• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2015
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Harms Way

Admirer of Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle

Comments ( 309 )

Hey there, pretty good first chapter. Me myself always found a slight interest in locomotives, so I hope to expect some more quality chapters such as this. Tracking.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. :twilightsmile:

I'll watch this with interest.

An interesting way to go that-a-way.
Was quite the loco nut when I was 6 through 14. ^^ This beginnings of story has rekindled it again, so cheers for that.

6377388, 6377497, 6377768

Thank you all so much. :twilightblush:

I am completely surprised at the reception that this story is getting so far. But I'm gonna do the best I can to keep this story as interesting as possible.

Wow. Amazing. This is one of the best stories I've read on FIMFiction so far. I can't believe how accurately you portrayed everything! As Nathan closed in on that curve, I was immediately thinking of that Southern Pacific wreck on Cajon Pass where the train derailed on a curve doing 105 and crashed into those people's backyards. It's nice to know I'm not the only train buff on FIMFiction. :twilightsmile:

One thing though (sorry, I'm a HUGE Grammar Nazi :twilightblush:). "Before the voice could reply, your eyes catch the speedometer on the control panel." I'm sure you meant to say "Nathan" here. Don't want any 1st/2nd person confusion. Other than that, great job! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Thank you so much for catching that. :twilightblush:

Force of habit from writing second person stories most of the time lol

6378144 I also had a few minor difficulties when writing MY first 2nd person fic. I kept having to tell myself that I was writing in present tense rather than past, but I kept writing words like 'took', 'heard', 'climbed', etc. out of instinct.

This starts out really good, I'm excited to see some more.

Okay.. I've been looking for a story involving Locomotives, that and I've been binge watching Youtube vids of said locomotives. Track and follow.

San Bernardino eh? Not too far from where I live. I've always loved trains btw.

Oooh i like this already, so dreams for sometime, some vague ominous background reality warping entity and a portal to equestria.

I'm curious to see where this goes.

Great story so far. From a certified railroad conductor

6378513, 6378625, 6378916, 6380156, 6382866

Thank you all so much! :twilightblush: I'm glad to see that so many people are liking this story.

I'm glad that the communication was realistic. Also, did you attend a special school to become certified? Because it's always been my goal in life to be an engineer for a railroad.

Wow, no offense but I thout no one could right a story about trains like this on fimfiction and it get viewed. But I'm happy to say that you sir proved me wrong. This is one of the best stories I've read in a while.:rainbowdetermined2:

6384524 no got it when I started working for a local short line

Thank you! :twilightblush:

And thank you also for the fave as well. :twilightsmile:

This is a very good story so far, and I can't wait to read more of it. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you and thanks for the fave as well! :twilightsmile:

Interesting premise...not many displaced train stories out here, and what few there are are so far incomplete from what I have seen.

Thank you. I'm glad you've liked reading it. And thank you for the track as well. :twilightsmile:

A guy coming over to Equestria with his train engine? Now that's a new one, kudos for that! I'm very interested to see where you will take this and I imagine the train will play some significance as well, though i will be damned if I can guess what. Hm ... would Equestrian rails be the right width to accommodate it? I'm sure Twilight or something could lug it through the forest if she really wanted to ... which she probably does, given it's a new toy she would be all too happy to examine with glee.

Some aspects I'm a little bit iffy on, like the guy's disturbing tendency to talk out loud all the time, and I'm not convinced than punching a timberwolf in the face repeatedly would accomplish anything other than a bruised and scratched knuckle (it's effin tree bark!), but eh - overall pretty good so far.

Yeah, I'm still trying to get the hang of writing like this instead of my usual stories. Thank you for the feedback. I'll try and get that fixed for the next chapter.

I wonder what Twilight or for that matter, Fluttershy will say about Discords little joke :D

Another great chapter man, keep up the good work

"Well it's not every day that something like this happens."
"Something like what happens?"
"A creature such as yourself appearing in this world. That's why I was trying to prepare you."

Apparently Discord doesn't have an account on Fimfic.

So far not great but not bad ether...

I loved it, When will you de adding more?!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Yes! Another chapter! Can't wait for more!

Love this story!

another great chapter! looking forward to see more. hopefully nathan and the ponies dont get off on the wrong foot.

what gonna hapen next chapter?

I'm kind of on the fence on this one. I'll track it for a while to see what happens next.

Always glad to see a new chapter, keep up the good work.
Congratulations on getting featured also.

"If this creature is hurt, then we'll need to get it some medical attention." Twilight said as she spread her wings out. "Rarity, go find Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Tell them to meet us at the hospital."

Why Pinkie? She isnt a vet, nor a doctor. It doesn't really concern her. Plus she can show up whenever. Because Pinkie.

The reason why she will be there will be explained in the next chapter.

And he shoots the flare in the middle of nowhere, where noone can see it, because HE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!! Retard...stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/3126596/train-derail-o.gif

Here we go...this aught to get interesting. Oh just curious, is this the type of engine model he was driving? hankstruckpictures.com/pix/trucks/mark_wayman/2005/sept/sp_mow/file0013.jpg

So the retard sees a pony, unlocks the door, and then fucking face-plants into the deck. Am I getting that right? If he was so weak that he fucking fell after getting out the door to see a fucking pony, then how did he get up to get to the door, or know that there was even a pony outside? This story's logic is so bad, grinding my nuts on a cheese grader would be more comfortable then continuing to read.

Huzzah for a non-hostile first contact, and for ponies not being flaming racists!!

So far, so good! Glad to see the Mane 6 starting to get involved! Already anticipating the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! Also, thanks for the follow. :twilightsmile:

Hopefully when the guy wakes up he doesnt freak out.... and gets hostile

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