• Published 13th May 2012
  • 4,956 Views, 187 Comments

Colgate and Berry Punch, Adventures in Ponyville - Democritus of Abdera

Minuette "Colgate" Romana moves to Ponyville after her business in Canterlot goes bust.

  • ...

Chapter 8 (Books)


New Cast:

Twilight Sparkle


Big Macintosh


About an hour and a shower later and Minuette was closing the front door (remembering the key this time) and ready to head out into the town once more. Afternoon was giving way to evening, with lamps flicking on as Minuette walked through the quiet streets. She was going without her dress this time, mostly because she had no other viable eveningwear, though in the interest of protecting her still sensitive eyes from the harsh glare of the setting sun, she had unearthed the wide brimmed yellow hat that went with last night's ensemble. As a standalone, it cut a pretty enough figure, and complimented her purse well. The letter from Melodia floated in an azure light half a meter from her face. Minuette was just about to begin reading, when a flash of pink caught her eye in the vicinity of her mostly dead rosebushes to the side of her property.

Only the barest squelch of anxiety took root in her stomach. "...Ruby? Desmond? Is that you?"

Leaving the letter floating next to her, Minuette prudently recalled a light spell from an introductory magic class in school, summoning a glowing orb of her characteristic cold blue light and nudging it toward the bushes with a thought. Presently a shape took form, and presently Minuette found herself wishing it was Ruby's unsettling pet, rather than-

...a Luna damned alligator in my rose bushes.

Minuette stared at the equally unblinking purple eyes of what appeared to be a roughly purse sized alligator. A slightly manic giggle slid from her lips, accompanied by some involuntary muscle movement.

First one out in town, now another on my property...I'm going to find a hydra in my closet in the morning. I'm calling it now. And I'm going to find out the hydra is actually a postal clerk here in Ponyville, using his numerous heads to sort mail with lightning speed, and all the ponies will look at me like I'm a fool for not understanding that hydras make excellent postal clerks.

The alligator yawned, as if it was taking no perverse pleasure in the damage its vacant and soulless stare was wreaking upon the Unicorn's mind. It also did not seem to have any teeth, now that Minuette had a view of its gullet.

Words formed. "You're...hehe...probably somepony's pet as well I'll bet. You want to sit in my landscaping? Go right ahead."

Minuette spun on her hoof and stepped outside her property, shutting the gate behind her. "If you are still here when I get back I'm levitating you into my closet until I find your owner. You can keep the mail hydra company."

Behind Minuette's receding form, a pink forehoof extended from inside her open kitchen window, questing, probing her bushes. The alligator snapped its jaws shut around it as it came close, and was yanked inside with a few errant twigs.
Now in the street and heading into town, Minuette brought the letter up again, Melodia's barely legible doctor's scrawl as ever a painful contrast to her clear and concise diction.

Dearest Minuette,

I know you will have probably barely settled in when this letter reaches you, but I didn’t want you to think me a terrible friend for not coming with Moondancer to see you on your final day in Canterlot. I wanted to come but we’ve been swamped with patients at work and my ward has been overflowing for days. You know how it gets towards the end of summer, some days I just end up sleeping on the floor in my office. It's even worse now that Doctor Summerwind has gone away on maternity leave.

Minuette could see that Melodia had paused here, the telltale cluster of dots in a tight circle a sign of her tapping the pen on paper in thought. Or perhaps shame, given what was written next.

As I write this however, my reasons sound hollow and pathetic to my inner ear, and my morals. All right, different tack.

I’m so sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye Colgate. I suppose I should have led with that.

It hurt so much knowing you were leaving, too much to see you as I knew you would have been. Tired, alone in the dark remains of a store you had lived in all the years I have known you. At the time I told myself, I have seen enough fear and pain and loss at work, I don't deserve to see my friends like that. My thoughts were focused on me when I should have been asking myself what you needed, what comfort you might take from my presence. It was selfish of me and you have every right to be angry.

I know at times I can be a little bit standoffish, and cold, and pedantic. But that doesn't mean I get to ignore my responsibilities as your friend. I hope that you can forgive me, and that we can continue to be friends.

With that said, I know Moondancer did a good job of dragging you out of your usual funk, and she tells me you were in much better spirits, and full of food, when she left. Do try to remember to eat? And drink? If you do not I will be forced to call the local medical center in Ponyville and tell them that you have an eating disorder. Don't even think I won't.

I understand she also managed to secure from you a certain promise. More important than remembering your bodily needs are the needs of your spirit Colgate. And yours is a spirit that needs companionship like none I’ve ever known. It’s imperative that you find someone, preferably several someones to help you through this difficult transition.

Now before you start grumbling don’t worry, Moondancer and I have taken steps to ensure that you comply with our directive. To that end you will find three tickets enclosed in this envelope. They are for box seats to the opening game of the University Hoofball Season. Your and Moondancer’s own Alma Mater, the Royal Knights, will be playing. (This was Moondancer’s idea, some days I feel like she never outgrew her sorority years.)

The game is not for a few weeks yet, but when it rolls around we expect to see you and our replacements here in Canterlot for the day. We know money is tight for you right now, so we’ll handle dinner afterwards as well. It’s that bistro on 7th and Rosemead you love so much. And before you protest, no, it is not too expensive, and yes, I will be more than happy to eat there. I’m quite certain I can find something vegan on their entire menu. So you cannot escape, you and your new friends are being treated to dinner by us and that is the end of it.

P.S. Moondancer assures me that sporting events like these are all the rage for the more provincial townsponies you live with now.

P.P.S. I think she might be biased though, Moondancer never misses a chance to see grunting and sweating stallions beat each other senseless for her amusement. Not your preference I know, though I suppose you could always admire the cheerleaders? Those uniforms seem to be getting smaller and smaller each year.

Much Love and Worry,


Minuette tucked the letter back into the pocket of her saddlebags and adjusted her sunglasses, wincing as an errant beam of descending light penetrated the corner of her vision, making her eyes water and her headache flare. She gave a little sigh, then laughed again.

Melodia, you are ever the clinician. You've left me nothing to do but meekly agree and ride along, just like you've always done.

Minuette considered Melodia the closest thing she had to a best friend, at least in recent years. A Pegasi whose father had been a Wonderbolt, and mother an engineer, specifically an engineering failure analyst tapped by the royal court for every major project the princesses had mandated in the last decade, Melodia had a big legacy to live up to. In that area, she understood Minuette and her duty to uphold the family profession better than Moondancer ever could. And as head of Cognitive Development and Neurology at Canterlot Children's Hospital, Melodia had made her parents very proud.

Continues to make them proud...

Minuette quickly stamped out the momentary stab of envy at Melodia's good fortune to still have both parents. Rather than dissipate fully, it gave way to the creeping guilt she felt now whenever her guard was broken.


She bundled the letter away.

I wasn’t upset with you Melodia; I was...-am-far too busy being furious with myself. I’ll write you back first thing tomorrow so you won’t have to sit with this for much longer.

The blue and grey Unicorn paused to consult a street sign, “Orchard Boulevard” appeared to lead out of Ponyville proper, across a stately little bridge that straddled a pond and off into the countryside to the west of town. Minuette thought she could make out some kind of farmhold surrounded by tree groves covering a hill in the distance. It was only when she unfocused her gaze and saw that the trees spread out across the entire range as far as she could see that the true size of what was now obviously some vast plantation made plain.

My word, I guess there must be some old money in Ponyville after all.

The squeak of cart wheels caught her attention as a truly enormous Earth Pony stallion crested the top of the bridge and began to make his way down its townward side, an equally enormous and overburdened cart of apples in tow.

A vivid fire engine red in coloration, with disheveled and sandy blonde mane, he cut a rugged but peaceable figure, massive yoke about his neck and strand of buckwheat protruding between his gums. Minuette stared, not so much in personal admiration but in appreciation for just how much Moondancer would be all over this ruggedly handsome country boy. The slight and peaceful smile, the bright and kind eyes, and a body that could only come from a lifetime of hard labor or chemical enhancement. Minuette silently whistled in spite of herself.

I wonder if he knows how to get to the library. He’s obviously a farmhand of some kind, probably not much of a reader, but Ponyville is small, he probably knows.

“Um…hello there!”

The stallion halted about ten meters from her, in the midst of turning left to head into the market area of town, probably to store his produce for sale tomorrow. Slowly he turned his head to face her, rotating the buckwheat in his mouth.


Minuette stared hypnotically as the strand spun. “Eh-heh. Pardon me, are you from town?


“Uh…would it be a bother if I asked you for some directions?”


I've got a real philosopher here. Hopefully his directions are not equally monosyllabic.

Minuette smiled. “Wonderful! I’m trying to find Ponyville Library, could you tell me the way?”

“Ya’ll goin’ t’visit Twilight?” The buckwheat bounced with each word.

Minuette opened her mouth and swiftly shut it. A whole sentence! “Yes! Yes I am, I’m an old acquaintance of hers from Canterlot and I wanted to do some catching up.”

“Good on ya, Twi’s had a long day, visit from an old friend’ll do ‘er good.”

“Oh. I had no idea, I was just going to catch up and maybe check out a book. Doesn’t she have some really good friends in town? I was told she was very happy here.”

Minuette hadn't considered this. The few letters Twilight had sent back to Canterlot were cheerful, pleasant. Minuette knew from half remembered experience that Twilight was not a good liar, in person or on paper, her half baked excuses to bow out of social events or even pony contact almost always ringing hollow. Never rude, never cruel, but distant and aloof as the Princess's favored student.

The stallion nodded, rattling the wagon chains. “Soma th’ best Ah reckon, not least ‘cause mah sister’s among 'em.”

He closed the gap between them, then raised a foreleg to connect with Minuette’s own. “Name’s Macintosh, Macintosh Apple.”

Minuette glanced at the cutie mark, a green apple half, and at the cart, laden with some delicious looking specimens of produce and could not help herself.

“How fitting. I’m Minuette Romana.” Mac’s grip, Minuette fancied, was heavily modulated for her safety. She could feel the power behind that placid exterior.

Her comment elicited only a flutter of eyelid from the enormous stallion, who let go to point with his foreleg.

"Left on Juniper and straight on 'till ya see th' hollowed out tree."

Minuette nodded thanks and made to leave, but halted at Macintosh's quiet, "Halfa moment miss?"


Macintosh produced a book from a bag nailed to the side of the applecart.

"Ya reckon ya'll could take this back fer me?"

Minuette glanced at the title as she levitated it out of his outstretched hoof and into her own bags.

"Fetlock Holmes? " Minuette kept most of the incredulity out of her voice.

"Ah like me a good mystery story." Macintosh smiled slightly. "What about you miss, you like books?"

The golden light of the setting sun reflected off the windows around them. "I have lately taken a liking to the Daring Do series." Minuette placed the book next to Melodia's letter.

Macintosh sighed. "Pegasus friend'a mine keeps buggin' me ta try that one. Guess I'll hafta now." With that, he shrugged the yoke higher on his shoulders and began to pull down the street once more. "Much obliged Miss Minuette."

Minuette trotted aside to let his payload through. "Thank you for the directions Mr. Macintosh!" She yelled at his receding form and got a return wave and a "Eeyup."


The only other event on the way to the library was that Minuette was nearly run down by three fillies on a scooter attached to a small red wagon laden with what appeared to be various pieces of lab equipment, barely secured by twine and blankets. As they careened around the turn at Juniper, Minuette was struck by an errant vial. A white and pink Unicorn filly momentarily ceased an evidently impromptu song about cutie marks and chemical engineering to yell a hasty apology back, and then the group was gone from Minuette's sight.

I have decided that Ruby's predilections for strange companions and activities are probably not as outside the norm as I had thought. Maybe it's something in the water....

Minuette looked down at the vial in the dirt. It was still intact. She shrugged and placed it within her purse as well.

At last Minuette found herself outside Ponyville library. It was indeed a hollowed out tree, kept alive by some magic no doubt. Windows seemed to almost grow from its trunk and its branches formed the frames of some of the upper ones. A protruding lamp hung from the second floor window, and illuminated the triangular wooden door in the gathering darkness. Minuette adjusted her hat, and brought a hoof up to rap the painted candle that adorned the door, but halted a few centimeters from the surface.

Wait a moment. This is Twilight Sparkle I'm visiting. The pony who gets uncomfortable with unannounced social calls from the word go. I need a plan to counter whatever excuse she'll formulate to see me on my way. What were her old standbys? Oh yes. So, if she needs to study, offer to help quiz her on the material. If she is organizing the library, I'm a Unicorn, so I can speed that up quite a bit. Let's see...and if she is testing out new spells I could- Minuette swallowed apprehensively -I could offer myself as a...test subject.

It wasn't so unreasonable to think that between all that and the desire to check out a book herself and return one for Macintosh that Minuette could at least glean a half hour of perfunctory visitation out of Twilight.

Minuette now allowed her hoof to rap twice politely upon the door then quickly straightened her mane and settled the purse around her neck.

The door opened, engulfed in a light blue magic and Minuette began:

"Twilight, it's so good to see you...you..."

The pony in the doorway was not Twilight. Pearlescent white in coat, deep and luxurious royal purple mane, piercing arctic blue eyes, manicured eyebrow arched in questioning. The pony from cafe Celeste last night.

Breath of creation, she's so much better up close.

Minuette's eyes became wide. "You...you..."

Her perfect brows came together in worry. Then a sonorous alto voice said, "Darling are you all right? There isn't anything on my face is there?"

Minuette's brain re-established contact with her jaw muscles and deftly closed them before she began drooling. She hoped. "Wh-what? Oh! No! No there is nothing wrong with your face."

Rarity. That's what Berry said her name was. The stuffiest pony in all of Equestria she had said.

More primordial areas of Minuette's mind were exploring just what kind of stuffing Rarity might do with Minuette-

NO. Bad brain.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of Rarity's mouth. "Now you flatter me darling, I'm certain that there is something I've overlooked." She gave her mane a swish and sighed. "I'm hopeless like that."

Rarity produced a hoof. "But where are my manners? I am Rarity, and yes, you do have the right address. Twilight is just a bit indisposed at the moment miss...?"

Minuette grabbed the hoof gingerly, feeling like a gawking schoolgirl. "M-Minuette. Minuette Romana. I'm an old acquaintance of Twilight's from Canterlot-"

Rarity's eyes sparkled in recognition. "Canterlot! Oh, we must talk! Not later but soon! Very soon!" Rarity seemed about to launch into some exposition, but caught herself, and quickly smoothed out her mane. After a few moments she began again, more calmly.

"It's been months since I had anyone from the capital to gossip with, it's always been my dream to create for the nobility there. I'm a designer you see, mostly dresses and other ensembles but I can create almost anything I put my mind to. Er...If I do say so myself."

Including giant spiders. Well, with some help from Princess Luna.

Rarity turned back into the library. "Twilight dear, you have another visitor! It's your friend Minuette come down from Canterlot!"

From inside a half remembered voice exclaimed in surprise. "Minuette?! Ohmygosh did I get a letter and misplace it?! Oh I knew this new filing system was crap!"

From beyond the doorway manila folders and spreadsheets began to fly past and into the hall. Minuette and Rarity both winced as entire filing cabinets were levitated into the air and dropped with a crashing thud in the main room.

"Uh...Twilight?" Minuette began.

Between crashes: "Spike?!" *BAM* "SPIIIKE?!" *WHAM* "Spike! Where does incoming post from outside town end up in?!"

The dragon in question was bounding down the stairs now, rubbing sleep from his eyes and endeavoring not to trip on the discarded paperwork strewn about. "Twilight! What the hay is going on down here-"

He turned to see both Minuette and Rarity wave at him in greeting, wearing slightly painful smiles as papers continued to swirl around them like confetti.


"Hey Spike. Pardon me for a moment." Minuette took a deep breath and barreled deeper into the swirling maelstrom of office supplies, momentarily admiring the display of magical prowess she was witnessing.

And here I thought I was adept since I can concentrate on three objects simultaneously. Twilight has gotten truly exceptional in her time here.

In the heart of the tornado was the purple Unicorn herself, eyes glowing with eldritch power, frantically skimming files and muttering unintelligibly.

Minuette bravely rapped her on the shoulder. "Twilight?"

More muttering.

"Twilight I didn't send a letter. I just...kind of decided to visit. Spontaneously."

Materials fell all around them, the violet glow of Twilight's magic gone in an instant.

"Oh! Yes, that would be the other logical explanation wouldn't it?" Twilight rubbed the back of her head, eyeing the mess she had made with some consternation. Errant papers came to rest on furniture and lampshades. A large wooden bust of a Windigo on the central table was now wearing a recent copy of Equestrian Geographic. Minuette was amused to note that Twilight still reverted to her old awkward smile when she was uncomfortable. Some things evidently never change. "Soooo...How are you Minuette? How are Moondancer and Melodia?"

Spike's ears perked up at this. "Oh yeah! How is Moondancer Minuette?" A folder had come to rest on his head, looking vaguely like a paper pirate hat.

Minuette smiled and gave the little dragon a pat on the head, pulling the folder off and handing it to him. "I'm doing all right, and she's fine Spike, she sends her love as always."

I doubt Moondancer would object to me saying that. She always did find his clumsily proffered affections adorable.

His cheeks began to flush with color. "Hee-"

Rarity trotted up a bopped spike in the back playfully, winking at Minuette. "Spikey Wikey...who is this Moondancer, do you have a girl in every port darling?"

Abject terror flashed across his face. "N-no Rarity! I mean we were friends before me and Twilight moved here but I don't, we weren't-tell her Minuette!" His eyes had gone wide as saucers, he could not see Rarity stifling a giggle behind him.

"What? Oh yes." Minuette said with deep seriousness. "She was mostly just a friend of Twilight's from Canterlot."

Rarity sighed theatrically. "Oh well if that's all, then I suppose I don't have to be jealous and worry about having to share you with anypony else."

The ivory Unicorn turned back to Twilight, who was eyeing this exchange with some dubiousness. "Twilight dear I think it's best if I head off, Pinkie said she needed me for party preparations urgently once she got off shift, and you have a guest to entertain." She gave a little bow in Minuette's direction. "Miss Minuette I bid you good evening."

Minuette wanted very much to be on more informal terms with Rarity. Oh yes. "Uh, call me Colgate please, all my friends do..."

Rarity stared blankly for a moment, then: "Oh yes I see, the mane and coat; oh how delightfully gauche." Rarity giggled to herself as she shut the door and Minuette felt the bottom drop out of her stomach in embarrassment.

Just because Berry tells you in a drunken stupor that your nickname is fitting doesn't mean it isn't stupid as hell to everypony else.

Belatedly Twilight came over, ears up in questioning. "So Minuette, what made you decide to visit? N-not that I'm unhappy to see you! Far from it. I just-well...we haven't talked in a long time."

Minuette sat down on one of the high cushions and pondered into a hoof. "It has been almost two years since our last letters hasn't it."

The ears drooped and Twilight looked away. "I know, I let the separation from Canterlot ruin our friendship. I just got so caught up in all the wonderful things happening to me here that I...I forgot about those times we had shared back in the capital."

Minuette smiled sadly. "We were upset with you for a time it's true. But Twilight, we could hardly call ourselves your friends. If you have found happiness here then that is what Moondancer, Melodia and I would wish most for you, no matter what."

Minuette took Twilight's hoof in hers. Spike very pointedly began cleaning in the other room. "You belong here...and now I do too."

Twilight jerked up. "What?!"

Minuette grimly continued, finding the tale a little less painful to recount with each telling.

Maybe someday it won't hurt at all.

...Fat chance.

"I had to shut down my store in Canterlot. I went out of business, to put it bluntly. I salvaged enough from the sale of the store and part of my own works to set myself up here in Ponyville, for the moment anyway." Minuette added more warmly: "I've met some nice ponies already. Interesting...but nice."

Twilight smiled. "You think half the ponies in town are off their nut don't you?"

Minuette gasped. "T-telepathy?"

She waved a hasty hoof of dismissal. "No! Nono-It's just I felt, well feel, the exact same way." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Especially when I first came to town."

Minuette giggled. "I was attacked by Desmond on my first outing into town!"

Twilight brought her hooves to her face. "Ruby Pinch's pet spider? Oh Celestia he must have scared you half to death!"

"I about had a heart attack it's true." Minuette agreed.

"When I first came to town, I was forced to eat about twenty apple themed desserts by my friend Applejack's family. Then I got rained on, then Rarity tried about a dozen outfits on me and-oh it was madness!"

Twilight stared for a moment. "Well, and then there was that whole thing with Nightmare Moon. But it was during that horrible time, when I was so scared and I wasn't sure if we were going to make it, wasn't sure if I could succeed, that my new friends-" Twilight held a hoof to her chest and sighed "-my friends showed me that I wasn't alone; that together we could accomplish anything."

The violet Unicorn took Minuette's hoof, just as she had done moments before. “And more than anything else, that's what Ponyville is to me. The place where I learned that friendship is the most magical, most powerful thing in the world. No matter what has happened to bring you here, this place, these ponies will help see you through it. That I can promise." She gave Minuette's hoof a firm shake, for emphasis.

Minuette felt water in her eyes. "Th-thank you Twilight..."

“So, now that you’re here, is there anything I can do for you?”

Minuette reached into her purse. “Macintosh Apple wanted me to return this for him.” She floated over the Holmes mystery. “And…I was wondering if you had a particular Daring Do novel.”

Twilight nodded thanks. “Assuming Rainbow hasn’t got it, yeah I definitely do.” She tapped a hoof to her chest with pride. “I own the whole series you see."

"Oh excellent!" Minuette smiled, then had a thought. "Twilight...do Hydras make good mail clerks?"

Author's Note:

I want to apologize to everyone who has read the story so far, I had no intention of taking so long an absence from this. All I can offer by way of recompense is the assurance that new chapters will be arriving regularly again. (What a pack of lies that was. Right, well I'm working on this again.)

Comments ( 43 )

Hey, look, it updated! yay!:yay:

I'm really happy to see this updated. I can't wait for more!

AN UPDATE :pinkiegasp:
just as good as I remembered. Seriously though this is the first fanfiction I ever read and it is still absolutely brilliant.

Wait... Teen AND sex? How does that work?

She's really hung up on the Hydra thing, isn't she?

I'll happily take that reassurance. Good to see this updating again :)



Awww yeah! My favorite story updated! :rainbowdetermined2:

You kept your word, good sir. I applaud your dedication.

Sweet update. I find myself liking good feels more and more now.

I just read this entire story and I have one thing I to say about it: :twilightsmile:I like it. The humor makes me chuckle, the way you characterize the ponies, it's pretty good... :pinkiesad2:but my editor senses say that you need to consult a grammar book to fix all the comma splices everywhere.

:twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2:I'll be keeping an eye on you...

You haven't heard of teen sex? The elderly are convinced it's a huge problem that's dissolving our morality.

Curse you, Democritus, for contributing to the dissolution of our fambly valyews! :raritydespair:

In all seriousness, I'm glad to see this story back.

1929129 No, no, no, see, I thought that the FiMFiction rating system wouldn't let you do that. And also, no need to be a smartass.

Oh please someone like it... It is at 199 and I can't like anymore....

I believe you've done an excellent job bringing the pre-friendship Twilight and the current Twilight together in this chapter, along with an in-character acknowledgment of that.

Good stuff :twilightsmile:

OH GOD! IT'S BACK! I missed it so much

I wonder if hydras do make good mail clerks? .....Anyway, nice to see an update on this.

I was so scared this was dead! Woooo! :pinkiehappy:

I got what you meant; it was just a joke. The world's less fun without them.

I'm guessing it has to do with how explicit one gets with the subject matter. Just because it addresses sex doesn't necessarily mean it's porn, not that most stories here understand that restraint :trixieshiftleft:

I have a feeling that soon Colgate will be more crazy than most of the town with how many things she'll assume are normal (hydras for clerks for instance).

But yay, an update! :yay:

The delay, it's fine if the quality was worth the wait.
Which, in this case, was indeed worth it :twilightsmile:

However awesome to know that we'll get more chapters more quickly than this :pinkiehappy: Can't wait!

:derpytongue2: That hydra thing is compelling me to write a slice of life story a out life in the office, with a hydra as Derpy's best friend.

Too bad i dont actually write.

I've grown unaccountably interested in Minuette as of late, so I'm very happy to see this updated. It could use a bit of polishing, but regardless, I'm eager to see where this goes. :twilightsmile:

yay, an update.

i do like what you did with big mac in this chapter.

Awesome. Glad to see this one updating again. :twilightsmile:
I can't imagine that they would. Although they have five heads, they only possess two limbs, limiting what those five heads can accomplish. :coolphoto:

i like this one its nice! :twilightsmile: will read on :eeyup:

awesome! i kinda thought this story was dead i love this story to damn funny xDD:rainbowlaugh:

Excellent! Yours has fast become my favorite story here on the site. This chapter could do with another editing sweep, mostly for spelling errors, but the content is as impeccable as ever. Now, we can only hope to see the next chapter soon :raritywink:

YES~!!! i love this story! cant wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

Yes i love this story and i cant wait for more!:pinkiehappy:

>reads whole thing
>smiles widely
>sees last update's date
>B'AWWWW ;_;

Please, please, PLEASE update soon! I've all the chapters in a day and now eagerly wait for more! Your writing style is incredible! Please write more of this story :)

I really like your story, i hope to see more soon...:scootangel:

I look forward to more, but still, where did you go!

I hope you'll come back to this.

You simply MUST continue!

Oh please.. the story has so much potential

and the characters are so interesting

oh please... continue


This is excellent. It simply MUST continue! :pinkiegasp:

Alright, so I finished reading what's here. Thoughts so far; it's entertaining and well-written, and I always appreciate a story that plays with the headcanon Supergenius Derpy.

"Oh excellent!" Minuette smiled, then had a thought. "Twilight...do Hydras make good mail clerks?"

Only if you train them not to drool on the mail

This is one of those stories I really, really want to see update. Given that you were online three weeks ago gives me some hope that it might.

This is very sweet and fun, I hope it's still being worked on.:twilightsmile:

Whelp. I guess this is one that isn't getting back. I really enjoyed it though.

Another one to throw into "great but dead" bin...

At least mark it as cancelled or on hiatus.

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