• Published 4th Sep 2015
  • 2,775 Views, 60 Comments

Project Re-Do - akajulester

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The Confrontation

Twilight poofed into a random tower, purple mist shrouding her and causing her to cough. When she looked, up, she saw Nightmare standing on a pedestal, the Elements floating around her, chuckling evilly. Lightning flashed around her once more, making her look even more ominous.

I have no idea if this 'peace negotiation' plan will even work. She could kill me right on the spot, she could listen to me and then kill me, she could start to listen to me but then Rainbow or Applejack suddenly stampede in and attack her and make her think it's a diversion, or maybe... maybe she could actually believe me. Whatever the outcome is, I have to focus on that last one. Even the tiniest glimmer of hope that that could happen is vital to me, and to Luna!

"NIghtmare Moon," Twilight said somewhat shakily, "I don't wish to fight you."

Nightmare's eyes widened just a bit, before she let out a short bark of laughter. "That's what they all say as they cower at my hooves, begging for mercy."

Twilight hastily shook her head, paling a bit. "No, no, no no no no, that's not what I meant! I only wish to negotiate some kind of peaceful terms with you." Nightmare raised an eyebrow, but remained silent, so Twilight continued. "You see, I am the personal student of Celestia."

"And how exactly is that supposed to help your case with me?"

Twilight paled more at Nightmare's glare, and also turned slightly green. "I know that you think that me being her student means that I follow with her every order unquestioningly, but I don't. To be more specific, I don't anymore. Recently, I've come to... disagree with her methods." She could feel the old rage inside her building whenever she thought of Celestia's lying, her manipulation. However, while being angry at her would probably get Twilight on Nightmare's good side, it would not do much to aide in getting the sun back. "Regardless, I assure you that Celestia has no idea that I even am talking to you right now. She assumed that I would use the Elements to either purify you or re-banish you."

Nightmare smiled wryly. "I see that I have underestimated you, my subject. Because I am rather bored right now, I will allow you a chance to 'negotiate' with me. Be warned, though. You do not want me to get bored, or else I might want to have something to do..." Her sharp teeth glistened terrifyingly as she laughed.

Twilight gulped. "Un-underst-stood-d." She cleared her throat. "F-first off, I would like to thank you."

Nightmare could not stop her jaw from dropping. "W-what?!"

"I said that I'd like to thank you. If my cutie mark wasn't a tip off, I've always loved stargazing at night. I remember my mother and father taking me to the most popular stargazing area in Canterlot, because of the Swirling Comet, which only comes every 25 years. There were countless other ponies there as well, enjoying the amazing sight. I was so sad when my mother revealed the 25 years bit, but I cannot wait until it comes back."

Nightmare was silent. "And when is that?"

"In 17 more years."

Nightmare cleared her throat, but Twilight could tell that she had gotten to her somewhat. "And just what does that have to do with your 'negotiations?'"

"Oh, I just wanted you to know that the majority of the population adore the night, nowadays. There's also something else I'd like to tell you." Nightmare raised a questioning eyebrow. "I have an older sibling too, and I know how it feels to be jealo-"

"Do you know how it feels to be ignored, even feared by your subjects?" Nightmare asked coldly.

"No, of course not. But I do know that my older brother would constantly impress my parents, family, and friends with his advanced magic, whereas I struggled daily with the simplest of tasks. I got so jealous and irritated, that I actually attempted to mess with his magic at one time. Thankfully, my dad caught me before I could do anything serious that could potentially hurt my brother or me. He had a long talk with me, and he also had me talk to my brother."

"Just what is your point?"

Twilight smiled warmly. "I was jealous of my older sibling too. But we managed to talk it out, and we both apologized; him for showing off and ignoring my anxiety about my magic, and me for getting angry at him over magic. My point is that even though your sister may have done bad things in the past, and even now in the present, ponies should be able to discuss their issues with each other without coming to blows about it. Especially friends and families."

There was a long silence as Twilight allowed that information to sink in."Anyways, there are some problems with your 'nighttime eternal' plan."

"Oh, and what is that?"

"Well, for one, without sunlight, all of the plants would die out, leaving no oxygen left on Equus (except for the area completely opposite to this, which would get too much sunlight, therefore killing all of the plants as well). All of your subjects would die, and you probably would too, assuming that you could survive without food, oxygen, and a slight lack of Vitamin D, which the sun helps to supply."

Nightmare stood in a stupor, gazing in shock at Twilight's neutral mask.

"Another problem is that you have been gone from the planet for 1000 years, so saying that you're out of the loop is an understatement."

Twilight was about to continue when she heard her new/old friends coming closer and closer to the chamber.

Oh, buck! I forgot all about them! Tartarus knows what could happen now!

Rainbow was the first to enter the large chamber, and quickly noticed Twilight and Nightmare facing each other. What she failed to notice, was Nightmare's shocked look and total lack of any fighting going on between them.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Rainbow dashed forward, ignoring Fluttershy's fearful cries for her to come back.

"Rainbow, NO!!" But Twilight's cries were all in vain. Rainbow hurtled towards Nightmare, who just barely was able to repel her back. Rainbow landed at Twilight's hooves, groaning and rubbing her left wing.


"I never should have thought that you would actually mean any of what you said!" Nightmare had a terrifying anger look in her eyes, now. "To think, that you would stoop so low as to trick me with sweet talking?! I guess you were right when you said that I was behind the times!" WIth an angry stamp, she instantly destroyed the five Elements.

The rest of Twilight's friends gasped in horror as they saw the shattered remains of the Elements fall to the floor. However, Applejack suddenly pawed the floor with her hoof, and began to charge forward.

"APPLEJACK, NO!!" Twilight hastily grabbed onto AJ's tail with her magic, fearful of what could happen to her if she attacked Nightmare.

"Lemme go, Twilight! This here monster done hurt Rainbow!" Applejack turned pleadingly to Rarity, Flutters, and Pinkie. "C'mon, gals! We ain't about to let some hussie hurt our friends, or our land!" However, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie merely cowered behind Twilight, and Pinkie's mane had also lost its poofiness after Rainbow had been hurt.

"Applejack," Twilight looked into Applejack's eyes, "there's no way to beat her through violence. The Elements of Harmony are our only hope, but she destroyed their physical states. If we can just-"

"Enough of these games!!" Nightmare's booming voice reminded Twilight of her threat. "I grow bored of your pathetic attempts, and I have a kingdom to be running." Her eyes lit up, and her horn began to glow a dark black. A loud rumbling was heard, and then Applejack was struck by a lightning bolt, sending her across the room. She remained on the floor, unconscious, but still breathing.

"APPLEJACK!!!!" Twilight now had tears in her eyes, and her remaining three friends all hugged each other, trembling. Rainbow groggily sat up, and looked at Nightmare with a fire in her eyes.

"She wants to fight, I'll give her a fight!" Rainbow attempted to fly into the air, but fell back on the ground with a cry of pain. She held her left wing, which looked dislocated. Nightmare laughed again. Twilight glared at her.

"If you want the love of your subjects, spreading fear and pain is NOT the way to acquire it! Please, stop this!"

Nightmare smirked, and suddenly, Twilight was enveloped in her black aura. She was levitated in front of the dark mare, who looked her over.

"You know, mayhaps I might bring your precious princess back on Equus for a while, just so she can see her personal student tortured and killed before her very eyes." Nightmare brought a hoof up to her face in mock thinking. "Yes, I think I might do that. But first, your friends!" She chuckled evilly, and began to charge up her horn for a final attack.

NO! I have to stop her! Twilight looked to the Elements, scattered over the floor. It took the spark of our friendship last time. I still feel it to this day, and it HAS to work! But... it would be all in vain. Nightmare would kill them first... Tears came to her eyes once more as Her friends grouped together in a hug.

"Say goodbye to your precious friends!"

The lightning arced down upon them, creating a bright light that blinded both Nightmare and Twilight. When the light had cleared, it revealed the five mares huddled together under a dome of purple magic. Nightmare stared at it in shock, and then realized that Twilight's horn had just stopped glowing. Her friends too looked surprised, and marvelled at it as it disappeared.

"Looks like I underestimated your power, little unicorn." Nightmare placed Twilight on the ground, and then cast her gaze at the five mares, who continued to stick close to each other. Nightmare let out a snort. "These weaklings mean nothing to me. Those two troublemakers will soon learn their places, and the other three cowards will not accomplish any destruction." She lit up her horn, but nothing appeared to happen, except for the five looking confusingly around them, and moving their mouths, but making no sound.

"W-what happened to them?"

"I cast a simple spell on them. They shall neither hear, nor see us now." Nightmare idly pawed at the shattered Elements, before turning back to Twilight. "Perhaps you could be an asset to me, unicorn. Your diplomacy was surprisingly good, and you seem to have a great potential with magic, defending against an extremely powerful lightning bolt with ease." She narrowed her eyes. "However, your loyalties may still lie with your beloved Princess. You will have to learn your place as well."

Nightmare turned her back on Twilight, and gazed out upon the dark forest, and the bits of land beyond it visible. She sighed with contentment.

"Ah, look at how beautiful Equestria looks under my moonlight." Nightmare continued to gaze out the ruined window. She then lifted up a wing in a gesture for Twilight to stand beside her and look outside as well.

Twilight stepped cautiously closer, and looked out the window. Nightmare was right: the world did look amazing under the moon's glow. However, it was supposed to be daytime. She did not know the horrible consequences her actions would cause. Or, even more terrifying, she knew, but did not care.

This was a horrible mistake, thought Twilight miserably. I failed Luna, I failed the people of this planet, I failed my friends, I- She felt conflicted as she said the next words. I... failed Celestia...

"So, what do you say?" Nightmare looked down upon the stricken unicorn. "Care to join me?"

Twilight was in turmoil over what to do. Take the easy road out, and become Nightmare's pawn, or possibly die trying to stop her?