• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 1,661 Views, 69 Comments

Sugar Belle's Tale - Tennis Match Fan

Sugar Belle reminices about how she came to the village.

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Sugars and Belles and Stuff

"And here we are!" Sugar Belle announced. Her poofy fuchsia mane bounced as she brought in a tray of fresh, steamy, croissants for her friends.

"Oh, Sugar Belle, these looks fantastic!" Fluttershy observed, a smiling lighting up her face.

"Much better than those muffins from a couple days ago!" Pinkie agreed. She made a face as her stomach grumbled. "Gah, I'll never eat another muffin!" Pinkie reached over the table and grabbed a croissant. Without a second thought, she shoved it into her mouth.

"Delicious!" Pinkie proclaimed, licking her lips. "But your cutie mark is a super swirly cupcake with cherries and fancy frosting! How does that relate to muffins and croissants?"

Sugar Belle blushed.

"Thank you, Pinkie," she responded. "As you can see, my special talent is baking, but it's not just restrained to cupcakes. I can bake croissants, cinnamon buns, muffins, you name it!" As she spoke, Sugar Belle glanced down at her restored cutie mark, as if afraid it would disappear at any second.

"Baking is terrific!" Pinkie mumbled through a mouthful of croissant.

"Hush, Sugar Belle is talking!" Fluttershy reprimanded her quietly, before she turned back to Sugar Belle. "Go on!"

"I earned my cutie mark at a very young age," Sugar Belle explained, sitting down across from Pinkie and Fluttershy. "I was helping at my friend's family's bakery. She didn't enjoy baking, while I couldn't get enough enough!" A smile spread across Sugar Belle's face. "And after a few months, my cutie mark appeared!"

"Super awesome!" Pinkie exclaimed, wiping the crumbs off her mouth. "I almost wish my cutie mark was a pie instead of balloons!" Pinkie grabbed a marker and squiggled a pie over her three balloons. Fluttershy and Sugar Belle chuckled lightly at Pinkie's antics.

"Sugar Belle, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Fluttershy asked before taking another bite.

"Not at all!" Sugar Belle assured her.

"Why did you decide to join Starlight's cause?" Fluttershy asked. "It almost seems as if she forced you to it."

"Oh, no, I joined of my free will!" Sugar Belle replied immediately. "I told you I was young when I earned my cutie mark. Young, eager, and hopeful. I thought that I would become famous for my sugary goods, almost overnight, I suppose."

"But things didn't work out?" Fluttershy asked. Sugar Belle shook her head.

"Things didn't work out," she repeated. "Nopony wants to buy a muffin from a young filly like I was. I was heartbroken for a while."

"You stopped baking?!" Pinkie cried in alarm. She banged her hoof on the table, startling Fluttershy and Sugar Belle.

"No, I didn't stop baking," Sugar Belle answered, "I just didn't sell anything."

"Phew!" Pinkie wiped her brow in relief. "Imagine life without your cupcakes!"

"I didn't sell anything for years," Sugar Belle continued. "Competition is stiff in the baking industry. Many ponies have talent and flair for baking. How would one little filly be any different?

"Until I met Starlight, while I was on vacation. She saw the predicament I was in. She told me that under her philosophy, my special talent wouldn't matter." Sugar Belle sighed. "I didn't have any friends, and I was selling flowers for a living, something that wasn't very enjoyable for me. What she said... well, at the time, it made sense."

"So you joined her?"

"So I joined her," Sugar Belle confirmed with a firm nod of her head.

"How could you go without baking?" Pinkie asked. By now, she was already on her fifth croissant.

"I don't know, Pinkie, I'm sorry," Sugar Belle apologized. "I can make you some more muffins right now, if you'd like."

"Only if you want to bake, Sugar Belle," Fluttershy told her kindly. Sugar Belle beamed and left to prepare another batch.

"Pinkie," Fluttershy whispered, leaning in, "Please stop telling Sugar Belle it's awful to give up baking. Awful as it may be, she's only just gotten her cutie mark back, and she probably doesn't want you reminding her about her past, where she might have lacked judgement as a younger pony. Don't do that, okay?"

"Alrighty tighty, Fluttershy!" Pinkie rocked back and forth on her chair. "Sounds like a plan!"

While they waited for Sugar Belle to return with the promised muffins, Fluttershy and Pinkie finished off the rest of the croissants.

"I just remembered," Pinkie blurted out suddenly. "I swore off muffins!"

"Oh, Pinkie." Fluttershy giggled softly. "You never Pinkie Promised to give up muffins!"

Pinkie sat up straight, happier now that Fluttershy had pointed out a loophole.

"You're right!" she yelled. "Hey, Sugar Belle, when will those muffins be done?"

"In a minute, Pinkie!" Sugar Belle answered from the kitchen.

True to her word, Sugar Belle was out of the kitchen a minute later, this time carrying several muffins with her.

"Those look so delicious, Sugar Belle!" Fluttershy commented.

"Thanks, Fluttershy," Sugar Belle answered. "Hopefully they won't taste like cardboard!" She winked at Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie was already gobbling down a muffin.

"Swet Cewestia, Depwy nweeds ta eat deese!" she exclaimed.

"Do you want to continue with your story, Sugar Belle?" Fluttershy asked. "If you'd like."

Sugar Belle nodded.

"I joined her, and immediately made friends with everypony in her village. I got to be the official baker, even though my talent for baking was long gone. It's just a name, Starlight told me, it didn't make me better than anypony else.

"But I always had doubts, even if I kept them hidden in the very back of my mind," Sugar Belle continued. "Maybe ponies could live in harmony without their cutie marks."

"Why didn't you do anything about it?" Pinkie queried.

"You met Starlight. She's so intimidating! So, I kept to myself. Party Favor and Night Glider shared my doubts, but we rarely talked about it.

"And you know the rest of the story!" Sugar Belle finished, picking up a muffin in her magic aura. "You six came, and freed us all!"

"We're just trying to do our part!" Fluttershy responded, smiling serenely.

"One part of a whole pie of stuff we need to do!" Pinkie added. "In fact-"

"Incoming!" Night Glider suddenly crashed through the doorway, followed closely by Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry about the door, Sugar Belle!" Night Glider apologized.

"Oh, it's okay! I can fix it later," Sugar Belle answered.

"Hey, we were just playing Dodge Ball! Wanna play with us?" Rainbow invited them.

"You bet your pastel mane I do!" Pinkie cried, bouncing outside.

"Sure!" Fluttershy and Sugar Belle responded. Leaving their muffins on the table, the two new friends trotted outside to join the Dodge Ball game.

Comments ( 69 )

How cute.

But am I the only one who thought Sugar Belle was infinitely cuter while equalized?

5826537 She seemed more mature while equalized, like she could be a coffee server. :twilightsmile: I like both forms, but separately.

So sugary sweet! Nice! :pinkiehappy:

Yay! Nice backstory for Sugar Belle! :yay:

5826643 Thanks! :pinkiehappy: I came up with it on my way back from a baseball game!

5826645 Wait a minute... this is your story- and it doesn't have any Equestria Girls in it?! :pinkiegasp: Oh well, with Sugar Belle, all's good. :pinkiesmile:

5826660 :rainbowlaugh: Sometimes my stories don't have pastel humans in them!

IMMA watchin'. :pinkiesmile:

5826669 We need a Sugar Belle emoji! :pinkiegasp:

5826676 Of her and the other 3 main ones from the village.

5826676 We still need a Luna emoji! :twilightangry2:

5826706 Yeah we need her & Discord & Nightmare Moon!

"Only of you want to bake, Sugar Belle,"

I think ya meant "If" Sorry to be a typo nazi. but it was the only one i could find. This was a well written story. And the story you came up for is actually really believable. Good job and I enjoyed reading it.

Congrats for getting on the popular list! :pinkiehappy:

This is a very good start, given what we all saw yesterday. :twilightsmile: You captured exactly what the other "resistance" members hinted at - Starlight played on their insecurities, injuries and fears to warp their thinking and pressure them into giving up their cutie marks. And, while the Mane 6 are there, I know that Sugar Belle and her friends will remain strong... but I'm worried about what happens after they have to fend for themselves once more. We'll see - both in stories and on Saturdays! :pinkiehappy:

5826797 Thankies! :yay: I think I have so many awesome friends like you guys that always read my stories, whenever I publish a new one it goes straight to Popular! :rainbowlaugh:

5826857 Your stories are awesome! Keep up great work like this and you could be a famous author someday! Really!!! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

This is soo cute we are gonna have 30,000 stories by the end of this month with the Mane 4 aren't we?

5826873 When I was in 4th grade or so, Star Twist and I tried to make a mystery book series. :rainbowlaugh: We failed miserably! But yeah, writing has always been an aspiration for me!

5827190 Totally! :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh: They should get their own group tag!

Just a couple of errors...

"No, i didn't stop baking

Error here is obvious.

Only if [i/]you want

Italics fail. :twilightsheepish:
Despite this, this is a good story! I also really like Sugar Belle's character, and I'm glad to see a backstory, even if it's headcanon. Good job on this! :pinkiehappy:

5827241 :rainbowderp: Wow... I did the same thing in 4th grade too with one of my friends... wooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... :rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp: I'm serious... honest! It was the story of Rapunzel only with a pony (not mlp though). No one wanted to read it... that was before Tangled came out, so no one really liked fairy tales. What Disney does to me... :facehoof:

5827285 Cool! :rainbowkiss: The first book in our series was about this girl whose 15 puppies were kidnapped. :derpytongue2:

5827322 Yeah, but the plot was terrible. :applejackunsure:

5827338 At least yours was original... we basically stole the fairy tale and used animals!

5827342 :rainbowlaugh: Well, now you know never to plagiarize! :derpytongue2:

5827367 Don't worry, I won't tell! :pinkiecrazy:

This was pretty cool! I like it!

I like it! Also, I saw this on the popular stories tab :pinkiehappy:

She didn't enjoy baking, while I couldn't get enough enough!"

You mean "Enough of it"?

"You never Pinkie Promises to give up muffins!"

Pinkie Promised?

5827619 There are a lot of errors in this story, apparently. :rainbowhuh: Thanks!

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