• Published 20th May 2012
  • 7,624 Views, 149 Comments

One Piece: Chopper's Quest in the land of Ponies - mauvsheep

Tony Tony Chopper ends up in Equestria. He must help the ponies defend their land from Tirek.

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Fight in the Everfree Forest; The challenge of Cloud Demon Arabus!

Separated from the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, Tony Tony Chopper finds himself in the land of Equestria; where it is populated not by humans, but talking ponies. Equestria is under attack by the dark demon Tirek. Princess Celestia has been defeated, and the Ponies with Chopper, must venture to Midnight Castle to retrieve the stolen Element of Harmony in hopes to beat the dark villain.

"Scorpan! Bring our guests to me." Tirek called to the gargoyle, as he leads four ponies into the throne room of Midnight Castle.

"Guards, chain them." The centaur ordered as Vinyl Scratch, Carrot Top, Derpy Hooves, and Apple Bloom are each placed with a chain around their necks that was attached to the ground.

Tirek eyes each pony, then looks at Apple Bloom.

"Scorpan, you imbecile!" He angrily called, "The yellow one is far too small and weak to pull my Dark Chariot!"

He then eyes the other three ponies, who were all trembling with fear.

"These three however, will do nicely." He said, as he opened the satchel that was around his neck, as it was pulsating like a heartbeat.

A dark mist like energy then shoots out of the satchel, and engulfs Derpy, Vinyl, and Carrot. They each scream out in terror, then in pain. The ponies look like as they had caught on fire, then were completely enveloped in the dark mist. Apple Bloom watches in terror, so horrified she couldn't even scream.
Finally, it subsides, and returns to the satchel. In the place of the three ponies, were three giant purple dragons, with wings, claws, and elephant like tusks that protruded from their mouths.

Tirek had transformed them.
The only distinctive difference between the three dragons, or any evidence that they were once ponies, were the fact that they still had their cutie marks on their hind legs.

"And thus is the power of the Rainbow of Darkness!" Tirek said as he cackles evilly.

Apple Bloom was in complete shock. She was so horrified, she didn't know that she was being unchained by Scorpan.

"Take the little one back to the dungeon. I will decide what to do with her later." Tirek ordered.

Scorpan could only look on in disgust at what Tirek had done. He also gives a very sympathetic look towards Apple Bloom.

"I wish it didn't have to come to this." Scorpan said to himself, as he leads the filly back to the dungeon.

As Scorpan exits with Apple Bloom, one of the lizardmen guards approaches Tirek.

"My lord, our guests have arrived." He said.

"Excellent, show them the way in." Tirek responded.

The guard then exits the room. A few minutes later, he returns with two other individuals. One was a blue ram, with a bell around his neck, sharp teeth, and red, pupiless eyes. Another was a Donkey, wearing what was a red hood on his head.

They both approch Tirek.

"Ah, Grogar" He addresses the ram, "I see you and your assistant Bray have made it to our scheduled meeting after all."

"Tirek," Grogar replied, "I hope you will hold up your end of the bargain, by returning Castle Tambelon, my old home, back to this world from the ninth plane of Tartarus. Celestia had banished it from where Ponyville is currently centuries ago."

"All in due time Grogar." Tirek replied, "but for now, I will require your assistance. Scorpan had failed to bring me more ponies to pull my Dark Chariot. I would like you and Bray to accompany me in another raid into Ponyville to bring back abled bodies."

"What's so important about this chariot m'lord?" Bray asked.

"The chariot is imbued with dark magic, the strongest kind. Once it is airborne, it will increase the power of my Darkness Rainbow by tenfold!" Tirek explained. "Then, I will be able to use it to cover entire cities with it's power, and create an army large enough, to enslave the entire region."

"Just don't forget Tirek," Grogar interrupted, "You are to restore Castle Tambelon into the heart of Ponyville, where I will rule it's inhabitants."

"Of course Grogar, Of course." Tirek answered with a sly grin.

Scorpan then returns to the throne room.

"Scorpan," Tirek called to him. "Prepare the troops for another raid. Grogar and Bray will be accompanying us."

With this, Scorpan, and Tirek exit the throne room.

"Master Grogar," Bray addressed the ram, "Do you think we can really trust them?"

"Of course not Bray." Grogar replied. "Once Tamberlon is restored in Ponyville, I will use the castle's magical properties to destroy Tirek, and take his Rainbow of Darkness for myself."

"Yes, excellent plan master."

Grogar then shoots an energy bolt from his horns at Bray.

"Stop your groveling and make yourself useful. Prepare for the raid!"

The Mane 6, Spike, and Chopper were treking through the dark Everfree Forest, when Spike hears a rustling noise coming from the bushes behind them.

"Hey, I hear something. OVER THERE!" he called pointing at the bushes. Everyone stops in their tracks, and take defensive stances.

The bushes continue to rustle.

"Alright, we know you're in there, come out with your hooves in the air!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

From the bushes, two small figures emerge. It was Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity gasped.

"Scoots!" Rainbow called out.

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight Sparkle scolded. "It's too dangerous for young filles to be here on their own. You should be back in Ponyville."

"But you brought Spike, he's no older than us." Sweetie Belle complained.

"Spike's my assistant. He's somewhat trained for this." Twilight Sparkle retorted.

"We're sorry," Sweetie Belle said in an apologetic tone. "We only wanted to save Apple Bloom."

"Yeah," Scootaloo added, "She must be scared outta her mind. She's our friend, and we can't just leave her behind."

"I understand, and appreciate the concern girls," Rarity said, "But this is no place for youngsters like you."

"Well, we can't really take em' back to Ponyville," Applejack said, "We're already too far out."

"You silly fillies better stay close to us then, and your Auntie Pinkie Pie will take care of everything!" Pinkie chimed in.

Sweetie and Scootaloo then see Chopper.

"Who's that little guy? I though you said no other kids were supposed to come." Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not a kid, I'm Tony Tony Chopper, a doctor." Chopper replied to the pegasus filly.

"Well, what are you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm a reindeer." He answered.

"You don't look like a reindeer." Sweetie Belle replied.

"Hush Sweetie Belle!" Rarity scolded. "Stop being so rude, he's a guest in our land."

"Sorry Dr. Chopper." Sweetie apologized.

"So what do we do now?" Scootaloo questioned as she looked around at her surroundings.

"Simple, we get to that darn Midnight Castle, rescue all dem's captured ponies, Mah Sister too, and git the Elements to stop that Tirek varmint and restore Princess Celestia." Applejack said.

"Easier said than done." Rainbow Dash cynically replied.

"But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun along the way." Pinkie said as she bounces around the two fillies and Chopper. "How about we sing a song to help pass the time, and make it less scary?"

She then breaks into song, singing her "NO FEAR!" song.

The song broke the tense atmosphere and calmed the two fillies, as well as Fluttershy.

As they continued to walk through the forest, Fluttershy notices something seems to be following them.

"Girls, I have a very bad feeling about this." she said, as she runs up behind Chopper.

Chopper himself begins to sniff the air. Something definately was following them.

"I can pick up a scent." Chopper said, "We're being followed."

He continues to sniff. Chopper follows the scent to a cluster of trees.

"We know you're there, come on out!" he said as he transforms into his Heavy Point.

"WHOA!" Both young fillies call out as they watch him change his form.

"Hahahaha!" a voice laughed from the woods. "So you finally figured out I was here."

A pair of yellow glowing eyes then appeared in the woods, and a large figure swoops out. This startles Chopper as he yelps, and turns back into his Brain Point.

The figure, was a large puffy creature. His body seemed to be made of light grey cloud-like material. With a humanoid form with two arms, a head, and no legs. Instead a long ghost like tail was the lower half.

"Wha??? Who? Who are you?" Chopper asked fearfully.

"Call me Arabus, the great cloud demon!" it replied. "I have been cut a deal with Tirek. If I eliminate the holders of the Elements of Harmony, I will be promised to rule Cloudsdale as my own domain."

"Fat chance airhead!" Rainbow Dash angrily yelled at Arabus. "Like Cloudsdale will ever be ruled by a punk like you."

"Watch your tongue pegasus, that's no way to address your future lord and ruler." Arabus replied.

"Well Ah've heard enough!" Applejack said as she rushes forward to buck him, but her legs pass right through Arabus.

"Ha! You can't even touch me. What hopes do you have to beat me."

"Uh-oh, this ain't good." the orange cowmare said, as Arabus sucks in air, and blows out a strong gust that sends Applejack flying into a tree.

"Applejack!" Rarity called out. "You'll pay for that you ruffian!"

She attempts to punch and kick Arabus, but with the same results. Arabus also brushes her aside with a swat of his hand.

Twilight then begins to shoot a magical beam at Arabus. It too passes through him harmlessly.

"This isn't good." Chopper said. "Everything we throw at him just passes through him. I wish Nami was here. Her tornado tempo may be able to blow him away...... Wait, THAT'S IT!"

"Twilight!" Chopper called to the unicorn. "Do you think you can create wind with that horn of yours?"

"I sure can!" She answered as she prepares to use a wind spell.

"Oh no you don't!" Arabus called out, as he began to throw lightning bolts at the unicorn.

Twilight was able to jump out of the way. Arabus then begins to throw bolts at Fluttershy, only for Chopper to transform into his Heavy Point again and pick her up in his arms before she was struck. Fluttershy, seeing the reindeer she was so fond of holding her, began to fluster and blush again, even though their lives were in danger, she didn't mind.

Chopper then sees Rainbow Dash ram into Arabus. He was sent flying back. Rainbow then began to kick him and it looked like he was taking damage.

"Yeah that's right, we pegasi can touch clouds like they're solid objects. That means I can kick your butt!" Rainbow Dash said in triumph.

Chopper couldn't believe what he saw. Then he remembered that other pegasi were pushing clouds around when they were back in Ponyville. But how was it possible?

He thought for a second, then he realized it! He remembered what Luffy said a while back. It was something he learned while he was training with Silvers Rayleigh. HAKI!

Rainbow Dash, and the Pegasi must possess Armament Haki! It was just like how certain people, like Rayleigh himself, were able to go toe to toe with Logia type Devil Fruit users. If Dash could keep this up, they might have a fighting chance.

"Fluttershy, are you able to touch clouds too?" Chopper asked her as he puts her down.

"Well, yes, but I don't know what I can do." She replied.

"I have an Idea." He said, as he also called over Twilight Sparkle.

"Taste the rainbow!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she continued to kick Arabus.

"Eat lightning!" He responded as the threw bolts at her.

"Ohhh, Twich-a-Twich! Dashie to your left!" Pinkie yelled out.

Rainbow Dash moved to her left, as a bolt flew past, barely missing her.

"PINKIE SENSE! PINKIE SENSE! Now duck!" The pink pony yelled again.

Rainbow dash ducked down as Arabus threw a swing and missed.

Chopper again notices this.

"Pinkie, she must have Observation Haki." He said to himself. "They both possess the same Haki abilites like Luffy's. That's great news for us!"

"Keep it up Pinkie!" Rarity said as she keeps both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo out of harm's way.

Pinkie continued to yell warnings to Rainbow Dash, as Dash listened carefully. None of Arabus' attacks were able to touch the blue pegasus.

Chopper began explaining his plan to Twilight and Fluttershy in a huddle. They then break the huddle, and nod in agreement.

"Rainbow Dash, over here quickly!" Twilight called to the pegasus.

"I'll keep him busy." Chopper said, as he transforms into his more agile Kung Fu Point.

He began to do flips in the air, kicking a number of rocks and tree branches towards Arabus, even though they pass right through him.

He then begins to run in a zig zag motion while Arabus throws more lighting bolts at him. But Chopper was too quick for them to hit.

"Now girls!" Twilight called as both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly up to Arabus, and begin to circle him.

"What are you doing?" a confused Arabus yelled.

They continue to circle him and then begin to pick up speed. They fly faster and faster, until they form a small whirlwind around him.

"No stop. You're making me dizzy." He yelled.

Twilight Sparkle, then began to cast a wind spell to add to the vortex the pegasi created.

Arabus slowly began to lose his form.

"No stop! Please! I, I give up, I surrender, just stop what you're doing!" he begged.

The spell, and wind tunnel grew slightly, but it was all they could do.

"No, it's not enough." Chopper said.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow were already starting to get somewhat tired.

"Hey Chopper!" Scootaloo called as she ran from Rarity.

"Scootaloo, come back here this instant!" Rarity called.

"Mr. Chopper sir, I'm a pegasus too. I can touch clouds as well. I want you to throw me at him." She said.

"You want me to what?" Chopper asked dumbfounded.

"Throw Me." She replied.

"I can't do that. You'll get hurt." Chopper responded.

"No, I won't, I have this." Scootaloo said, as she pulls out her helmet she usually wears when she rides her scooter in town.

"It's our only chance to beat this guy." Scootaloo said to the reindeer. "Just do it!"

"I don't think we have a choice." Twilight said as she began t strain. "I don't like the idea either, but we need this extra force."

Reluctantly, Chopper agreed. He transforms into his strongest form, his Heavy Point, picks up Scootaloo, winds up his arm, and is about to chuck her straight at Arabus.

"I just hope my aim is as good as Usopp's." he says as he launches the filly at the cloud demon.

Scootaloo flies towards him, she curls herself up into a ball, and begins to spin. She strikes him directly in his chest. It was enough force to rip a hole through him. His weakened form, combined with the wind tunnel the others created, couldn't hold together anymore, and he begins to dissapate.

"NOOOOOOOO!" He bellows as he literally falls apart into nothingness. Arabus, was gone. Defeated.

All the ponies give a huge cheer as Scootaloo slams into a tree. But thanks to her helmet, she wasn't seriously hurt.

Everyone immediately runs up to see if she's ok.

Scoots simply bounces up, and gives a huge grin.

"That was fun!" She said, "I hope we can do that again!"

"Not bad squirt." Rainbow Dash says as she picks her up. "You really helped save the day."

"Coming from you Rainbow Dash, that means everything to me." Scootaloo said, as she gives her mentor a hugs.

"I can't believe you and Pinkie Pie possess the power of Haki." Chopper said, "But then again, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised."

"Huh?" everyone else looked at him dumbfounded.

"what's Haki?" Spike asked.

Chopper transforms back into his Brain Point, and begins to explain.

"Haki is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the normal senses. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly, there are two types of Haki common to everyone, given the proper training; however, there is a third type that only a certain group of "chosen ones" are said to possess. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy and overpower enemies." Chopper explained.

"Rainbow Dash, It seems you, and all the Pegasi possess Armament Haki. It acts like an invisible armor. Naturally this invisible armor can be used as a weapon to strike others with. It can be used to augment the user's own attacks, projected ahead of the user as pure brute force, or imbued in weapons to increase their effectiveness. Any attack enhanced by Armament Haki hits immensely harder than it would normally be without it. It also probably explains whey you can also touch inanimate objects such as clouds."

"Well fancy that!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin on her face. "We're just naturally that cool!"

"And Pinkie, I saw what you did. You have Observation Haki. It's a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. With enough skill, one can use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack that much easier to evade. This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief premonition of what the opponent will do in the user's mind's eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not. This pretty much explains that sixth sense of yours."

"I don't understand half the stuff you just said," Pinkie replied, "But it sounded really neat. So I'll just stick to my good ole' Pinkie Sense story."

"Amazing!" Twilight said. "That actually makes A LOT of sense for all the events that happened. So all living beings have the potential for this Haki ability. When we finish our quest, I'd like to study it more."

"Wow, you're really smart Chopper." Fluttershy said, "You must study alot just like Twilight."

"Well, it's a part of a doctor's job to read all the time." Chopper replied to her.

"He's smart, strong, brave, and kind hearted." Fluttershy thought to herself, as she let out a sigh. "Oh I should tell him how I feel before he leaves us, but....Oh, I just can't find the courage."

"Well, it's best we get goin' on the rest of this here trip." Applejack said. "I gotta get mah sister back. A'hm so worried about Apple Bloom."

"Indeed Applejack. I swear we'll do everything to get her back." Rarity added, "now let's move shall we? Come along now Sweetie Belle...... Sweetie Belle? Where..... WHERE IS SHE??!!

Rarity began to panic. Sweetie Belle was no where in sight. All the ponies, Spike, and Chopper began calling for her.

"Where could she have run off to? I hope she's alright." Rarity said as her panicking grew worse.

"I'll go look for her." Spike said as he runs off into the brush.

"No Spike come back! We have to stick together!" Twilight called.

But it was too late. Spike had already dissappered as well.

"Do you have anything that belongs to her Rarity?" Chopper asked.

"Unfortunately, no, I don't at the moment." Rarity replied.

"Darn, I was hoping I could use something to pick up her scent. My nose has never steered me wrong." He replied.

"Great, now Spike's run off too." Pinkie Pie said dissappointed.

Somewhere in the forest, Spike was calling for Sweetie Belle. As he continued to walk he realized he had just made a big mistake. He was now lost.

"Smooth move. Not the smartest thing you've done." He said to himself. "So now what do I do?"

Suddenly, he hears a rustle behind him.

"Sweetie Belle? That better be you." He walks towards the sound. Instead it was one of Tirek's Stegadons.

Spike yells in terror as he tries to flee, but the Stegadon grabs him, and then takes off into the air.

"Where could she be?" Rarity asked, as they all hear a rustling sound coming from behind them.

They all take a defensive stance, and the figure emerges. It was Sweetie Belle.

"THERE YOU ARE! What were you doing?" Rarity angrily asked.

"Well, you know, when nature calls, you kinda, have to answer." She said while blushing.

"Oh....." Everyone replied, also blushing.

"Well, at least let us know next time." Twilight said.

"Sorry everypony." Sweetie Belle replied.

"Well now we have another problem." Chopper said to the others. "Spike is missing."

But as soon as Chopper finished speaking, they see one of Tirek's stegadons fly through the air. Rainbow Dash notices that Spike was being carried by it. Twilight gives a shriek in horror.

"SPIKE NO!" She yelled.

Rainbow Dash tries to give chase, but she feels a sharp pain in her right wing, and falls to the ground.

"Dashie! Are you ok?" Pinkie asked with concern.

"My wing, there's something wrong." She replied.

Twilight could only look with horror as the stegadon flies away with her best friend.

"Spike......SPIKE!" She called for her dragon as she began to break down sobbing.

"Twilight, We'll get him back, don't you worry now sugarcube." Applejack said. "Ah know how ya feel. Got that same feelin' when they took Bloom."

"We have to get him back!" Twilight said as she gets back on her feet.

"Rainbow Dash, you're gonna have to take it easy. You over stressed your wing in the previous battle. I'm afraid it's slightly sprained." Chopper said as he bandages her wing.

"So you're saying I'm grounded..... Just great...." She said angrily.

"All we can do now is move forward." Fluttershy said to the others.

All the ponies, and Chopper nod in agreement.

"We'll get our friends back. I promise!" Chopper said as he and the others continue their march through the Everfree Forest.