• Member Since 4th May, 2013
  • offline last seen May 10th



All ponies are created equal, or so it is said. That is all Starlight Glitter asked to be given in life. Unfortunately, things are never that simple, and in a land like Equestria, where each pony's destiny is determined by their Cutie-Mark, how could that ever, truly be so?

A one-shot angst/introspection fic for Starlight Glimmer, with a little unrequited/hinted GlimmeringDiamond

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Great story, I'm glad to see a story where Starlight is shown her point of view on cutie marks and the division they can bring as well as the progressive steps she toke to arrive at where she was in the show.


Thanks for the comment, and yeah, I wanted to sorta flesh out Starlight's motivation, which I think may be grounded at least in some legitimate concerns (I mainly had how the cutie-markless Crusaders are treated in mind.

Thanks again for reading. ^^

This is very touching. You did a wonderful job of exploring Starlight's character. I agree with the way you portray her: the difficult fillyhood, the inner torment over her role in this flawed system, and the genuine good intentions. The only awkward bit is that there's no mention of the Mane Six or the extreme measure Starlight went to to stop them from influencing her society. That part may not be so easy to justify.

5859429 First off - thank you for commenting!

It is an unexpected pleasure. I had read the first few chapters of your own story that was featured the other day. I feel ashamed now that I didn't leave a comment...

You bring up a good point.I was going to initially keep in a bit about the Mane Six, but I felt it was almost a little too close to an episode re-cap. But I agree with you - imprisoning others against their will, etc is not exactly "benevolent", but it's easy to justify greater wrongs, once you commit the smaller ones. The slippery slope, as they say. And also, in my mind, I would that, up until now, for Starlight, "doing what needs to be done" to keep her followers in line, is almost second nature enough to where she doesn't see the that she's doing anything wrong at all. The end's justify the means, and only now is she beginning to realize how terribly wrong that sort of thinking is. Hence, she doesn't feel the need to linger on the specifics of her demise, but rather, I chose to focus on the fact that everypony who she thought "supported" her, has just turned on her -- that's emotionally devastating as it is.

There is also the aspect of acknowledging the flaws within herself. Or, was rather the case, she became over obsessed with those flaws, leads her to commit even greater wrongs than those inflict on her to begin with.

In short, I really found this character to be an interesting profile to look at from a psychological perspective - as well as politically, morally, and ethically. That's really, why, with all those aspects in mind, she probably is one of the most well-rounded (if not, dare I say, sympathetic) villain of the series so far - at least in my mind.

Good back story (poor Starlight!:raritycry:) And "Glimmering Diamond?" Sounds like a good name for a ship!

Exactly how does the Leader of a town where everyone is equal go about choosing a mate, anyway?

Why does a town where everyone is equal have a leader at all?

Oh well!

I was overly cynical when Starlight Glimmer was first introduced. However, you go into great detail to get up to empathize with her. I don't think Hasbro is done with the character.

Don’t worry, they will. Uh, you prooobably know that now hehe:twilightsheepish:.

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