• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here


There's being alone, and then there's being alone; where the only companionship is the screeching of your own subconscious, and every fear and anxiety weighs on you like a blanket of lead. Twilight Sparkle has five amazing friends, but still she feels alone. Is something wrong with her?

Yes. Yes it is.

Note: Contains references to real-world drugs and sex. Don't read if you don't like those things. Not fully edited because too many stories. Sorry.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

An intriguing return to form. Welcome back dude.

First. Welcome back sir. Interesting story. Honestly never read anything quite like it.

All of her desire was focused on leaving, so that she could re-enter the familiar world of her house and her bed and her blankets and her cold wrap of unconsciousness, where sometimes it didn’t hurt simply to be.

This feel. I know it much too well.

Holy shit, dude, this was amazing. You really nailed the thought process of someone with severe social anxiety and depression. The incredibly long sentences mimicked what would be the mind of Twilight Sparkle, as did the footnotes, because she could never stop analyzing.

But the kicker was the script. For those who don't know, people who suffer from social anxiety often plan out possible or upcoming conversations in an attempt to ensure they have something ready, thus never risking appearing awkward. Of course, this rarely works. Also, intensely awkward moments constantly replay in the mind, and when combined with the previous...

So yeah, you haven't lost a stitch of talent, brother. Great job.

You know, I never really read much of your work, but this story . . . it affected me. I'm not sure what to say besides that, honestly. It was well-crafted in a mechanical sense, with such a variety of word usage and diverse sentence structure that I couldn't help but admire how well you bled Twilight's emotion through the philosophical and existential ramblings through the paragraphs, but that's not it. This story is both feeling and not feeling. It's got something hidden deeper, but I also feel as if the story can be taken at face value as well, if only because of how clinical and detached the narrative was thanks to the point of view.

This was an experience, I suppose. It made the sex feel exactly like Twilight felt about it: unappealing, non-arousing (except in the most primal of reactions that simply are unavoidable (read: why-boners)), and simply not important. And to be quite honest, I haven't read something quite like this in my life. It's quite the shock to the system, I suppose.

I guess I should just say that you did a damn good job with characterizing Twilight in this. I've never seen anything like it.

This story really his home for me, to be in a world with those you call family and friends and to feel as if you're the only one... it's hard. This story is a winner from my point of view and it's got a realism about it, like this could happen to anypony and... it does. Sir I commend you on this piece of art and wish you luck on your future endeavors.

Pony on my friend.

I wound say more but JustAnotherTimeLord pretty much said all that needs to be said.


Hard as this was to read, all this is so familiar that it gives me a little hope. Minus the more extreme things like cutting and crying, other things like 'wanting' only to think later you didn't want that at all, is haunting.

Oddly enough, I wish I had a bowl to smoke now too. I haven't smoked in a few years and never liked it, but there was no denying it calmed me.

Twilight had scaled her expectations to lower-tier dating services, then speed dating meetings (which she signed up for and paid for in full but never attended)


I like stories that dredge up that inner shame you have locked away.

There where two or three parts there that I'm gonna have to copy and save forever.
Are you some empathy eating creature of have you been through these motions? You can't write such a spot on story about depression unless it's one of those options.

I really wish I could articulate more about this story because it deserves its. Suffice to say, it was brilliant for me - both on an objective and subjective level. If not a little disquieting.
I'll try to make a little more sense of it over here.

The rambling sentences in this story are brilliant. A lesser author couldn't pull it off.

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