• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 4,725 Views, 85 Comments

Where We Belong - The Wandering Draconian

After so many years being Twilights assistant, and seeing very little in the way of a future for him in ponyville, Spike heads off towards the badlands to try and find his place in the world.

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~~Present Day~~

Spike sat up, staring around his cave, looking at the blandness of the stone walls. He had moved in three months ago, so why hasn’t he made it feel more like a home? Spike levitated a few rocks, spinning them in the air to amuse himself.

Magic, a wonderful thing that came with his second growth spurt, along with his wings. He had discovered it in the kitchen, while trying to reach the bowl of gems up in the kitchen cupboard. Unable to reach them, even with his growth spurt, he cursed Twilight for limiting access to his favorite snack.

Still thinking about the gems, spike imagined them in his claws, ready to be crushed by his powerful jaws. Unbeknownst to him, the gems were sliding out of the cupboard, encased in a aurora of cold, emerald flames. He kept up the image in his head, but pushed it aside after a moment of self-loathing.

As he started to walk away, the bowl, heavily laden with gems, fell from his magical grip, landing dead center on his head and nearly knocking him unconscious. Those gems fell from a good 5 feet, and the shear blunt force sent him reeling in pain to the floor. Standing up, he realized what he had done after a moment of pondering, and proceeded to return the gems the way they came down.

Spike kept the incident under wraps, hoping that twilight wouldn’t find out about his newfound magic. Twilight. He knew what she would have done to him had she found out. Extensive tests, invasive studies, intense training... needles!! He dared not imagine what other emotionally scarring things Twilight might do to him if he revealed his secret, so he hid it from virtually everyone for his own well-being.

Since Spike left Twilight, he was able to use his magic freely, and soon discovered just what his magic was. Most of it was similar to unicorn magic, with the difference being that most of it was based on the use of fire. He even found that he could use the same method of sending letters to Celestia to teleport himself to virtually anywhere, though he mostly just used it to escape sight of the other dragons at the nearby volcano and to reach his grape patch in the woods just East of his home.

Along with his growth spurt the was the maturing of his own mind. Aside from being a tad more mentally inclined, it also gave his control over his emotions, and a way to control his greed induced growth at will. Still scarred from the greed growth he had experienced in his younger years, Spike found it to be a blessing that he wouldn't have to go through it again..

Spike continued to twirl the stones in the air, thinking about what he should do. Spike walked out of his sleeping area and into the main cavern. The cave was large, and had 5 other smaller caves branching off of the first. He looked at the cave entrance, light flooding in and over his emerald scales. He looked around the empty room, then, with a sudden burst of motivation, set to work on renovating the entire cave system into a type of underground home. He knew it would take a long to time to finish, but was prepared to work until the end if it meant he could live in a place that was a tad more homely. Spike walked back into his room, grabbed a few rubies to snack on, and went to work.

~~Six Months Pass~~

Early morning. A time that spike had begun to despise since summer came around. Spike sat in bed, limbs splayed across the sheets in a way that looked rather uncomfortable. He sat up, looking again at the wonders he worked on the cave. With the addition of actual doors, and an entrance to the outside world that firmly closed to keep the smaller creatures out, and the use of the stream to help with indoor plumbing, he had managed to make what once was a cave into a grand, underground home that would compete with even Celestia’s living quarters.

With the mineshaft he dug out to acquire marble, precious metals, and even gemstones, Spike was able to fashion everything he could need in a home, from a bed and shower, to elegant plates and silverware to accommodate his recently finished kitchen. He had everything he could need, and was once able to trade with a traveling salespony to get some blankets for his bed and those in the spare room. Why he had a spare room his did not know, but he needed to do something with the area, and already had a room dedicated to valuables and keepsakes.

At least, he bought them from him after chasing him a half mile and getting him to calm down. The color from the stallion’s coat drained when he first spotted Spike. Spike was forced to give chase just to be able to talk to the frightened mess, taking nearly ten minutes just to convince him he wasn’t going to eat him.

After taking the pony back to his home, and showing him around a bit, he was able to befriend him. They shared a slightly tension-filled meal that consisted of wild grapes and a few vegetables he found growing around in the nearby forest. The pony was confused at the lack of meat on Spike’s plate until he told him out his dietary habits, and how he had tried meat before, but found it unappealing and rather repulsive, and preferred gemstones far more than fruits and vegetables. After trading a few gems for the spare blankets the pony had with him, the merchant was back on his way to Equestria from his expedition in the Badlands.

Spike went into the kitchen and set about preparing breakfast, lighting the torches as he strode through the halls. A plateful worth of gems ranging from topaz to emeralds and a few grapes from that nearby vine in the forest made up his immanent meal. His stomach rumbled, telling him to hurry up with the food.

Spike decided it would be best not to argue with his belly, and pulled up a seat at his dinner table. He took a bite of a ruby, savoring the flavor for as long as he could before sinking his teeth into another. Rubies and emeralds, his two favorite gems, though sapphires fought with emeralds for second place.

Twilight would never give him enough gems to sate his appetite, saying that they contributed to the little amount of fat that was on his body. He always wanted to tell her that what she clearly didn’t know what she was talking about, but the last time he tried to convince her, she sealed his mouth shut for almost three hours because he was a apparently “distracting her from her studies with unsupported claims and nonsense”.


Spike continued to eat his meal, wondering how the girls were fairing back home. Sure, he sent Celestia a letter every few months, but she rarely referenced the mane six when she replied back. most of the times it was just her saying it was good to hear that he was doing well on his own.

Maybe I should send a letter to see how they are actually holding up...

He tossed the last sapphire up in the air before chomping down on it with an audible crunch. Spike took the bowl back into the kitchen and set it back up on its shelf. He really didn't have a need to clean his dishes when he only had gems on it... Crap, he had some grapes too. Spike looked back in the bowl, and found a smudge of purple near the bottom, its very presence openly mocking him.

He frowned at the inconvenience, hoping that the gaze of a mighty drake might make the mark retreat into nothingness. When it didn't work, he took a quick glance around the room, as if checking for witnesses, then blew a gout of flame into the bowl. looking at the now clean dish, spike gave a small grin and patted himself on the back for thinking up a quick solution to his problem.

Spike turned away from the counter and made his way towards the main room. It was only about two in the afternoon, so he had some time to go for a quick flight over the forest. spike made his way outside, the warm sun washing over his buffered scales and sharpened spines.

Why Spike took to such meticulous extents to better his appearance he didn't really know. Most of the time he did it just to preoccupy himself and to see just how 'good' he could get himself to look. Each week he took about a day to just polish his scales and sharpen his spines to the point of perfection, even though it didn't really matter. No one was ever around to see him, and he practically closed himself off from other sentient creatures for the most part.

Spike took a brief walk and surveyed his surroundings. Thankfully there was very little wind today, making for an easy sail to the ocean and back, and hopefully it would only take a few hours this time. Last time spike made his trip, he was caught in the middle of a thunderstorm that came out of nowhere, and it ended with him crashing into the ground not but a mile from his home.

Spike lowered himself to the ground, and with a push and a flap of his wings, he took off towards the sky. He was glad to be going for the trip again, seeing as his wing had only healed a week before, and his accident had grounded him for almost a month.

Spike took it upon himself to make it to the shore in only an hour, attempting to double his pace to make cover the necessary ground, but sadly, things didn't go as planned. Not but not ten minute into the flight, as he was admiring the view of the forest, Spike was blindsided, the impact forcing him towards the ground. Catching himself, Spike landed in the dense forest to take shelter.

Turning his head, Spike saw his assailant; a slender drake with dark green scales and a white underbelly, and a massive pair of wings adorning his back, almost looking uncomfortable and clumsy. What he saw wasn't a friendly sight, for the other drake had a sadistic smile splayed across his maw.

"About time I caught the little spy, and now you're gonna get what's coming for you for spying on us!" The confidence with which he spoke would have made many second guess their chances, but Spike merely shook his head and walked forward, eliciting a growl from the slightly older drake.

"So why exactly have you interrupted my flight? I have schedule to keep and would much rather not have to deal with this today." Spike watched as the larger drake furrowed his brow and huffed, releasing a small wisps of smoke into the air.

"Don't act like you don't know what you're doing. We've seen you guys watching us from the trees more than once, and when we would try to confront you, you would disappear without a trace! Sounds like everything a spy would do... Watching us to try to learn where we store our hoards so you can steal them while we are away! Well it won't work!" The drake had worked himself up over his own speech, becoming even angrier the longer he spoke.

"So you don't even want to try and talk this out, especially seeing as I wasn't spying on you? Geez, I was just watching you guys, it gets boring out here some days. But still, figures, you Badland dragons are all the same... so, it's a fight you want?..." spike's eyes began to glow with emerald flames, claws in tandem with his eyes.

"Board my tail! And you think you can scare me with some glowing eyes and claws? Just for that I'm goi--Ahk!!!" The drake couldn't even finish his sentence before Spike had made his move. His leg, encased in an emerald glow, was bent in ways that could give a foal nightmares for years. Spike held an un-breaking poker face as he did the deed. Having had to deal with them for so long, his usual morals and attitude towards other creatures, no matter what race, fell short for the dragons here.

Approaching the suffering creature before him, Spike spoke. "And now you see the end result of your misdirected anger. You know, I grew up in place that was just filled with sunshine and rainbow colored ponies, where friendship could conquer anything that stood in your path. But that was before, and being alone for over a year and a half seems to change you when you live in a place with nothing but rocks, mountains, and moronic dragons for miles around."

Now filled with terror, the drake tried to scamper away, only to be held by spikes telekinetic grip once more. "P-Please.. just l-let me leave.." He half whimpered, attempting to talk it out with the beast that now loomed over him.

"Hm.. now don't those words sound ever so familiar? Oh yea, they do. I gave you the opportunity to leave, or at least talk about what was going on, but nooo... A certain drake just has to be all macho for Celestia knows why... Well, since I have your attention, take my words to heart this time. Leave. Me. Alone. It's that simple. Now go, and if any of your friends ask, tell them you flew into a mountain or some other idiotic mishap. Wouldn't want any of them ending up like you, now would we? I can't say that I would like to have to repeat this incident again, because I honestly would rather avoid fighting." Spike turned around, walking away from the drake writhing in pain, not looking back as he took off once more to finish his flight, leaving the crippled drake in the forest.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be the true beginning of the fic. The events that have happened are all just plot filler and stuff like that, and the dragon's attempt to confront spike is just leading up to the beginning. Plus, after it gets into the next chapter or two, it can be put into some spike shipping groups.