• Published 30th Oct 2014
  • 2,632 Views, 184 Comments

La Vie En Rose - Summer Dancer

Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are hired to throw an anniversary party in Paris for the Mayor and her husband. Unfortunately, a band of thieves also has their sights set on the party, with every intention of crashing it.

  • ...

Yet, We Still Ride...

“Don’t let them in!” Pinkie squeaked, struggling to keep her voice down.

Scarlet turned to her, confused. “Why not?”

Silhouette patted Cheese’s back as he continued to cough and hack due to the pancake lodged in his throat. “Those ponies are after us!” Pinkie whispered.

“After you?” Scarlet repeated.

“We know somepony’s in there,” Prism said from outside. “Open the door.”

“Uh, Just a minute!” Scarlet sang.

Silhouette silently beckoned for the two party ponies to come with her, and led them to the back of the cabin. Prism pounded on the door harder. “Open the door, or we’ll buck it open!”

“I’m just getting out of the shower!” Scarlett said frantically. She clumsily flew over to the sink, turned on the faucet, and dunked her head under the flowing water.

Silhouette appeared and plopped onto the couch, heaving. “Okay. Let them in!” Scarlet removed her head from under the faucet and grabbed a nearby towel, hastily wrapping it around her head.

The young mare flew to the door and flung it open, sending Prism to the ground. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Scarlet apologized, helping the irritated pegasus up. She looked past Prism at Starburst, her gossamer wings glinting in the sunlight. “Hey, those wings are gorgeous! Where on Equestria did you get them?”

“Why thank you! I made them,” Starburst replied proudly. Prism rolled her eyes and pushed past Scarlet, storming inside the cabin.

“Welcome!” Silhouette said in an overly cheerful voice. “What can we do for ya?”

“You can start by telling me where those two nuisances are!” Prism growled.

Silhouette blinked her eyes innocently. “Pardon?”

Ice Water appeared beside her looking apologetic. “Sorry. We’re looking for two ponies.” His expression suddenly turned dark. “One mare, one stallion. They both have curly manes and tails, and they’re both quite…excitable. Have you seen them?”

Silhouette tapped her chin with her hoof. “I can’t say that I have.”

Prism narrowed her eyes at the bandaged mare. “I doubt that,” she said quietly. “I doubt that very much.” She turned to the rest of her crew. “Search the place!” she barked. “Every closet, every nook and cranny, every piece of furniture, every vent, I want it searched! Tear the place apart if you have to!”

The crew immediately went to work, spreading throughout the cabin, turning over coffee tables, taking out pots and pans, and ripping sheets from the beds. Scarlet quickly went over to her cousin and stood by her side. “Cuz…”

“Let them,” Silhouette whispered calmly, but firmly.

Starburst looked at the trays of food on the couch. “Seems like a lot of food for just the two of you,” she observed.

Scarlet giggled. “Sure is! My cousin and I, we have the appetites of twenty grown stallions! Especially since Silhouette hurt herself, she needs to keep her strength up!”

Starburst nodded slowly. “Uh huh. And I assume this first aid kit is for your cousin as well?”


“And what about this bottle of peroxide? You can’t treat an injured wing with peroxide.”

Scarlet faltered. “Uh—well—uh—that’s for me! Yeah, I’m always bumping and crashing into things, I need to keep peroxide on me at all times. Ya never know what’s gonna happen!”

“I see. You two live here?”

“I do,” Silhouette said. “Scarlet came from the city to take care of me.”

“The city, huh? Hmm. I detect a slight country accent.”

“She was born in the country, but she moved later on,” Silhouette said curtly.

Scarlet grinned warily. “You sure ask a lot of questions.”

Starburst shrugged. “It’s in my nature, I guess.” Prism walked over to them looking ticked off. “They’re not here. This was a waste of time. Come on, Starburst.” Ponies began to trickle out of the cabin, leaving the messes they made behind.

“Sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for!” Scarlet called to them.

Prism turned her head at the doorway. “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure we will.” She rose into the air, flapping her wings menacingly. “If they do turn up, be sure to let us know, because if it turns out that you’ve been holding out on us…we’ll come back for you too.” With that said, she flew out of the cabin, slamming the door shut behind her.

The two cousins stood there for awhile, listening to the sounds of flapping wings and distant shouting. As the seconds drew longer, the sounds gradually faded away. Silhouette let out a breath she didn’t know that she’d been holding. Scarlet flew to one of the windows and peeked out through the curtains. “They’re gone!” She flew back over to her cousin. “Don’t worry about the mess, cousin; I’ll help you clean it up. Hey, where’d you hide them?”

Silhouette smirked. She led her cousin to the back of the living room and lifted the large carpet off the floor. Scarlet could see a rectangular door in the wooden floor. “You guys can come out now!”

The door opened, and Pinkie and Cheese poked their heads out. “Whew! That was close!” Cheese sighed as they climbed out.

Scarlet’s eyes widened. “A cellar! Now that’s smart. What do you keep in there?”

Pinkie grinned at her while Silhouette blanched. “Bottles and bottles of apple cider!”

Scarlet gasped. “Silhouette!” she whined. “You said you ran out!”

“I can’t have you drinking all of my cider, Scarlet!”

“Looks like this place got hit by a typhoon!” Cheese said, looking around the cabin.

“We’re really sorry,” Pinkie said. “We’ll clean this up for you.”

“Oh no, it’s oka—"

“No, we insist!” Cheese said. “We’re party ponies, after all!”

“Cleaning up is what we do best!”

Just as the words left Pinkie’s mouth, the two party ponies disappeared in a blur, whizzing around the cabin, picking up and replacing everything in sight. The two cousins stood still, regarding the scene in complete awe. Cheese appeared on top of the ceiling fan, and cleared the dust with his tail. Pinkie skated across the floor on scrubbing brushes, leaving behind a trail of bubbles. Silhouette shook her head. “But…but the laws of physics…”

“Doesn’t matter anymore,” Scarlet finished.

“Here we are,” Honey Bee sighed. The kid’s tent was still intact, but it had many rips and tears, and it was almost fully deflated.

“Man,” Rainbow Dash whistled. “That tent’s seen better days.”

Much better days,” Rarity frowned.

Fluttershy winced at the condition of the tent as they walked inside. “I can’t believe somepony would do this. Those poor kids.”

“Thanks to Pinkie and Cheese, they all made it home safely. Not a scratch on them,” Cosmo said, a bit of pride in his voice. The ground was still littered with confetti and streamers. The light over the stage was dimmed, giving the place an eerie look. Some of the beanbags that the kids had sat on were ripped and turned over. There was also blue and pink party cannon turned on its side in the far corner. A rubber chicken lay face down in the dirt.

The group was silent as Twilight’s horn glowed. “Has anypony tampered with the evidence?” she asked, straining to keep herself stoic.

Honey shook her head. “The police went over it and examined this whole tent. They were called to join the search party before they could bring anything in. I made it clear for everypony not come here. But I will make an exception for Pinkie’s friends.”

Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated. Her violet aura illuminated the ground.

“What is she doing?” Cosmo whispered.

“Tracking spell,” Rarity answered with a smile. “With this, she can dig up previous hoof prints, if done correctly.” Soon enough, hoof prints appeared all over the ground, giving off a green-ish glow.

“Whoa.” Rainbow glanced around at the multiple hoof prints that littered the ground. “That’s a lot of ponies.”

Applejack and Fluttershy crouched down over the tinier prints. “I reckon these belong to the little fillies and colts.”

“And they lead all the way out there,” Fluttershy added, her eyes tracing the prints outside.

Rarity stood over where the most prints were located. “There was a struggle here.”

“And here,” Rainbow said, flying over another cluster of glowing prints.

“And the thieves left with them over that hill,” said Twilight, squinting her eyes.

Spike stepped outside of the tent. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

The other mares followed the dragon out of the tent while Twilight stayed behind with the married couple. “It’s best if you stay here. Your city needs you. But I’d keep the guards up to date, just in case.”

The couple nodded. “Be safe, girls. And thank you…for everything.” Honey said, giving Twilight a hug.

“Twi, come on!”

Rolling her eyes good-naturedly, Twilight quickly returned the hug and walked towards the opening. “I’m coming, Rainbow Dash!”

Pinkie Pie gazed out the window of Silhouette’s bedroom. Things had calmed down considerably since Prism and her team left. As the day passed, all four of them had kept a silent vigil over the cabin. They haven’t seen hide or tail from any of the thieves since that morning. The pink mare gazed upward for any pegasi, but all she saw was a sunset, making the sky look like it had been painted with streaks of pink and purple.

Pinkie reached out and closed the window, locking it up tight. When she was sure everything was secure, she closed the curtains for good measure. Nopony was breaking in here tonight! She exited the bedroom, and made her way over to the main room where Scarlet stood outside, booby trapping the front door. Silhouette was helping her, but not without her cousin injuring her in the process. Every few minutes, the occasional “Sorry!” was heard.

Cheese was in the kitchen stirring something in a bowl with a wooden spoon. He looked up with a grin. “Bon jour, mon Coeur!”

Pinkie smiled and crossed over to the Stallion. “Whatcha making?”

“A concoction for disaster.” His eye gleamed mischievously. “A decoy, if you will. When we leave tonight, we’ll leave this on the table. If those ponies come back, they’ll be mad, but they won’t be able to resist these cupcakes!”

“Those smell good already!”

“Ah, but that is the idea, my pink friend. They smell divine…but when they take a bite, they’ll want to take a rest stop or two.”

Pinkie peered into the stove, which contained Cheese’s first batch. “What did you put in them?”

Cheese shrugged and continued to stir the batter casually. “Oh, just the basics… eggs, milk, chocolate chips…chocolate covered laxatives.”

Pinkie broke out into a huge grin as her hoof flew to the side of her face. “You didn’t!

Cheese smirked as he poured the mix into a rectangular glass dish. “I did. It won’t really hurt them, but it’ll certainly slow ‘em down.”

“Good thinking! These look done. How ‘bout I do the frosting?”


For the next hour, the two ponies worked away at the baked bads, chatting, and occasionally singing tunes. Before long, the sky had turned completely dark, and Silhouette and Scarlet re entered the cabin. The cupcakes were all finished, and they were all arranged in a nicely on the coffee table.

Scarlet beamed. “Oooh, cupcakes! I’m starved!”

“DON’T EAT THOSE!!!” Cheese screamed, jumping in front of the cupcakes.


“They’re full of laxatives!”

“Which is why I should eat them. I need to relax!”

Silhouette snorted. “No, Scarlet. Laxatives are…”

She whispered into her cousin’s ear, whose facial expression turned from curious to disgusted. “EWWW! Who would invent those? And why in Equestria would you bake them into cupcakes?

“They’re not for us,” Pinkie giggled. “They’re for the thieves! Hopefully it’ll slow them down when we leave.”

“Ohhhh,” said Scarlet, understanding. “Boy, I’d hate to be those guys.”

Silhouette chuckled, slinging her saddle bag over her back. “Hmm. That’ll teach them to mess with us. Now let’s start messing the place up a bit. We want them to think we left in a hurry.” The other ponies nodded and threw cushions on the floor, as well as tilting the picture frames on the walls.

“This’ll send them into a tail spin!” Pinkie laughed, knocking over a chair.

Silhouette surveyed the cabin and nodded approvingly. “Good work, ponies!” she smirked heartily with a twinkle in her eye. “Let’s fan out!”

The four brave ponies snuck through the night, leaving the cabin far behind. Cheese was thankful that they didn’t have to wander in confusion anymore. Silhouette knew these grounds like the back of her hoof. Pinkie and Scarlet struck up a conversation about how bubble gum could possibly end up in one’s mane while they’re sleeping, which he was also glad for. It kept the serenity somehow. The temperature dropped, and the nightly wind pushed against their backs. No one even paused. They had to keep on moving, no matter how uncomfortable the weather got. Hour upon hour, they trekked on, until they reached an old hotel. “We can stay here for the night,” Silhouette said.

Scarlet yawned. “Are they even awake?”

“Let’s go see!” Pinkie said, bouncing ahead. She opened the front door and leapt into the small office. “Hel-lo!” she called out, tapping her hoof on the bell. “Anypony home?”

By the time Cheese and the two cousins entered the office, a unicorn with a bright orange coat came down the stairs. “Oh…oh, hello,” she yawned. “You folks are certainly up late. What can I do for you?”

“We’d like two rooms, please,” Scarlet said, tossing a pouch full of bits on the counter. “And, some breakfast, maybe?”

The unicorn nodded and levitated two sets of keys from the wall. “Of course. You can stay here for as long as you like. I may be new here, but I can tell we never get many customers around here, especially not at this time of night. I’ll get Penny to send you up some breakfast. Your rooms are in the first hall to the right, 1A and 2A.”

Cheese and Silhouette each took a key. “Thanks, miss…”

“Citrus Burst,” she replied, running a hoof through her tousled green mane. “I hope you…*Yawn* enjoy your stay.”

“She must be Forrest’s daughter,” Silhouette whispered as they went up the stairs. “He’s the owner of this place, and he’s been having some back problems lately.”

“She’s…lovely…” Scarlet said tiredly. The group arrived at their respective rooms and said goodbye for the night.

Pinkie Pie sighed in relief as she plopped onto one of the hotel beds. “Sooo soft…”


She lifted her head and saw Cheese looking at her, his expression serious. The pink mare sat up. “What’s wrong, Cheesie?”

The stallion sighed, and sat down on the bed in front of her. “…I’ve been thinking…Prism and the others won't stop at anything to get to us. They wouldn’t hesitate to hurt Silhouette and Scarlet.”

Pinkie put a hoof under her chin. “That’s right! I didn’t think of that! They’ve done so much for us…I don’t want to put them in danger…” She looked into Cheese’s eyes. “So…what do we do?”

Her companion paused before saying, “Maybe we should go, and let them stay here. At least then, the thieves will be going after us instead of the cousins.”

“Let’s go tonight,” Pinkie said suddenly.

“Are you sure, Pinks? You look pretty tired. We could rest for a couple of hours if you want.”

Pinkie shook her head. “No, I’m sure. If we’re going to leave, this is the best time to do it.” The two of them slid off the bed and took the time to wash up, use the restroom, and refill their canteens with water. “I feel bad about leaving them like this,” Pinkie sighed, slipping her saddlebag back on her back. “Even if it is the right thing to do.”

“Why don’t we leave them a note?” Cheese suggested, pulling a pencil out of his mane.

Pinkie’s face relaxed. “Okay.”

Together, they sat down and scribbled a page-long note. After they were both satisfied with it, the two slipped out of their room and quietly closed the door behind them. Pinkie gingerly taped the note on the cousins’ door.

Citrus Burst looked surprised when she saw the two ponies come down the stairs. “Is something wrong?” the unicorn asked, setting the tray of food she was levitating.

Cheese threw Pinkie a sideways glance. “No…well, yes. We thought about keeping it a secret, but you deserve to know.”

Citrus’ brow furrowed. “Huh?”

“A band of thieves are after us,” Pinkie explained. “We’re actually hiding from them, and we stopped here to rest, but, we figured that if you could let Silhouette and Scarlet stay here for awhile, and maybe keep them safe, that would be great. Don’t worry, we left them a note.”

Citrus blinked. “Riiight. Sure. I mean, it’s not a problem. I mean, we’ve got security, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Cheese nodded. “That’s all we needed to know.” He opened the front door.

“Are you sure you guys are okay?” Citrus called out.

Pinkie Pie looked at Cheese and then back at the unicorn with a smile. “We will be.”

After the two ponies left, Citrus frowned a little and went upstairs, where she found the note taped to the cousin’s door. She gently pulled it off with her magic and began to read.

Dear Silhouette and Scarlet,

You’re probably wondering why we left in such a hurry. Don’t worry about us. The thieves that we’ve been avoiding are very dangerous, as you pretty much figured out by now. If we’re caught somehow, we don’t want you guys getting hurt just for helping us. You’ve been really kind, and we can’t thank you enough for taking care of us. Don’t worry, Citrus will let you stay for as long as you need to, and we’re sure that despite his back pains, her father can be a real beast. As for us, don’t sweat it. We’re Super Duper Party Ponies! We can take on anything! We’re heading down the winding path that’ll lead us to the city like you said, Silhouette. Once this is all over, we’ll come back out and throw you two the best party you’ll ever have. Pinkie swear, Swear on Camembert.

Love, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich

Citrus looked up from the letter and smirked. Her horn glowed as she walked back down the stairs.

Hello, Citrus? Please tell me you have something.

“Oh, I have more than that, Starburst,” Citrus chuckled. “The boy and girl were just here, and I know exactly where they’re going.”

Author's Note:

DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!! Now, I did say that this would be the last chapter, and it is...the first art of it. :twilightblush: Okay, I promise, next chapter, then epilogue. Pinkie Swear, Swear on Camembert.

Citrus is an OC of Those Kids In The Corner.

And of course, the song the chapter is named after :rainbowlaugh:

Next Chapter, and then Epilogue!!! There will be drama! Lots of it! :rainbowdetermined2: