• Member Since 31st Oct, 2012
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Sun Dial

I liked Shimmer before Rainbow Rocks. Ponies + Card Games = Unlimited Love for Enterplay.


Sunset begins to correspond with Twilight though the Princesses' book, and she's gonna need a lot advice to get through the scary but strangely satisfying experience called Friendship.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 29 )

I’d lower you with the sun… an d w ‘* s3d the moon .

5180916 Bleh, was trying to simulate page damage, to be fair, it probably didn't work.

So Yeah....

5180934 Maybe underscores or "with the sun an[illegible] the moon [illegible]" would serve you there.

5181442 ugh... Stupid obvious answers. Thanks alot, I'll implement that

5181988 that's Celestias personal bank account that she said she'd give access too

I love both the idea behind this, as well as the writing itself. Definitely interested in continuing to read this.:twilightsmile:

5187279 Thanks a lot, its a lot different style of writing then I'm used too. Usually I have long epic chapters of 5-7k words:pinkiecrazy: not telling a story with less then a thousand.:derpyderp2: I also really do like this idea of Shimmer and Twilight communicating, and Shimmer going through what Twilight did, with its own twist of course .:twilightsmile:

With this chapter you have earned my favorite. Best explanation for Sunset's practical needs ever. (Though given her pride she probably didn't do so right away.) Also, I imagine she had to work hard to reinstate her menacing reputation after that slip-up...

I love this! :pinkiehappy:

Rainbow Dash is secretly a TARDIS.

Also, I like your explanation for Filli Vanilli. :twilightsmile: However, I noticed an error:


Should be "WORSE!"

It'll be interesting to see what Sunset does with this knowledge; I can somehow see this turning shenanigans very quickly... maybe she tries to throw a jail party, only for Pinkie to show up asking why she wasn't invited? Or posting bail and handling this in a mature way, but still. :pinkiecrazy: Looking forward to more!

5190429 Yeah, I was kind of sick of the Sunset Shimmer finds an abandoned warehouse and lives there excuse. I also wanted to show that Princess Celestia had lots of dealings with this world... and lots of time for interest to accrue.

This is early in her crossover, so Shimmer isn't exactly looking to manipulate yet, just gain influence like she did as Celestia's student. I hope to show Shimmer's fall from trying to prove herself to Celestia, to becoming the manipulative bully we see EqG 1.


Yeah, Pinkie is my all time favorite character, but I can't write her well, (Not that many can... thank Celestia for Amy Keating Rogers)

Thanks for the edit catch, with these so small, I just edit them myself and often come back and re-edit three or four times after their posted.

As for what's going to happen... Lets say Twilight forgot to mention something.:trollestia:

Thanks for the comments, first one to really comment on this, and I love it!

I’ve been stuck watching every idiom for the past few years just so I don’t sound like some sort of freak…

She’s pretty sensitive about being thee party planner

Other than that, it was pretty grand. Let me say that I love the character development. I know it's difficult to write for characters that already have an established personality and backstory. And the problems that arise form creating backstory for a character that has been seen but not expanded on. You're doing it extremely well though. Keep it up!:pinkiehappy:

5195449 Heh, thanks for the catch. Although I meant thee as opposed to the.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Yeah, expanding possible Backstory is one of the problems and some of the fun of Fanfiction. I hope to do a good job. Especially with Celestia's and Sunset's relationship.... It's the one thing Rainbow Rocks didn't do that I had wished they did.

5195477 True, I do hope we see Sunset sending letters to Twilight however. That would be a nice "full circle" moment. Maybe even have Sunset come back to Equestria from time to time.

You'll do great. Just looking over what you've done thus far, I'm confident in your abilities.

Very nice! I like how you actually linked the episodes together, and I look forward to seeing where you'll take this from here. :twilightsmile:

Great stuff! Friendship is not a piece of cake, nor should it be.

Wow... This story... this story is exactly what I was wanting to see after I watched Rainbow Rocks again. I love Sunset Shimmer and Twilight being together, even as just good friends. The problems Sunset is having with her friends make a lot of sense as well. She isn't used to it.

This is something that Twilight will really be able to relate to as well. She wasn't instantly the best at being friends with ponies when we first saw her in the show. it took time.

I really like what you are doing with this fic. You have Sunset and Twilight continuing where Rainbow Rocks left them off. You are also giving us some of Sunset's background as well. I like how you are showing that Sunset wasn't evil from the start. She became what she was as she was lost in the human world.

From the fics I have read, most of the time Sunset starts off as mostly evil Sunset from the start. Some of them have her ultimate turning happen while she is still in Equestria. You actually plan to show her fall and that she wasn't doomed from the start before the rainbow power hit her.

I also like how you are showing how things were between her and Celestia.

Something I hope to see in the future of this fic. I hope not all of the problems Sunset experiences are more or less human equivalents to what Twilight went through with just a human world touch. Those will still be good, but hopefully you can eventually come up with some original problems Sunset has that Twilight uses her own experiences (though different) to help her solve. This will keep it from becoming too coincidental and make for a more realistic relationship between them. It will also keep the fic amazing in my opinion.

Either way you have a favorite from me and an upvote. I look forward to the next chapter when it comes out. Especially since I finally figured out how to get update notification emails with the new website format.


Thanks you three. Considering this was just some idea I was trying to get out of my head until I got to my other story, I'm really surprised at all the good things being said about it. Turns out I'm much better at telling a story then I am at showing one. :rainbowlaugh:

Hope I can show the Shimmer we all love!

5199385 I'll admit, I'm in part doing episode rewrites because its easy and people are familiar with them. However, I'm not merely trying to do the "Human adventures of Season 1" kind of a thing. I want to show the difference between how Sunset and Twilight deal with friendship problems. While Twilight was Socially blind and refused to see problems sometimes, Sunset can read ponies like Celestia but is so terrified of screwing up that she doesn't know how to deal with the situations.

However you're right, I should eventually branch out. I was going mostly to have Non-show problems be in the chapters that weren't letters between Twilight and Sunset.

Yeah, I really wanted that to be a part of the history chapters, that Shimmer wasn't always evil, that she became the way she was through factors after she left Celestia. I consider the comics canon, and that they put Shimmer on her course, but we see in the first movie the difference between when Shimmer won the crown the first time, and the maniacal face she has her junior year. My only issue is that a short story before Shimmers birthday letter every year isn't going to be enough... and I need to figure out how many years Shimmer spent in the real world too... hmmmm.

But yeah, the Shimmer/Celestia relationship is going to be my favorite part about this. Its such a unique relationship and I want to try some things with it later.

5199709 I haven't read the comics.

I can't wait to see how you flesh out the Celestia/Sunset relationship. Using similar friendship situations they go through with their different perspectives is still a good and great way to start out your story. I just hope you do eventually go beyond that. I have faith you can, but it is your story and it is already really good.

Regardless my thoughts you obviously know what you are doing with the story. I like it already. Like I said it is exactly what I was looking for after Rainbow Rocks. I just hope there will be plenty of Sunset and Twilight moments. To me they kind of felt like the type that would be either bitter enemies or best of friends. The enemy part is over with now. Let the friendship parts sail and see where it takes us! I say.

I've been looking for a story with this premise.
And this? This is nice. Really nice. Deffinitly going on the watch list.
Have a round of applause on me.

5207731 Yeah! I was really waiting for somebody to hit this premise up for awhile, and decided screw it, I'll do it. I saw a few, but they never got beyond the Prologue. So I hope this satisfies people's needs for Shimmer Letters!

Thanks for the like, and continue to tell me how awesome I am.... I mean write reviews for my story.

So did Sunset used to date Shining then? Or did Cadence date Flash before trading up?


Ugh... whoops, headcanon about that was not included in this chapter.

Basically my thought is that Shining and Shimmer were decent enough acquaintances, Shimmer liked him because he was something of a brainiac even if he was a dunce. Thus being the only guy Shimmer really talked to, (Sort of Shining's posse), Celestia would tease Shimmer about Shining.

The timeline works out as we see in Sunset's comic that Cadence and Shining are together and in both that and the High School episode of the comics with Cadence and Shining's first date, Twilight still doesn't have her cutie mark.


Yeah I can go with that idea I sort of hope it appears in This story as well I'm sure someone could think of lots of problems with the theory but it works for me. Might be interesting to see what Twilight thinks of it as she appears to have been previously unaware.

I just read your story in one sitting and It's really good so far. I hope you continue whenever you have the time. :twilightsmile:

5275913 I hope too, it was really just to get a concept out of my mind, but I should continue to work on it. Its a fun little project.

Got some grammar issues here and there, but overall not bad. Slightly disappointed that Gilda is made a criminal, since that doesn't really add much depth to her character at all, but eh. Not every story has to give extra characterization to characters that didn't have much in the show, so I shouldn't complain.

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