• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


Comments ( 247 )

lol had similar ideas when I saw the movie except with pinkie pie and such lol.

5302600 Thank you! I was hoping someone would post that before too long.

This would also have been acceptable.

I actually liked this. It could use a sequel, but it does need one.

Continue with them picking up where they left off please.

This was actually going to be quite a bit longer, but I just wasn't happy with the full sex scene.

With a story that just breaks the 1,000 word limit, I'm not sure what I expected when I came here(a threeway between Twi, Maude, and Sunset perhaps). Nope, not sure.

Still, this was a good read.:pinkiesmile:

“You… you are so hot when you’re hypothesizing.”

I was laughing so hard at this I think I woke my flatmates :rainbowlaugh:

I dunno about a sequel, but it could use a morning-after epilogue. Either someone walking in before they've gotten out of bed and then not keeping their mouths shut or all of them lying in the other room laughing their asses off because they can hear everything as it's happening. Then the two of them get up the next morning, go down to breakfast, and are met with a combination of blushes and shit-eating grins.

Have a fav. It's perfect the way it is!

I knew it was only a matter of time until someone made a fic like this after i saw that scene.

I found this story less than 5 minutes ago at the bottom of homepage. I make previous comment and return to the homepage o see this in the feature box....Just one of those moments

Dat ending doh.
Maud seemed to not care at all that two of her sister's friends were havingsex in her kitched. This is why I like her.

It was a cutesy ending and I enjoyed it, I applaud you for the maud, quite a funny ending :rainbowlaugh:

Well that was fun. :twilightsmile: I actually really like that it stops short of a full sex scene. I didn't realise how turned on I was still Maud showed up and I realised I was a little short of breath...it was kind of a nice feeling. :raritywink:

I was never into Sunset/Twilight shipping until Rainbow Rocks, specifically that scene in the kitchen. It was very intimate and I could totally see those actually happening. Actually the idea of Sunny and Twi's different um, physical states when it comes to sex make for an interesting point of potential for stories. What would creatures that only experience sexual desires a couple of months out of the year think of creatures that experience it more-or-less 24/7?

Anyway, this fic was fun and sexy and very enjoyable to read. :twilightsmile:

I'm gonna choose to believe that this is what was supposed to happen in the movie.
It was just too long so they cut it out (maybe also because it was for kiddiz)
Right ?

Add a sequel that has the next scene in it for those perverts who were worked up by this fic, because they probably don't want blueballs.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I love it! I really do. This was awesome! But I still hope some day, this'll get the sequel/chapter two it deserves :3

Comment posted by Galaxy Knight deleted Nov 23rd, 2014

5304482 I was just trying to justify why they would have so much whipped cream. If the alliteration is confusing to you I meant to say that Pinkie is using the whipped cream on her or a partners genitals then proceeding to either lick it off or copulate with it still on.

5304551 explains a lot. pinkie must have had quite a few friends over then. if u know what i mean :ajsmug:

I'm glad that scene gets some more attention. It's quite heartwarming.

I actually like this small bit a whole lot more.

I do too. Also, humans have the menstrual cycle instead of the heat cycle. It's still up in the air as to which one is better for the sufferer but the menstrual cycle definitely helps create a larger population quicker - though obviously, that means more food resources needed so starvation can really impact the population growth. Like, hard.

wait wait?? your not going any further? oh boo

5304922 Well... I wasn't.

Positive feedback is making me reconsider.

5304938 sir that bit with maud was a stroke of genius. but seriously that was really hot please give us something!

She returned the box and turned to return to bed. “No one’s in the guest room, by the way. It’s the third door on the left.”

^This is why I read clopfics^

Very nice. Quick and to the point, with a solid ending. Glad a good piece of writing like this got featured. :twilightsmile:

"You are so hot when you're hypothesizing!"
I love corny lines like that XD

that ending though. This was really lovely.

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