• Member Since 11th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen May 14th


A Brony in Denial


In every possible sense of the word, Equestria is a magical land. But what happens when five fillies discover that magic doesn’t just extend to ponies, but to the trains as well? Join five familiar filly’s as they explore and crusade over the open rails, searching for their cutie marks with the help of a trainyard full of new friends as they travel to new places, and find even more trouble along the way.

Inspired by both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and the Railway Series created by the Reverend W. Awdry. This is not a crossover in the sense of two universes meeting, but a story set in the land of Equestria to the timeless tone of talking engines with personalities as colorful as their paint.

Tagged for alternate universe due to Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

WARNING!: Currently undergoing rewrite/revamp, resulting in a number of continuity errors between chapters. Updated Chapters will be marked UPDATED, until all current chapters have been updated.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 64 )

so basically diamond tiara's train car got hooked to the wrong train and now they are off to who knows where me like will read more when next updates

Good start, makes me think of "Stand By Me" for some reason:)

That was really nice start. Hope to see it go far. Any estimates on a chapter 2?

6432514 Within the week at the pace I'm going at the moment, though I'm starting a new policy with this fic: I'm not gonna pst a chapter until the next chapter is at least halfway done. That should keep a good pace on updates.

6432554 Sounds like a good policy. :rainbowdetermined2:
I wish you the best, see you next update! :twilightsmile:

6436228 Sorry, no spoilers, :trollestia: but someone interesting that's for sure.

Haha, sounds like Silver Spoon loves all things train related. Seems the only sane level-headed one is going to need some filly headache medicine with those three and her adorkable friend. Can't wait to see what trouble these fillies get into. Or don't. Hehe.

I was not expecting a sort of Thomas the Train Engine type of crossover. The funny part was how natural it seems to fit in such a land fueled by magic. :P

This was a pretty fun chapter, you just wanna scoop up Scoots and Diamond with how cute their little back and forth back there was along with that whole "Hoofmouth... What? I know stuff, too!" being all too cute.

You got a pretty good knack for writing these fillies. Feels very show-like. Keep up the great work, and best of luck in school!


Diamond Tiara... are you a.... NERD?! :scootangel:

Scoot doesn't miss a beat. But DT is right, as Mike just proved, the yard is a dangerous place to be wandering around. I really enjoyed the characters in this one, especially that little comparison to what they told that train as something similar to what Scoot's comment about Mrs. Cake tasting one too many cupcakes. Those fillies have no tact. lol Gotta love those innocent observations. That all led well into a rather smooth introduction to the cast leading us to Lilly and what will end up being some driving force for the Crusaders to do stuff.

It's been awhile since I've been able to relax to a nice Filly Five multi-chapter story like this. Smooth pacing. Nice characters. A bit of train trivia that can lead readers to checking out and learning more about trains and their history to boot in those author notes at the end of each chapter, all nice stuff. Though I'd recommend adding in links to any trains you make comparisons to as it would further encourage people to want to immerse themselves with what type of trains these OC's are modeled after. For those not familiar with the show or types of trains.

I'd say more about the chapters but they're short enough as is and already feel I'm saying too much at times. :twilightsheepish:

Still, if anyone out there is on the fence as to whether or not get into this story, it's keeping up a steady pace, nothing feels rushed or contrived, even with talking trains in a world of magical pastel ponies. So if you happen to be a fan of any of these five fillies, there is certainly some good cute moments with each to enjoy. Plenty of tension between the fillies but in a more believable show style, I highly recommend this to anyone who just wants a nice show-like experience in their fanfiction. Ignore the crossover tag, this stuff just works well in the FiM universe.

Lovely chapter. Has a couple endearing moments. I wonder how things will go next chapter. Can't wait. :heart:

6446032 :twilightblush: You are being way too kind to me with these comments. And I think you'll like to know I have no intention on ending this anytime soon.

so basically catherine is the rainbow dash of trains

Nice. One minor thing though-You say that a pacific is a 4-6-0, that is incorrect, pacifics are 4-6-2's. Other than that, it's a promising story.

"Dang. You got all that from just watching them?”

“How do you think I keep getting dirt on all the losers in school?” Any admiration the crusaders might have had was immediately quashed, sending Scootaloo right back into mocking mode.

That made too much sense. Loved it. xD

Spoilers below!


“N-no,” she squeaked, hesitating slightly before pointing a hoof at her best friend. “B, but Diamond can.” The Pink filly only had a moment to look betrayed before the little farm filly was shouting again.

Et Tu, SILVER SPOON!? Poor Silver, you just blurt out everything when you're under pressure, don't you? *squee* So cute.

Aww~ that's so cute! Sweetie got to help. ^^ Now I wanna see what that show and tell was like. :rainbowwild: Fillies and colts doing show and tell. I don't think I've read an actual take on that beyond a couple comedic parodies of the idea.

while a certain orange filly had scooted her way out of the cab and climbed out onto Lilly’s front buffer beam, her wings out and relishing in the growing wind.

I'm flying!
(Scootaloo would buck me in the face for comparing her awesome scene here to that)

For all they've done and what they're doing, wow. It may as well been hijacking a star ship. Because that's still quite the feat for such young fillies. Hurrah! Hurrah!

Scootaloo's drooping expression as she notices she's still in the front outside on Lilly's bumber frame. That filly is too much of a thrill seeker. Rainbow Dash isn't doing her any favors in that department. xD

That ending though, whoa. WHOA. Great cliffhanger, I loved this chapter so much.

Diamond cracked a victor’s smirk as the big engine beamed in gratitude, but withered when she realized the looks the crusaders were giving her. “Um, uh, not that I would know of course but, uhh ...”


I hit a road block with this chapter

In the spirit of the story, shouldn't that be... Hit A Buffer?

Still, good chapter. If this is just 'the end of the beginning' as you put it... We'll have lots more bonding between the Crusaders and the 'terrible' two to come...

A prospect I'm thoroughly looking forward to :)

I wonder if that's how Celestia felt when she sent Twilight to Ponyville?:trollestia:

Feel bad I missed that Oct 2nd update. But happy to see I have more to enjoy this early morning. It's really nice to see a writer that commits to a story to its end. Honestly, you have my thanks. Feels sucky as a reader when you get into something nice. I may have mentioned it before, but thanks. This has been a fantastically adorable story and it's nice to see steady updates for this story.

Before I start my day and enjoy these two chapters I just have to say you got yourself a new follow. Long overdue I suppose.

It's a busy month, so might not be able to share my reaction to each chapter, though I'll still try. Just know this is not a story I'll be forgetting anytime soon. Also, might want to try making blog posts with each new update, just don't forget to tag the blog with this story. It helps people catch updates better. Also, you're free to and encouraged to promote the story in groups like Shameless Promotion Bureau, and The Diamond Cutters.

I can't speak for any other group's policy beyond ours and the Promotion Bureau's, but worth trying to toss out a promotion here and there and ask around if you can pitch in other relevant groups like CMC and others. I for one don't see why so many are letting this story pass them by, save for those who wait till a story is complete before reading I suppose. Oh well, keep up the good work.

Oh wow. I know this fic is about trains, but I was not expecting to get hit by the Gutpunch Feels Express in that last chapter. Oh, wow. That was just a darn good and all too relatable feels moment. I'm pretty excited to see what she has planned to help them out.

I don't know what spurred the train of Scootiara rivalry, but it's the cutest thing ever. I just love their competitive nature. Though I imagine her flanks must be pretty sore. These two grew adorably well in this episode. Can't wait to see what future episodes these ponies get up to next.

On a side note, Silver was super cute in 5th chapter. xD

Anyhow, sorry for all the spam. See you next episode!

EDIT: The part where I talk a lot for no real reason but to type more words apparently:

Trying to not spoil anything so avoiding all mentions of spoilers, but yeah. Way to set a good example of how not to ride on the coattails of canon, especially given the very fanfic and super specific way it needed to go for any of those ponies to get to that end point. I may have enjoyed the episode, it was only 22 minutes to do so much for Diamond, but I still felt the CMC at the very least got cheated a proper focus.

But this does Diamond Tiara in a way that's much more natural, and the way the CMC approach things is more child-like than what we see in the show. They switch far too often between slapstick goofs, to perfect do-no-wrong angels with spines of steel at the drop of a hat.

Wanted to avoid typing this but yeah, totally with you on how Fanfics need to do more to remain the ones who tackle the things the show can't tackle, to expand on the ideas they present rather then be tied to how they were executed. To create our own interpretation or flesh out these ideas. Fanfics don't have to follow the exact formulaic way the show writes their stories to fit a 22 minute episode. It's horribly limiting on the writer, comes off as really lazy, and above all why would someone want to read something that's just going to do what the canon already did? To write a fanfic based on an episode that basically copied the likes of every old redemption fics just don't make for good writing.

What we know is Diamond in the show is friends with the crusaders, they get their cutie marks, and it all ends. Fanfics are encouraged to EXPAND on those ideas, to reach their own conclusions to how they reach what amounts to the same ends, if only reached through another door, those are the parts that matter most.

The path least traveled often leads to the best rewards. Well, that or you get lost and hurt and end up missing to the world forever... *cough* Uh, yeah, no point in focusing on "This how I saw it" and put that more of "But this is how it could have been done better." :rainbowlaugh:

6549230 Thanks. It's nice to know I'm not being ostracized for foregoing the canon. My MLP storys aren't my first fanfics, but it is the first time I've started fics when the show was still going. :twilightblush: Here's hoping I can get thext chapters out in time for the Halloween/Nightmare Night special I already have in the works.

Yeah, Applejack, why you so secretive on the negative aspects of rivalries? :trollestia:

Ouchie. Her poor muzzle.

Those two never learn. ^^;

Dats right, best be steppin' off. Lilly ain't bout to take none of your bull'-ish fronts up in here.

Well, that was a heck of a first day on the job. Fun chapter to a new start. Can't wait for the next exciting episode! XD

Ha I get the joke about Terence his real world basis is a terrier - bulldog terrier - bulldog

GENIUS :trollestia:

6590413 Thanks :pinkiehappy: Terrance is based on an old custom model of mine, and the name Bulldog's an inside joke between me and my friend who noted the black and red color scheme reminded him of his favorite football team.

So Pippin is alive and well, and coming to Ponyville soon. That'll put a smile on Granny Smith's face. :twilightsmile:

i like it, it fits pippin well. and you nailed the age thing down perfectly too, good job.

I say paint him brown and throw a gold number 7 on his side.:trollestia: I will say though, his accent sounded kinda Irish sometimes. But that's probably just me.:twilightsmile:

6696733 Hehe:twilightblush: I don't have much experience writing english accents, so this is now an adventure for the Crusaders and the writer.

Being a R W Awdry fan from my childhood, seeing the concept exported to Equestria caught my imagination.

I think that this stories could use a bit of a faster pace but I can't really complain about the characterisation or the writing style, both of which are true to the Railway Series without forgetting the other half - the ponies.

Im glad I caught up, but I really wish Id found this earlier.

I have no idea of what relative position youre writing from, but to me, this is near family.

My local town had steam trams before it had electric, the tramshed lines were still visible till only 15 year ago, the local rail line was quite possibly the most vicious on the network with one part reaching 1 in 36, me dad almost bought the disused station with its sidings, shed, and turntable.

And a couple weeks ago, I went down to the bottom of the hill, to watch the greatest A3 take its first slow passenger trips after ten years undergoing total rebuild.

Appleblooms Godfather. Maybe theres a story somewhere, about Applejack and The Scotchmon. :applejackconfused:

The Instance you said The Mine, this song started playing in my head. Big John.

Then you said the name.

The other side of the hill range? Burnley Pit.

Just hope you get to keep going with this story. Its making me remember so much. And Im not that much older than Big Mac most likely.

Ah, Lower Mountain Anthracite, for when you absolutely positivily need to get Jebedia up to 88 mph. :pinkiecrazy:

6951652 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I will keep this story going, in fact I don't think it will ever be finished. The only reason the original Railway Series books ended was when Awdry passed away. Though I don't have a completely clear idea of where this story is going, I am going to write until I feel the characters are developed enough to take on an adaptation of The Magic Railroad.

Ah; unionised work sites, the chewing gum on the heel of efficiency... and sometimes 'competence'.

Glad to see an update. This was a good chapter.

They filled a 12 ton load capacity with dense rock above it top board and stuck it on a tram?

I honestly cant see, with the downhill and the desire for speed, how anyone is going to end up less than mincemeat at the first corner.

I propose the Cloud Bridge, which at the speed theyll be hitting is likely to be the one they cross, be called Mulberry. :pinkiehappy:

Yes finally! Also, I know it's like Thomas, but can the train characters be based of of chuggington, I think it's more fluid, and allows for more freedom with their personality.

7427630 I think only the spells exist still. there are no longer clouds there.

6952758 Is there an ETA on next chapter? or are you no longer working on this?

7708219 Work is progressing, but very slowly. My writing has been on the back burner for a few months after a medical situation in the family. Rest assured I WILL NOT let this story die, and we will keep chugging along toward a late nightmare night, and Hearthswarmings special this year. Yes, the same specials I promised last years, well this time, IT'S HAPPENING! :flutterrage:

7708875 Roger That! Hope your family member is OK.

also, I asked this is a Thomas crossover correct? what if the trains had chuggington's style of trains while keeping everything else the same? I think it could give you a bit more freedom with their personalities, of course it isn't needed so its up to you!

“HAH! Looks like the blank flank brigade has done it again. Not only did you losers get on the wrong train, you’re not even going to the right end of the country! Hahaha!”

“Uhh, Diamond?” Silver Spoon added nervously.

Scoots ~ No-no! Let her learn. :applejackunsure:

I'll have to think of one but definitely!

any criteria?

7836499 If you're doing an engine, name, type, preferably a picture, and a basic bio. If a pony, same basic thing.

I assume they fixed the brake lines with bootlaces?:trollestia: Also, I'd like to see an engine based on Edward.:twilightsmile:

I've got an idea for one... Let me think on it

Casey gets the Ton? Thats the Picts. :pinkiegasp:

As for the only other engine with as tall a tale?

Whats lean, mean, Cerulean Blue, and the fastest in Equestria.

And has Never been beaten.:rainbowwild:

The Old Hero may sense that the time has come for the legend to pass to others.

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