• Published 17th Sep 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 49 Comments

Pony Pov Series: The Last Temptation Of Silver Spoon - Alex Warlorn

The finale of the pony pov series is drawing near. But the Nightmare born of Diamond Tiara wants Silver Spoon back in her clutches before she makes her move. Can Silver Spoon resist this evil while still hoping her friend can be saved?

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Omake - Cadence's Letters To the Changelings -

Pony POV Series
Drabble "Cadence's Letters"
Written By Alex Warlorn

"I, Queen Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria, of the Changeling Swarm, hereby address all of my subjects.

"In light of our new alliance with Equestria, and the peace treaty I have signed as the head of state of the Changeling Swarm: changeling magic is now under the same laws and restrictions as all pony magic. Namely, not only will shape shifting used in fraud and identity theft be punished, but changeling magic used to influence, manipulate, dominate, control, or otherwise affect the minds, emotions, thoughts, actions of a pony, or otherwise violate a creature's free-will, shall be most severely punished." -- Official Formal Address by Princess Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria In Canterlot

Hours after Princess Cadenza made her announcement regarding changeling magic and its place under Equestrian law, changelings were witnessed panicking. Terrified Changelings told this reporter that Princess Cadence was saying that changelings were to be expected to be sealed into one form like had happened with war criminal Kabutomushi before his banishment to the sun.

Also mere hours after Princess Cadenza made her announcement, a pony whose name has not yet been publicly released, attacked a changeling (whose name has also not been released yet to the public), supposedly telling their target that the changeling couldn't fight back or they'd be disobeying their new queen. Sources stated the guard caught the hate crime quickly before severe injury could occur. -- Equestrian Times Special Evening Edition.

"Your Majesty, are you punishing EVERY changeling for the actions of some? Would you make it a crime for unicorns to teleport for the sake of the privacy of others? Or Pegasi for flying because it's unfair to Earth Ponies who have to pay for the upkeep of bridges the pegasi don't use but they do?" -- Your Servant, Death Stalker Of the Changeling Guard.

"If you want to punish changelings, then PLEASE just punish us soldiers!"
-- Your Servant, Lady Bug Of the Changeling Guard

"I, Queen Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria, of the Changeling Swarm, herby address all of my subjects.

"I apologize that my decree was misunderstood. I sincerely do. But understand: Earth Ponies are banned from beating somepony to the point of hospitalization with their strength, unicorns are banned from seriously harming others with their magic, and pegasi aren't allowed to create tornadoes to intentionally harm innocents. I did not mean Changelings are forbidden from using their magic at ALL. Not in the least. I meant that Changelings are banned from HARMING others with their magic. If we desire to assume different forms, we are free to do so so long as we aren't HARMING others by doing so. If you have a lover who desires you use mind magic on them of their own free-will, and you don't take advantage of that sacred trust, then you are free to do so. If you desire to use shapeshifting for any reason OTHER than to cause harm, it is permitted. Use of mind magic or shapeshifting for SELF-DEFENSE that is genuinely in self-defense is DECIDEDLY allowed. But punishment will be far more severe should it turn out to be an excuse for harming or taking advantage of innocents. The same is true for any Equestrian who does the same to us, the changelings of the Swarm."

"And I am also aware that Changelings can't live on ambient love alone in many cases...As SHARED love is far more powerful than STOLEN love, those of us who have a lover who is genuine and shares love with them willingly, if both consent, are to share the extra stockpiled love with the Swarm." -- Official Formal Address by Princess Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria The Morning After Her Previous Official Formal Address

To many Changelings' surprise, most warm hearted ponies have had no problem with Princess Cadence's proposal for giving extra love to the changeling community 'love bank', so long as they gave their love to their lover first.

Even further to their shock is the idea certain warm hearted ponies have created THEMSELVES:

Until the Changelings prove themselves trustworthy enough that they no longer need it, the equal of a blood drive is to be in place where ponies come by of their own choice and may willingly donate some of their love to be given to the Swarm to ensure the changeling tribe is able to survive. The Gatherers present (changelings who can hold large amounts of love for the rest of the Swarm) can ONLY be the most trustworthy of Changelings and are under extremely tight watch for safety's sake, with medical ponies present just in case, but the turn out has been surprisingly high. The amount of love collected has staggered many Gatherers.

"The act of giving love increased the result," one pony said on request of anonymity.

"Why?...After all we did?" a stunned Changeling asked at the announcement, particularly when it was revealed it'd been the ponies' idea.

"We're ponies," Nurse Red Heart said during Ponyville's first 'love drive' in response to a Gatherer's startled response to the turn out. "You never had to STEAL love, merely tell us you NEEDED it. We have plenty to share."

"But...how can you forgive..."

"Because it wouldn't do you any good if we proved you right that you HAD to steal our love, would it? We ponies prefer to practice what we preach."
-- Sunny Forecast, Canterlot Chronicles

Author's Note:

Pony POV Series Drabble
Cadence's Letters
By Alex Warlorn

Short drabble. Set after the changeling invasion of Canterlot, Cadence writes a few declarations to her new changeling subjects, with some unexpected results.

Written over the course of one afternoon and evening.

Posted as a side story to the Pony POV Series.

Previous: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Gaiden-History-of-Tirek-Part-1-480156972

Next Chapter: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Button-Mash-Level-1-of-2-481514466

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

Trope page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries (SERIOUSLY need to be kept up to date, every little bit helps!).

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic And All Related Character Copyright Of Hasbro

PLEASE check out the ton of recursive fanfics of this fanfiction series. A lot of heart went into them! They also answer a lot of unaswered questions. http://mlp-pony-pov-series.deviantart.com/ For heaven sake they rock! Kendell2 and Oracle Mask and Richforce and Ardashir and Jawmax and Persona22 and Dragon of Twilight and ItsFromPeople and all the rest!!! Please?

Cover art by Stinkehund. http://stinkehund.deviantart.com/art/Scroll-vector-215256691

Comments ( 39 )

I see you've seen some of the potential problems with the Reconciliation, and how some of them might be solved.


Morning Star taught Discord, Discord Diamond Tiara, Diamond Tiara taught Alula, Alula taught Tootsie Flute. She's using everything Discord taught her, just as Discord used everything Morning Star taught him.


Thanks. I'd rather not name what inspired me to write this little drabble regarding Cadence telling her changeling about not using their mind magic on innocent ponies.


That's a pretty scary Mentor Chain, considering who you put as the original Mentor! :pinkiegasp:


Not that Alula or Tootsie Flute know this.

Good to know that Cadence, while merciful, is not a fool and she knows full well what she's doing. Unfortunately, there are still ponies who try to take advantage of whatever loophole may occur. I really like the world building here and how everything has consequences. Considering what we've seen Cadence capable of, I'd rather not make her mad.


Thanks for the technical tips.

Now what did you think of the story?


Alula's has been building up for a while, when she was last scene, she mentioned seeing Diamond TIara in her dreams, and speaking with Umbra Breeze. And it was mentioned during the wedding's closing that Tootsie had made friends with Alula.


Why would you want to make ANY Alicorn mad? And thank you. this drabble was spur of the moment.


It works, I mean, we see DIamond Tiara is getting character Development, more or less, thanks to her "Daddy Discord" teachng her to be as bad as he is. Wonder what she'll look like when she is "cured" from Nightmareification and becomes a full alicorn, yeah, she's also going to need a lot of therapy, since it's more than simply going Nightmare, she's been under a lot of mental pressure and stress due to the Day of Discord which she hasn't fully gotten over and Discord's mind games. Also, making any member of the Pantheon, Draconequus, OR Alicorn, is usually a horrible idea. As is angering any form of deity, be it the Kaioshin from DBZ, the alicorns and draconequui here, or anywhere, an angry god usually means bad news for the fool fool enough to do that.


Morning Star taught Discord, Discord Diamond Tiara, Diamond Tiara taught Alula, Alula taught Tootsie Flute.

One wonders just who Tootsie Flute will teach? And I imagine that while Morning Star did indeed show a lot to Discord, that 'your' Dissey was already pretty well along the way to actual evil rather than nasty whims when they met.


IS Diamond Tiara an alicorn now? Like, did becoming Discord's lackey give her wings and a horn?


A Nightmare to be precise, so yes.


No. Giving into absolute despair while tainted by black magic, Discord brute forced her Nightmareification, her very existence breaks the rules.

5015724 The story? Well, for one, I really loved the stance Silver had on what it means to be a friend. The parts with her and Alula. She's pretty strong characterwise in this story. She knows being friends with one will hurt the other but she'll remain true to her bonds with Diamond.

Discord really bucked up these ponies. Dude needs more than a rainbow to the face imo. Loving the development of DT throughout all this, and Silver's character was my favorite part to read. Silver just really got some great lines in this.

Still, Discord needs to get curb stomped by ALL the alicorns. DT included! xD

P.S. Btw, that embed picture is pretty redundant. It's your coverart. I know it's a choice thing, but it REALLY puts off people reading some stories. Just an FYI. :fluttershysad:
Don't worry, that's the last I'll ever mention about massive embed vector images in a story.


Happy to know you enjoyed the story itself!

I'm not surprised about Alula, considering the few Winningverse fics I've read featuring her leave me with the impression that she's as big a jerk as her sister is a sex addict, but you'd think Lyra, Bon Bon, and Moth would have taught Tootsie Flute better.


Oh they DID teach Tootsie Flute better, and Cloudkicker taught Alula better. The problem is that Nightmare DIamond Tiara basically convinced them they were doing good deeds.


Ironically not that different. But what does that have to do with the story?


She's setting her stage for the grand finale .

5019783 I agree Silver Spoon seems to be by far the most traumatized and yet the most interesting character in this series. I really need to get back and finish "Mind Games" but I just HAD to read ahead since this chapter was all about Spoony:twilightsheepish:

5314802 Yes, these series are pretty wonderful. It's pretty long but it's got some great parts throughout. The new one is one I'm waiting for a complete on, hate reading stories only to hit a brick wall of "To be continued... Possibly." like some recent stories I've read. xD
Though, Zenith ended in a sort of epic Season Finale sort of style and could easily get a new season once the 'Network' decides to sign up for a new season! lol

That AJ story where she's trapped on an island? Awesome for the first 60k. But it was probably the most sleep inducing fic I ever read. Not horrible, just really long and after awhile you can literally just skip most the stuff after that one point she I can't mention due to spoilers, but damn was it a long fic. Ending was nice though, but one part had me confused as to what was so beautiful in what AJ saw once the lights got turned on. Can't say much, spoilers, but yeah the fic is good. Just too long.

What was I talking about? Bleh. I need my coffee.

5314975 yeah I feel the same way about the incorporation of all the G1-G3 stuff in this series. It's confusing as hell! A reality that existed but now it doesnt. Characters Celestia and Pinkie remember who never existed and mourn the loss of. I mean what a mind buck!:twilightangry2:

I choose to ignore any past generation references. There are enough confusing elements in this story such as the mysterious interviewers and their uncanny ability to conduct interviews while a pony goes about their daily lives in some cases as if they are not even there.

I'm starting over with mind-games but last I left off Diamond had possibly killed a filly with a rock to silence her!


Discord, "I did a great job on my little Diamond didn't it?"

Nightmare ????????, "Yes father."


I had to fight tooth and nail to get this posted.


Sorry for making the fic such a long read. I never intended that. I really wish I could write more concisely than I do.


Ironic, since one of the major themes of the story is that the past isn't dead. I hope you continue to enjoy the series. *hugs*

5316114 You got nothing to be sorry about. I mean, they are good. All long stories over 150k is a huge investment. And sadly the whole bookmarking your last spot read can get messed up sometimes. Not hard to find your place, but, it's just with that time investment it really sucks when, like the story I mentioned "Zenith" ends so... very open-ended, and that Cheerileee as Mare Do Well story with Diamond Tiara that never got continued, readers tend to be a bit more leery with long fics and tend to wait for "Complete" tags.

Most of your stories are complete, and the last POV is still relatively new. But in a single busy day I can only fit in maybe a chapter if I'm lucky of a single story. Weekends are when I get to really indulge in readings, lest I get pulled into something by friends or other responsibilities.

I'm okay with long stories. Each one is different. I just don't have as much free time to read those long epics as I used to though. So I've become more selective during the weekdays. Also why sometimes I have to decide whether to comment on a story or move on to the next one. I still have that tendency of enjoying stories as I lurk around fimfic. I try to leave a comment when I can and if I remember which ones I read.

But no, I didn't imply I was being overwhelmed by your series. And by series I was counting the whole shebang of POV stories. Which is pretty long if someone is just starting out, is what I meant when I started comparing it to long fics. And then went on to babble about fics that never see an ending or continuation. Those things really grate on the nerves of readers. Investing time in a story only to not see a resolution, get that closure to the story, a true finale is what burns people the most. I got 4 stories I've been tracking and still none of those four have gotten past the first chapter after the first months.

But you? You have shown you're a pretty dedicated writer. So I don't mind reading incomplete stories from you or people I know are committed writers. So you keep doing what you're doing.

5316117 (hugs) I just got caught up to wear DT did the deed.

next Chapter of "Mind games" should be interesting. I just hope Neatly Spell isn't dead. An Earth Pony can swing a rock pretty hard but their skulls and bones are more dense so hopefully no permanent damage.:twistnerd::unsuresweetie:



5316105 LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUUU!:raritystarry:


Rarity will get her chance.


Silver Spoon Riche: (shrugs) gotta like, give the Devil her dues, right, Nightmare Whatserface?

seriously.. just like call yourself "Nightmare Tiara" already you know you totes want to!

I guess it's what you always wanted. And I'm just in the way..:unsuresweetie:

5318161 Oh i meant myself actually, LOVING YOU for getting this chapter up but good to hear Rarity will get her chance..



Because that's part of the mystery.


I felt this was a chapter that had to be written.

I liked this. Good resolution.


:-) Thanks. There was a little drama in fimfiction.net to get this posted.

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