• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 2,726 Views, 24 Comments

Melody - femikol

Twilight receives a letter from the Princess that crushed her world. Rainbow Dash knows a way to help her, but to do it she must reveal a big secret.

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle sat in her library crying. Her world had just came crashing down when Ditzy, the mail mare had shown up with a letter for Twilight.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

It pains me to have to reveal this to you like this but your mother, Twilight Velvet died yesterday. The funeral will be held in three days time in Canterlot.

Yours truly,
Princess Celestia

"Why?" Twilight whispered to nopony in particular. "Why her? Why Mom?" She couldn't stand it. Her mom had always put her daughters needs before her own. Back when Twilight was just a little filly she needed help on some math. When she asked her mom for help her mom, who had been hastily working on a project for her job put aside her work and assisted Twilight until her math was done. Twilight sobbed as she remembered all her mother had done for her.

Knock, knock.

"Wh- who is it?" Twilight called from her spot on the floor.

"Twilight? Is everything okay?" Twilight recognized the familiar voice of her friend, Rainbow Dash.

"Y- y... No." Twilight gave in, not wanting to lie to her friend.

"Oh... Can I come in?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure... I guess..." Twilight fought hard to not break out crying as she remembered when she was a filly and she was crying one time and her mother said the very same thing Rainbow had just asked.

"Oh Celestia... What happened, Twilight?" Inquired Rainbow after opening the door. The library was a complete wreck. Books were stacked up and scattered, Twilight was on the floor next to a table which on top of it was a framed picture of Twilight's family. Rainbow guessed that this picture was taken a long time ago as Twilight seemed just out of her foal years in the picture. What caught Rainbow's eye was a tear stained letter with Celestia's seal on it. After reading it Rainbow embraced Twilight and whispered to her,

"There, there... Let it out. Everything's gonna be okay." She soothed.

"H-... How?" Twilight struggled to say through her sobbing. "My mother's de-... Dea-..." She couldn't say it. She couldn't admit that her mother was dead.

"Shhh... Shhh..." Rainbow kept on hushing Twilight until she cried herself to sleep.

After tucking in a sleeping Twilight, Rainbow flew home. It's time to bust it out again, I guess. Rainbow hesitated before opening the door. Using it would mean spilling a ton of secrets she would rather keep to herself, but Twilight needed a pick me up so Rainbow went along with her plan anyways.

Her first thought that Twilight had when she woke up was I fell asleep? When? After a glance at a picture of her mother she remembered the letter, and the depression she had before came back again. She shook with greif as she got up out of bed and walked down to the main room. There she saw Rainbow wearing an outfit that had a hook on one side that had an instrument case on it and clutching a CD case in her mouth.

"Hiya, Twilight" Rainbow said as she set the CD case on the table.

"Rainbow? Is than an instrument?!" Twilight asked, stunned. Any and all depression she might have had at the moment vanishing on the spot. Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony in all of Equestrian played an instrument? That didn't sound like the Rainbow Dash she knew at ALL.

"Heh, heh... Yeah it is." Rainbow Dash said as she unhooked the instrument and opened the case.

"A VIOLIN?! YOU PLAY THE VIOLIN, RAINBOW?!" Twilight screamed at the top of her voice. Not only did Rainbow Dash play an instrument but it was the VIOLIN!

"Yeah. I have been playing it since I was a filly." Rainbow replied as Twilight's jaw hit the floor. "Do you have a CD player? Lindsey Stirling made this record, but I removed the Violin part in it."


"Equestria to Twilight... Come IN!"

"Oh... Heh, heh... Sorry Rainbow. This is a lot to process."

"It's okay." Rainbow said with a warm smile.

"So the CD player is over here." Twilight said gesturing to the CD player.

"Mmm. Sanks, Twilight." Rainbow said with the CD case in her mouth.

After putting in the CD, tuning her violin, then hitting the 'play' button, Rainbow began to play along with the recording.

SONG HERE: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aHjpOzsQ9YI

As Rainbow finished the song Twilight simply stared at her.

"Rainbow... That was... Amazing." Twilight struggled to find words for what she had just witnessed and heard. "But this... Does not seem like your style of music at all... It just seems... To calm for you."

"Twilight. The only reason I can remember the violin part and play it so well is because I love this song.

"That's true."

"Hey, Twilight?"


"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I... Don't know how to put it, but... I know you miss your mom and you feel really awful, but can you please make sure it doesn't get to you? The reason I came here in the first place was because of Fluttershy. She claims to have seen you crying your eyes out on the floor as she flew by. Not wanting to accidentily make it worse she came to me."

"Oh... Okay..." Twilight started to tremble. "It... It's just so hard." Tears were falling from her eyes now. "I just can't get over the fact that I'll never get to see my mom again."

"I know, Twilight. Mabye if we tell the others about what happened it might help."

"Okay, Rainbow. I'll tell them, but can you please help too? I don't know if I can do it alone."

"Kay... Come on Twilight... Let's go." Rainbow said in a soothing, motherly tone as they left Twilight's library and closed the door.

Author's Note:

I do not own any of the characters nor do I own 'Crystallize' by Lindsey Stirling. I hope this story didn't come off as horrible. I feel inclined to make a sequal though. Please tell me what you think. Thanks! :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 24 )

I am sorry I must violently disagree with you. Your writing does not suck. As a first effort I think this is very well done.
And I must say that I can easily see Rainbow having a talent like that and keeping it quiet.
It will be interesting to watch and see what happens when you hit your stride.

5735013 Heh, heh. Thank you. :twilightsmile: I want to make a less tragic version where Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all find out about Rainbow's passion for the violin by going to a concert. Then they all find out and nopony dies. :pinkiesmile: What do you think?

This is very well done. Are you looking to become a sad writer? You have a good start if you are.

5736328 Thank you! :twilightsmile: Yeah I think I will be a writer who makes sad fanfiction. I am not good when there is no tragedy or sadness to base the plot off. I noticed this when I attempted to write the sequal. It's not out yet but there was no tragedy in it so I had a harder time focusing on the main plot. It's kind of annoying but I think I am better at tragedy and sadness because I have more of that in my life that your average person. I can describe the sorrow that the characters are going through because I have been there or I have had a similar experience. So I might just be the random guy who makes sad fanfiction. On the topic of sad fanfiction do you have a suggestion for one? I don't write scuidide however as that's just downright depressing.

A truly awe imspiring story. Deepest regret & Sympathies for Twilight. :.(

Okay, I'll admit, I did not see that coming. For a one shot, that caught me by surprise.


5736592 You think you have a reason to be sad? I've been insulted and ridiculed since 3rd grade!

5839574 That sounds bad, but for me it has been since kindergarten.

5839556 Yup! ^_^ The violin because it's the polar opposite of her. Or the piano. XD

5839584 Did this turn into a who had the worse life fight? Cause if so, we should probably stop before we come across memories that we don't want to remember.

5839593 I agree. Truce? :rainbowlaugh:

Truce. I've gone through some terrible things that I probably shouldn't talk about over the computer, tablet, etc.

5839616 Or anything. On a different subject: PINKIES!!!


5839792 My feeble attempt to change the subject. By your response it worked. :twilightsmile:

I feel that moustaches are in order. have a few... you deserve them. I had the feeling that rainbow was seen as comedy relief, to lessen twilights tragic mood. it certainly was different.

5956708 Heh, heh... Well I don't believe in comedy relief during tragic times. There's a time and a place for comedy. A death moment would NOT be a good place to me.

EDIT: Thank you for the moustaches. ^_^ :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by femikol deleted May 16th, 2015

Darn, not only good fanfiction, but that music what you choose, Lindsey Stirling, man, I don’t know her until I read this fic, honestly. Crystalize is one of her goods, but what got my breath was Roundtable Rival. She is creating ,darn great, music. Thanks, thanks lot... You show me her music and I appreciate it. Thanks again.

There is Roundtable Rival if you don’t find it.

6317920 WT ARE THIS?!?! SOMEONE WHO IS NOT KNOW LINDSEY STIRLING!?!?:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

Lindsey Stirling has quite the talent, hm? Imagining Rainbow having the same skills, it makes it look pretty cool!

I do like these things with Rainbow Dash having some ‘inner depth’. We need more stories like those.

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