not seem to care. Defiance was what she was attempting, but fright was preventing her from acting out her desires. It wasn't fair. Her friend was hurting in a way she could not fully understand, yet Celestia would not let her comfort him. How could Celestia not understand? Did she not know that touch allowed ponies to recognise another's presence in the room, when words were being unheard?

"Please, Princess... He won't attack me. He's too tired to try with his magic," she pleaded, trying to make Celestia see it her way.

Celestia just shook her head. "And what of his claws? His teeth? He may be too exhausted to use magic, but he still has the means to hurt you."

Fluttershy let out a sob. The logic behind Celestia's words were infallible. She was correct. But Fluttershy couldn't believe it. Discord wouldn't harm her in any way, would he? Could he? Unable to stop crying, Fluttershy quickly looked at Twilight, her expression begging Twilight to come to her aid. Twilight's mouth twisted into a frown. Her gaze dropped to the ground in guilt when Fluttershy's cries just got louder as she realised whose side Twilight was on.

"How can you just leave him like this?!" Fluttershy shouted. She glared at Celestia, demanding answers. "I can handle myself. Let me by him!"

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off as a much deeper voice came from the corner of the room.


Instantly, Fluttershy snapped her attention to Discord and, without warning, rushed towards him. She was a mere inch away from being able to touch him when a large, magical barrier rose up from the ground between them, separating the two. The shield startled Fluttershy momentarily, before she concluded whose magic it was she was seeing. Figuring that reprimanding Celestia would be a waste of time, Fluttershy ignored her annoyance and reached out a hoof. She placed it on the barrier and let her gaze roam over her friend.

Discord's eyes were now open again, and he was looking at her with confusion. Fluttershy smiled, though she had a feeling that the tears still covering her face ruined the overall effect she was going for.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here," she said, willing her voice to remain calm. It became increasingly hard when Discord's rapid pants increased, while his body tensed up even more.

"You need to g- get away from me," Discord said, cringing when a sharp pain sliced through his body.

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "What? No, it's okay. I'm not afraid of you. I know you won't hurt me."

Discord grimaced. "It's not me you have to worry about."

Confusion overcoming her, Fluttershy frowned. Then, before she could ask what he meant, Discord suddenly grunted, before opening his mouth to scream. Gasping, Fluttershy pulled away from the barrier, her front hooves darting up to cover her mouth as she stared at him in horror. Not a moment later, the terrible sound came to an abrupt halt as Discord lost his battle with exhaustion. Body collapsing to the floor, his breathing slowed down considerably as unconsciousness took over.

"Oh no." Celestia's barrier disappeared as she came over to Discord's form, quickly followed by Twilight. Leaning down to examine the draconequus with concerned eyes, Celestia's lips formed a thin line.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked, panicking. "How can we help him if we can't stop whoever it is from using their magic?"

"And what did he mean? Does he think this creature is some sort of threat?" Twilight said, adding to the list of questions. It was obvious from her tone that she too was troubled by the sudden turn of events.

Straightening herself back up, Celestia kept her gaze on Discord. Deep concern washed through her when she saw his mouth twitch in what appeared to be pain. Even in unconsciousness he was still being bombarded with surges from that creature. Celestia closed her eyes. She knew of one solution that might help, now he wasn't awake, but it was not something she'd wanted to suggest. Letting Discord suffer was not ethical, though, so she had no choice.

"I think I may know of a way to help him, but it would require the presence of your zebra friend," she stated.

Twilight nodded, before both she and Fluttershy turned and ran from the room. They didn't need telling twice.


Comments ( 5 )

The story is great, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing the rest of it, but I do have one nitpick.

When Discord realized he was being turned back to stone -- when the episode makes it absolutely clear that he knows -- he screams "No!" and throws his arms out like he's trying to protect himself. That... is definitely some concern. Maybe he guessed it ahead of time, didn't think he could run, and tried to bluff his way out by pretending he wasn't worried, or maybe he genuinely didn't see it coming at first, but by the time the episode makes it a certainty that he knows, he's obviously frightened. Also, when the Tatzlwurm first attacked him, Cadance and Twilight at the end of Three's a Crowd, he jumped onto Twilight... he might have been pretending to be afraid as a joke, but he sounds genuinely startled. So while it's indeed true that it's hard to imagine Discord hysterical, Twilight has definitely seen him show fear.

Poor Milknut. And Discord's violent hysteria is very well done.

Thank you.

Oh, I definitely agree with him being scared when he realised the elements were working. In the story, it's from Twilight's perspective, and I'm mainly basing it on the fact that all she probably would have seen was his smug confidence. By the time he realised what was going on, Twilight and the others were in 'glowing eyes' mode, and I imagine it's pretty hard to focus on what's going on around you by then. I did completely forget about that in Three's A Crowd, though. You're right, she's certainly seen him be startled.

Again, thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

OMG! Poor Discord, poor Fluttershy!:fluttercry::fluttershbad: You NEED to make more!!! 10/10

i cant wait for more :pinkiehappy:
keep going this is GREAT

Loving this story so far, and REALLY hoping it hasn't died...

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