• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2020


I'm a Soldier stationed in Fort Hood. I'm an aspiring writer/artist and am currently working on a Master's in Psychology.


This story is a sequel to Love Is Blind; Friendship Closes Its Eyes

Oasis and Apollo, quarter dragon siblings, have noticed their father, Turquoise Blitz, acting strangely since the anniversary of their mother's death, so when he returns from a trip to see his sister with a new necklace and an announcement that he will be spending more time in Canterlot, their suspicions are piqued. What will they do when they find that Princess Nidra may be out to replace their mother?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 40 )

Oooooh. I love it when fanficiton handles difficult themes. I have not the time to read this, but I absolutely love the way your portray Nidra. Perfect characters are boring.

I'll be back. Count on it.


Great chapter. I hope there is another chapter where the kids confront their father. Good luck. Thanks for a great story.

i thought the kids of T and anthea were pony/dradon hybrids not bat pony

They are dragon/pony high breeds but Oasis due to her dragon heritage she looks similar to a bat pony.

Hahaha! Apollo's reaction at the end. PRICELESS! :rainbowlaugh:

and Uncle Lulu

did you mean Aunt Lulu or Uncle Illusion?

I enjoyed this one.


Illusion. Claire calls him Lulu, and while he doesn't like anypony else calling him that, I like to think they still do it behind his back, sometimes. Not in a disparaging way or anything, but because it's cute.

"And how do you know about female dragon mating habits, anyway? I know I certainly haven't enjoyed the joys of parenthood..."
"You'd be surprised what you learn in my line of work," Apollo said.
Oasis scowled. "Brother. You're a wri—no, actually, that makes the most sense out of any of this, right now."


Welp, at least they learned the truth before awkwardly confronting their father and "Jet Stream".


Oh, well, I'm sure it'll get awkward, nontheless.

This is quite an amusing start to an interesting story! Keep up the good work!! :pinkiehappy:

And also...

Turquoise blew an amused breath through his nostrils. “I have to say, I haven’t seen a mare have a calming effect on a foal like that in awhile.”

Jet Stream looked back toward her cutie mark. “Well, perhaps you can’t know all there is to know about a pony by looking at her flank.”

“Bet I could if I looked close enough,” Turquoise responded.

...Nice :moustache:

This story had more chapters. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I love this story. I hope the next chapter comes out soon. Also, I hope Luna kick Apollo's fank for that nightmare hex. Really Apollo that was low.

Loved the mid-air tag, that was a fun sequence.

It was just a bad dream, she confirmed.

Annie, if that is actually you haunting Nidra's dreams from beyond the grave, this is a terrible joke.

You're so perceptive...
Annie does like a good prank, though.

5871501 And she does tend to take them too far.


what did Apollo do??!!

5871501 Are you going to finish it? Its a really hooking story.

Yes. Working on the last chapter now.

Thanks for a great story. I enjoyed it. Good luck with future writings.


Is…Rigamarole related to Crackle? She makes me think of Crackle.

This story realy worth the wait. :pinkiehappy:

Did you see dat gem-covered hide? She fine by dragon standards.


6187583 Dragons clearly have different standards of beauty than us. Strange, horrible standards.

5319609 Dude just email this to kilala97 she won't even have to make a human version anymore. :rainbowlaugh:

Persona: "You'd be surprised what I use in my line of work."
"You're a writer."

Reality: "You'd be surprised what I use in my line of work."
"You're a writer."
"Yeah about that I'm actually a male stripper."

His face took on an innocent purity that completely betrayed his deviousness. “Oh, nothing… it’s just that—look out, an inconveniently placed banana peel!”
Nidra’s hoof paused just a hair’s breadth away from a slimy yellow tripping hazard. She pulled back and carefully stepped around it. “Oh, thank you, Uncle Discord.” She laughed as she turned her head back to him. “For a moment I thought you were—”
“Waaaah!” a masculine voice called, and a huge green stallion collided into Nidra, who collapsed in a tangle.


"Check," the waiter said as he placed a slip of paper on the table.

Oasis quickly scooped it up before either of her family members could and looked over it. "Oh... can you please apply three senior citizen's discounts?"

The waiter looked at her with a blank expression. "I'll need to see your identification, of course."

"Of course!" Oasis said sweetly as she pulled out the card and hoofed it over as her two companions did the same.

The waiter looked at the IDs and then back at them. Then to the IDs, which he then shuffled around and inspected, and then back to them. "You... don't look a day over 50, ma'am."

"Flatterer," Oasis teased with a coy wave of her leathery wing.

Hah! Dragon DNA for the win! :trollestia:

"Hold your horses, everypony," Crystal shouted. "He's finally doing it, thank Celestia."

"You're very welcome," Celestia said, "But I'm afraid I had no hoof in this."


Pero apolo...eres un Escritor!!

Crystal Clarity miró hacia el agujero y extendió sus sucias garras. "Uhhh. Yo... realmente no lo sé." Ella arrugó la frente. "Mientras lo hacía me parecía una idea absolutamente fabulosa, pero ahora me parece un poco tonto".

Oh entonces ella también había estado vigilando y persiguiendo a su hermano y la yegua que lo acompañaba

Oh como me encantan esta temática tan divertida de persecución y sabotaje de los hijos al pretendiente y al padre o madre

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