• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 4,177 Views, 39 Comments

A Speck of Radiance. - Jaytee

A rogue jedi is ripped from his life, and thrown into Eqrestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2) The Arrival

Revan cracked his knuckles. He would not let this one get away. This target was way too powerful to get away. And too powerful for him to take on alone. He turned to the captain of his ship.

"You say he lived the explosion?"

"Y-...Yes Revan, sir."

Revan made a grunting noise, turning around. He heard the captain sigh. He put a hand on his lightsaber under his cloak, and quickly drew out the blade and turning around with blinding speed. He stopped millimeters from the captain's neck.

"This is the last time you fail me, captain."

Revan watched as the captain's expression grew grim. He brought the lightsaber through his neck with one swift movement, and put his lightsaber away. He turned to the other crewmember next to him.

"Clean this up." He said in a firm tone. The poor man quickly set to it; not wanting to face a similar fate. He heard a lightsaber be drawn from behind him.


The Sith lord turned around to look at a young, spunky looking jedi. He wore the crew member clothing, and he had his lightsaber out. Revan could barely contain his laughter as the jedi charged him. He simply held out a hand and gripped the poor jedi by the neck with the force. He forced the lightsaber out of his hand with his other hand, and brought the failure of an assassin close to his face.

"What rank are you, a knight?"

The jedi grunted. "I will tell you no such things."

"Then you are of no use to me." Revan turned to the crewmember sitting a few feet beneath him. "Prepare for a hull breach." The man looked back at Revan with an expression that easily said: 'What?' before raising the 'Hull Breach' Alarm.

Revan took one last look at the terrified jedi, he knew what he was going to do. "Goodbye, whelp." And with that he threw the Jedi with all of his might at the opposide end of the hallway, sending him through numerous walls, and into the other end of the ship.

"Aw, he didn't break through. I'm gettin' rusty." Revan quickly reached out with the force and pulled the Jedi back.

Unconscious. Useless.The Sith lord closed his open fist, and what used to be a jedi simply became a heap of crushed goop.

He smiled, and then the realization hit him.

Ah, he will sense that. Late the game begin, Vita.

He reached out mentally towards his ex-apprentice.

"Your move, Vita. If you choose to stay down there, we are going to come kill you, and everyone that has or will help you."

"Bullshit," Vita immediately thought back. "I can't get off of this rock, they have no space ships!"

"Then we will come kill you."

"No, Revan. You come, and I kill you." Revan felt the connection fade.

He reached over to his comm, and sent a message to the whole ship.

"Prepare to send scouting parties. We will remain in orbit for 72 hours, in this time, prepare all available soldiers and Dark Jedi. We will let him bide his time, then we will strike." The unit clicked off, and Revan stepped onto the bridge.

"With all due time, my old apprentice.. All things come to an end..." He whispered to himself. He turned around to see his new apprentice walking towards him.

"Malak, you and I are going to do great things very soon." He let out a hearty laugh, and turned his attention back to the planet he was about to invade. "This will be quite fun."


Vita turned to the two princesses, and gave them a grave look.

"They're coming..." He repeated. He quickly turned to the white one. "I really need to get somewhere were nobody will be near me. And you need to get guards everywhere. The Sith will stop at nothing to conquer a new planet."

"The who?"

"Sith. Bad guys. They will kill everyone on this planet. Or just blow it up. Depends on how Revan is feeling." He said, turning his attention back to the stars.

"You're going to have to explain these things, Vita." Luna suddenly said, walking out towards him. He sighed.

"If you honestly think so."

And so he did. He explained the Sith, how they were the destroyer of planets, the conquers of galaxies. How they were the pinnacle of evil. He also explain the Jedi Council, how they were the good side, taking nothing for granted. Somewhere along the line he lit it slip that he has played both sides of the deal, and ended up in the middle. He was more or less forced to tell her about the force, and his training behind it. Also how each side has specific powers, how light can heal, and dark can kill.

Celestia walked over to the two, joining the explanations. She explained to him everything about Equestria, the ponies, how they all have magic; the earth ponies being physically better, the pegasi having a connection to the clouds, and the general unicorn magic. She ended her side on the topic of the Elements of Harmony, and how they could rid even the most evil creatures of their foulness.

Vita laughed. Even he knew nothing could fully cleanse Revan but Revan himself. He began to tell the two sisters of his encounters with Revan, from taking over planets, to saving some. How he used to be a good person...

"He wasn't always like this... Something changed when his second apprentice came into play. They went and did something... They came back changed. I know somewhere inside Revan is still good, but I'm not sure even your 'elements of harmony' could save him." He began walking towards the pod he was dropped in. "But for now, it is late, and i'm tired. I hope you don't mind..." He climbed into his pod, only to be stopped by a white forcefield.

"That is not necessary, Vita. You can take one of the many guest rooms."

"But I don't want to imp-"

"I insist." She said, walking towards the door. Luna had retired back to her throne. "GUARDS!" Celestia yelled.

Within a moments notice, a arrange of guards appeared. A dozen to be exact. They arrive with haste and landed in front of the princess.

"Yes your maje-" The one at the front said, his sentence stopped short. His attention was locke donto the strange creature on the balcony. "INTRUDER! Formation B! get the princess out!" He barked at the other 11 guards.

"No wait he's-!" The princess tried to say, only to have her and he sister forcefully removed from the room in an instant.

The captain of the guard, Golden Shield, was charging the strange creature. It was covered from top to bottom in cloths. Whatever it was, it could not be trusted.


Vita was turning back to his pod to gather what few belongings he had in there when he heard Celestia yell.


He quickly turned around to see a dozen golden-clad ponies arrive in the room. one of them yelled a few orders, then began charging at him. His hand reached his lightsaber when a single forced though crossed his mind.

"Don't hurt them, they don't know you are on our side!" Strange, it sounded like- It was Celestia. Odd. Only Revan could ever do that, and only because more or less he grew up with Revan, knowing each other when they were forced to share a room in the Sith academy. Sharing a lifetime's worth of a bond like that could easily allow such communication, but something like this coming from someone he had just met was near unheard of. None the less, Vita lifted his hands off his lightsabers and prepared for his nonlethal style of hand-to-hand.

The guard was coming at an extremely open angle. This would be childsplay for Vita. He waited for the last possible moment, and then quickly grabbed the charging guard be the snout with a quick hand.

Now he was in control.

He quickly redirected where the guard was going, and sent him flopping onto the floor with enough force to cause a slight crack. He stood up and shook off the pain, and charged again. Vita decided against pulling the same maneuver, and decided to simply knock him out already. He pushed one charging hoof away, and pulled the incoming punch with his opposite hand. The guard looked shocked for a moment, only the be met with a quick two-fingered jack to the side of his temple, knocking him out cold in an instant.

Vita turned his attention to the rest of the guards, who were simply looking on in shock. Against their training, he was sure. But then they drew their swords. He drew his lightsabers.

Celestia burst in.

"ENOUGH!" She he heard her yell.

He was thrown off of his feet at the unsuspected yell. He quickly tried to re-position himself mid-air so no harm would come to him. His efforts we futile as he slammed back-first into the wall, knocking him out cold.


Revan felt his mental connection to Vita get lost. He tilted his head slightly.

It took all of my powers to even cut his face, and these foul reatures knock him out in one night? Taking over this planet will be fun. He turned to the nearest crew member.

"Prepare my personal pod. The smallest one. I'm going in for a little... visit."