• Published 21st Jun 2020
  • 341 Views, 0 Comments

A new start in manehatten - SwedeBrony

The story of Swift Feathers who moves to manehatten in hopes of starting a new life and forgetting about his old one.

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Chapter 1: A new start

Chapter 1: A new Start

The train whistle woke me up from my sleep and informed me that we would soon be arriving at the station. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked out the window. Out the window I could see stores and apartments. As we came closer to the station I heard the conductor yell

"Manehatten grand station! end of the line!"

I stood up and grabbed my bag getting ready to exit the train. As the train stopped I exited into the station and walked towards the station exit. The cool night air hit me as I stepped out from the station into the night. I looked at my clock 01:00 it read. I waved for a cab and swiftly got picked up by one.

"Where to buddy?" the cab driver asked me as I got in.
"Downtown" I answered and then remained quiet.

As the cab moved through the city I looked out the window at all the buildings we passed while contemplating the train ride to here and everything that had happened during the day. After about 10 minutes we reached downtown. The cab ride was pretty quick due to the fact that there were almost no traffic during this time of night. As the cab came to a stop the driver turned and looked at me.

"That will be 20 bits" He told me and reached out his hoof to get payed.

I reached into my bag and got out 20 bits and payed him. I then took my bag and exited the cab. As the cab disappeared into the night I pulled out a note from my bag

"1414 Manehatten lane" the note read

I glanced at it quickly and began walking the last bit to my apartment building. It took me 5 minutes to reach the old apartment building. I pushed the front door open and walked into the ground entrance. I started walking up the stairs and stopped on the 4th floor in front of a door that was marked with the number 1414. Looking under the doormat I found the key to my apartment just as the landlord had told me. Swiftly I unlocked the door and walked in. Once inside I dropped my bag and looked around the apartment. It was still empty but my furniture would arrive tomorrow. Since I didn't have a bed I slept on the floor. This was my first night in my new home in Manehatten.

As I awoke the next morning I noticed how hold it was in my apartment. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while I trotted over to the window and looked out over the town. The sun hadn't come up yet. Usually I would just look at the clock to see what the time was but it was in a box with the rest of my furniture. Knowing that I had no food I decided to go out and get some coffee. So I walked out of the apartment making sure to lock the door before I headed down the stairs and out into the early Manehatten morning. It wasn't quite spring yet so the air was still pretty cold but I didn't mind the cold. I trotted along the streets looking for somewhere to get coffee. Most places still hadn't opened quiet yet. After about five minutes of walking I found a coffee shop that was open. Pushing the door open I walked in and was instantly welcomed by the pony behind the counter.

"Hello how may I help you?" The stallion asked looking at me
"I want a latte" I told the stallion
"Coming right up" He answered me

He quickly made my latte and then handed it to me

"That will be five bits"

I payed and then walked over to a table and sat down. I noticed a news paper lying on the table and flipped through it. Nothing out of the ordinary in the news really so I flipped to the job section of the paper. I really needed to find work. I had spent most of my savings moving here and was now living on whatever I had left. I really didn't want to worry about that now so I looked around the coffee shop to get my mind away from financial thoughts. I noticed there were no other customers except myself so my eyes glanced over to the stallion behind the counter. He had an orange coat with a styled mane. He was probably in his early twenties. I couldn't help but think that he was pretty cute as I sat there sipping on my coffee. Fifteen minutes went by and I looked at the clock on the wall 07:00 it read. I finished up my latte and decided to head back to my apartment and wait for my stuff to arrive. I know the moving ponies had said they would be there at around noon but I really didn't feel like spending time outside today. After five minutes of walking I was finally back at my apartment building again. As I walked into my apartment I noticed that it was still pretty cold. I went into the main room and slept for a bit while waiting for my stuff to arrive. Noon came and the moving ponies hadn't shown up. They must be late I thought to myself. Another hour passed and I heard a knock on the door. As I opened the door I was met by the moving ponies I had hired. One of them a stallion spoke.

"Really sorry we are late. We had some trouble finding our way here"
"No worries" I reply thinking that I had nothing important to do anyway.

They then proceed to move my boxes into my apartment. When they are done I thank them and then they leave me with my boxes. I start to unpack most of my things. Hours pass and as I'm nearly done I start to feel really hungry. I decided that I might as well go out and get something to eat. Before I leave I look at myself in the mirror. My blue coat is a mess and so is my mane. I get out a brush and fix my coat and then I style my mane so it looks like it usually does. I lock my apartment and then start walking down the stairs. While on my way down I meet a mare who is on her way up the stairs. She stops and greets me.

"Hi" she says as we meet
"Um...Hi" I reply trying to be nice
"I haven't seen you here before." she remarks
"Yeah I moved in last night" I tell her
"Oh let me welcome you then. I assume you live in 1414 then?" she says with a smile
"Yeah that's right" I say
"Oh well it was nice meeting you. But I need to get going." I tell her
"okay cya around mr?" she says
"Swift Feather" I tell her
"I'm Heart Blossom" She tells me

After my encounter with Heart Blossom I continue down the rest of the stairs and head out in search of a place to get some food.

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