• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 850 Views, 32 Comments

The Dead Have Risen - Acoustic Pulse

Acoustic Pulse, Bursting Atom, and Lightning Strike survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

  • ...

A New Home

Author's Note:

Now you know that:
Lightning Strike is the protective one.
Acoustic Pulse is the crazy one.
Bursting Atom is the rational one.

Here is the third chapter! Hope you enjoy!

"You never gave our swords back," Bursting said.

"You won't be needing them. Take a look in that green tent across the camp," Rose replied.

The trio followed her directions to the green tent. Inside was a huge stockpile of weapons, mostly guns. There were hoofguns, submachine guns, heavy machine guns, projectile explosives, and even a couple of rocket launchers.

"Holy shit, I'm in heaven!" Acoustic laughed, picking up a submachine gun.

"Wow, these folks are packing! I didn't even know Equestria had this many guns," Lightning replied, grabbing a Vulcan.

"Seriously? You can barely lift that hunk of metal. Pick something smaller and easier to carry. Helps agility when shit hits the fan," Acoustic laughed.

"True," Lightning sighed and picked up a submachine gun similar to Acoustic's.

"Bursting, whatcha got?" Acoustic asked.

"Two hoofguns for close quarters, and the only assault rifle in here," Bursting replied.

"Awesome. We'll need these. I don't want to kill any more ponies. We killed for our weapons, we killed for our lives, and now we are safer here. The threat of rival groups and trotters is still there though. I want you two to help me keep an eye out. I trust you both with my life, and I hope y'all trust me too," Acoustic briefed.

"Alright, ramblin' mane, let's go meet up with the others," Bursting joked. Acoustic and Lightning laughed.

The three stallions went back to Gleamy's tent.

"See? What'd I tell ya?" Rose laughed.

"Thanks. I still think we should have the swords in case we run out of ammunition," Bursting said.

"He's right, Rose," Acrylic added.

"Alright, here," Rose gave the swords back to the trio.

"Much obliged," Acoustic smiled.

"Yes, thanks," Bursting added.

Lightning said nothing. He seemed to be looking at something.

"What's wrong, Lightning?" Acoustic asked.

"I think there's somepony in the trees. Somepony that's not from this camp," he whispered.

"Let's wait a moment. Maybe they're friendly," Bursting said.

In the forest were scouts from another camp about a kilometer away from Gleamy's.

"How many are down there, High Caliber?" a black stallion with a grey mane asked.

"About twenty, Silver Raider," High replied.

"There's an orange one down there staring straight at us. He's not doing anything," Silver pointed out.

"You see him too?" High asked.

"Yep. Think we should retreat, or should we try and be allies?" Silver replied with a question of his own.

"Stay here. I want to find out how hostile they are," High said and approached the camp.

"That dumb bastard is gonna get himself killed," Silver facehoofed.

"Somepony is coming. Hold your fire," Gleamy said.

"Alright," Acoustic replied.

"Hi, everypony. My name's High Caliber. I'm from a camp about a klik north of here," the black pony with a yellow mane said.

"I'm Gleamy. This is my camp. What do you want?" Gleamy retorted.

"I was wondering how hostile y'all were," he smirked.

"You think your group can defeat ours?" Rose asked. Acrylic shushed her.

"We don't think, we know," High challenged.

"Fuck this piece of shit!" Lightning snapped and shot High Caliber right between the eyes.

"God damn it, Lightning!" Acoustic shouted.

High Caliber was dead instantly, blood flowing freely from the hole in his forehead.

"He had killer in his eyes. I saw it. He was gonna pull out a knife and stab Gleamy," Lightning retorted.

"Well, now his campmates are gonna look for him. Do you realize what you've done?" Acoustic was beyond pissed.

"Shit happens. We probably outnumber them," Lightning shrugged.

"What the hell are you gonna do if they outnumber us as badly as the last camp?" Bursting asked.

"Kill or be killed," Lightning sighed.

"We'll help y'all defend if shit gets too thick," Rose said.

"If that happens, we'll need as much help as we can get," Acoustic replied.

Silver Raider was still in the forest.

'So, only a few are hostile. That orange one is dangerous. I'll tell the guys back at camp about this,' he thought.

He turned and galloped back towards camp. He was not gonna let High Caliber's death go in vain.

Upon returning to camp, he was approached by a brown stallion with a black mane.

"High Caliber is dead, Sharpshooter," Silver said.

"Son of a bitch! We're wiping that damned camp out. How many are down there?" Sharpshooter asked.

"Twenty," Silver replied.

"Shit. That's twice our number. If each of us get two kills, that'll be it. Send word to the rest. We attack at nightfall," Sharpshooter commanded.

"Yes, sir," Silver said and off he went.

It was dark now, and Sharpshooter was ready to attack Gleamy and her friends.

"Now. Let's move," he commanded.

"They're sleeping, probably. This will be easy," Silver chuckled.

Lightning was sitting up in his bed. He couldn't sleep. The sound of hoofsteps could be faintly heard inside the camp. He went outside to investigate.

'This must be the attack Acoustic warned me about. That guy seems to be a psychic when it comes to things like that. The fucker senses danger before he even gets in its way. It's so weird,' Lightning thought.


"That sick fuck!" Lightning said under his breath.

Acoustic and Bursting woke up simultaneously.

"Who was that?" Bursting asked.

"Acoustic was right. That camp is under attack. Sounds like ten or fifteen," Lightning answered.

"I told you so. EVERYONE WAKE UP! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Acoustic shouted.

Gleamy was already awake and fighting off an attacker.

Everypony, except for Acrylic and Rose, was awake and fighting. The attackers had wiped out half of the members in Gleamy's camp. It was bloodshed unlike any seen before. Fifteen bodies lay strewn across the camp. Ten from Gleamy's camp, five from Sharpshooter's.

All that was left of Sharpshooter's group was himself, Silver Raider, and three other ponies loyal to his cause. Lightning Strike decapitated one and shot another in the chest.

Bursting Atom was locked in a brawl against Silver Raider.

"You're dead, you bastard!" Silver shouted.

"Get that weak shit out of here," Bursting shouted and shot him while he was speaking.

"Too fuckin' easy," Acoustic laughed as Silver slumped to the ground, life leaving his eyes.

Sharpshooter was cornered. He was the last one standing from his camp.

"So, this is it then?" he chuckled.

"Say hello to Tirek for me, you son of a bitch!" Gleamy shouted and she shot him in the throat.

Pieces of his head flew in all direction. Blood was everywhere. Trotters were attracted to the sound of gunfire and moved towards the camp.

"We've got trotters. Unfortunately, we're all that's left," Acoustic said.

"I wouldn't say that," Rose retorted with a yawn. Acrylic was standing beside her.

"Acrylic, Rose! You're okay!" Gleamy sighed in relief and ran to hug her friends.

"We ain't dead yet," Acrylic laughed.

"Looks like our trio is a sextet now," Bursting said.

"Hahaha, sextet,"Lightning joked.

"SHUT UP!" Bursting and Acoustic bursted out laughing.

"Seriously, how are we still alive? This is the third time in two days that we've cheated death," Acoustic asked.

"Because we're badass!" Rose said as if it were obvious.

"That about sums it up," Gleamy said.

The sextet set of to find a new place to set up camp. They hoped it will be further away from other survivors.