• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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City On the Edge of Annihilation

The polished surfaces of the Val Roan buildings reflected a silver sheen of starlight as night fell. Rainbow Dash hugged the upper exteriors, flying as low to the rooftops as she could in order to maintain a proper height. From her position, she could make out the majority of the city.

The Val Roan Capital gradually rose in both constructed height as well as architectural affluence the further the city spread to the north. Further south, the buildings were shorter—but also denser and more geometrically rigid. Square-shaped apartment complexes bled into one another, with rising and falling terraces connecting and adjoining to create a complicated network of fused living hovels. Several open rooftops were dotted with tents and wooden shacks. In that part of town, it was obvious that multiple citizens lived together in tight spaces, but it was anything but impoverished squalor.

To the southwest, the tight apartments gave way to large courtyards framed by rectangular facilities. Rainbow squinted and saw what appeared to be fenced-in compounds full of military equipment and army supplies. She surmised that that was where the Val Roan Defense Ministry was located. Judging from a faint hint of green luminescence, she imagined that several Soul Sentries were in training there. She made a mental note to keep her distance from the place.

Southeast, several tiny homes dotted the desert landscape. Unlike the apartments to the west, these were remarkably spaced apart. Rainbow Dash saw patches of green earth and cactus gardens. She suspected that some sort of agricultural project was underway in that section of the city. But the further her eyes scanned, she detected large buildings in the distance—including two domed structures flanked by what appeared to be gray cemeteries. She assumed that it was an assortment of temples, or some sort of Val Roan religious center. The landscaping was noticeably beautiful, even under the cold fabric of desert night, and it was evident to her that the district hugged the furthest edge of the city right along the fringes of the Grand Choke.

Shuddering slightly, Rainbow Dash peered north. Presently, she hovered over the Sandstone District, which was just along the edge of Downtown. Just a few blocks away, the buildings scaled the highest, scraping the sky with their bronze-capped spires and obelisks. It was obvious to the pegasus that the structures were polished to carry a dazzling shine under the midday sun, but they held a beautiful mystique with the starlight all the same. Flying past a few towers, Rainbow Dash gazed at a large temple situated towards the northeast. It was an enormous dome framed by six looming towers. At the top of each tower was the bronze effigy of an elk, with golden antlers spreading majestically in the desert air. It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to guess that this was the location of the High Council. She considered doing a close fly-by, but held it off, instead continuing her scan of the city proper.

Due north, the buildings lowered somewhat in height, replaced instead by an enormity in scale. Beyond the Sandstone District and the High Council building, Rainbow spotted an enormous courtyard stretching the full length of the city. Several glowing spots of green dotted the concrete lengths at regular intervals. It was obvious to the pegasus that this part of town was being heavily guarded, and she maintained a high altitude as she continued her observations.

The courtyard bent around—she discovered—forming a gigantic half-circle. Towards the outer bend, a series of cylindrical buildings rose up out of the earth, growing taller and thinner in the form of multiple smooth spires. In the center of this was a sturdy structure built in an elliptical shape—stretching north and south—and it was flanked by polished ivory balconies that wrapped around each ascending platform. Towards the summit, a balcony encompassed the entire southern end, and there was a ledge that overlooked the courtyard below. Rainbow guessed that this was none other than the spot where the Val Roan Monarchy addressed the masses in attendance. Already she could spot crystalline stones whose purpose was likely to project the sound of one's voice. If the Coronation was soon, then she imagined the courtyard beneath her would be filled to the brim with Val Roan citizenry not long from then.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, hovering up high. From there, she had a view of the entire city, which was no easy feat to her strained eyes. This place was easily the largest urban environment she had ever witnessed—aside from Silvadel, but only because that place had been long ruined by the time she arrived. There was no questioning the fact that Val Roa was the most important, populated, and influential place on that entire continent, and she almost understood the goblins and nagas' envy for its glory.

Reaching under her pendant, Rainbow Dash produced the map that the Duchess Arcanista had given her. Holding it still in the cold desert winds, she gave the thing a once-over, comparing the named districts and highlighted zones to the urbanscape she had just naturally observed. She drew a plan up in her mind. Assuming she could go about without being observed, she would examine the High Council Building, the Royal Palace, and the military district—not necessarily in that order. If there was any chance whatsoever of catching Fishberry, Sharp Quill, or Saikano without them knowing about it, then she had to do so with as much swiftness and stealth as possible.

Rainbow Dash put her map away. Once more, she gazed at the town, considering her three options. However, her gaze was distracted, drawn instead towards the east. She blinked, spotting the hazy lavender glow of Yaerfaerda from a nebulous distance.

Her teeth suddenly chattered. She hugged herself in mid-hover, as if suddenly aware of how chilly the desert winds were. Clenching her jaw, she glanced back at the three districts, then back east again. In a fuming breath, she flapped her wings and glided eastward towards the edge of the city, descending sharply as she did so.

Despite the bitter cold of desert night, several deer and ponies were out and about on the terraced rooftops of the residential district. Servants and workers huddled outside of tents, laughing and chatting around well-maintained fire pits. Foals and fawn chased each other around, giggling in the starlight. Along balcony edges, elders sat, smoking pipes and sharing stories and songs of yesteryear.

Slowly, Floydien shuffled through this nocturnal populous. With jaded eyes, he glared past them, making his way gradually southwest. A few Val Roans eyed him curiously—perhaps confused as to why a noble-looking buck would be without his antlers, but they said nothing of it.

In the lower streets, brief strobes of green light emanated from the Soul Sentries as they sat meditatively at their posts. Floydien kept his distance, continuing his unassuming stroll until he winded up as far as he could, standing on a balcony's edge along the southwest fringe of that particular cluster of apartments.

From afar, he stared at the military compounds that comprised the southwest corner of Val Roa, hugging the mountains that barricaded the capital from the rest of the continent. Along the hilly extremities of the valley, he saw the twinkling green line of soul sentries and their barricade. Down below, dim orange torches lined each compound. He saw the dots of soldiers patrolling along the barracks and equipment depots. Antlers glowed in the hush of night, and not a single equine was to be seen. But, then again, the elk's eyes weren't necessarily his strongest suit.

A long, slow breath filtered out of the pilot's lungs. His ears folded back, and he stared down at the balcony's edge with a melancholic pause. Eventually, his muzzle tensed. Frowning, he spun around, marching back the way he came, oblivious to the hushed cheer and merriment of the citizens around him.

On soft feathers, Rainbow Dash descended. She landed on all four hooves. The gravelly earth crunched beneath her, and several pebbles shifted into a thin layer of sand over an arid plateau.

Rainbow exhaled, her moisture forming a fine mist in the air. She trotted limply forward, eyes thin and contemplative.

Before her stretched an infinite, impossibly level horizon of nothing. It was the flattest, plainest, most nondescript landscape she had ever seen. Every star along the vanishing point glimmered with eerie clarity. She suspected that if she looked long enough... hard enough, then she might—for once—make out the gradual curve of the earthen plane. Momentarily, it made some sense why the Yaerfaerda symbol was so faint, for it was so far away that it dipped below the visible terrain.

Rainbow Dash stood along the eastern edge of Val Roa, staring out upon the Grand Choke. She glanced left and right. At regular intervals, several statues had been erected, depicting deer and elk in majestic hoof-kicking poses. Their eastern faces were faded, worn down by the elements—or something else, Rainbow Dash surmised. The antlers of the guardian effigies had crumbled and fallen off in many places over time, but it was obvious that no Val Roan had bothered fixing them over the centuries.

Even further out into the desolation, Rainbow spotted objects planted randomly in the ground. Upon further observation, she discovered that they were weapons, spears, lances and broadswords. Beads and necklaces and other personal effects dangled off the hilts of these objects, and beneath each rusted blade or javelin she saw a smattering of stones heaped together. If Rainbow Dash squinted hard enough, she could see that many other graves were spread out further east, as far as souls had dared to travel to bury the honorable denizens of that city on the edge of annihilation. The greater the distance from the capital's edge to the graves, the more elaborate the setup, until they were far too obscure to observe...

For Rainbow Dash wasn't moving an inch.

She felt a lump in her throat as she stood there, locked in place. Eventually, she reached a hoof down, scooping up a clump of earth. She tilted her fetlock to the side, feeling as the sand and sediment poured off of her, dissolving in the wind. Then, once again, everything was desolation and emptiness.

Beyond it all, like a faraway lighthouse, the lavender candle of Yaerfaerda beckoned.

Rainbow Dash shuddered. It took a great deal of struggle, but she turned around and faced west once again. From there, the spires looked like tiny termite minds, decaying in a barren valley.

Nevertheless, Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, lifting herself off and heading towards the first destination her mind thought of: the Royal Palace.

Behind her, the Grand Choke remained, silent, empty, and waiting.

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