• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 658 Views, 8 Comments

Ruby's Diary: The Prequel to Story of The Blanks - Fandom Trash Snivy

Ruby's diary has recently been found. Why not take a peek?...

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"September 19th" or, "Mitta's Kindness"

September 19th


Mitta's Kindness

Dear Diary,

Everything I think of comes back to Mitta. She's almost like a mother figure to me. She's the one of the nicest ponies I've ever met besides the other citizens of Sunny Town and my parents. Every time I think of my parents, my mind drifts off to Mitta. Probably because she was my babysitter for that week. I had no idea that what would happen to my parents during their time in Manehattan would get them killed.

Occasionally I think of Vera Seedy (the most selfish pony in Sunny Town). I don't know why, but when I do, I feel like punching or kicking something. She looks all nice and caring on the outside, but on the inside of that candy-colored body, she's a monster. Everypony here feels like she's doing the right thing because she follows and enforces "the beliefs". Those so-called "beliefs" are just a pony's tale! Why would being a unicorn or a pegasus be a curse to life? More importantly, why would having a cutie mark be a curse to life? Getting a cutie mark only tells you that you've finally found who you are; it becomes a part of you. Now I don't have a cutie mark yet, but I want to get one. Sadly, that would get me exiled, beaten, or even killed...

By that foul-minded Vera Seedy. I scoff at her face every day. She is a disgrace to Sunny Town. Wait, a disgrace to Equestria. She doesn't deserve to be here. She made us all believe that cutie marks, pegasi, and unicorns are a curse! However, we have to stick with the "beliefs". Sigh.

My mind floats back to Mitta whenever I think of the ponies in my town who question the beliefs. She and I are some of those ponies. We are in the same boat; two fish in the same fishbowl. Whenever somepony gets exiled, beaten, or killed in Sunny Town, she starts crying a river of her own salty tears.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why? Why must this happen? EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!!!!!!!"

I try to comfort Mitta, but she either ignores me or ends up crying even more. I can tell that she's getting tired of all the times that she hears that somepony is "unfit" to live in Sunny Town.

Hey! Mitta's coming up to me right now! In fact, I'm in her house because I live there now. She obtained custody over me after my parents died. They had "the mark"; they had to go.

"Hey Ruby! What are you writing in there?"

Hmm, what should I say to her? Ooh! I know!

"I'm writing about you in my diary, Mitta! Wanna read it?"

"Of course, sweetie!"

Okay diary. I'm handing you over to Mitta right now. Trust me: you'll be in good hooves for now.

Since I'm writing in you again diary, this must mean that Mitta handled you well.

"Don't worry Ruby. I handled your diary quite well."

See? Of course Mitta wouldn't rip you to shreds! Anyways, she found your current contents to be, well, interesting...

"You really think about me that much?"

"Of course I do, Mitta. You are more than a friend to me."

See diary? Mitta is so sweet and kind! There's literally nothing more that she can offer. Wait! I think she's about to speak again!

"If I am more than a friend to you, than what do I mean to you?"

I know exactly what to tell her, diary.

"You are a very protective pony who hides me from all of the neighsayers in this town. In other words, to me, you feel like..."

Dramatic pause for effect...

"...a mother."

Now I'm just going to leave Mitta there, trying to think of what to say to me. I hope she's excited, flustered, appreciative, whatever other suitable adjectives I can think of...

Mitta is crying tears of joy right now! I think she's proud of me.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so flustered! Well, to me right now, you're like the daughter I've never had."

Okay diary. I'm going to put you down for a sec so I can hug Mitta.

I'm writing in you again now. I just finished giving Mitta perhaps the largest hug in the history of hugs. I can tell that she's proud of me. Recently, she's shone a bright light onto not just my dark past, but Sunny Town's dark past too. She makes everything in my life better, like a mother. It's too bad that Mitta never found love anywhere. One occasion, I asked her why she never "hooked up" with any stallions. She responded with:

"I'm the type of mare who can fend for myself. Do you ever see me gushing over some stallion in a similar romantic situation as of Starlet and Roneo's? Of course not! I've got the brains and I have some common sense. Enough smarts and common sense to be responsible for you."

Some occasions I saw Mitta ranting about how Sunny Town keeps going more and more downhill with each passing month.

"That mayor doesn't care about life! All she cares about is killing, killing, killing! Death, death, death! Blood, blood, blood!"

Then she would impersonate Vera Seedy.

"'Look everypony! I'm the biggest idiot this side of the Everfree Forest! I don't care about anything except killing ponies and laughing at the sight of blood! Those beliefs are true! The curse is REAL!'"

Mitta may seem nice sometimes, but when you get her mad, she flies into a ranting rage. Don't even talk about the time Mitta dissed Gladstone's conspiracy theory that one occasion.

Oh ponyfeathers! I'm yawning! It's close to my bedtime. Time to go to bed, diary. But before I stop writing:

Everything that I think of comes back to Mitta. Don't forget that.
