• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


As fillies, they were the terror of Ponyville. Then, they grew up and ultimately grew apart. Now in their twilight years, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have one last chance to see one another again.

Now with a reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 72 )

A bitch to the end. R. I. T. Diamond Tiara :twilightangry2:

I'm guessing that Silver Spoon mellowed better as she grew up than did Diamond Tiara -- and that's why Diamond is dying alone. Sad, but strangely beautiful.

"It's just a telegram."

“Who sent it?"  Silver Leaves demanded.

Silver Spoon tossed the telegram in the trash, and looked lovingly at her great grandfoals.  "Nopony important.

That... Was just cruel...

Oh, that's just cruel. Accurate, but cruel.:pinkiehappy:

She reaped what she sowed. Poor DT; I felt bad for her.

Yes--at some point, Silver Spoon figured out what really mattered, and DT never did.

It was, but DT kind of had it coming.


Oh, you're one to talk, Mr Diomedes! :rainbowlaugh:


Oh, you're one to talk, Mr Diomedes!

That's a valid point.

Powerful Stuff.... She truly should have been nicer. I assume by her behavior to the nurse that she never grew up...

Yeah, she lived her whole life as a complete and utter bitch.

5089578 Meh, some people just don't get it.... Hell, I'm mean a lot too, but not THAT cruel!!!! D: I can't imagine what my friends would think of me if I bullied the crap outta people.

I do not like D T but even she does not deserve to be treated like this.

I don't personally hate her, and I don't think she deserves such a sad end . . . but, if she never changes her ways, she honestly does face the risk of alienating everypony who might be her friend, and facing eternity alone.

Yes--at some point, Silver Spoon figured out what really mattered, and DT never did.

I'm also guessing that Diamond Tiara did something to really piss off Silver Spoon, given that she wouldn't even come when DT was dying. There are signs that their friendship may break even in canon -- note the byplay between them in the song at the start of "Pinkie Pride," consisting largely of Diamond Tiara grabbing Silver's drink and Silver grabbing it right back. Trivial, but it implies some tension.

Perhaps, as adults, DT did something far worse.

It does not surprise me that Diamond Tiara dies alone. She has AntiSocialPersonalityDisOrder. Unless she establishes a cult, which some ponies with AntiSocialPersonalityDisorder do. Silver Spoon finally figured out that Diamonfd Tiara is not a true friend.

Also, if you shave off 20 words, this story will have 1,701 words which is the registrynumber of the USS Enterprise:

USS Enterprise NCC 1,701

As an aside, Abrams who ruined Star Trek now plans to destroy Star Wars.

5090290 ok, just out of curiousity...wtf does the Enterprise registration number even have to do with this story? :pinkiecrazy:

I feel so guilty that I enjoyed this. As someone who has been bullied and picked on growing up, this is the fate I want for all the Diamond Tiaras out there.


This story has 1,721 words. If it looses just 20 words, it will have the same number of words as the registrynumber of the USS Enterprise NCC 1,701. ¡That would be cool!


As an aside, Abrams who ruined Star Trek now plans to destroy Star Wars.

Alright, I’ll bite. How did he ruin Star Trek?

Absolutely nothing.

I dunno, sounds like Tiara got a sweeter deal out of life. I 'ate kids.

5090545 but ur coment bears absolutely no relevance to the story, comes right out of left field, and shows that u never even read the story to begin with. That kind of comment should go in a private mesage, not a public forum, and this isnt even one of those! Making a coment like that...u come off as a troll.


As an aside, Abrams who ruined Star Trek now plans to destroy Star Wars.

Alright, I’ll bite. How did he ruin Star Trek?


Star Trek had, until Abrams, continuity. Certainly, it had alternative timelines and alternate universes, but it always restored the timeline or returned to the mane universe:

Captain Kirk:
“¿Do you remember that time we went to an alternate universe and Commander Spock had a goatee?”


“¡Good times!”

“¡The SickBay was unsanitary!”

Abrams destroyed continuity. The only Star Trek left is Star Trek: Enterprise. Basically, 90% of Star Trek never happened. I would much rather eject the movies of Abrams which make up less than .1 of canon and are compatible with less than 10% of canon (Star Trek: Enterprise) from canon rather than eject over 90% of canon.

If I could, I would put future movies and TV-shows respecting previous canon and continuity in the 2 temporal gaps between Star Trek: Enterprise and the Original series and Between the Original Series and between the Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation:

We could have a movie set in the first Romulan War with a cameo of USS Enterprise NX 01. We could have a movie following the last mission of the Enterprise NCC 1,701 C which wraps around Yesterdays Enterprise.

Speaking about Yesterdays Enterprise, because of the flankhole Abrams, ¡it never happened! Because of Abrams, ¡the Original Series, the Animated Series, the Original Series Movies, the Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, and the Next Generation movies never happened!

Did Abrams write the script or just direct the movie? If he just directed the movie he’s directly at fault if, and only if, he excised portions of the script that sustained continuity instead of shooting them. Partial fault could be implied if there were golden opportunities to give continuity nods that he refused to take but that would hardly make it premeditated.
tl;dr: is it actually his fault or was he merely handed a shitty script?

5090721 Are you Hispanic? Because I am, and in Spanish, we put an exclamation point or question mark before each sentence.
But we don't do that in English.

I really like how Silverspoon realised what was really important and grew up to have children whereas Diamond Tiara didn't. It sounds mean but I feel DT got what she deserved

I feel bad for enjoying this, but hey, most of the community hates her like me. She's evil.:flutterrage::pinkiecrazy::twilightangry2:

I absolutely never hate anypony in the show, especially Diamond Tiara :raritydespair: Man...this is just sad.


> “Are you Hispanic?”

No, but when I came upon inverted punctuation, I said to myself:

“¡This is the bestest thing evar! ¡This is better than sliced bread!”

I started using “¡inverted exclamation-point”, “¿inverted question-marks?”, and “⸘inverted Interrobangs‽” —— ¡most English writers do not use any kind of “⸘Interrobang‽” at all!

"sad"? Fuck sad, the bitch is dead.

:fluttercry: Wow, I mean DT can be a b**** sometimes but this is just cruel

Wow...just wow...not gunna lie, that was Hardcore. Not too many authors I'd see that would pull this move, I approve!

It took guts, and shows how Silver Spoon got her act and life together, and how Diamond just couldn't do it, even at the end of her days. Makes you realize how much a gift friendship is...and how it's not a right for anypony, especially those who seem intent on never earning it.

Well done, and thanks for the fic.

I did like this fanfic, I did ever so much. However, darling, I shall give you a personal viewpoint of what I can see and describe as some possible reader's point of view.

"No death is left deserved, and no page of life is left unread."

Let us understand that we all know how Diamond Tiara is from the show, but we all must take accordingly that her character is young and made to be the antagonist for the CMC who will overcome any obstacle in the end to prove her doubtfulness of them wrong. In truth, she is not a bitch and neither is she technically evil in a sense.

How this story described was that her cold bitterness that grew and stuck for many years did not change, implying that no pony was there to break her out of that cruel vindictive chain before her alienation was born. The conflict within this, correct me if I am wrong, was Ocean and Silver Spoon. Ocean was trying to do her best, and give her mother her final moments of seeing her only, first, friend one last time. But Silver Spoon, sadly was still stuck in the past and refused to even send a letter back, denying that one mare, the only one who was there for her way back a final moment to see her or be buried in her presence.

Silver Spoon, from what it was described was trying to focus on her family members, but if you dig deep into it, it would seem like she was trying to escape from the depths of how she felt about Diamond Tiara and was contemplating on the fact of even thinking she existed. From my personal opinion, Silver Spoon could have done something for her in the past that would have alter this change, or perhaps visited and actually make a difference that would come to a befitting end.

But that is just my opinion, darling.

Perhaps readers or viewers may not see it, or put much to mind since many of the fans of the show focus on DT's Negativity, than conjuring up an possible explanation to why she treats most ponies badly, is perhaps examining her relationship with her father, or perhaps with Silver Spoon and thinking up possible assumptions or explanations on her entire background to explain why she can be so spiteful and full of animosity. Children will hate what they cannot understand, and want what they cannot have.

If you let a child begin to hate something for so long and act so badly towards others, they begin to stick to it and in the end, you could have saved them from something terrible in the past, but it would be too late. Their persona is ripped in two, and you got a terrible spiteful person.

Also, from age-standards, the young would find old people who are rude and always cranky annoying, but in truth; most of them grew up that way for reasons such as being alone and having no one to talk to, or going through events they would wish even a child or teenager would never go through.

That will be all I can give, darling, momma has tired herself out. But nonetheless, I loved this story and so you get a lovely :raritywink: from me.

Wow, :twilightoops: I mean, wow:twilightoops:
You know, I find bully's to be jerks, ( being a former one myself), but this.

I need to go lie down.

5090721 look, the whole idea was that it was a reboot of the series and it was actually very well done. all the acters took their cues from the characters of the original series and the actors who played those roles if they were still alive. yes its an altered timeline, and for some dire hards, thats a turn off of the movies. but for others its a breath of fresh air and an oprotunity to look at things from a differing angle. besides, according to the multiverse theory, the old timeline still exists, its just another dimension now. a 'Prime' timeline if u will...its just a case of using the 'Trousers of Time'...look it up, its a real thing...

that being said, again, this is still not the venue for this kind of conversation...but if ur going to be anal about it...


I did like this fanfic, I did ever so much. However, darling, I shall give you a personal viewpoint of what I can see and describe as some possible reader's point of view.


Let us understand that we all know how Diamond Tiara is from the show, but we all must take accordingly that her character is young . . .

I quite agree; she certainly has room to mature. Babs Seed acted similarly to DT and Silver Spoon, for example, but learned her lesson and became a better pony because of it. The catch is, of course, that while the opportunity to improve herself is there, will she take it?

The conflict within this, correct me if I am wrong, was Ocean and Silver Spoon. Ocean was trying to do her best, and give her mother her final moments of seeing her only, first, friend one last time.

There I must have been careless in my description of Ocean Breeze. She was in no way related to DT; she was a hired caretaker. In my mind, DT has had no children.

Silver Spoon, from what it was described was trying to focus on her family members, but if you dig deep into it, it would seem like she was trying to escape from the depths of how she felt about Diamond Tiara

I didn't think of a reason for their falling out . . . I imagined that they just grew apart as they got older, and Silver got busy with her family and stopped seeing DT, although there could be a darker past that could have caused the schism.

I'm not a particular fan of either DT or Silver Spoon, since in the show they are fairly one-dimensional antagonists. No doubt there are dozens or hundreds of stories which explain why DT and/or Silver Spoon are such little b:yay:hes--and there could be many understandable reasons for it. Bad parenting, a tragedy in the past, abuse. . . .

If you let a child begin to hate something for so long and act so badly towards others, they begin to stick to it

A song with has always stuck with me is You've Got to be Carefully Taught, from South Pacific, because it's true. A child hates because she learns that behavior, not because it's instinctive.

I don't think she deserved it--I don't think anybody deserves that--but, in the context of the story, she received what she'd been giving her whole life.


Makes you realize how much a gift friendship is...and how it's not a right for anypony,

So true--friendship needs to be nurtured and cared for, through the good and bad.


> “look, the whole idea was that it was a reboot of the series…”

We loose continuity:
The preabrams Star Trek could have references toprevious events. Series in the past lead to future events. Alternate universe and alternate timelimes, which are always repared to the canontimeline exist, but canoncharacters experience them and return with their memories to the main timeline of universe:

“Oh Worf, ¿could you tell me about what it was like to slip sideways through time?”

“Initially, I believed that I must have a concussion, but thing rapidly got very surreal.”

The canon in Star Trek is self-referential like that because in is in 1 big continuum. Abrams destroyed it. The fact is that the stuff Abrams does is completely divorced from Star Trek. The HorseApples Abrams makes has as much to do with Star Trek as Highlander # Ⅱ has to do with Highlander # Ⅰ.

Interesting story, you expanded on the Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rift more than anyone else, some people have argued that what silver spoon did was cruel and unjust, but think about it for a while, Silver spoon is now a kind and wise pony (well, wiser than before at least) and she's had plenty of time to think about what she has done, so eventually she would, except that she didn't something cruel and wrong and that her hero Diamond Tiara was cruel and unjust, once she realizes that she won't want to remember the times when she tortured and verbally abused ponies, so in away Diamond Tiara was never really her friend and even if she was than Silver spoon couldn't get herself to go to her funeral and recall everything bad she and her friend did cause when your at a funeral for your friend you're going to recall on all of the memories you have with that friend in it. I mean, think about it, what did Diamond Tiara do for silver spoon? Absolutely nothing. Diamond Tiara was only Silver spoons friend because it made her popular, eventually they would become somewhat good friends but, they would inevitably drift apart, so Silver spoon wasn't really cruel at all.

I know this seems cruel, but I was laughing my ass off throughout this story.

5094129 well, that is ur opinion and ur welcome to it, others have a very differing opinion and none of u r actually wrong...i could point out facts and show u documentation that shows u to be wrong, but u probably wouldnt accept that even if i did, so i am going to take the only logical course of action and simply stop talking...its a pointless argument with no correct solution...

5091336 so you don't hate prince blueblood?

5094676 i read this one story where it said Blueblood acted that way at the Gala cause he was't all together mentally, now i can't really hate him anymore

Well... she was a bitch to the end then I guess. I don't feel sorry for her--Diamond Tiara is rotten to the core, and it seems like she lived a long life anyway, so she got what she could out of it.

On the other hand, Silver Spoon was probably the only pony besides her father to actually spend genuine time with Diamond, and to ignore her passing like that is pretty cold-hearted. I've had a few friends like DT; we didn't stay friends long enough to really connect, but if we had, and someone asked me to be there in their final moments, I probably would go see them.

Nobody should die alone. Even the ones we hate don't deserve that.


I don't feel sorry for her--Diamond Tiara is rotten to the core, and it seems like she lived a long life anyway, so she got what she could out of it.

Hard to say if a long life of bitterness and hatred is one worth having though, isn't it?

On the other hand, Silver Spoon was probably the only pony besides her father to actually spend genuine time with Diamond, and to ignore her passing like that is pretty cold-hearted.

Yes, it is, but she surely knows she's got precious little time herself, and, as the saying goes, "let the dead bury the dead."

I've had a few friends like DT; we didn't stay friends long enough to really connect, but if we had, and someone asked me to be there in their final moments, I probably would go see them.

I've had friends and exes who fall into both camps. Some of them, I'd drop everything just to be there, and others I'd ignore. I guess that makes me a bit of a bastard, but, depending on the falling-out...

Nobody should die alone.

"We all die alone."
--Malcolm Reynolds.

5094676 Eeyup, I don't hate him either. His appearance should call him classy and elegant, but his personality is "ugh". But, I don't hate him.

5094984 What about gilda? Gilda has no regard for anyone other than herself and Dash, and could've murdered Pinkie Pie and not cared! She also scared Granny Smith (NOT cool; she could've had a heart attack) and yelled at Fluttershy for bumping into her when she could've easily moved out of the way. At the end of Griffon the Brush Off, she just leaves behind Dash only to return in Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell to try and destroy Twilight Sparkle's relationship with the rest of the Mane Six, and try to hang out with Twilight just because she's a princess.


she just leaves behind Dash only to return in Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell to try and destroy Twilight Sparkle's relationship with the rest of the Mane Six, and try to hang out with Twilight just because she's a princess.

You lost me at that part, but ya Gilda is a bitch.

Where as my biggest fear is to die alone, that is a fate I would not wish upon someone as cruel as her...

I should be sad for Diamond. so why is it I can only enjoy Silver Spoon's interaction with her great-grandfoals without the taint of knowing Diamond died with nopony who loved her and nopony may come to her service?
5089406 oh thats harsh if that stands for Rest In Taratrus.:twilightangry2: It may very well be true but you didn't know her heart. She may have had love but not known how to show it.:pinkiesad2:

In the end Silver Spoon made the right choice to spend the time with her own family. Diamond Literally made her bed and she died in it.:unsuresweetie:

But I think Silver will attend the service. when she said "No pony important" she probably didn't want to burden her great grand foals with the death of somepony they never knew.

but if only one could have been redeemed I am glad it was Silver. She may very well follow Diamond in death soon or she may be like granny Smith and live to breach 100 or whatever but one thing is for sure, her funeral will have many attendees who will miss her.:twilightsmile:

I just commented on Dr. Horse that you might like this story :rainbowlaugh:

I should be sad for Diamond. so why is it I can only enjoy Silver Spoon's interaction with her great-grandfoals without the taint of knowing Diamond died with nopony who loved her and nopony may come to her service?

The story is really more about Silver Spoon than Diamond Tiara (obviously). I like the idea that Silver Spoon got away from Diamond's influence and learned what really matters in life.

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