• Published 23rd Jul 2015
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A Wolf Among Ponies: First Contact - Ardashir

It's been a thousand years since the Wolves dared to visit Equestria and its witch-ponies. But then the Mare in the Moon vanished. Now Ardi the Wolf is going to learn where she got to or die trying.

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Night of Nightmares

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…

Chapter One:
Night of Nightmares

“And so, with the chain they made from the sound of a cat’s footsteps and the roots of mountains, Night’s humility and the Twisting One’s honesty, they bound and held Father Fenris and left him within the Iron Wood. And they mocked him, and told him that now all the world was theirs, and that his Wolves would die without him.

“But he just looked at them and growled, and said, ‘All your deceits will be repaid! Twisting One, Night and Day shall cast you down and drive your monsters away as they will my wolves; and their children will control the world so utterly that not even the seasons will turn without them! And Night, Day will eventually tire of sharing anything with you. She will seal you away in your precious Moon and rule everything herself.

“But long from now, Night will escape and return and the Twisting One will go free again; and when these things that cannot be happen, there will be an end of all that the ponies have made and my children, the Wolves, shall cast you all down forever! And all shall once more be as it was meant to be!’

“And so we wait, and hope, and remember, because one day soon –!”

– The Prophecy of Fenris; Old Story of the Northern Forest Wolfpacks

The young white wolf crouched in the underbrush at the edge of the woods, staring at the great sweep of Pony dens silhouetted against the black of Discord’s Demense.

Weak ponies, living inside dens of stone, like Diamond Dogs!

Above, the full moon hung high and swollen. He raised his muzzle to it as if to howl, shuddered to see it shorn of the image it had borne for as long as his pack could remember. The Nightmare, loose in the world, but where? Will I find out? He shook himself. Yes, if Wyrd will have it so.

Ardi of the Great Northern Forests, nose and ears of Adelwulf, Alpha of All the Packs on this long scouting expedition into the lands of the Burning Queen, tongued his nosepad to check the scents – sweet woodsmoke and apples, the usual dung-scent of a pony farming town, and the ripe meat-scent of pony.

His plan had been to swim the river north of the pony dens, where a pony-built wall held back the stream and piles of something provided cover, then work his way back north along the edge of those fell woods. Everywolf knew ponies denned up at sunset; by now, when wolves like Ardi were in their element, they should all be asleep.

Only they weren’t. Lights shone from the pony-dens; more lights sparkled across the gaps between them, shining on herds of ponies out in the streets. Hundreds of them.

Just what, he thought, are those crazy ponies doing?

They wore clothes like Diamond Dogs, maybe against the chill in the air heralding winter snows to come. Whinnying laughter and equine voices – including the high-pitched neighs of pony-pups – drifted faint on the breeze that bore their scents to him.

Ardi rose and began to lope towards the pony town, slipping from cover to cover as the dens of wood and stone grew in size and the voices grew in volume. Dens decorated with pumpkins and hung apples and images of bones and skulls and bats. At the thought of bats, he glanced skyward, checking for any flier-ponies that could be aloft. Nothing but one small cloud, floating over the town near that tall point-topped pony building. Odd how it just hung there, so low. Shouldn’t the breeze drive it away? Pony magic?

He was close enough to make out the words in those pony voices, raised in what he recognized as joy, the amusement of happy ponies.

“Happy Nightmare Night!”

Nightmare Night? Did these ponies know something about the missing Mare in the Moon? If so, he had to find out.

Now he was slipping among the pony-dens, keeping to what shadows he could find.

The ponies wore clothes, yes, but not against the night chill. Not even Diamond Dogs wore cloth and leather so bizarre. Like all the monsters of Discord’s Demense plus some even The Twisting One couldn’t have imagined.

A herd of pony-pups in those strange outfits wandered between the dens, looking like weird pup-sized monsters escorted by older and bigger ones, earth ponies and spear-heads and fliers dressed equally bizarre. The nearest of these herds followed a pony dressed to look like the world’s biggest chicken. She knocked on the door of a pony den with her nose, using it like a woodpecker’s beak. Ardi was just close enough to hear their sing-song chant as it opened and they thrust the bags they held towards the pony standing there: “Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!”

He shuddered, glancing up at the now-pristine Moon. The Nightmare again! He sank back into the shadows as the pony standing at the door dropped something that smelled good into their bags. Heh, right under their noses and they can’t smell or see me! Ponies are idiots!

And as that thought crossed his mind the air snapped behind him. A sharp white flash like summer lightning filled his eyes, and something like a mouthful of small sharp fangs cracked across his rump with a hollow thudding boom.

“YIPE!” Ardi leaped out of the shadows, howling, his nose filled with the scent of ozone. The ponies, both the little pups and the crazy chicken, stared at him. Amused whinnies broke out above and behind him as he shrieked, “It’s Nightmare Moon and she’s after me! HELP!”

He charged at the pony-pups before him, howling in terror. They scattered with high-pitched whinnies, and some laughter as well. The Earth pony mare standing at the door shrieked and jumped, sending her plate of food flying. Ardi heard the pony-pups giving savage neighs of glee behind him. It only redoubled his speed to escape whatever they planned for him. Every lupine horror story about pony witchcraft killing wolves filled his mind as he fled, clearing the assembled pony-pups with one leap and racing into the heart of the pony dens.

Into a town filled with magic-using, cruel, murderous, wolf-killing ponies.

# # #

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie yelled up at the small storm cloud overhead. “Great prank, you really got that pony!” She looked after the vanished stranger. “Whoever he is.”

“Yeah,” Dash looked over the side and called down, wiping a tear from her eyes as she laughed. Beside Pinkie, Bon Bon looked down in dismay at her scattered treats. “Hey, sorry, Bon Bon. But I didn’t think that guy would be such a scaredy-cat.”

“My ginger and molasses Nightmare Night specials,” Bon Bon moaned, ignoring her. She tried to gather them up. Several of the foals with Pinkie aided her; the smallest of them – a pinto colt in a pirate costume – tried to snack on a piece he picked up. Bon Bon took it away and gave him a clean one. “Not that one, dear, it was in the dirt.” She glared up at Dash. “I spent all afternoon making them, and you ruined the lot! You’re not as funny as you think you are, Rainbow Dash!”

“Aw, simmer down,” Dash called back. “It’s Nightmare Night! Everypony deserves one good scare; and who’s dumb enough to take it seriously?” Bon Bon just glared at her. Dash rolled her eyes behind the Shadowbolt mask she wore. “Fine, I’ll pay you back for them tomorrow. Pinkie Promise.” Bon Bon still looked nettled, but nodded. Dash looked around and suddenly stared. “Ooh! There’s Applejack and Big Mac over that way, towards the center of town!” She added in a voice filled with evil glee, “I don’t think I’ve wished her a Happy Nightmare Night yet!” She got behind her cloud and pushed it off in that direction, the same direction the stranger had run off in.

Bon Bon glared after her. Pinkie Pie slapped her on the back.

“Aww, take it easy Bonnie, you know she’ll pay for them. And I’ll help you make new ones tomorrow.” She grinned widely, adding, “I’d love to learn a new candy recipe.”

“They’re only for Nightmare Night,” Bon Bon responded. “The recipe’s a family secret. But thanks anyway, Pinkie Pie.” She scowled after Dash again. “Does she actually expect us all to believe that story from last year, about her beating a dozen of those ‘Shadowbolts’ on the way to save Luna?”

“Aww, that’s Dashie,” Pinkie said as she headed off with the foals, doing a bipedal gait with an ease that would impress Lyra if she saw it. In the distance there came another flash of lightning and roll of thunder, together with a yell from Applejack. “But look at it this way, the worst thing that could happen tonight is behind you, so you can enjoy the rest of Nightmare Night!”

# # #

Four months ago –

“Pack-kin, come to me,” Adelwulf said to Ardi. He stood atop a giant flat dark stone, used by the Alphas of Alphas to judge and rule over their wolves since they first settled in the Northern Forests, before the Nightmare was sealed away by her sister the Burning Queen.

The younger and smaller Wolf approached, careful to keep his ears and tail properly lowered. The chill night wind whistled down from the Frozen North; the stars wheeled around the full moon above, drops of ice flung from Fenris’ coat when he was thrust into his prison by the treacherous alicorns and the Twisting One. He hopped up beside his Alpha and kinswolf, the stone cold and rough beneath his paws. Together, the two looked southwards across the forest and tundra, towards the pony lands of Equestria.

“I have a task for you.”

“I’ll do whatever the Pack requires, uncle,” Ardi began, quickly changing it to, “Honored Alpha,” at the ears-down and fangtips-displayed growl he got.

“Good to see you remember some manners,” Adelwulf said with a huff. “Better do to remember them at the next convocation of packs, unless you want Stark and his sons to tear your ears off for your flippancy.” He turned and looked at the sky again. Ardi followed his gaze to stare at the Moon. The Nightmare’s prison since the Times of Wandering, for as long as any tale howled out by wolves could tell.

But no longer. Her shadow no longer stained it, not since the night that had lasted for days.

Despite himself, Ardi bristled and whined, pressing against his uncle’s side. The Alpha bore it for a moment, before sending him back with a snap of his mighty jaws. Ardi lowered his ears in apology and all was well again. Adelwulf looked away again as though the interruption never occurred.

“Ardi, can you guess what I want?”

“For the Burning Queen to be cast down, for pony magic to vanish forever, and for all to once more be as Father Fenris meant it to be?” Ardi kept any sound of amusement from his voice. Even so he half expected his uncle to grab a mouthful of his ruff and shake it. To his surprise, the old wolf only woofed softly in agreement.

“Yes, I would like that,” he said. He looked at Ardi, and the wolf wondered if his golden eyes almost glowed. “But I will not hope for it to happen.” He indicated the full moon above. “That is what I want.”

“I think that is beyond my ability to bring you, Alpha,” Ardi said. As the older Wolf turned on him again, ears low and bristling, Ardi quickly added, “To know what has happened to the Mare in the Moon?”

The Alpha of Alphas cocked one shaggy eyebrow.

Ardi said, “What else could it be, uncle? We need to know what happened to the Nightmare,” he indicated the Moon while adding the low snarl that made her name a curse, hopefully turning her attention away. “Did she break free, as the Old Stories said? Is Father Fenris stirring to return and set things right? Has he already devoured her to begin the Fimbulwinter?”

Ardi didn’t bother hiding the hope in the last few words. Would he did, for then it would be but the Burning Queen left to fear.

Adelwulf’s next words took the hope from him. “I doubt Fenris did, else we would know of it more surely. But whatever has befallen, we must know.” He began to lope down from the rock, Ardi alongside him. Both headed away from the pack’s dens, the sounds of lupine yips and yelps fading behind them. “I have spoken of this with the Alphas of all the Packs, and we have agreed.”

“Agreed on what, honored Alpha?” Ardi looked out across the plain stretching off before them. He looked from southwards to east, where the forest began to thin. At the tree-swept horizon he could see a thing like a rippling serpent under the moonlight, together with brighter lights that came from nothing natural – the great river and the Pony city. On windy nights, if you listened here hard enough, sometimes you could catch the faintest traces of sound from the log walls and pony-dens of Stalliongrad.

“On this,” Adelwulf said, and his voice was such that Ardi turned all attention to him.

“We must needs know what is happening in the realm of our enemies, the ponies; but we cannot let them know that we still exist, that we still think and speak, else they would kill us.”

As in the Times of Wandering, when the Burning Queen and the Nightmare drove us from the fair lands into the Frozen North.

“I agree, uncle – Alpha.” Ardi thought of the Wolves slain in the great raid on Stalliongrad in his puppyhood. Not one of them betrayed their folk, even as they died under the plunging hooves and hunting spears of the ponies in the great square, forevermore to be called Red Square from their shed blood. Neither threats nor pleading passed their fangs, only final snarls of defiance. No Wolf had heard or seen it, but they knew it to be true.

Otherwise they wouldn’t still be alive.

“A Wolf from every Pack must go among them as far as they dare, and learn what has happened.”

“That is a good plan, Alpha,” Ardi said, wondering what poor fool from his pack would be sent.

“Those who are sent must be Wolves of cunning, intelligence, courage, and subtlety.”

“Those would be the best qualities in such a hunter, Alpha.”

“I am glad you approve,” Adelwulf said. He looked Ardi right in the eyes, golden gaze locking with a blue one, in a fashion that would have formed a challenge from any other wolf. “You escaped the rusalka that slew so many Wolves. Fear not, I alone know of your visit to the forbidden lake near Winterholt,” he said as Ardi began to stammer excuses. “You have spied on ponies outside their very dens; only Stark’s pup Geisterlaufer is a better scout.”

Ardi raised his head and tail high as his Alpha’s, the ruffs of his chest bulging out. To be compared to Geisterlaufer – Ghost Walker – of Winterholt Pack! If that Dire Wolf didn’t want to be seen or heard as he scouted, you didn’t see or hear or even scent him.

Adelwulf’s voice rose, as befitted the Alpha of all the Packs.

“You are my choice for our Pack. Go now. Do not return before the new snows have fallen.”

He loped away, back towards the comfort of the dens.

Ardi stared after him in disbelief. Only a few words escaped his muzzle.

“Why do I have such a big mouth?”

# # #

And so I crept down from the Northern Forests into the grassy plains and forests, and here, to this crazy land full of crazy, wolf-killing ponies, Ardi thought as he stopped to catch his breath. It caught in his throat as he looked around and realized something.

The crazy, wolf-killing ponies that are all around me!

Ponies in the oddest outfits were all around. Nearby stood one with a tied-back mane and tail that smelled of apples and straw and with a slight hint of smoke. She rubbed her flank and winced as at some soreness. Others passed close by, close enough that the wolf stiffened as he expected them to leap on him, hooves plunging as they trampled him into a rag…

“Great wolf costume!”

“Huh?” Ardi blinked as he looked into the face of the apple-smelling pony. She smiled at him and showed some teeth, as mannerless as everypony. Nearby two other ponies were sticking their heads into a large bucket of water and trying to catch apples in their teeth for some unknown reason. One of them, a mare, wore a cape and had horns like a bull on her head. Beyond them other ponies on a stage made music with their instruments; still more danced down before them. All of them wore a… “Costume? Oh, yes! Costume!”

“Well, yeah,” the pony-bitch – no, mare – who’d spoken said to him. Ardi looked around, his eyes widening as he realized something. “Ah mean, this here is Nightmare Night. It’s the right time o’ year ta be wearing a costume.” He froze as she reached out and felt a tuft of his fur. “Nice stuff too, feels almost real. Ya get this from Rarity?”

“Who? Ah, I mean,” Ardi hurriedly said, “I’m new in this – town! I meant to say town!” He grinned at her, careful not to show his lupine teeth. He doubted these “costumes” were that good. “Yes, this is my costume, and I’m only passing through, this is my first time here, I smelled the food and saw everything, I decided to take a look.” To his relief the straw-coated mare smiled back. She turned to the cart behind here from which wonderful scents arose.

“Hungry, huh?” She turned back around and offered him a plate with something on it, smelling of warm apples and sweetness and wrapped in dough. “Here, have a bite.”

No wolf needed to be asked twice if they wanted to eat. Ardi dug in, setting the plate on the ground and snaffling it up. It was hot and sticky and sweet and saving only for partly-rotten venison, it was the best thing he’d ever eaten. He looked back up to see the Earth pony mare dressed as what he now realized was a “scarecrow” eyeing him with something like amusement.

“Yeesh, ya didn’t have ta act that much like a starvin’ wolf!” She laughed. Ardi forced another grin as she said, “New around here, huh? Mah name’s Applejack. What’s your name and where’re ya from?”

“My name?” Ardi hesitated, wondered what to say, and took the plunge. “I’m… Long Walker. From the North.” He hoped that would serve. Before she could ask more, he said, “It’s been a while since I’ve eaten, is there any place around here where I can get some more food like that?”

“Hah, well, maybe not exactly like what y’all will find on Sweet Apple Acres,” Applejack said, “But I think we can find ya something ta eat around here.” She turned and headed for the weird chicken-pony from before, standing in the midst of that pack – no, the word is “herd” – of pony-pups. As they went closer Ardi began to smell something strange that left a sweet aftertaste on his tongue. Like spring honey or late autumn syrup from the maple trees but stronger. It came from the small platter Chicken Pony was taking from a scrawny stallion and a very chunky mare who must be with foal to judge by how her belly hung beneath her. Both of them wore what looked like oddly raggedy clothes. And was that yarn they had hanging from their manes?

Ardi just shook his head. Ponies were all crazy.

“You’ll give out the treats, Pinkie?” The stallion said to Chicken Pony.

“I sure will!” Chicken Pony, Pinkie, said proudly. Ardi wondered why ponies loathed their own young so much to give them these silly names as she said, “And I’ll be sure to tell everyone about the big post-Nightmare Night sale we’ll be having tomorrow! You and Mrs. Cake go and take it easy.”

Chicken Pony grinned so widely Ardi wondered her face didn’t fall into her mouth as she waved goodbye at the two. Then she turned and bounced up to both him and Scarecrow Pony.

He forced himself to hold his ground. There was something really strange about this one, even for a pony. “Hi, AJ! Hi, pony in a wolfsuit I met earlier but don’t know yet!” He wondered if she’d be as enthusiastic if the ponies learned who he was and trampled him. She held the tray out under both their muzzles. “Say, do you want some of the Cakes’ best home-made dark chocolate candy? It’s fresh made!”

“Reckon Ah will,” Scarecrow Pony said. Ardi barely noticed. Despite the apple before, he was still hungry and the smell of the food was maddening. He stared at it, not even noticing how the two ponies were sharing a smile before the palomino said, “On second thought, why don’t ya let Long Walker here have the first bite?”

“Okey-dokey-loki!” Chicken Pony said with a smile as she offered the tray to the wolf. Part of Ardi warned him to be cautious. The other part just went, Food! “Hi, Long Walker, I hope you enjoy – yow!” Scarecrow Pony snorted beside him.

“Yeesh, pardner, ya gotta act that much like a starvin’ wolf?”

“What?” Ardi looked at them both. He figured he had roughly a pound of the sweet-tasting whatever-it-was in his mouth as he tossed his head back and swallowed it in one gulp. Like a chunk of fresh venison. He growled in deep appreciation. “I’ve never eaten anything like that before. So sweet! What is it?”

“Err, home-made candy?” Ardi looked at the two ponies. Both of them had their heads tilted to the side and were looking at him oddly. He grinned nervously. Apparently he’d done something wrong. Chicken Pony said, “I mean, you have eaten candy before, right? Unless your family is so poor they only eat grass. I mean, I guess some ponies are that poor, though even my family had rock candy sometimes, and we were really poor, just a few dozen acres and nothing but gems to farm, diamonds and emeralds and rubies for ponies to decorate their homes with, not really good to wear… Hmm, maybe we weren’t so poor after all?” She looked ready to say more but the little pony-pups spoke up.

“Miss Pinkie Pie?” One very little pinto pony-pup with the crown of his head wrapped in fabric and a patch over one eye asked. “Umm, maybe we can go and get some more treats at the houses we haven’t visited yet?” The others with him murmured their agreement. Including one that looked like – a wolf?

Ardi prowled through the middle of the pups, head lowered and nosepad twitching as he sniffed his way up to her. He kept a wary eye on the two adult mares as he did; no wolfpack would so tolerate a stranger approaching one of their pups. She stood between one earth pony that looked like she’d been cut to pieces and sewed back together, and a tiny little spear-head in a cape and pulled-back mane – did she have tiny fangs in her mouth? Ardi ignored them both to sniff at the one in-between, wearing something like a wolf’s head and pelt. She looked out through the mouth at him with bright eyes. A few strands of unruly mane straggled from beneath the mask. After the first sniff he wagged his tail in relief. It wasn’t from a real wolf.

“Uhh, hi?’ She said to him in a scratchy voice, sounding nervous. She looked him over. She reached out and tugged lightly at his pelt. “Wow, great wolf suit. It’s even better than the one your sis made, Sweetie Belle.” She said the latter to the sweet-smelling fanged spear-head, who looked unimpressed. “Hey, how can I get inside one like that?”

“I don’t think you can,” Ardi said, fighting against the urge to grin. Not unless you want to get eaten by one. “And you’re supposed to be a little puppy?”

Her next words tore the amusement from him.

“No, I’m a Big Bad Wolf!” She tilted her head back and howled, or tried to. Ponies nearby, including Pinkie and Applejack, laughed and pretended to be afraid as she said, “I’m gonna eat up all the ponies of Ponyville while I pretend to be one, because that’s what wolves do!”

Wait, ponies think we can turn into ponies? Ardi shook his head in disbelief. These ponies really are crazy! They have all the magic, not us! He almost wished he dared tell them that Wolves knew better than to eat ponies, and had for centuries now, when Scarecrow Pony mockingly stomped up to the little pony. She spoke and her words were like the smell of serpents in summer, making him bristle in fear.

“Yeah, well, ya try eatin’ any ponies ‘round here and Ah’ll fix ya!” She snorted and flattened her ears in mock ferocity before rolling the little pony onto her back and tickling her belly. She whinnied in wicked glee as she said, “Mah family used ta fight off th’ Everfree monsters, an’ we’ll stomp any nasty old lyin’ wolves flatter than a rug if we catch ‘em in Ponyville!”

Ardi somehow managed to grin without showing fangs in his fear. Nothing could keep him from quietly backing away as the assembled equines whickered and whinnied laughter. He searched for an escape route. Nearby, where those ponies were making music, he saw a relatively open space where ponies in more of these costumes danced together. Maybe he could slip through there and get away unnoticed?

It certainly seemed that he wouldn’t learn anything about the vanished Nightmare here.

# # #

Behind him, Scootaloo licked her lips and went to eat some of the remaining candy, only to stop as Pinkie lifted it out of her reach.

“Uh-uh, ‘Wolfaloo’,” she said. Smiling and wearing a professor’s mortarboard that she’d somehow gotten from somewhere, she said, “No chocolate for you, it makes wolves and doggies sick.”

“It does?” She and her two friends asked. They looked at each other, embarrassed.

“Okay,” Sweetie said, looking ashamed. “Now we know why Winona got so sick that one time when we tried to give her treats.”

“What!” Applejack snorted at them. “That was you last month? Winona was sick for three days!” The fillies looked down, lightly trailing their forehooves against the dirt. “Ah never saw Winona be that sick before! Ah had to take her to Fluttershy!”

“Sorry, big sis,” Applebloom said as she looked at Applejack. “We were tryin’ for cutie marks as dog trainers, and this book said that it helped ta give treats.” She stopped as Applejack lightly nuzzled her behind her piled-up wig, smearing some of the drawn-on stitches.

“It’s okay, ya didn’t cause any permanent harm. An’ ya know better now, right?” All three of the fillies nodded eagerly. “Okay, then go on an’ have fun.” She laughed. “After all, it’s Nightmare Night!” The fillies laughed and went off after Pinkie, headed in the direction of the library. After they were gone, Applejack looked around, curious. Huh, where did that new fella get off ta? He seemed mighty all-fired worried for some reason. Like he had somewhere ta be.

Then she saw him, in the midst of the ponies dancing to the music, facing Lotus Blossom from the Spa. Lotus was dressed in what looked like some barbaric hunting outfit made of fur. She batted her eyes winsomely at him. Long Walker looked surprised. He looked around until his gaze settled on her. Applejack smiled knowingly. Friend, Ah can’t help ya there. He gulped. After a moment he began to dance slowly with Lotus.

Heh, so that’s how he wants ta spend Nightmare Night. Applejack smiled and turned back to the refreshments and completely set the odd newcomer out of her mind.

“Come on right up, ponies, and have some o’ Sweet Apple Acres’ best cider and fritters! Just th’ thing for Nightmare Night…!”

# # #

“I’m flattered, miss,” Ardi said to the flowery-smelling pony-bitch before him as she fluttered her long eyelashes at him. “But really, I don’t know how to dance.”

“What is to know, big bad volk?” She purred out in that Stalliongrad accent. She stepped closer, dressed in a “costume” Ardi recognized – the furs of a Stalliongrad kazak, one of the border guard who made a specialty of hunting wild beasts and monsters – including wolves. She smiled slowly. It reminded Ardi all too well of that rusalka in the lake right before she showed her fangs as the mare husked out, “I just want somepony to dance with, for just one dance. Is not so much to ask for, da?”

Ardi looked over in the direction he’d just come from. Maybe he could escape that way? He saw Scarecrow Pony there, giving him an evil-looking smile. Was she getting suspicious? Better act normal then. Normal for a pony, anyway. He gulped and turned back to the kazak mare.

“Rrrr, want to dance, Miss…”

“Call me Lotus,” She said, moving to stand beside him, herding him out into the midst of the dancing ponies. Ardi did so, feeling his heart rising into his throat. The sweet smell of pony sweat surrounded him, as did the whickers and nickers of equine amusement. “And dear wolf, I would simply love to dance. Oh, what is your name, anyway?”

“I’m Long Walker,” he said quickly. “From around Stalliongrad.” He almost bit through his tongue at those last few words. Hope she didn’t notice!

“Ah!” She had. Her eyes went wide with delight. “Almost neighbor.” A new light seemed to enter her eyes, and her smile took on dimensions that left Ardi feeling flattered and worried all at once.

She stood before him and began swaying back and forth before moving from side to side on her hooves, grinning the whole while. Somehow forcing himself not to show any fear, Ardi did the same. He hoped he didn’t do too badly. Dancing was not an art most wolves found any great need to master. He felt he must be doing well enough, given that she didn’t start to whinny, “Wolf! Wolf!” and set half a hundred angry ponies on him. Still, he held his breath until the song ended.

“That was lovely, Miss Lotus,”Ardi looked over at the band, and saw a pony all wrapped in bandages dropping what looked like a small bushel of shining bits into a basket they had before saying something to them. He quickly added, “But it looks like the dance is over, and…”

“And now, a special request from a special pony,” one of the band members said, pointing at Bandage Pony. That one hopped up and down in place before getting up on her hind legs like a bear or, urrgh, a Diamond Dog. As she did the band broke out into a much more energetic tune. It that sounded vaguely like the songs he’d heard once or twice as he listened outside of buildings in the villages surrounding Stalliongrad, the ones that reeked of malt and hops and potatoes and alcohol and that echoed to the rampant whinnies of excited ponies who left to sway all the way home.

Lotus whinnied with glee.

“Ah! Trust Miss Lyra to pick this one!” She and the ponies around them both rose up on their hind legs. “Come on, no, Long Walker, get up and dance!”

Ardi hesitated. He was pretty sure that if he could barely dance on all fours, then dancing on two like some trained bear was beyond him. But before he could flee Lotus reached down and snatched him up. “YIPE!”

“Don’t be so scared,” Lotus laughed as she tugged him against her, pony barrel against wolf belly. He felt the warmth of her body radiate through his own. He also saw the dancers around them were doing the same, hugging close to one another – probably helps them stay upright – with several of them using the opportunity provided to snatch a kiss or the like. He looked back as Lotus as the dance began, the music seeming to run all along his spine. Whatever she saw must have said ‘Yes’, for she leaned in close. He yipped and tried to turn away, only to catch a kiss meant for his cheek on his dewlaps instead.

Velvet pony lips brushed against his rough dewlaps. Despite what ponies, especially Stalliongrad ponies, thought of wolves, Ardi had never tasted a pony before then. Let alone felt the body of one against his own. A sweet flowery scent filled his muzzle. Lotus’s warmth and scent filled his head along with thoughts both exciting and shameful.

No, she’s a pony and I’m a Wolf, I can’t be thinking this!

Ardi wondered if he really felt his paws start to slide down the mare’s sides, and why he suddenly heard amused whickers and snorts from nearby. Rather high-pitched ones.

“My, now, you awful wolf,” Lotus husked out with a giggle as she let him come up for air. “You really are pony-eating beast.” She looked past him. Her dreamy eyes went wide and with a snort she shoved him away, dropping back down on all fours. Ardi fell on his back with a yelp and found himself locking gazes with some of the pony-pups from before. With them and looking on frowning was a mare smelling and looking much like the one he’d embraced, save for the pink coat, blue mane and tail, and sour look on her face.

“Oh! Dobrevyechyer, Aloe,” Lotus said, trying to look innocent. “I, ah, I was just talking about Stalliongrad with Long Walker here,” she pointed at Ardi. “I thought maybe he knew Baba and could tell me about her.” She stopped as the other mare stormed up to her, tail lashing.

“Tell you what about her, sister?” Aloe snapped, “How her tonsils are doing? You seemed to be examining his very intently!” She looked at him and snorted. “And must he wear such cheap-looking costume?”

“What!” Lotus’ ears went back before her eyes narrowed. She scraped the earth below her with one forehoof. “Sister, you will not speak to me in such fashion! Just because I wanted to have some innocent fun for one night…”

Ardi didn’t know everything about ponies, but some kinds of body language were universal. He turned and quietly slipped away, wondering if he should be relieved or dismayed to be leaving Lotus behind.

# # #

“Aww, take it easy, Aloe, Lotus,” Pinkie Pie said as she walked chicken-fashion up to the sisters from Stalliongrad. They looked at her, some of their tension dissolving. The ponies around them began dancing again while Pinkie said, “It’s Nightmare Night, after all. This is a night to be silly and have fun. So what if your sis had a little smooch with some new pony, Aloe?”

“I want us to be taken seriously,” Aloe said, setting one forehoof to her forehead as though fighting a headache. “Everypony in Equestria seems to think that Stalliongrad ponies are either wild plains runners or arrogant boyari,” she scowled at Lotus, who tried to look innocent, “Or scheming spies! Must you act so like ‘sensual Stalliongrad mare’, sister?”

“I can’t help if stallions like me,” Lotus said, tilting her head back. Aloe gasped as she said, “Maybe they’d like you too if you focused on something other than paperwork and counting bits.”

“Oh, don’t you put this on me!” Lotus fell back before her sister as Aloe said, her voice icy, “Somepony has to concentrate on business while her scatterbrain sister acts like we still lived in Stalliongrad, and spent every weekend out with kazaki,” she shuddered while Lotus looked dreamy, “hunting for wolves and monsters…” They both trotted off, arguing with each other while the foals with Pinkie watched with wide eyes. One tugged gently on her leg.

“Are they gonna be mad all night, Miss Pinkie?” Pipsqueak said to Pinkie. “I hate to think that they’ll be arguing all Nightmare Night.” The other foals looked unhappy at that thought too.

And that made Pinkie unhappy. Nightmare Night was supposed to be about the fun of being safely scared, not fighting! Especially for fillies and colts and especially – she gulped – this year.

“Naww,” Pinkie said, reaching down to tousle his mane. “They’re just like that. Ponies quarrel sometimes even when they like each other. It doesn’t mean the Windigoes are coming to freeze everypony.” The foals shivered at her words. Pinkie bit her tongue.

She looked and saw Aloe and Lotus embracing in forgiveness, if a bit gingerly. She frowned to realize that they must still be dealing with what Discord did to them when he was free, turning them into a two-headed pony with the heads on either end. It seemed like a lot of Ponyville’s ponies were still rattled and tense from what Discord did to them and the town. She’d decided to make this year’s Nightmare Night even more fun and over the top than usual to compensate.

Give everypony some really great harmless scares, and we’ll get it out of our systems and put Mister Meany-Pants-Even-Though-He-Brought-Chocolate-Rain Discord out of our heads! Huh, but how? I mean, unless Nightmare Moon shows up to help or something.

She slapped her forehead. Wait, that’s why I got together with Zecora and asked her to come and visit!

“Come on, everypony,” Pinkie said to the foals with a smile. It’s all up to me! I’m gonna make everypony happy tonight, we’ll all pretend that we’re scared, and tomorrow we’ll all laugh at the stuff we were pretending to be scared of now. “Let’s get over to the stage, I bet the Mayor is going to have a surprise for us all!” She headed for the stage, smiling to hear the foals’ laughter as they joined her.

# # #

Ardi stood on the other side of the herd of dancing ponies, next to where dark paths led into the forest of pony-dens. Keeping what distance he could from the crazy ponies milling about, he checked those darkened paths as possible escape routes. They think I’m a pony in one of those “costumes”… That can’t last forever…

In front of him stood a tub of water, with apples floating in it for some unknown pony reason; half a dozen costumed ponies stood around like Wolves feasting on a kill, intent on catching the bobbing apples in their teeth.

He choked down a whine as something twisted in his gut. Two of the ponies around the tub turned their heads and looked at him.

“Ya want something ta eat?” One of them said, sporting horns on her head and a scallop-edged cape.

“No… no,” Ardi said with a shudder, fighting down a snarl as his belly twisted again. Ugh, what was wrong now? Too much of that pony food they were passing around?

The music coming from the stage ceased; wolf and ponies looked up at the interruption. Where the pony musicians had been stood a pony-bitch, no, mare, wearing the world’s largest puffball on her head, with a matching smaller ball on the tip of her muzzle. Why did he feel like fog was inside his head?

“Thank you, everypony, and welcome to the Nightmare Night festival!” the mare’s voice rolled over the crowded clearing. The herd broke into neighing cheers, stamping their forehooves in applause. The same forehooves they could use to trample a Wolf they found among them…

The neighing and hoof-stamping faded as Puffball Pony continued.

“Now, all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of... Nightmare Moon!”

A flash of bright fire filled the stage, turned into a cloud of glowing fog roiling along the ground. Out of the fogbank stepped another pony, a black cloak covering all but her head. Gold glinted at her neck, black-and-white stripes covered her face beneath a flowing white mane speckled with black somethings. Raising her head, Striped Pony intoned in a voice like none Ardi had ever heard before:

“Follow me, and very soon,

You'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon...”

The Nightmare? The Mare in the Moon and what became of her? Father Fenris was not only protecting his pup from Wolves’ enemies, but leading him to where he could learn the very thing he’d been trying to find!

His heart began to pound with excitement; his belly twinged again, this time radiating down his body before he fought it under control. Not now, not when I’m so close…

Then Striped Pony, Chicken Pony, Puffball Pony, and another he didn’t recognize in a tall belled hat and false beard all came towards him, leading a herd of costumed pony-pups including the little one playing at being a “big bad wolf”.

The real white Wolf forced a smile as Chicken Pony grinned at him.

“We’re gonna go and make our big offering to Nightmare Moon so she doesn’t gobble us up, that’s what!” Ardi choked and whined. He did so again as she leaned in close and hissed from behind one hoof, “Hey, that’s great! Play along and stick with us!” She trotted off after the pony-pups, and the Wolf did the same.

Ponies surrounded him on all sides, the smell of their sweat and the multiplied steady clip-clop of their hooves and the chatter of their voices. Striped Pony seemed to be in the lead; was she the Alpha of whatever was going to happen? The Nightmare’s spae-mare?

They passed through pony streets, under archways, past a giant tree set with windows and balconies. Many of them faked being afraid or spoke mock-fearsomely to the pony-pups with them of what the Nightmare would do to them if displeased with their offering of something to be eaten. Ardi just gulped and hoped fresh Wolf wasn’t on the menu.

Then they were outside the pony-made forest, crossing an open pasture towards a real clump of forest – gnarled broad-leaved trees of the south instead of the tall conifers of the Great Northern Forests. The deathtrap of Discord’s Demense loomed dark on the horizon to his left, while a Mareless Moon rode high in the sky.

Now that they were in the open, Ardi eased away from the main herd, where he could slip away easily if he had to. And throw up if that pony food in his gut acted up any worse.

His heart pounded in his chest like at his coming of age, where the older Wolves told him that “monsters” were inside the reeking cave before him. Then he went in to prove his courage by confronting them to prove his worthiness to Pack membership. He’d gone in, tail bottled out and bristling in his fear. When a pair of immense spear-head ponies charged at him from the darkness, wings flared like flier-ponies and fangs flashing, he stood his ground. They then threw off their robes to reveal the wings and horns to be made of wood, and his pack's Alpha Bitch and her daughter took him back out. Everywolf complimented him on his stoic bravery and cleverness in knowing it'd been a trick.

Ardi never told them that he didn't know it was a trick. He’d simply been too terrified to run. He didn't even think of anything beyond, that’s them! That’s the Burning Queen and Nightmare Moon and they’re going to EAT ME WHOLE!

And now here he was, off with a whole herd of ponies to bring some sort of food – he grunted as his belly protested again – to what they said was the Nightmare Herself.

She died, Ardi told himself as they entered the clump of trees. She died long, long ago when her greedy sister killed her and set her image on the moon to show to everywolf. The Burning Queen just took it down a few months ago, that’s why she didn’t raise the sun for days, it was more than she could handle, but everything is fine and after this I can go home and tell everywolf that the Nightmare is dead and…

The trees opened up into a clearing and the Nightmare herself reared up before him, atop some sort of altar of flat pony-worked stone. Ardi almost ran, peed, and threw up all at the same time before he realized the motionless Nightmare was made of pony-molded stone. As it was, his heart thumped loud enough he was sure the ponies would hear and one hind leg started twitching.

The ponies stepped up as Ardi fell back, staying near the trees in case he had to flee or hide. Striped Mare took position in front of the Nightmare statue, like an Alpha leading the Howls. She has to be the Alpha Bitch, spae-mare of the Nightmare…

The striped mare lifted a hoof from beneath her cloak; more gold rings glinted in the moonlight as she blew a hooffull of glowing dust from it and began her Howl.

“Listen close, my little dears,

I'll tell you where you got your fears

Of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary.

Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you wary.”

Above them, the magic dust boiled into another cloud which rose and reshaped into the Nightmare herself, a glowing monster with savage fangs and big eyes.

“Every year, we put on a disguise,

To save ourselves from her searching eyes.

But Nightmare Moon wants just one thing:

To gobble up ponies in one quick swing!”

The Nightmare swooped, almost sending Ardi into the woods. She didn’t seem to notice the Wolf, or even the ponies below her. An illusion? Pony magic? Like the disguises in the haunted cave of monsters?

“Hungrily, she soars the sky.

If she sees nopony, she passes by.

So if she comes and all is clear,

Equestria is safe another year!”

“Uh, Miss Zecora…” It was the little pinto-pup with the headscarf and eyepatch, tugging on the Alpha shamaness’s cloak. “If we wear costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we still need to give her some of our candy?”

Instead of taking him by the scruff and shaking him for the interruption, Striped Pony blew another fogbank from her forehoof and the Nightmare reappeared, floating above them all.

“A perfect question, my little friend,

For Nightmare Moon you must not offend.

Fill up her belly with a treat or two,

So she won't return TO COME EAT YOU!”

The glowing Nightmare dived on the herd and dissolved back into glowing fog which faded away. Pony-pups screamed like puppy Ardi had almost done in the haunted cavern, and then Chicken Pony neighed even louder.

“Everypony! Just dump some candy and get out of here!”

Her offering… Ardi shuddered and growled as his belly twisted within him. Blood pounded in his ears, loud as Chicken Pony’s voice. One or two of the adult ponies were looking at him, and a sudden fear rose in him. What if they know? Would he be the next Offering?

“Urrgh! No!” Ardi shook himself, almost falling down as all four legs shook like a pup’s in their first winter cold. Somehow he managed to keep on his paws. Had these ponies poisoned him somehow? What was wrong with him? He barely noticed the ponies as he half-whispered, half whined “S-see? It’s not t-true. The N-nightmare is dead, even her shadow on the moon is gone. We don’t have to be afraid of her anymore!”

With a supreme effort of will, he brought his rebellious body back under control. He stood still and smiled to see the ponies completely oblivious all about him. Above the clearing, dark clouds began to swirl around the moon.

The Nightmare was gone forever, and he and the Wolves were safe.

Thunder CRACKed overhead as though the world were splitting in half.

Ardi leaped and howled. Lightning lit up the clearing from above, coming not from within but beyond those swirling clouds. A moment later something massive and barbed and dark as old blood came flying out of them – no, out of the moon itself! He whined to see the things that pulled it. Flier-ponies with wings like bats and glowing cats’ eyes and mouths lined with wolfish fangs.

And his pounding heart stopped beating as he saw what sat within that spiked chariot they drew. A long horn, rising from an equine forehead. Wings spread wide, eyes agleam in the hooded cloak that hid her face, and a wild laugh floating down the night wind.

A horn, and wings, and that much pony witchcraft… For a thousand years only one pony in all of Equestria possessed those.

Only one.

Until now.

Ardi stood silent as his bladder let go, internally howling at his shaking legs to get moving. But part of him demanded that he hold his ground like in that “haunted” cave, that he be certain.

The ponies fell back in a terror that seemed scarce less than his own as the chariot paused overhead for a moment.

It’s not her, she isn’t real, it’s not her, she isn’t real, It’s Not Her, SHE ISN’T REAL…

Chicken Pony screamed.


Ponies immediately stampeded in every direction, led by Chicken Pony and the herd of pups.

Ponies and one nauseated and terrified and wildly yelping wolf.

Terror and sickness chased each other though his mind as Ardi zigzagged into the trees, going for dense brush while the ponies fled for open country. He had to get away, he had to escape, he had to bring the news of this ultimate horror back to the Packs. Blood roared in his ears; his heart pounded even harder, and something clawed at his innards, demanding that he stop and empty himself. Ardi knew better than to obey that desire. Let him stop and as soon as the Nightmare found him, he would never need to worry about feeling ill or healthy again.

“Out of my way!” He howled the words as one group of ponies – Puffball, Jingly Hat With Beard, and one upright pup dressed as a dragon – appeared before him, staring in shock as he ran past into the woods and cover

If he made it, he would be safe.

If he made it.


# # #

Ardi would never remember later how long he ran. Primarily because that was when the sickness inside his belly grabbed and twisted his entrails like a Wolf killing a rabbit.

Ardi dropped, gasping and whimpering at the gurgling noises escaping his belly, more at the sudden wild beating of his heart and the agony that savaged him.

Have to keep going, he thought, groaning as he forced himself to keep moving, through trees and streams and underbrush. He crept along, sticking close to the ground, partly for reasons of stealth but mostly because he doubted he could stay standing if he stood up. He looked around, blinking and growling to see that everything seemed doubled. He shook his head, let the nausea empty him out one end and the gut cramps the other and looked again. Good. He at least could see straight now. Trees ahead… That was where I was going, right? Moving slowly, he kept going forward. At least he thought it was forward, it felt like he was leaning to one side as he moved. Make it to the trees, and I’ll be safe.

In the distance he could hear pony yells and shouts, even panicked whinnies. He growled, ears flat and fangs bared. Those cursed ponies had poisoned him, they’d recognized him somehow and pretended not to while that Chicken Pony deliberately gave him something to sicken him. It was the only scent trail he could follow that made sense. They’d weakened him because they were all cowards, even when they had all the advantages they still feared Wolves. After they let him suffer they’d hunt him down and trample him to death for their amusement. Or offer him to the returned Nightmare. Ardi passionately hoped he was able to at least put a few scars on them when the time came. I am Wolf, son of Fenris; a Wolf loses only one fight, and that is when he dies. – URRRGH!

More, that he could stay silent. He doubled up for a few moments, gasping as another wave of nausea and diarrhea rippled through him before he could move again. Nothing indicated that the ponies knew wolves could speak or think. But if they did?

Ardi gaped in horror to see his packlands. The old trees surrounding the caves were burning, at least the ones that didn’t have dead wolves hanging from them. Flier-ponies laughed as they tossed another yelping wolf up and let it slam home on one of the hooks set into those trees, hanging as though put there by a butcher bird. His cousin Hildulf. She yelped and gurgled on her own blood before she went still. Spear-head ponies snatched wolves with their witchcraft and smashed them against rocks, made them tear at each other mindlessly until they dropped with fangs locked on throats in mutual death-grips, the Earth ponies whinnied wicked joy as they trampled panicked pups under their iron-clad hooves.

“No!” Ardi turned to flee for help, from Stark’s pack or one of the others, only to stop at the sight of what stood behind him. Two giant ponies leered down at him, larger than even Dire Wolves, one made all of white-hot stone and with a blood-red mane and tail of living fire, and another dark and cold as the Endless Night, stars glinting with evil mystery in her mane and tail.

The Burning Queen, bright as the sun on her flank, who brought that sun down to burn Wolves into ash.

And Nightmare Moon, who stalked wolfpacks in the moonlit darkness they so loved.

“But yes, my wolf,” The Burning Queen said, her voice a fiery furnace-rasp. She looked around. “Thank you ever so for informing us that wolves-that-speak still existed. Now nothing shall keep our herds from covering the earth!” She inhaled deeply of the scents of burning fur and wolf-flesh. “I so love the scent of burning wolves in the morning. It smells like the old days, when we did this all the time.”

“Indeed, dear sister.” The Nightmare said, her voice chill and soft as leaves blowing over a grave. “I delight in knowing that I found this wolf among my Nightmare Night offerings for this year! Really, sis, you shouldn’t have.”Ardi tried to turn away, but their magic gripped his head and belly with painful tightness, forcing him to look, forcing his eyes to stay open, as laughing and happy ponies killed his pack.

“And as for you, wolf,” the Nightmare said with a smile, “we have something special. Just for you!” She unfolded her wings and showed him a cockatrice. But why did it have the head of that pink pony? He recoiled. She grinned madly and shoved her face into his, gazes locked.

“Surprise!” Before he could turn away, he began turning to stone from the tail up, his horrified eyes locked on her happy ones. His belly twisted and heaved within as soft flesh became lifeless stone, and the last thing he heard was the dying howls of his pack mingled with the laughter of the Burning Queen and Nightmare Moon and that crazy chicken pony.

He held onto the anger those thoughts kindled in him as he forced his way along on shaking legs, wondering why his surroundings were starting to feel familiar. The fury gave him something to use against the sickness and shaking. Gasping, ears low and tail dangling, he looked around. No trees here, just a clearing, with the smell of ponies and a pile of candy set down before – NO!

She rose before him, wings outspread and horn raised and wickedness evident in those eyes and that fanged smile. Ardi cringed before the Nightmare as suddenly every single fear stewing in his poison-addled mind rose up before him.

“And here’s your big offering for Nightmare Night this year, O Nightmare Moon!” Ardi writhed against the multi-colored bonds holding him as the pony-pups led by Chicken Pony, laid him down before the gigantic ebon mare with wings formed of night itself. He froze as the Nightmare licked her lips while Chicken Pony said, “I made sure to give him something so he couldn’t run. I hope it doesn’t ruin the taste!”

“Fear not, my loyal ponies,” Nightmare Moon said, baring fangs and a cold fire alight in her dragon eyes as she said down at Ardi, “I like a bit of sweetness with some rank wolf meat!” And as the ponies all cheered and danced and sang, Ardi howled his agony as she ate him alive…

Where he found the strength he would never know, but somehow Ardi turned and ran for the trees, panting his terror. He wouldn’t dare stop until he collapsed in exhaustion, certain that if he looked he’d see the Nightmare leaving smoking hoofprints as she followed him, thrusting her fanged mouth forward for a bite of prime wolf meat. He could almost hear her voice as he ran away from the statue.

“No!” He gasped as that cold voice said, “Stop! Cease to flee thy Princess! I – I command it!”

Oh, Father Fenris, he really DID hear her! Ardi put his head down and forced himself to run on, ignoring the way his body begged for him to stop. Can’t stop now, ponies would finish me! He looked head and saw the trees of Discord’s Demense before him. I have to get in among them, have to chance the monsters, better manticores and dragons than the Nightmare!

Staggering more than running, he raced for the trees only to stop with a yelp as a wall of silvery light appeared before him.

Oh Fenris no she’s after me using her magic I have to GET AWAY!

Ardi set off along a sunken watercourse at an angle to the forest’s edge as the angry voice called after him to stop. He ignored it and disappeared into the dark.

# # #

“I SAID STOP! PLEASE!” Princess Luna Selena Nocturne took a few hesitant steps after whichever pony it was she’d seen in, what, that ratty-looking and foul-smelling wolf suit? She gasped when she saw them stampeding for the Everfree, remembering her reception in town. Do they fear me so much, they would chance Discord’s Forest of Death rather than speak to me?

Almost, she let him go to face the hungry monsters that would be drawn to him. At the last second she called on her magic and set a wall of moonlight between the foolish pony and the woods. He gave an almost canine yelp and fled off. Luna spread her wings and wondered if she’d have to catch them herself. But, no, he headed away from the Everfree, south instead of west.

The Moon Princess drooped her head; her star-speckled mane dimmed as she flopped down on her barrel before the statue of her former self. It rose triumphant and terrifying above her, looking almost to mock with that fanged grin. Luna looked down, saw the pile of candy left there by the foals. Foals terrified that she, Luna, would eat them alive unless they left it. With one silver-sabatoned forehoof, she pushed one lone piece towards the statue.

“Do they think me a dragon, or e’en a ravenous wolf, such as once served Sombra?” She looked down. Did I do wrong in accepting healing from the Elements, rather than obeying that bitter voice within me that begged for destruction, simply to wound my sister one last time? She snorted at the stinging in her eyes.

Hooves clopped over the dirt and stones behind her, she heard the soft jingle of bells and knew who it was before they even spoke. Her sister’s student, and her own savior from the Nightmare.

“Princess Luna? Hi, my name is –”

Luna stood up, composed as a Princess of Equestria should be.

“Star Swirl the Bearded. Commendable costume! Thou even got the bells right.”

# # #

Ardi shook and shivered as he staggered down the streambed towards a small hill that appeared before him. He smelled animals there, many animals, but his belly was so twisted with sickness that he couldn’t have cared less. Somehow he remembered the story told by his grandmother, about a crab inside a Wolf’s belly. It tore away one little piece of Wolf-flesh at a time and ate it until they died. Delirious, he rolled over and over, trying to get it to come out of him.

“Cursed crabs, cursed ponies and their witchcraft,” he groaned, suddenly sick again. When he’d finished emptying himself into the stream he rose and stumbled on, his fangs clattering together. “C-cursed Nightmare Moon and the Burning Queen.” He dropped against the streambank, shaking helplessly for several moments before he rose and continued heading for that hill. Maybe there’d be a den there, someplace he could hide out in until, until he got better? And then, then he could go back home to his pack?

A small cold part of his mind somehow untouched by sickness and delirium knew how this sickness would end. It jeered at his hopes. The most he could hope for was that he would be dead before the ponies got to him. He stumbled onward to the front of the hill.

Wait, hills didn’t have windows or wooden doors, did they? This, this was some pony house!

Ardi told himself to get up, to run, but all he could do was to drop and start convulsing, his paws kicking against the door. His heart raced within like it sought to burst free of his chest, worse than when he’d fled the rusalka.

“Go away! No candy here!” Thunder sounded in his ears, but he still heard that soft and distorted voice through it as it said, “Visitors not welcome on Nightmare Night!” He groaned and his convulsing body thrashed against that door. The voice spoke again, even softer this time. “Twilight? Princess Luna?”

The top half of the door began to open. Ardi knew he should accept what was coming for him, but some stubborn instinct insisted on fighting even when they was no way to win, no enemy to rend with fangs. It would be better than living to fall into pony hooves.

Better than revealing The Secret.

“Oh! Oh, you poor thing!”

Ardi looked with the last of his strength. A pony face looked down at him, a pony face with a long flowing mane and firefly lantern set on the ground below its head.

And it’s over, Ardi thought. The Nightmare is returned and my folk will never know until it’s too late.

The Burning Queen wins.

Darkness swept him away from all regrets and failings forever.