• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 55,551 Views, 2,773 Comments

Magical Mystery Oops - BookeCypher

Twilight manages to turn herself into a draconequus - now the only one who can help her learn to control her new chaos magic and change back is Discord. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Perfect Stranger

A tremor coursed through the castle, shaking Twilight’s bed and pulling the purple draconequus from her slumber. Slowly, she rolled over in her cocoon of blankets, reaching across the empty half of the bed to pick up the clock and check the time.

Nine fourty-five. Still too early.

With an unceremonious toss, she dismissed the clock to the floor and went back to the warmth of her covers.

Just as she was getting warm and comfortable again, her door slammed open and the sound of rushing hooves on crystal came into the room. Twilight could just make out a flash of orange through a crack in her fluffy entombmant, “Your highness!” Flash’s usual level voice had that crack in it that he tended to develop whenever dealing with Chaos-related things, Twilight noted, “We need you! All the experiments in the labs have either been let loose or turned on! And everything is on fire!”

“Unbelievable,” Twilight muttered as she rolled over, considering the pegasus for a moment before rolling back, “...five more minutes.”

“Princess!” Flash said pleadingly, rushing over to the bed and prodding at the roll in which his superior was hiding. At least, that’s what it sounded like to Twilight. She was still buried in the covers, “We’ve lost containment on both main labs, there’s a fire in the kitchen putting out purple smoke, and Spike is busy with-”

“Mister Sentry,” Twilight’s muffled voice came from somewhere deep inside her shell of comforters and blankets, “I spent the last three nights operating on caffeine alone. My sleep schedule is completely out of balance at the moment. Just close the bulkheads and let the experiments… experiment themselves out so I can recalibrate, or bring me all of the coffee.”

“But ma’am, all of the coffee is gone!”

There was a brief moment of silence before the cocoon of blankets spontaneously found themselves orbiting the draconequus standing on the bed at a distance of around five paces, “Why is the coffee gone?!”

Flash back-pedaled a few steps, “Well, that fire in the kitchen? Apparently one of the experiments created a portal to a group of sentient cockroaches….”

“Buck me...” Twilight muttered as she buried her face in one claw, “You know what? Fine. I’m up,” She stepped off the bed, the blankets resetting themselves with a lazy gesture as she headed out of her room, “Kitchen fire first; then coffee. No need to put everypony in more danger.”

“Ma’am,” Flash said as he followed behind her, “There is one other thing-”

“That can wait until later,” Twilight cut him off as they reached the main kitchen. The main kitchen wasn’t, actually, the main kitchen – it was a smaller ancillary kitchen that just happened to be the closest to their rooms. Thus, it saw the most use. Thus, it was the main kitchen.

At the moment though, the kitchen looked more like a particularly creative exhibit at Burning Mare. The stove was on fire. The coffee pot was on fire. Even the gorram juice on fire. Twilight didn’t even know you could burn juice.

The moment she stepped into the room, the cacophony of shrill chanting and cheers cut off as a horde of over-sized cockroaches all turned to look at her. “Alright – listen up!” Twilight started as she stepped into the kitchen, “I forgive – once. Either clean this up right now or-”

“Or what!?” A small voice chimes in from somewhere, “The island of the Undying Majesty does not recognize your authority!”

“You will clean this up,” Twilight repeated, “And if it is not, I will destroy 'her undying majesty', melt what is left of your miserable island to slag, and boil the seas around you for the next thousand years!"

The collection of cockroaches watched the strange purple draconequus before quickly setting into motion. Within minutes, the kitchen was back to the state Twilight remembered it being in as a small ‘pop’ signaled the forced collapse of a Rosen Bridge. “Much better,” Twilight said with a sigh as she strolled over to the coffee pot and went through the motions of setting it brewing its precious elixir.

“Wow – really glad I never got between you and coffee.”

Twilight nearly jumped out of skin at the unexpected voice, swinging around to see a familiar pink Alicorn watching her from the doorway next to Flash, “Cadence!” Twilight couldn’t help but grin as she rushed forward and pulled her sister-in-law into a hug, “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you send me a letter? Is Shiny here? Why are you so tense?”

Flash coughed politely to one side, drawing Twilight’s attention to the Pink Alicorn in her grasp. The one that Twilight was currently crushing into her chest. “Oh!” Twilight quickly let go of Cadence, letting the Alicorn catch her breath, “It’s just… it’s been a hectic week and I was just happy to see… It’s really good to see you, Cadence.”

“Likewise,” Cadence replied with a smile as she recomposed herself, “You seem to be handling this rather well,” Cadence commented as her gaze drifted up and down Twilight. Twilight, for her part, shifted nervously under the gaze for a few moments before Cadence spoke up again, “...did you just shrink?”

Twilight looked up to find herself at eye level with her former foal-sitter instead of just above her, “Oh, um… yes? It’s not really voluntary all of the time – but with a little focus I can adjust any of my proportions pretty much at will. It’s more efficient than shape-shifting but less flexible.”

“Any of your proportions?” Cadence raised an eyebrow with a grin, “Discord must have had a field day teaching you that trick.”

“Oh, don’t get me started,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes as she moved to the now finished brewing coffee pot, “He didn’t even go with the jokes you’d expect, either! I mean, puns are bad enough but...” the small smile that had been growing on Twilight’s face inverted itself, “…nevermind,” she took a long pull from her cup of coffee before turning to Cadence, “What are you doing here? I’m not going to complain about a visit, but I can’t imagine you’re here just to chat.”

“I saw Discord at the castle in Canterlot the other day,” Cadence replied, “You have him out on some errand?”

“He’s working with Celestia at the moment,” Twilight said, staring into her cup for a moment before turning back to the pot and grabbing a refill, “Some sort of… research project. I don’t know the details. Coffee?”

“Please,” Cadence said with a small smile, though it didn’t last long, “You didn’t ask?”

“I didn’t have the chance,” Twilight said with a shrug as she prepared Cadences cup how she liked it – cream and five sugars, ugh – and handed it to her, “He’s been in Canterlot since the end of the festival.”

“Wait,” Cadence paused as she took the coffee, looking up at her sister in surprise, “You mean Discord hasn’t been here in over a week? I thought your work-”

“My work is fine,” Twilight assured her as she took another sip of her coffee, “If you’re here because you’re worried about my research, that’s all still moving-”

“We’re here because we’re worried about you, Twilight,” Cadence said as she set her coffee aside, “You’ve barely been out of your castle in the last week, you haven’t been sending your usual letters, and… we’re worried, is all.”

“You’ve been spying on me?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at that, “How?”

Flash coughed softly, “Apologies, Ma’am, I just thought...”

Twilight sighed, “I’m fine, really,” she tired to assure Cadence, waving her coffee cup vaguely, “I’ve just been busy, that’s all. I had some theories after the incident at the festival, and...”

“Yeah,” Cadence chuckled, “I’d heard about that – Shining is going to want all the details on that one.”

“Shining is here?” Twilight said, ears perking up, “Where?”

“Think he’s catching up with Spike,” Cadence replied, waving vaguely down the hall, “Something about rampaging cabbages?”

“It’s an experiment.” Twilight defended herself, “Discord suggested observation of animated objects to develop a decay model of the pseudo-spell matrix’s.”

“Are you sure he wasn’t just recreating Ogres and Oubliettes?” Cadence asked, “Because Shining took one look at them and said something about ‘Tomb of Horrors’.”

“That… might have been a secondary objective,” Twilight admitted after a moment, “It didn’t affect the experimental protocol, so there was no reason to say no!”

Cadence propped her head up with one hoof as she studied Twilight with a smirk, “He never tried to get you to play? Faust knows Shining’s tried to convince me on occasion.”

“Oh no,” Twilight gave a dismissive wave of her claw, “Discord would much rather play different games with me – usually its ‘how can we mess with the Princess today?’,” She took a sip of her coffee before adding, “...though, some of his training exercises were like riddles, in an absurdist sort of way.”

“He hasn’t done anything too bad though, right?” Cadence asked, her voice taking a worried tone.

“Of course not!” Twilight replied, “Crazy as he is, I think the worst that’s ever happened was that we ended up in bed together.”

Cadence sputtered at that. “What?”

“Oh, not like that!” Twilight said quickly, “I just woke up once and he’d wrapped himself around me while I was asleep and I kicked him out of bed, but that really didn’t dissuade him so he did it again so I started getting creative and the funny thing is the one that kept him from coming back the longest was when I started cuddling him back and he completely freaked out and oh sweet Celestia I’m going to shut up now.”

Twilight resisted the urge to hide inside her coffee cup as Cadence stared at her in slack-jawed awe before she started laughing, “Oh, that is hilarious! Big bad lord of chaos freaking out when the tables get turned!”

“Well, he seemed to get over it quick enough,” Twilight said nervously, “Since afterward he started trying to get reactions of me even more often. Not like before, I mean. It was more like he enjoyed having somebody to just… verbally spar with,” Twilight began to frown again, “I wonder if he does the same thing with Celestia.”

“The same what?” Twilight looked up at the voice just in time to see her brother walk into the kitchen. Shining Armor was a tall, well-built, white-coated unicorn of immense magical power. In short, he was the poster boy for the Royal Guard even before he’d made captain.

So it was fairly out of character for him to just stare at his sister as he tried to process the draconequus in the room, “...huh.”

“Come have a seat, dear,” Cadence said as she pulled a chair out for her husband, “Twilight and I were just discussing Discord’s behavior.”

“I...uh… right,” Shining gave a brief shake of his head before walking into the kitchen, taking the offered seat and flashing a smile at his wife as she levitated another cup of coffee to him. He took a sip of it before looking at his sister, “I’d seen the letter, but actually seeing it is… something else.”

“How are mom and dad taking it?” Twilight asked nervously.

Shining shrugged, “They’re sure you’ll be able to turn yourself back; in the meantime, they figure this is good payback for turning them into potted plants.”

Twilight groaned, “You break the laws of reality one time, and nopony ever lets you live it down...” she looked up from her claw and noticed an absence, “Where’s Spike?”

“Cleaning up the cabbages,” Shining replied with a smirk, “Lowest body count had to clean up – and I won by a landslide.”

“Well, as long as he’s alright with it...” Twilight replied non-committally, making a mental note to double-check on the damage.

“What about you?” Shining asked, “Are you alright? I mean with...” he waved a hoof at her vaguely, “This.”

“You just gestured to all of me,” Twilight replied before letting out a sigh, “But really, I’m fine. It took some getting used to but this form is actually pretty useful. And hey, I have thumbs now! Thumbs rock!” Twilight waved the digits in question around for emphasis before adding with a shrug, “Plus, you know, reality-bending chaos powers.”

“Bah,” Shining waved a hoof dismissively, “Hokey powers and prehensile digits are no match for a good horn on your head, sis.”

Twilight considered her brother for a moment, leaning back as she said, with great gravitas, “You don’t know the power of Chaos...”

The two siblings stared each other down for a moment before both cracked and started laughing. Cadence blinked owlishly, “Did I… miss something?”

“Nothing important,” Twilight reassured her as she picked her coffee back up. She took a sip and grimaced at the cold beverage. A short cantrip had the beverage piping hot again in short order, “Really though, I’m touched that you thought to comes check on me but I’m fine – honest,” Twilight looked at the two of them questioningly, “You weren’t this worried right after I changed. What’s different now?”

“It’s just...” Shining shifted in his seat nervously, “Right afterward, you were still… you. Recently though, you’ve been different.”

“Or so says Flash Sentry,” Twilight added, glancing toward the guard. The pegasus, for his part, sheepishly tried to be as unnoticeable as possible.

“You haven’t been answering your mail,” Cadence said, drawing Twilight’s attention from Flash, “or you would have known we were coming. The return box in the library has a light coating of dust on the bottom, meaning nopony has been in to check anything in or out for a week and you didn’t get up until nearly ten today – and that was only because your castle was literally on fire.”

“I’m sleeping off a work binge,” Twilight replied defensively, “And fires have been a fairly common occurrence ever since I started working with chaos magic. Discord...” she paused to take another sip of her coffee, “...Discord claimed that fire was one of the more common manifestations of chaos magic.”

“That doesn’t explain everything, Twilight,” Shining said, “please – tell us what’s wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong,” Twilight replied, staring down at her cup as claws clicked against its side, “Really.”
“Twily, I’m not sure-” whatever else Shining was going to say was cut off as a large explosion of chocolate sprinkles and sakura petals detonated right in the middle of their group, sending the three of them reeling back through a cloud of powdered sugar.

“Ah, horseapple – must of bounced off the pantry’s sub-ether echo,” Discord’s distinct voice cut through the cloud as the draconequus himself stepped forward, dusting himself off and looking around, “Bah! And I couldn’t even get my aim right either! This isn’t my bedroom or...” he cut himself off as he saw the other draconequus pulling herself up off the floor, “…oh, hello Twilight. Hope I didn’t, uh, crash anything?”

“Discord?” Twilight said, surprised before she moved closer, “Where have you been? We’ve had three experiments finish since the festival and without you I can’t cross-check the control groups.”

“Oh, you know,” Discord waved a paw vaguely as he picked bits of chocolate sprinkle from Twilight’s mane with his claws, “Busybusybusy. Celestia’s roped me into this, uh... research project she’s putting together. But half the time she just wants to sit around and talk over tea.”

“You having tea with the Princess?” Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle at the mental image, “Doesn’t seem very… you.”

“Because it’s not!” Discord replied sharply before adding, “and before we go any further on that – who or what did I land on?”

“That would be my chair,” Shining replied gruffly as he dusted himself off, “Good to see your self control hasn’t gotten any better.”

“My self control is excellent these days!” Discord cut back with a small huff, “I’ll have you know I only changed the species of three of Miss Sunshine’s maids today,” he leaned closer to Shining before stage-whispering, “But between you and me, I think the one mare wanted to be a giraffe.”

“Don’t pay the old goat any mind, Shiny,” Twilight said as she softly elbowed Discord, “I honestly doubt Princess Celestia would put up with any of his antics, although...” she turned to Discord, “Tea? Really?”

“Well, she had tea,” Discord said with a shrug, “I had other alphanumerics. A nicely brewed cup of Cue in the morning does wonders, though Ampersand does a much better job keeping me awake while she drones on and on...”

“Not a fan of history then?” Twilight asked, smirking, “Other than your own, I mean.”

“History I can deal with,” Discord said as he dug out the coffee pot, uncrushed it and then unemptied it, “It’s the philosophy I can’t deal with. I mean, ugh...” he grimaced before downing the entire pot, “All she does is talk; at least you try and test what you’re talking about.”

“Hrm...” Twilight considered that for a moment, “Experimental philosophy. I wonder how that would work?”

“Isn’t that the thing with the train tracks?” Discord asked as he refilled the pot.

“That’s a thought experiment,” Twilight corrected him as she took the pot away, “You aren’t supposed to actually do one of those.”

Discord scoffed, “That’s what they think.”

“Is there a reason you teleported into the kitchen?” Shining cut in, while Cadence sat next to him watching events unfold with a barely concealed smirk.

“Well, I’ll have you know, I was aiming for my bedroom,” Discord replied, pausing before adding, “Or Twilight’s bedroom – either would be fine. ‘Cause you see, I’m stuck in Canterlot and I simply have nothing to wear. Which reminds me,” he turned to Twilight, “Can I borrow your tiara?”

“Sure,” Twilight replied with a shrug as she leaned back against a nearby counter, “There are a few dresses in the wardrobe you can borrow as well if you want – just none of the Rarity dresses please.”

“Oh, that would be perfect!” Discord rubbed his paws together in glee, “I’ll have to stop by Rarity’s for the stockings though… Or I could just dig my old maid outfit out again. That one always did great things for-”

“Okay, stop!” Shining suddenly cut in, gesturing with one hoof as he pressed the other to his forehead, “I don’t know what the hay you’re talking about and I don’t want to, just stop before I… yeah, nope – imagining that now. I’ll just be over here, wiping my memory of the last five minutes and – Cadence, its not funny!”

“Yes it is!” Cadence managed between gasping breathes as she rolled on the floor, “Oh, Shiny, the look on your face is...”

The two draconequi watched the married couple for a moment before Discord leaned toward Twilight and asked, “So… why are they here?”

“They were worried about me, is all,” Twilight replied, “My experiments for the last week or so have been pretty time-consuming and they’re worried I’m going to burn myself out.”

“Or up,” Discord said, “You are a draconequus now – you could make yourself spontaneously combust by mistake if you aren’t careful.”

“What!?” Twilight recoiled in shock, “I’m gonna explode!? I don’t wanna explode! How do I prevent it? Are there warning signs? What about-” She paused she noticed Discord’s grin, “...Oh you son of a-”

“Language, dear Twilight,” Discord gestured at Cadence, “We wouldn’t want to offend the princess, would we?”

Twilight snorted at that, “Who do you think taught me how to swear?”

“Honestly?” Discord replied, “Celestia. But really – you need to get out more. Go poke something in the Everfree. Go book shopping. Crash one of Fluttershy and Rarity’s spa dates – that always made me feel better.”

“I suppose,” Twilight said with a sigh, “I would be nice to have my partner back though,” she glanced at him, “Are you going to be back soon?”

Discord inspected one of his claws, “Can’t say – that Celestia is keeping her timetable close to her fluffy little chest. All she keeps telling me is that its critical I stay in Canterlot.”

Twilight frowned, “I’m sure that if you tell Celestia that I could use your help, she’d understand. I’m getting close, Discord, I can feel it – if she knew that...”

“She does, Twily,” Discord said as he glanced up from his claw, “But the Princess seems to think it's more important I stay in Canterlot for the moment.”

“And what do you think?” Twilight asked, her voice carefully neutral.

Discord shifted slightly, as across from them the married couple seemed to realize something was not quite right, “I think Celestia might have a point, loathe as I am to admit it. You have everything you need for your work, and Celestia needs me on this project-”

“Since when did that matter to you?” Twilight nearly shouted, finally getting Discord to look at her, “From any other pony, I’d take that but you’re… you! You don’t do Celestia favors. You don’t even like her that much. The only reason you started working with me in the first place was because you liked that I needed you!”

“And now you don’t need me,” Discord replied, eerily calm, “Now, Celestia is the one that needs me. You can see where this is going, can’t you?”

Twilight’s slumped, her head hanging low, “Does she really need you for her ‘research project’,” she asked, her voice low, “or are you just saying that because she can get you your memories back?”

Silence hung over the kitchen.

“How...” Discord finally said after a moment, “How did you know about that?”

“I didn’t,” Twilight replied, looking up and giving him a weak smile, “You just confirmed it for me. I had my suspicions though. So did Luna, after the festival. We just compared notes. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s not important,” Discord said as he looked away from her.

“Yes it is!” Twilight closed on him, “Why? You’ve helped me so much with my work, helping you with something like this would be the least I could do! You know that this is the sort of thing I’m good at! You know that I’d help you! So why didn’t you tell me?”

“You have enough on your plate, Twily,” Discord said, “As much as I love watching you run around trying to solve whatever problem I drop in your lap, this one is just too much for you.”

“But not for Celestia?” Twilight asked, unable to prevent the hint of hurt that colored her words.

“No, not for Celestia,” Discord turned to her, his expression stern, “You know that she’s old – you know better than anyone, but that's just a fact to you. You don’t understand it, you don’t comprehend it the way you don’t comprehend the size of the ocean or the sky. Celestia Sol Invictus was old and wise even before the founding of modern Equestria. She was spoken of in hushed tones of reverence by the Court of Princess Platinum and looked upon with awe by the Councils of Commander Hurricane. She lectured in the halls of Chancellor Puddinghead, studied alongside Clover the Clever herself. She was there when the last of the Windigos was chased from the land, she was there when I swept across the continent and twisted it to my will. She has seen more battles than you’ve had hot dinners and forgotten more names than you’ve had passing thoughts. She is an embodied force of nature with several millennium of experience behind her. She has seen things you wouldn’t believe. You, with a couple decades of life to your name, can’t match that – no matter how clever you are.”

“But why leave me and our work?” Twilight asked, almost pleading, “Celestia telling you some stories can’t take all of your time like this, can it? I still need you here, to finish this.”

Discord shook his head, “No you don’t – you just want me here because I banter better than the dragon or the wet blanket over there.” Flash made a noise of indignation, but neither of them paid it any attention.

“So I enjoy talking to you, fine!” Twilight said, “We’ve been working together on this for so long, cutting you out like this feels… wrong! So let me help you so we can keep working. Together.”

Discord stepped away from her, pacing across toward the other end of the kitchen, back to the rest of them, “That’s not how this works, Twilight. You decided to research Chaos magic, and it blew up in your face. In exchange for me helping you, I got a lot of laughs, the chance to use my powers how I want, and you telling me you needed my help. I had something you needed, and you had something I wanted. Celestia has my past. If all she wants for that is a monopoly on my time, so be it.”

Twilight studied him carefully for a moment before she said, “You’re hiding something, aren’t you? This isn’t like you Discord. What’s really going on?”

“What’s going on is that I have more important things now than watching you bumble around with powers beyond the mortal keen,” Discord replied sharply, “You know enough to not blow up yourself, the city, or the universe. You know enough to finish your research, so finish it and go back to being a pony – you’ll be happier that way.”

“For buck’s sake, Discord, stop being difficult and talk to me!” Twilight slammed one hind paw into the ground in frustration, “All I want is the truth!”

“The truth?” Discord regarded her with a raised eyebrow, “The truth is that you’re just like every other pony, no matter what you look like – you already had your opinion about me made up the moment you came to talk to me. You think, that because we’ve been working together and because we had a few close encounters, that you know me? Me, a being that can warp reality and has been alive so long I literally can’t remember everything? Really?”

“You aren’t some unfathomable god, Discord,” Twilight said, her glaring visage only marred by the slight trembles that ran through her, “No more than Celestia and Luna are. One of them is my teacher, and the other one is my friend. So, Tell. Me. The Truth.”

Discord sighed, “See, this is what I mean – you don’t care about the truth, you just want to hear what you want to hear. You want me to tell you something is up, but there isn’t. Celestia is old. I am old. She is the only one who can possibly tell me what I forgot, and that means I don’t have time for you any more. It's simple as that. I don’t need your help. I don’t want your help.” He turned and started out of the kitchen, drifting past Flash before stopping and glancing back at Twilight. She was trembling slightly now as she watched him, “So worked up; they’re my memories – why would you care?”

Twilight watched as he vanished through the doorway, listened to the idiosyncratic step falls as he drew further away until, finally, the tell-tale ‘pop’ of his strange teleportation sent a ripple through the threads of reality.

The kitchen was silent for several long moments, nobody present willing to be the first to speak. The only sound the soft thump of a draconequus sliding to the floor.

“Hey, Twilight, I finished cleaning up the cabbages and-” Spike skidded to a stop around the corner as he took in the mess of the kitchen, “...woah, what happened here?”

Twilight slumped, “...Discord dropped in.”

“Oh, really? Good,” Spike said with a nod as he set about picking up the kitchen, “He owes me a rematch and I want my copy of Power Ponies...” he paused as he noticed Cadence and Shining were still staring at Twilight, “Guys? What happened?”

“Discord already left, Spike,” Twilight replied flatly as she picked herself up from the floor, a quick spell setting the broom and dust pan in Spike’s claws moving on their own, “And I don’t think he’s coming back.”

“That bastard,” Shining growled as he started moving, “Nobody gets to talk to Twily like that! I’m gonna-”

“Shiny, no,” Twilight said as she grabbed him by the tail, “Just… no. Let him go. I asked for the truth. It’s not his fault that I don’t like it. I guess I just hoped that...” she shook her head, “Well, it doesn’t matter now. Let’s get this cleaned up,” Twilight started moving, levitating the remains of the coffee machine – it had gotten cracked in half at some point, it seemed – and fusing them back together as she turned to Spike, “You said you got all the cabbages taken care of? As long as we have intact samples, we should be able to generate some sort of results...”

Cadence laid a hoof on the dragonequus’ shoulder, “Twilight, are you sure you’re alright?”

“I will be,” Twilight replied, taking a deep breath, “I guess I’m just… I don’t know.”

“Disappointed?” Cadence suggested.

“Mayhaps,” Twilight replied with a shrug, and a weak smile, “After everything, I guess I had thought that things between us were more than just… business.”

“We can’t control others, Twilight,” Cadence tried to assure her, “All we can do is try and see what happens. That's what experiments are, right? Trying things and seeing what happens?”

“And some experiments fail,” Twilight concluded for her with a nod, “It still… Why wouldn’t he trust me now? After everything?”

“I don’t know Twilight, but you can’t make somebody care about you,” Cadence said, “All you can do is stop worrying about it and move on. Come on – let's get this kitchen cleaned up and get out of the castle for a while; you could use the air I think.

Twilight nodded and started sweeping up flower petals from the floor as others straightened out the chairs and counter. Despite Cadence’s words though, she couldn’t stop herself from staring out the way Discord had vanished as she asked herself softly, “Why wouldn’t I care?”

Author's Note:


Also - 5