• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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25 - Making a Choice

Applejack shook her head. "Don't make no sense to me. We got plenty of trustworthy sorts right in this room." She tapped a hoof on the ground. "What do we need to just git 'er done ourselves?"

Willow brightened at the question. "Funny you should ask. I have led a caravan or two in my time. If you are certain this is the path you desire, I can arrange the supplies."

Applejack moved to the bed and slumped against it. "That's mighty kind, but not right now. Right now, I officially move the Crusaders take a break."

Apple Bloom tilted her head at her bigger sister. "A break? What do ya mean?"

Sweetie smiled. "She means we get to not face horrible monsters for a little while. Let's go play!" With some coaxing, Sweetie lured the others outside and soon they were making noise in the courtyard akin to those of normal youth, unburdened by life and death adventure.

Applejack smiled gently at the sound. "Ah think ah made the right decision."

Lady Longtail nodded and turned for the door. "You're welcome as long as you require the room. Do tell me what you decide to do. Daughter, take care of them."

Willow snorted softly. "Of course, Mother. They saved my life in the most literal way one can." She hiked a brow. "Though they have been paid for it."

Applejack tilted her head faintly. "We have?"

Willow gestured at the chain shirt Applejack had hung up. "You're wearing our ancestral armor, wielding our weapons, and sleeping in our beds. You eat our food as well. How can you say you have not been paid something?"

Applejack huffed. "May be true, and mah grasp on the finances involved may not be tha greatest, but we coulda got more just sellin' what we found instead of using it fer ya. Now ah ain't trying to stir up trouble. Ya needed help and we gave it. That's what neighbors do."

Willow looked quite uncertain. "That does seem to be the pony way. My stance is the same, I owe a debt, and I plan to repay it. I'm no slacker and I'll pull my weight." She snorted softly. "Tell me when you plan to leave and I'll have us ready to brave the desert. Moving in a small group may be in our advantage. We'll draw less attention from beasts and bandits alike if we're harder to find."

Longtail patted Willow on the shoulder. "Stop looking for ulterior motives. Applejack is quite proud of her lack of guile. She just wants to keep her small friends and family safe. You should be familiar with this, with that troublemaker of a son you have."

Applejack perked an ear. "Lack of what?"

Willow chuckled softly. "I see that, Mother. We'll do what we can. I'll treat them well." She leaned over and kissed Longtail's cheek, then was gone into the depths of the manor.

Longtail nodded at Applejack. "Don't mind her. She looks for the hidden angle in everything. One can hardly blame her at this point. Someone thought it important enough to send a message to her, or me through her, that ended with her death."

Applejack winced at the reminder. "A mighty unpleasant one at that. Ya sure everything's gonna be OK? Tha killer's still at large and that doesn't make me feel any better."

Outside, Sweetie looked to Sunflower. "Where do foals go in this city to have fun?"

Sunflower looked confused a moment before he brightened. "Oh! Most of the poor cats get together and play all kinds of fun games. You have to leave your money behind though. Mom never lets me bring my things with me, but it's a lot of fun."

Apple Bloom hiked a brow. "Yer mom's pretty smart. Ah don't want mah stuff taken. 'Sides, who needs adventuring gear to play some games?"

Scootaloo bobbed her head, then tapped her chin. "You all have wings, right? Do you do any racing?"

Sunflower spread his wings. "Of course! All the time! Uh, well, not all the time, a lot of the time? It's one of the games we play. Let's put our stuff away and I'll show you."

They made a quick detour and stashed all their belongings, though Apple Bloom took some potions with her. "Can't go wrong with a potion or three, just in case. They're real cheap to replace." Prepared, they headed out into the streets of Murrage, following after Sunflower through the alleyways until they arrived at a broad courtyard.

There were cats everywhere, most smaller than normal. Many were dressed in very bright clothing, as if trying to compete with one another for their bold displays of clashing hues. There were a few adults, but they were not playing supervisory roles. One was selling meaty-smelling skewers to hungry kittens, and another was being quite secretive about whatever she was offering.

Scootaloo wrinkled her nose. "What are they cooking? Smells nasty."

Sunflower tilted his head with confusion. "Smells like beef to me, pretty good." He rubbed his belly in thought. "But I didn't bring any money."

Scootaloo blinked softly. "What's beef?"

"Cow meat." Sunflower looked quite surprised when he saw the expressions on his companions' faces at his revelation. "What?"

Apple Bloom shook her head quickly. "How can ya eat something that can talk!? That's horrible!"

Sunflower waved a paw. "I never saw any cow talk before! They just go 'moo' and stuff."

Sweetie Belle smiled a little. "I read about that, girls. I don't think animals here are like our animals. I don't think even the cats would be eating... talking things." She made a bit of a face. "Eating meat at all is pretty gross."

Sunflower pointed at Sweetie, her mouth in particular. "You're a horse, of course you don't eat meat. I'm a cat. Cats like meat. That's the, uh... natural order?"

Scootaloo spread her wings. "I guess, but we're not here to eat. We're here to play." Her eyes fixed on a group of youth kicking a ball around quite energetically. "That looks fun!" She nudged Apple Bloom. "Come on!" Soon the two had taken off to join in the game.

Sweetie didn't look as excited about it and looked around with a calculating look. Sunflower stayed by her, watching her patiently. Sweetie suddenly clopped her hooves together. "Got it!" She hurried off to the side of the courtyard with Sunflower chasing after her. She hopped up onto a crate, and from there onto a larger one until she had the right elevation, or so she determined. "Attention everypony!"

Some of the purrsians in the immediate area looked up at Sweetie with idle curiosity. One leaned over to the other. "Did she just call us ponies?"

"Fillies and gentlecolts! I hereby declare the start of a new competition! Everypony with a light step is invited to dance to show who's the best at shaking what they have." Sweetie Belle gave a bright smile and took a breath before launching in a lively little number about playing in the summer sun.

The purrsians started to gather around, watching Sweetie more out of curiosity than anything else. Sweetie rose up on two legs and did a little spin, starting to dance with herself as she sang. Sunflower moved into the middle of the mass. "You heard the lady, dance time!" And he began to wiggle and shake with an impressive lack of skill that he hoped to make up for with sheer enthusiasm. A few snickers came from the crowd before another purrsian tried to show him up with more skilled moves. That was enough to open the floodgates and soon the field in front of Sweetie Belle was filled with purrsians in motion, rocking to the rhythm of her songs, and she was happy.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had figured out the game fairly quickly. It wasn't very different from a game they had played back in Equestria, and they eagerly kicked the ball around, avoiding other players and aiming to get it past the pillar that served as the goal. Flying was allowed, which made Scootaloo pleased, even if it disadvantaged Apple Bloom. Flying was not key to easy victory, with most of the other players equally capable of taking to the sky. The only limitation seemed to be not bringing the ball too high up. Those who did that were jeered and booed to the ground, making most of the action at or close to the ground, with wildly acrobatic jumps and flying leaps an integral part of the game.

They whittled away several hours until they staggered off together, tired, but content. "Ya did good, Scoots."

Scootaloo raised a hoof, which Applebloom met. "You too, Apple Bloom. That was awesome! I couldn't even believe it when you bounced the ball off that purrsian's side and into the goal like that."

Apple Bloom giggled softly. "Your air shot off that otha one's back was jus' as impressive. Say, where's Sweetie Belle gone ta?"

They looked around until they spotted the undulating mass of dancing purrsians. The original crowd had long since given way to a new crowd, recycling and refreshing as purrsians got tired or gained a second wind. Sweetie Belle was still singing for them, looking happy as could be. "There she is." Scootaloo pointed at her and started walking towards the mob. "I remember her being a lot more shy about singing in front of other ponies."

Apple Bloom tilted her head a little as she followed Scootaloo. "Well they aren't ponies. Maybe that makes a difference?"

Scootaloo blinked. "Huh, I didn't think of that. Maybe it does..."

They waved up at Sweetie Belle who bobbed her head back at them. "Hey! Thanks for coming! You were all great!" She hopped down from her crate to the soft disappointed noises of the crowd. Dance time was over. Sunflower emerged from the crowd and offered a paw to help Sweetie down the last box. Sweetie giggled, looking amused at the chivalry and accepting the assistance she didn't technically need. Soon the group had reformed. "Did you girls have fun?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom bobbed their heads at Sweetie Belle before Scootaloo spoke up, "That was some nice singing. Did anypony give you any grief?"

Sweetie gestured at Sunflower. "Sunflower was there the whole time and helped keep everything under control. Thanks!"

Sunflower flushed softly as he nodded. "Always a pleasure, Sweetie Belle. So worth it to hear you sing."

Apple Bloom nudged Scootaloo and pointed at the two, making a kissy face. They both giggled quietly. "Let's get home. Ah'm beat and ah bet dinner's waiting fer us."

Sweetie nodded in agreement quickly. "Let's go!"

They marched off together under the late-afternoon sun, pausing only at a fountain to slake their monstrous thirsts in the cool waters. Worn in all the good ways, they entered the manor grounds, refreshed in spirit.

Applejack saw the group coming and moved to intercept them with a smile. "Well, y'all looking mighty pleased. What've y'all been up ta?"

They excitedly described their day of play as Applejack herded them towards the dining hall. It had been a good day.

Author's Note:

Sometimes you just have to relax and smell the desert flowers.

The typos never relax!

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