• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 5,355 Views, 101 Comments

Pinknesia: The Darker Descent - Wolokai

Pinkamena is back! And this time, she'll have to go into darker places to save Twilight Sparkle!!!!!

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Chapter 3 - The "Date"

-Twilight Sparkle-

Most ponies ask me "Twilight...how did you fall for Detective Quill? He's new around these parts!" Well...I wouldn't exactly say he's NEW here, I mean he's been around a lot the past year, what with The Tale of Pinkie Pie to investigate. Oh yeah, don't just think that everything ended with Pinkie being sent to the Moon, because it didn't. There was a GIANT investigation with Trottington's employers, the ones who serviced the Emporiums. Apparently a heap ton of blackmail and other dark deeds went into making the bakery chain successful. It was kind of unfortunate that Pinkie had to suffer through one of the more dark deeds...and let me tell you planting a mauled body in a basement certainly tops most of them.

This kept Quill here for awhile, investigating and using my library A LOT for reference. He always found himself in deep thought or reading a book he needed for the case, and I was content just to watch. I made him a few daisy sandwiches from time to time, and he was always so polite and so grateful for my effort. Sometimes I even found myself day dreaming about him from time to time...alright I'm getting a big creepy here. Back to the present...it had been yesterday when I last ran into Quill, at Pinkie Pie's welcome home party and picnic. I went to sleep early that night, hoping to catch an early start on the day since I noticed I was getting behind in my studies.

I was laying in bed the next morning, catching up on some reading about dark cults of the 4th Ponyin' Century, when I heard a knocking on my door. Odd...a pony to visit this early, even before the Library even opened! I yawned a little, hopping out of bed and whipping my mane out of my eyes. Spike wasn't around, probably still on "Official" business in Canterlot. Business my flank...he was probably just slacking off at Pony Joe's coffee shop. I sighed, shaking my head and heading towards the door, a fresh wave of knocking beginning. "Yeah yeah I'm coming, hold your horsefeathers!" I felt my magic coarse through my body and into my horn as an aura of magic wafted over the door, opening it with telekinesis. My heart skipped a beat as I beheld a smiling Detective Quill standing outside my door, his brownish coat gleaming in the sunlight, his lighter brown Mane hanging ever so...so...sexily...around his neck and chest. I blushed a little, muttering "Oh...good morning Detective Quill...what brings you here so early?"

Quill could probably see the red spreading through my cheeks and he too blushed a little, clearing his throat and saying with a confident voice

"Well I was hoping to start a bit early today on some reading, I have a rather interesting case coming up involving Pinkie Pie, and I wanted to do a bit of light reading on a theory I had" I nodded my head, a little dissapointed that he wasn't here just for me...oh why am I being so selfish? I slapped myself mentally as he continued on "Don't think that Pinkie is in trouble, it's nothing of that sort. Princess Luna sent me a message exclusively about an appointment she has set up for our pink friend, and she'd like me to attend...bit ironic, that with my second degree I majored in an advanced field of psychology and therapy. Hay, it's a wonder I haven't needed it MYSELF over the years" He chuckled and I melted, I swear. His voice and laughter was so rich...so powerful...I nearly went to pieces right there and then. It was odd for me, I know...me being the "egghead" of the group and barely remembering what it felt like to be out in the day. It called for no social life, the way I lived, being cooped up all day long. I wasn't even sure I knew what love felt like...but if I could define it in anyway...I'd say it was similar to this. Of course I didn't outright LOVE love him, we had only been meeting briefly over the past year.

He cleared his throat and said "I believe I came a bit TOO early however...it seems you've just gotten out of bed, am I right?" He added with a little snicker, looking up at my hair. I looked up as well and noticed it was a downright mess. I squeaked as I excused myself for a moment but he quickly stopped me, holding a hoof out towards me "Oh nonsense, you don't have to tidy up on my account...you look...kind of nice, rebellious even. I like mare with a little wild side." I blushed horribly at this as he did himself and cleared his throat awkwardly, pawing at the ground and muttering "Oh where are my manners...excuse me Ms. Sparkle, I didn't mean to be so forward." I shook my head and smiled, saying

"Oh that's alright, I liked the compliment. You're not such a bad looking Stallion yourself!" At this Quill chuckled nervously, scratching his mane a little and muttering

"Stallion...heh...well I suppose that makes us even then?" We both laughed as he held up a hoof again, speaking a bit slowly, as if nervous or timid "Say...since the Library is still closed...and neither of us have had a bite to eat yet...maybe...we could go have some breakfast together...my treat of course!" I smiled, walking out of the library and shutting the door behind me and nodding

"Breakfast sounds lovely...and you can tell me about that theory you mentioned" He smiled and lined himself up beside me, holding out a hoof and smiling

"Shall we?"

We walked together in silence, and it wasn't the uncomfortable silence most would attribute to this situation. It was the calm...peaceful...enjoying one another's company silence. We traded glances a few times, each of us blushing a little. Finally we came across the "Daisy Diner", a favorite eatery to most ponies in Ponyville. An outdoor waiter was situated behind a small podium under an overhanging umbrella, and nodded politely at our approach. Quill held up a hoof and dropped a small bag of bits on the podium, saying professionally "A table for two, for myself and the lovely mare. One a bit away from prying eyes, if you will" If I keep blushing like this I might turn into an apple...he was being so sweet...and I have to admit it was nice to be treated like a lady from time to time. We sat at the table designated to us and sighed, both of us peering over our menus and choosing our plates.

With a "Eggeroo Sandwich" and "Daisy Omelet" on the way, we got into talking about a variety of subjects. He was so smart, such a genius...it was no surprise at how successful he was at his work. More and more into the conversation I just let him talk, and stared mostly, listening intently. I loved it when he talked...his rich...powerful...

"Ms. Sparkle?" Creamy...wonderful...dreamy..

"Um...Ms. Sparkle? Are you alright?" Lovely...seductive......

He put a hoof on mine and I suddenly jumped a little, breaking out of my small trance and noticing that he had been trying to get my attention for a few minutes. I blushed horribly and muttered

"Oh dear, I'm sorry...I got so into your talking that...I'm sorry" At this Quill simply laughed and shook his hoof in a manner to say 'That's quite alright'. Our food had finally arrived and we dug in eagerly, munching quietly as we enjoyed the food as much as we did each others company. After I made it about half way through my omelet I looked up, swallowing and asking "So about your theory, what's it all about?" Quill politely waited until he had finished his bite before answering, wiping his mouth off with a napkin before speaking

"Well, I've been doing a lot of research over the past year about Pinkie Pie's behavior. Myself being a Therapist, I of course noted patterns as well as small triggers in her behavior that allowed her to cope with the murderous acts she was committing. In truth, nopony would have been able to do what she did for such an extended period of time. A pony, who wasn't a soldier, could maybe live with the deaths of a few ponies, maybe seven or eight at the most. But for Pinkie to butcher over FORTY ponies, and not lose her sanity? A miracle...or so I thought" I was fascinated by this, nodding and whispering

"Go on, what did you find out?" The Detective sighed and sipped a warm cup of coffee that had been delivered with his sandwich before continuing

"Well, for Pinkie I thought maybe it was possible that she could have some sort of Bi-polar or alter-ego like disorder, that made her switch back and forth between mental entities, but I debunked this theory later on. It was clear to me based upon reports I had from Scootaloo, many ponies who knew her, and reports from many in Hoofington regarding her behavior, that there was no way Pinkie Pie had developed a second mentality. It was her doing this, consciously, the whole time. Sure her attitude and mood were different, considering what she was going through emotionally, but never did she once lose her mind or come under intense mental strain. It was so unusual that I even started to delve into magical theorems, to see if I could pick up a lead there. So far, no luck..." I nodded, and was immediately overjoyed that he was considering Magical solutions to his problem. A golden opportunity for Twilight Sparkle at last!

I cleared my throat and said

"I agree with you on the mental aspects, I've read up on my share of Mental Health and Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment, and I have to say that maybe Magic did have something to do with it...although I can't really recall a time Pinkie's messed with anything supernatural or magic of the sort. I mean, she's an Earth Pony, they can't even use magic." Quill nodded as I spoke and then asked

"Tell me, has Pinkie been exposed to any kind of magic in the past? Perhaps casted near or directly at her?" I thought for a moment, scratching my chin with a hoof and letting out a low "Hmmm..." I looked at Quill and said

"Well I do remember Pinkie had run into Poison Joke before...that doesn't induce cold-blooded murdering though...and there was the time with Discord, but that was nothing more then a dangerous, chaotic version of Poison Joke. OH! There was the first time I had met Pinkie, when we fought Nightmare Moon. We used the Elements of Harmony to defeat her and free Princess Luna. Maybe there was a miasma or some kind of magic residue that was left behind when she had vanished." Quill's eyes widened as I explained what all had happened and he nodded

"Interesting...it's certainly a lead, and most certainly something to be brought up to Princess Luna. She was indeed Nightmare Moon before, perhaps she'll know something pertaining to related dark magic. Thank you Ms. Sparkle, you've my day much easier!" I blushed and rolled my eyes playfully. We finished our food and began the walk back to my library.

Another calming silence escorted us as we walked through the town, Ponies walking and flying this way and that, attending to their own business and errands. A light breeze gently wafted around us, cooling our coats and sighing on our faces, allowing us to smile peacefully as we finally made it to the front door. He turned to me, saying gently "Thank you very much for your company and the information Ms. Sparkle, it was most enjoyable and very helpful." I blushed, looking away sheepishly and muttering

"Oh...it was no trouble at all, I enjoyed today as well...we should do it again sometime!" Quill smiled his prize smile and nodded, whispering to me

"I'd like that...very much" We stood there for a moment, staring at us, until we both suddenly moved forward and gave each other a sort of hug, his front hooves wrapping around me as I wrapped mine around him. It was a friendly hug...or so we thought...because in the next moment I couldn't help but nuzzle the back of his neck a little, and he nuzzled mine...It was such a moment, and I wanted it to last forever but suddenly Spike's voice echoed from within

"Twilight? Where are you, you still here?" Wait, Spike WAS home? Sneaky little dragon...he must have been hiding out somewhere in the library, hoping I wouldn't put him straight to work with the busy season we've been having...or maybe he had JUST returned home from Canterlot. Whatever the reason for his return, we sprang apart, blushing and chuckling a little as Quill stuttered

"Well...um...I better get going...until next time soon, Ms. Sparkle" I gave him a playful wink and smiled, saying

"Of course...and do call me Twilight, it's what everypony calls me and I'm much too informal to be called by such a ladies name." He smiled and leaned in gently, giving me a small peck on the cheek that made both of our cheeks burn red and whispered

"Then until next time...Twilight" He turned away and left just after that, leaving me standing there...breathless. If I could have screamed, I would have, but to save myself the embarrassment I merely spread a gigantic smile across my face and went back inside. I was of course curious as to the possible magical effects Pinkie may have had on her at some point during the time I've known her, and it was something I was going to research extensively. Another long day in the Library...here I come!