• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 10,176 Views, 361 Comments

A Sparkling Sunset - Ferhog

After all that they have been through, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's bond has grown into a strong and deep friendship. But as their relationship continues to mature, they will have to face challenge after challenge that will test their bond.

  • ...

Seeing Red-Sunset Shimmer

Get up Sunset.

Sunset's eyes flung open, discovering a dark yellow void before her. She tried to move, and realised she was lying on a cold hard surface. Her head flopped to the side, and she saw that the floor that she was lying on was a dark garnet red.

Groaning, she turned sideways on to her belly and lifted herself on her four hooves. It was at this point that she knew that she was dreaming, but when she looked up, she realised that there would be no red corridor waiting for her this time.

The garnet red floor that she woke up on turned out to be a straight and narrow surface that split up into multiple parts. A pathway. At each side of the path the floor rose up into a slightly higher layer. This higher layer was instead coloured a brighter crimson red, and appeared to be made of smaller individual bricks. But the most startling thing that Sunset saw were the scarlet structures that shot up from the second layer. Each of these had black square windows with no glass panes covering them, and on the ground level they had dark rectangular doorways.

Sunset then realised what she was looking at. A road, a sidewalk, and a collection of buildings.

A red city.

Taking a closer look at the buildings, she saw no resemblence to any particular buildings or style of buildings she knew. But judging from her memory, Canterlot city back in the human world was the only city like this she had ever known, so that was likely what her subconscious was using to construct this.

Or rather, this was what she was using to construct this.

One step after the other, Sunset walked down the road, further into the city. Like with the red corridor, she didn't know where she was going. Unlike with the red corridor though, she felt more confident. These streets made her feel like she could choose where she was going.

Reaching a crossroad, she decided to go right. It was like the opposite of the red corridor. Rather than feeling like she had to get away, she felt like she had to get closer to something.

The buildings she saw all seemed to retain a similar style and shape, but their size certainly varied, from towering skyscrapers to smaller cube shaped structures. Looking up at the buildings Sunset then took full notice of the yellow sky. It looked similar to orange juice, as its colour shifted across the sky, going from lighter and darker shades of yellow to light tones of orange, like mixed clouds of colour.

At another crossroad that Sunset encountered she decided to go left, walking into another empty street of red buildings. She knew that she was trying to go somewhere, but the exact location alluded her. She did however have some idea of what she would find when she got there.

For a period of time that Sunset couldn't determine, she continued exploring the city, changing directions at crossroads where she felt it was right. The city kept changing in its individual buildings, but overall each street seemed the same. The entire thing felt like a big red urban maze, one that she wasn't sure she was navigating right.

Until she found it...

Around the corner of one of the larger red buildings Sunset discovered a site that was very different from the rest of the city. A large square shaped space where there were no red buildings. It had to be around half a mile long at each side, the floor consisting completely of the garnet road.

And at the centre, stood Canterlot High.

It looked exactly like the real one, in shape and detail. It was even coloured the same, being the only building that wasn't red. Its walls were the same purple, its roof a matching brown, and its grass as green as the real thing.

The only difference it had in comparison to the real CHS was the ten foot Demon standing at the foot of the horse statue.

She didn't seem to be doing anything, just standing there, possibly looking at something. Sunset stepped out from the cover of the scarlet buildings, and walked deeper into the garnet space, towards Canterlot High. That demon was the reason she was having this dream, and confronting her was the only way she would get any more answers.

It didn't take long to cross the garnet plains before she reached the edge of Canterlot High. It was strange to see the garnet floor just stop at the floor of the school grounds, the world of red suddenly changing into colour. It was like walking into a separate universe.

Her demon self hadn't moved from where she was standing in front of the statue. This left only a few metres of distance between them as Sunset stepped onto the school grounds. It was a distance that Sunset didn't want to make any smaller.

Sunset stood at the end of Canterlot High, refusing to move any further. She didn't feel anything like fear or disturbance, but there was something that made her feel like she didn't want that monster to get any closer. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence and stillness, neither of the two present beings taking a single action.

"Brings back memories doesn't it?" Sunset heard from in front of her.

She remained still for a moment, questioning wether she should respond or not. "What do you mean?"

Demon Sunset's head turned around slightly, giving Sunset the view of a wicked grin baring several sharp teeth and an evil black and green eye staring at her.

''This is where it happened. Remember."

Sunset wondered what she was talking about for a second, before remembering that this was the place that she had put on the element of magic and transformed into the monster that was standing before her.

"Putting that crown on was the worst mistake of my life." Sunset declared.

The Demon responded by laughing. A monstrous sound that seemed to echo across the entire red city.

"Bold words considering what you've done in your life. Abandoning Celestia. Interfering with the lives of those at Canterlot High. Theres a lot of things you've done that you are anything but proud of. If anything, I consider wielding the element of magic to be among your smartest choices.

"Why, because it resulted in your creation?" Sunset asked angrily.

Another, lighter laugh echoed across the garnet plains. "I've been around a lot longer than that Sunset. It just may have taken a bit of dark magic to release this part of yourself. The crown was special for far more important reasons Sunset. With it you could have conquered Equestria. You could have surpassed Celestia. You could have accomplished what you were meant to do from the start."

"You think trying to take over Equestria with a small group of teenagers was a good plan? In what way do you call that a smart choice?" Sunset questioned.

Demon Sunset turned around further, her shoulder facing pony Sunset and both of her eyes looking right at her. "Its not as stupid as you think. I imagine the students and staff alike would have converted into their pony counterparts, and in that case it would have been an army that included Celestia and Luna themselves. Even then, with the power of the element, we could have turned them into creatures far more powerful than any pony. Combine that with our ability to control the minds of weaker individuals, and the world was ripe for the taking."

That entire explanation left Sunset feeling uncomfortable. Not only in how it reminded her of how she had controlled the wills of so many innocents, and tried to used them to conquer Equesrtia, but also in the way that her demon form had referred those actions as if both of them were responsible.

"You were the one that tried to do all that, not me." She told the Demon.

In response to that, she just smiled. "So you think it was all my doing? Tell me then Sunset, do you remember eveything that happened when you were wearing the crown?"

Sunset stepped back, not wanting to go further into this. But that didn't stop her from thinking about it. And that was because it was all true. She remembered every detail of the time she spent when infused with the power of the crown.

"Of course you do." Uttered Demon Sunset, like she could read her mind. "You remember it because it was you. And at the same time it was me. Beacuse you and I Sunset, are one and the same, no matter how much you want to deny it."

"SHUT UP!" Sunset suddenly burst out, her horn glowing furiously with bright opal light. "We are nothing alike!"

Demon Sunset let out yet another cackle, turning around so that Sunset was now face to face with her whole front body. "So you think that you can stand up to me because you and little miss Princess tried playing at being big girls last night? My, that is bold."

This comment drove Sunset to the edge. She let loose a pulse of intense burning energy from her horn at the demon. But in an eruption of fire, she was gone, reappearing a few metres to the right. The statue that had been behind her was struck by the shot, exploding into charred stacks of scattered rubble.

"Leave my personal life out of this!" Sunset yelled at her.

She smiled further. "Oh, I think I can get into your personal life all I want. We are the same person as I said. You can't change it. You can't undo it. You can't go back."

"Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!" Sunset screamed, turning around and running away. She had to get as far away from this... thing as possible. She had to get out of this dream.

As soon as she was off the school grounds and back on to the garnet floor, she heard another bout of demonic laughter from behind her.

"You can't avoid who you are, Sunset. You can't run from it or hide from it. All you can do is embrace it."

Sunset tried to stop listening, and continued running away from the school and towards the buildings. She glanced behind her to discover that the Demon had disappeared. Looking back, she then saw that she had reached the buildings in an impossible amount of time.

She ran through the streets, making random turns around the buildings out of some subconscious hope of evading her pursuer. All the while, the demonic cackling seemed to echo across the streets, constantly changing from uncomfortably distant to frighteningly close.

Turning around another sharp corner, Sunset found the Demon waiting for her a couple of metres down the street.

"Trying to avoid who you are is a futile effort. It will always manage to find you, no matter how long it takes."

Sunset wasn't listening. She lowered her head towards the Demon and let loose a shimmering ray of burning energy. Just before the beam could strike her, a fiery orange energy bubble formed around her, deflecting it in two separate streams that ran across the buildings at each of her sides, cutting them in half.

The unicorn looked up to see that the top halves of the buildings were starting to slide off balance. She spun around and bolted away from the streets as the structures came crumbling down. At the sound of a booming shockwave she turned back to see that everything was now buried under tonnes of rubble.

She stared at the pile of scarlet rocks, feeling her heavy breath enter and leave her lungs. It was hard to understand how her body and soul worked in her dreams, but she was definitely feeling exhausted by all that action. If she was going to wake up, she might have to explore the city more. Letting out a sigh, she turned back...

And found Demon Sunset standing right in front of her.

With distance now lacking between them, Sunset had a good look at her. She was definitely standing over three times taller than herself, a factor that was intimidating Sunset into near paralysis.

The Demon bared her fangs at her. "Don't think I'm going down that easily. Nothing here is real. Not you. Not me. Not these buildings. Its all just a construction of your mind. And as long as it stays that way, I'm not going anywhere."

Sunset started to back away out of fear, before she realised something. It was all in her mind. Her actions were only limited by her perception and imagination. Esentially, if she could picture it in her head, it was possible.

Coming to this realisation, she stopped backing away and instead closed her eyes, trying to visualise in her head that her body no longer obeyed the rules of physics. It was difficult to accomplish while trying to ignore the intimidating presence of the Demon in front of her, but within seconds she suddenly felt the feeling of the ground disappear. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see that she had in fact acheived flight. Looking back up, she saw that Demon Sunset had noticed this, and didn't look pleased about it.

"So you think you're in control?" Her hand stretching out and summoning a red energy ball with a glowing yellow aura. "We'll see about that."

Using her thoughts to navigate her body, Sunset found herself flying upwards as the energy ball was flung from Demon Sunset's hand and exploded against the ground that Sunset had previously been standing on. With mild knowledge on how to control her newly acquired flight, she shot herself higher into the air and further away from the Demon. Refusing to stop, she flew over the buildings under her at rocket speed. In spite of the terrifying situation she was in, she still managed to take notice of the incredible sensation of flying, even if it wasn't real.

Looking back, she saw no sign of Demon Sunset in sight. Looking in all other directions, she saw no end to the sea of red buildings.

It then hit her that there probably wasn't an end. As a construction of her subconscious, it was likely that her mind was just creating new buildings ahead of her, while destroying any building that she couldn't see anymore.

When would this dream end? Was there a goal she had to find? With this theory of a constantly shifting city, it was unlikely. Did she have to wait until she woke up? If so, she didn't know how long she could stand Demon Sunset's tormenting.

"I am an unstoppable force that will lay claim to all power that I lay my eyes on. I am the bane of all that the elements of harmony stand for. I am the one whom all of Equestria and countless other worlds will surrender their will to. And so are you."

"NO!" Sunset cried out to the voice lingering in the air. "None of this is the real me!"

From the jungle of buildings in the distance, Demon Sunset emerged, her wings rising and falling against the air. On her face was a look of determination and rage. Bursting into red and orange flames, she flew towards Sunset.


At the speed of which she was moving, Sunset had little to no time to think before she collided with her Demon self.

As the two Sunsets impacted, the unicorn felt herself consumed by a burning feeling. A searing pain like the one she felt when she put the crown on that night. The entire world before her blurred into darkness, and her whole body seemed to dissipate into nothing.

It was as if her very existance had crumbled into dust.

And then, as suddenly as it had gone, it all came rushing back. Her vision cleared up as her body reassembled into being.

But at the same time... there was something wrong. She could feel her four hooves and her horn. But at the same time, she also felt the presence of a pair of wings, legs and arms.

And strangest and most terrifying of all, while she could feel the semi presence of all those limbs and body parts, she couldn't move any of it, no matter how hard she tried.

When the blurry mix of dark colours before her cleared into visibility, she recognised the location as Canterlot High. But this wasn't like the recreation she found in the red city. This was a specifific event.

The sky above her was dark and cloudy, the school covered in the shadow of this darkness. Down on the ground in front of her was Twilight, in human form and wearing a bright violet dress. Grouped around her were Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, all dressed in similar formal wear. And while she couldn't see it, she knew that behind her was a huge hole in the walls of the school, through which there was a crowd of people under the control of dark magic.

This was that night.

Her head started to move, despite her not trying to move it. With the new viewpoints this gave her, she realised that the arms, legs and wings she had been feeling were really there, while the pony anatomy she had been feeling wasn't.

To add to the list of strange and frightening things that were happening at the moment, she realised that everything was completely silent. The sound of talking, wind, and distant city noises were absent, replaced with absolutely nothing. She even felt her own humanoid lips movings, yet no sound came from it.

She then felt her demonic arms rise above her head, her fingers stretching out. She felt a rush in her arms as energy coursed through them, creating an energy ball between her hands. Focusing her gaze on Twilight, she realised what was happening.

No! Stop...

She tried to take control of her arms, but to no avail.


With the orb of burning energy fully comprised, her arms flung forward, launching it at the group. The others quickly huddled around Twilight in a protective shell, but were helpless as they were struck by a destructive red explosion.


As the energy from the explosion erupted across the ground, the entirety of the school grounds shattered into countless pieces, revealing an empty black void. The sky above her swirled into a vortex before vanishing into the same blackness. Sunset's Demon body also disappeared, leaving behind her fully formed pony body, which fell helplessly into the abyss.





Out of the darkness, Sunset's eyelids slowly parted, revealing a shining persian blue ceiling above her. The room was lit up by the light of the morning shining through the open curtains of the window. As she moved, she felt her back pressing against a soft mattress while the rest of her body was covered in an even softer duvet. Her head lay on a large pillow, a head that was currently running with sad memories.

She had fired at Twilight. She had fired at all of them. She had tried to kill them. She...

She turned her head to the left, and that was when she saw her.

Covered by the same duvet that covered Sunset, lay a sleeping lavender alicorn. On her face was a blissful look of sleep, with closed eyes and a slight smile letting out peaceful breaths. Her mane was left in a messy state, the kind that looked just adorable.

And with that look, all the memories of the previous night came rushing back.

Sunset smiled, letting out a small chuckle, as she shifted over and placed a hoof over her.

Twilight wasn't dead. She was right here. Right next to Sunset, as safe as ever. The sight of Twilight sleeping next to her, and the feeling of her hoof around her, was all Sunset needed to forget any nightmare. Sunset shuffled even closer, till their muzzles almost touched and she could feel Twilight's breath on her face.

"I won't let anything hurt you." Sunset whispered to the sleeping mare. "I love you Twilight Sparkle."

The slight smile on Twilight's face suddenly stretched into a bigger smile. "Ditto."

Sunset's eyes widened. "You..."

Twilight's eyes flung open. "Good morning."

Sunset began to blush at the realisation of how cheesy her previous statement was. The look on her face sent Twilight into a state of chuckling.

"Well good morning to you too Princess." Sunset said grumpily.

When Twilight's laughter finally subsided, she leaned forward and gave Sunset a quick kiss. "Sleep well?"

"In a princess's bed, why wouldn't I?"

Twilight nodded, and smiled at Sunset in silence. Sunset smiled back. Honestly, there wasn't any need to talk. She could just stare at her for hours, her nightmares and regrets nowhere to be found.

"So... how was last night?" Sunset asked.

Twilight's eyes narrowed playfully. "What, my outstretched wings and vocal expressions didn't give a hint?"

"Sorry, Just making sure." Sunset apologised. "I've never used some of those spells before. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever get to."

"Where'd you even learn those?"

"Knowing my past, do you even have to ask that question?" Sunset's mind travelled back to when she would sneak into more restricted parts of the Canterlot archives and libraries to read about magic she was too young to know about.

Twilight chuckled again. "No, I suppose not."

Sunset stared at the smiling princess, fully taking in the fact that she was hers. It made her question how she ever managed to receive Twilight's affections, and if she really deserved it. But at the moment, that didn't matter to her. What mattered was that they were now lying in bed together, basking in each others loving company.

"You know, its funny to think that this all started because I tried to steal your crown." Sunset pointed out.

Twilight's hoof stretched out and stroked Sunset's cheek. "Well, you managed to steal something a lot more valuable than that."

"If you say 'My heart', I'm going to shoot you."

"Doesn't change how true it is."

Sunset looked back at the window, and saw how high the sun had risen above the horizon, indicating that the morning was getting later. It looked like a time of day when the castle wouldn't be too active, but that wouldn't last long.

"How awake are you feeling?" Sunset asked.

"Completely awake." Twilight answered "Why?"

"I think we should probably get up now, since it won't be long before Spike and the Guards start moving around the halls. It would look a bit suspicious if we were both found leaving the same room."

Twilight definitely looked displeased, probably wanting to cuddle for a bit more, but she also clearly understood what Sunset meant. The duvet that covered them both was lifted off them and placed on the other end of the bed. Sunset stretched her hooves and neck outwards before pushing herself on to the floor. Twilight proceeded to do the same. They then both walked towards a mirror while Twilight pulled two brushes out of a cabinet.

Sunset took a look at her reflection and saw that her mane had been just as messed up during the night as Twilight's had been. Twilight handed over one of the brushes, and both of them simultaneously brushed their hair into their usual states.

Once they were ready, Twilight was the first to go through the door and check to see if any one was there. Once it was evident that the hall was empty, Sunset followed behind her.

They first went to the bathroom, where they brushed their teeth and washed their faces, getting the morning hygiene issues out of the way. Following this, they trotted down the hallway and walked down the stairs on to the ground floor, before making their way to the dining room.

At the dining room they found that Spike had sat down at the table and was helping himself to a mixture of cereal and emeralds. Also at the table were two sets of bowls and spoons, along with three different boxes of cereal and a carton of milk.

"Good morning Spike." Twilight bid the dragon as they approached the table.

"Morning." He responded, waving his hand at the two mares.

They both sat down at the two spots next to him and poured themselves separate bowls of cereal. For the next few minutes all three of them ate in silence...

When Spike suddenly coughed up bits of cereal and emerald shards, before burping out a burst of green fire. A scroll appeared out of the fire and landed in front of Twilight.

"Are you okay Spike?" Sunset asked, noticing the gagging expression he had on his face.

"I'm fine." He insisted, before coughing out smaller bits of cereal as well as little green embers.

"It looks like a letter from Princess Celestia." Twilight commented, picking up the scroll.

Sunset mentally agreed. It had been a while, but she recognised the look of a royal Canterlot letter.

Twilight unfolded the scroll and started reading it while Sunset went back to eating her cereal. She felt that unlike the previous letter, this one was probably meant only for Twilight, and she figured that she should stay out of the business of the princesses.

Once Twilight appeared to be finished reading, she set the letter down. Sunset looked at her, and noticed that she looked concerned.

"Is everything okay?" She asked her.

Twilight turned to face her. "Celestia wants to speak to me personally about how to help the Griffon Kingdom recover from the past few weeks. She says that she intends on visiting the castle. Today."

Sunset quickly understood what this meant. If Celestia was coming, it was best that she wasn't here.

"So I guess I should go gather my stuff up." Sunset said sadly.

She then felt Twilight place her hoof on her shoulder. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Sunset replied. "I have school tomorrow anyway. Its best if I go home soon."

"Sunset, if theres any time to talk to Celestia again, it'll be a while before you get another chance like this."

Sunset was about to turn down Twilight's offer, but she then though about it. There were few days that passed when she didn't think about Celestia, and the tragic way they had parted. While she was afraid of it, since the night that Twilight had shown her the meaning of friendship, she had been longing for a chance to make things up with her mentor. And that chance was right here.

"I think I'd like to go outside, and... think about it. Alone."

Twilight nodded. "Okay. Take as much time as you need."


After a short walk, Sunset found herself at a little spot of nature near Twilight's castle. There was small pond, with lily pads and algae growing on the surface of the water. Next to the pond were three large trees that kept it half covered by shadows. Around the pond and trees, Sunset found one of the largest varieties of flowers she had ever seen, while a few bushes were found scattered all over the spot.

Walking over to the pond, Sunset discovered a large rock that lay next to a tree near the edge of the water. Sitting herself on top of the rock, she thought about what it would be like to see Celsetia again.

Sunset was very familiar with the kind of person that Celestia was. After all those centuries she spent ruling Equestria, she had become a very wise and compassionate person to her people. But all the good leaders in the history of both Equestria and the human world were known to have been hard and ruthless when they had to be, and Celestia was no exception. From sentencing Tirek to tartarus, to banishing her own sister to a millennia on the moon, she had never strayed from severely punishing those who threatened the safety of Equestria. The fact that Sunset herself had once posed a threat to Equestria was one of the reasons she felt so scared to see Celestia again.

Another one of the reasons she was so afraid of it was the memories. The memories of the night she left Equestria. When Celestia denounced Sunset as her pupil and ordered the guards to escort her out the castle, she had this look on her face. A look of anger and disappointment that made made Sunset feel like she was dying inside. The feeling it had given her, and the fact that she had driven Celestia into doing what she did, she didn't want to deal with that again.

Sunset looked at the patches of flowers surrounding the pond. The different types of flowers she saw were uncountable, from purple irises to white roses. The beautiful variety of shapes and colours managed to slightly take her mind off those haunting thoughts.

That was when she spotted an intriguing sight. Among the collection of plants was a very unique flower. It looked like an average tulip, except for the fact that it was completely grey.

Unnaturally so.

"Discord." She said in an annoyed tone. "I know you're there. You can stop hiding."

There was no response from the flower.



Sunset jumped at the sound of the sudden voice behind her, causing her to fall off the rock. When she looked up from the ground, she saw that one of the three trees now had the Draconequus's face protruding from it.

"Good morning Sunset." He greeted her gleefully.

"But..." She started, pointing at the flower.

"That? Thats a rare Grey Everfree lily. You didn't think my shapeshifting was really limited by the colour of my fur did you?"

Sunset groaned, lifting herself back on her four hooves. "I see you finally left the human world."

In a flash if white light, the tree disappeared, replaced with Discord's normal body. "Why yes, thank you for noticing. I was having a blast going through centuries worth of history and culture, then I discovered Neon Genesis Evangelion. After watching the entire series, I decided to go home and rethink everything that ever existed. Then I heard that you were questioning wether or not to be around when Celestia arrived at Twilight's castle. As I loyal friend, I thought you could use my help."

"No offence Discord, but I don't really consider you to be one of my close friends." Sunset confessed.

"Oh don't worry, no one does. Except for Fluttershy. And the Smooze. And George Takei..."

"Sorry, but I really don't see how you can help me with this." Said Sunset. "Again, no offence."

"None Taken." Discord replied, before his eyes widened. "Oh my, I just stole your catchphrase." He then teleported in front of Sunset, now down on his knees and holding his hands in a pleading position. "Please don't sue me!"

Sunset's face twisted in confusion. "Um.. I don't think I can do that."

Discord sighed in relief. "Phew. Well then, I suppose that I can get away with stealing from you in every other way too..."

He disappeared in a white flash, then reappeared a bit further away, now wearing Sunset's usual human clothes as well as sporting her red and yellow hair.

"Look at me." He said in an over the top high pitched voice. "I'm a generic high school bully antagonist. Cower in fear as I steal your prom dates."

Sunset's hoof collided with her face in a face palm. "Could you please get on with your 'help', so I don't have to deal with your antics any more."

Discord then teleported on to the top of the rock, no longer looking like Sunset. "Very well then. Sunset, from one reformed villain to another, I can honestly tell you that the process of confronting your past mistakes is a hard and difficult process. Its so hard in fact, I'd even say that Iron Will's biceps would be jealous of its hardness."

"So how'd you overcome it?"

"Simple. I betrayed my only friends, joined forces with a tyrannical overlord to conquer Equestria, and ultimately saw the error of my ways before rejoining the forces of good, earning their absolute and undying trust. Except for when they don't trust me. Which is still most of the time."

"I don't think thats really an option for me."

Discord frowned. "Darn. I was really riding on you agreeing to that tactic. Well, I've got nothing."

He teleported down to the ground, now wearing an undershirt, overshirt, tie and bowler hat. In his hand he held a suitcase.

"I suppose I'd better be off. Chaos business to deal with and all that."

"Gee, thanks for the help." Sunset said sarcastically.

"Look..." Said Discord. "If you feel so upset about how things ended between you and Celestia, its likely that she feels the same way. In fact, she probably feels the same way about everything you feel sad and concerned about. And if you both feel the same way, why should you feel so afraid to see each other again? Ta ta."

Tipping his hat towards her, he disappeared in a final white flash.

Left in the silence of the natural enviroment around her, Sunset thought about what Discord had just said. And the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Her bond with Celestia was a two way street. Both of them had cared for each other as teacher and student. If Sunset had felt so sad and regretful about what had happened, why shouldn't Celestia feel the same way.

Sunset turned around, looking at Twilight's castle in the distance.

She was going to be there when Celestia arrived. And she was going to make amends.

Author's Note:

Now originally I wanted to include Sunset meeting Celestia in this chapter as well, but for reasons I'll explain later I was running out of time. It also might be better if the meeting plays out from the perspective of the main character that knows that this is also a reunion between mother and daughter.

Its been almost a week since the last chapter was published and there has been absolutely no response to it. I'm assuming this is because the chapter was accidentally published before being finished, and when it was legitimately published it didn't inform you guys. Either that, or you have now caught on to how crappy and amateur this story really is and aren't even reading this message. I hope its the former, but I'll continue writing even if it is the latter.

I must also apologise for the last chapter. Looking back at it, it feels very rushed. Personally, I feel that the lunch scene was either the smartest or dumbest thing I've ever written.

I also regret to inform you that tonight, I leave for my home country of Ireland, as I usually do for the summer. During this, my acces to internet technology tends to be restricted as my parents see it as a chance for a 'Detox'. While I may have opportunities to write, I won't have full writing capabilities until around August 27th when I return home. Until then, I'm labelling this story as On Hiatus.

As always, please comment and critique so I can improve for future chapters and stories.