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An artist, a historian, a firearms expert, a soldier, a critice, a writer, and a brony. but through it all, i am merely nothing compared to the creativity of others. be sure to let your's shine.



With Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor's love proving too strong for Queen Chrysalis, she and her changelings are cast far into the distance and out of Equestria. Zeil a changeling who assisted in the attack, fell short and found himself injured and lost in the Everfree Forest. in hopes of receiving first aid, he takes the form of a zebra and ask Zecora for help. However, as time goes by, he starts developing feelings for his savior and starts to wonder, "is it possible for a changeling to fall in love?" and if so "Would she return his love if she only knew the truth?"

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 185 )

This story seems very interesting. I'll keep track of it.

Comment posted by 8WolfVenom8 deleted Feb 6th, 2015

Thx, I know it started out a little slow, but it should pick up later.

5591817 Don't feel too bad, friend. Writing is harder than most people make it look. You can think that it's just a matter of choosing words to put into sentences and stuff, but writing is far more complicated than that. Hence why I have respect for people who are able to write a story at all, especially those who put effort into trying to write a good story. You'll manage just fine.

Now enjoy a video from my YouTube channel and have a good laugh and smile and have a pleasant safe evening/day, wherever in the world you might be. :)

Zecora and a changling ship? This is a new one on me, and the story seems to be decently written. Ill keep watching this story

ah I am afraid cause of that tragedy tag, but good start and I look forward to more.

Its ok, I know everybody has their own opinion an as an artist I know that the only opinion that should matter is my own. besides, this story is written in story type that is rather new to me. most of my writing is dark and action packed while this will be my first that is strictly romance so its kinda like a new challenge for me. also the yays and nays (likes and dislikes) say otherwise so im not upset, even if it irritates n=me a little.

5593682 Writing should not be always about entertaining your audience. It should be about sharing your thoughts, your fantasies, and your imaginative creativity with your audience, or at least those who would be willing to join you in exploring it. Some writer's worlds are not always so clear or complete, and so we need the help of others to inspire us and/or guide us so that we may add more to the construction of our metaphorical worlds. Through pencil lead and pen ink, we give life to the impossible, a shape and form to that which many would deem inconceivable or unnatural. We construct beauty, and we construct horror, through merging of sentences and paragraph, words and letters, commas and full stops, with our only limitations being the size of the pages we inscribe our universe upon.

That is writing, At least to me. Sure, it is good to want to amaze people with a story, but if one cannot love a story they have written, neither can the audience, for why should they love it if the creator can't?

I'm not a professional writer, but take it from me friend - I don't think it matters so long as you can enjoy what you made, and know that there are others who can enjoy it as well, regardless how many or few they may be.

Oh, and I understand you well on the whole 'writing in a new genre' thing. XD I've tried to write a Romance story for a contest going on in the group Nonpareil Fiction. It's not a brilliant piece of work, but I'm not looking to win anyway. I just wanted to submit something for the sake of being sociable. Writing any genre of story is not supposed to be easy. That is why when you finally do manage to write one, even if it's not the best material you think you could muster, it's at least a step forward in progress towards writing something that will be your best.

I'll keep track of this story myself. Changelings are pretty interesting characters for stories I reckon, because not much is known of them, and they seem easier to mold into most types of stories.

If you ever wanna talk or anything, please feel free to send me a PM. Always good to make a new friend, eh?

too true, the reason I started writing was because like so many others I created an OC and decided that his backstory wasn't something that could be placed in a description on a dA Image.
the reason I continued was because the experience and feed back from that story inspired me to continue. not only with two sequels to the same story, but a few spin offs and a prequel which is what gathered my readers and showed me that my OC (as well as my writing) inspired others to start writing on their own.

I admit that I enjoy the positive feedback from most of my readers and I enjoy it even more when people write something and say that it was me who inspired them. but all in all im not out to please anyone. if I was, I would have pushed to get my writing on EQD, or Submitted my OC for best OC contests on dA. but as far as im concerned, I don't need a contest or recognition to tell me that I have talent in what I do.

Plus I never said I was a professional, this is nothing more then a hobby to help me pass time when my job takes me into combat zones.

5595597 OC's are a topic of controversy. Some people like them, others dislike them. That's why my OC - Unique - is simple. To a certain point. XD Unique is basically the childish side of myself ponyfied, with a hint of seriousness added to the mixture that is shown only when he needs to be. Sort of like how Goku can be clumsy outside of battle, but focused and potent when he actually fights.

A few people have wondered why I call him Unique. I called him that because it was the word that doctors and my own mother used to describe me when I was born. Since then I've been called that word by many many people throughout my life, by family and by strangers alike.

Who is your OC? What is his/her name, and what qualities and characteristics of yourself do you portray through him/her, if any?

5595597 Also, I just noticed the end of your comment. So you are in the military? That is something I strongly respect. It takes a lot of courage and willpower to hold a weapon, much more to pull the trigger.

thanks, right now im currently on my second deployment overseas. so whenever I get the chance, I sit and brainstorm the next events in my chapters. it really helps when dealing with harsh living conditions or even worse, bad news about buddies. (you know the kind)
thanks for the complement, it really helps to know that people respect what we do.

My OC is Star Bolt the main character of my most famous stories Tears of a fallen Star, the wandering star, and the price of harmony.
he originaly was a ponysona I created of myself, but as I wrot his story, I found that he wasn't me at all, he was better. most of the time he will be serious although he likes to joke around with mares, and foals simply cuz he dousnt like to be looked at as too serious. he is most know for his past as commander of nightmare Moons forces, although it was plainly a ruse to get close to her and try to bring back Luna.

when he was a foal he used an ability that erased his memories and was found by Luna in the Everfree forest. although his real parents did care about him, they chose to leave him in the care of the Equestrian Royal guard commander since he could give him a life that they couldn't. though he was stubborn and overconfident in his youth, he developed good leadership skills wen he and his guardian where ordered to assist the Griffin king during a civil war in the griffin kingdoms. from then on, his since, of leadership, courage, and his control over the ability that erased his memory to begin with earned him the tittle of commander Bolt and made him a legend amongst royal guards. as a hero at the star, but then a traitor when nightmare moon tried to take over the kingdom. so in a way, he is a courageous and kind hearted leader, but at the same time, he is haunted by his past and will do everything he can to avoid Princess Celestia and her guards. or so the story goes.

I suppose the quality that he and I both share is our will to uphold justice, while at the same time, strive for equality.

5596106 Well you're putting your lives on the line, which is a lot more than what most people will do. At the very least, you deserve a bit of appreciation. So long as you're fighting for what you know is right, and doing the right thing instead of using your authority to bully those beneath you, or to commit crimes while deployed. Those are the sort of soldiers I detest the most, even if they are fighting for their country.

So long as you are a respectable and good soldier who does the right thing, you've got my support, and you've got my respect to the very end.

5596148 Mine has the ability to harness magical energy that can be thrown as projectiles or concentrated into a strong blast. However, this energy, despite its blue fiery appearance, is more force-based - it pretty much just knocks an opponent hard rather than killing them. His power is kept to a degree that makes him less of a Gary-sue, yet still capable of defending himself. Also, since he walks like a human rather than on all fours like a pony, he has some hoof-to-hoof (LOL) fighting ability. Again, I try to keep this to a degree where people won't accuse him of being a Gary-sue. I give him these abilities only in situations where he is put in danger. For the most part my OC is comical, a kind-hearted anthro-pegasus who enjoys making others laugh, although his humor can sometimes be misinterpreted. His lack of a cutie mark is intentional, as without a cutie mark Unique can be thrown into a wide range of roles, which would allow for opportunities for comedy. I've yet to attempt writing any stories for him, since I sometimes struggle to write stories.

I also own a YouTube channel on which I make novice-level animations. I'm not great but I'm happy if my videos can make even one person in the world laugh. I do Photoshop animations that often take a lot of time and work to make since I don't have knowledge of how to use other animating programs, nor do I have such alternative programs. I am, however, hoping to learn how to use GMOD and Source Film Maker this year to try and make some videos through these tools.

Apologies if I am boring you with my bollocks comments. XD

Very good so far , keep it coming and have a Derpy :derpyderp2:

I know a good song that should be played in this story...


Thx :twilightsmile:
the next one will be a good one too.

Crap...this is so good.

No problem. Real quality Zecora fanfics is hard to come by,and shipfics even harder.

I think its cuz Zecora doesn't seem like the ship type character, and her rhyming does make it difficult to write, but I like to take that as a challenge since she was the first cannon character I wrote into my stories, other then Princess Celestia and Luna.

Yeah...anyhow, look forward to reading more of this! :D

Wow cool new chapter! The shipping! It feels so natural for some reason! It just flows so flopping well! Zacora is like the hardest pony to ship, but she is portrayed so well! Good job you! You even have an upcoming threat to the Zeil. And it's a treat if Zecora finds out he's a changeling or not, and has no set time frame. It's perfect!

Keep up the good work!:moustache:

Thanks, i was hoping it wouldn't seem a little rushed.

I'm enjoying reading this story, i feel that zecora deserves someone.
Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

thanks :twilightsmile: im glad you like it so far.

For a changeling this guy seem to be a terrible liar.
I mean since he clearly dosent know anything about zebras and thier culture it whould seem like The smarter choice whould be to either change into a pegasus or say that he was born in equestria.

true, but when wounded and near death, the mind tends to react on more impulse then thought alone. sad to say he didn't think anything clearly.

I enjoyed this chapter.

A good chapter. I enjoy this story so far and can't wait for more.

Good chapter, a few mistakes, but looks fine to me!
Keep up!


don't worry I sent the next chapter to my proofreader for confirmation. as soon as he's done ill have it up :)

5912684 i need somepony to proofread my story ... if you could suggest me somepony, i will highly appreciate it

sorry my Proofreader approached me during my first story and he offered to do it for me. but I don't know anyone who is willing to at this time.

Comment posted by 56 deleted May 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by molerat deleted May 3rd, 2015

sorry for being so late, my proofreader was AWOL and after a week of waiting I had to ask another friend for help.

Well this is an enjoyable read! Keep it up!:rainbowwild:

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