• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 5,580 Views, 59 Comments

Written In The Stars - The Phantom Joker

After barely escaping the wrath of a triumphant Bill Cipher, 17-year old Dipper Pines arrives in the magical land of Equestria, and begins to make new allies, as well as develop his own hidden magical prowess.

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Blooming Romance

As the depressed and forlorn townsfolk moped about the streets, one particular person, a young boy with brown hair dressed as a pirate, seemed thoroughly depressed.

“I… never thought my first Nightmare Night would be my very last,” murmured the young boy as he sat and stared at his bucket of candy.

Simon walked up to the boy. “Don’t worry. The last Nightmare Night isn’t over just yet. We still have to give our candy offering to Nightmare Moon,” he said.

Shadow Strike appeared out of thin air, causing everyone to jump a little. “The mayor’s right. It’s not Nightmare Night without the traditional candy offering. so, everyone buck up and let’s head to the Everfree Forest,” he said. The kids and Simon smiled and followed Shadow as he led them down the safe path of the Everfree Forest. As they came to the statue of Nightmare Moon, Shadow smirked and backed up into the trees before disappearing.

None of the kids took notice as they poured their candy out of their baskets with saddened expressions. After the last child emptied his candy he looked up and sighed. "Goodbye Nightmare Night."


The children looked up at the statue of Nightmare Moon, only to find that it had become real and roared at them. They all screamed and scurried off with Simon running after them to make sure they didn't get hurt.

As the crowd left Nightmare Moon shrank and formed Luna who spat out a pair of false fangs as Dipper and Twilight walked out of the trees.

“I am not sure that did what you meant for it to do,” said Luna, doubt evident in her voice.

“Just wait,” said Twilight with a confident smile.

“For what? For them to scream some more?” asked Luna before someone tapped on her knee.

“Uh, Princess Luna?” asked the small boy from earlier. “I know there isn’t going to be a Nightmare Night anymore, but do you think you can come back next year, and scare us again anyway?”

Luna glanced at a nearby bush, and found that there were several small children poking their heads out from behind said bush.

“Child… art thou saying thou… liketh me to scare you?” asked Princess Luna in confusion.

The boy nodded. “It’s really fun! Scary, but fun!” he said.

“It… is?”

“Yeah! Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year!” said the boy.

“Well, then,” said Luna with a smile, “We shall have to bring NIGHTMARE NIGHT BACK!”

As he was sliding backwards from the force of Luna’s Royal Canterlot Voice, the boy smiled. “Wow! You’re my favorite princess ever!”

And with that, the boy ran back to his friends, telling them the good news that Nightmare Night was officially back.

“You see?” said Dipper. “They actually DO like you, Princess.” Luna smiled and walked off in the direction of the children. A few minutes later everyone was back in Ponyville and Luna was starting to get back into the party games, getting along with the towns folk.

On the top of a roof above the festivities Shadow Strike looked down at Luna, smiling he began walking along the rooftops. "She seems to be settling in nicely, Master Cipher."

"Excellent, keep a close eye on her when you can, for now you need to find the first journal."

"The one Dipper has?"

"No. It’s too risky to go after him first, I'm sending another one of my subordinates with one of the journals. Meet him at the Castle of The Two Sisters in a few days. Don’t worry, you'll know when he gets here."

"Yes, my master." Looking back at the town Shadow smirked. "Let's raise some hell shall we?"


"Man, that was a fun night." Dipper said, stretching as he sat down on a couch in the library.

“I’ll say,” said Twilight with a smile, sitting down next to Dipper as Spike marched past them and off to bed. “I’ll bet your home’s Halloweens are nothing compared to our Nightmare Nights.”

“Well, Nightmare Night definitely trumps Halloween, I’ll give you that much,” admitted Dipper. “Summerween, on the other hand, can easily run circles around Nightmare Night. Heh, I still remember my first one from when I was 12. Man, that was a blast.”

“Really? What happened?” asked Twilight, clearly curious.

Dipper began to explain what happened during his first Summerween, back during the fateful summer of 2012, with his terrifying encounter with the Summerween Trickster, who was made up entirely of terrible candy ranging from black licorice to old chocolate bars. During the entire story, Twilight paid very close attention. And as she did, she began to feel warm and comfortable inside. It felt like she’d always be safe as long as she stayed by Dipper’s side.

Little did Twilight know, but Dipper was kind of feeling the same way about Twilight.

After a minute of looking into each other's eyes they both shook themselves and Twilight stood up. "Well, I should get to bed, got a lot of important things to do tomorrow." She said, feeling embarrassed.

"Y-Yeah, goodnight Twilight."

"Goodnight Dipper." With that Twilight quickly turned around and walked up to her room. As Dipper placed a hand on his chest he sighed.

"What're you doing Dipper?" As he was about to lay his head down to sleep he heard screaming from outside. Peeking out the window he saw Luna was chasing down Jack with her sword drawn.



Dipper chuckled and laid back down.

"I wonder what would happen if Soos met Jack, the things they would probably do." With that he yawned and closed his eyes.

"Be careful what you wish for Pine Tree."

Later on that night, Twilight Sparkle found herself having trouble sleeping. She couldn’t understand why, but she just couldn’t stop thinking about Dipper. He made her feel such a way that she couldn’t really describe, almost like she’d been incomplete and Dipper was the piece she was missing. But, what could this feeling be? Twilight’s eyes widened as a sudden thought struck her.

Could it be that she’d…fallen in love with him?

Don’t be so ridiculous, Twilight. You hardly know anything about him, she told herself. But, then, why couldn’t she stop thinking about the teenage boy from Gravity Falls, wherever that place was, with his deep brown eyes, his mop of brown hair, and his personality, which the more Twilight thought about it, almost mirrored her own, with a remarkable intellect, a willingness to lend a hand, and complete with an eagerness to learn that almost rivaled her own. There was just no other way around it. She’d fallen deeply and truly in love. It was always like her mother had told her; she’d know when the right man had arrived to sweep her off her feet and ride off into the sunset. However, there was one VERY important question that needed to be answered before she started picking out her wedding dress or baby names.

Does he feel the same way about me?

Whatever the answer to that question was, Twilight decided that she’d find out in the morning, after she’d written her letter to Princess Celestia, asking her for advice on how to tell him.

Twilight sat up bolt upright in bed, a realization coming to her… she and Dipper should’ve asked Luna to help them fight off Bill and any minions he may send.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Dipper was having a little trouble sleeping himself. He couldn’t stop thinking about Twilight, and it was making him feel the same way he’d felt when he had a crush on Wendy Corduroy, the Mystery Shack cashier girl back when he was 12, just before the first Weridmaggeddon.

What is it about her that makes me feel this way? Dipper thought to himself as he turned over on the couch, burying his face in his pillow and closing his eyes, causing his mind to be once again plagued by visions of Twilight, with her beautiful purple eyes, her soft, shimmering blue and pink hair, and that smile of hers that seemed to make his entire world freeze in its tracks. Not only that, but their personalities just seemed to match up perfectly. She was smart, intuitive, kind, curious, and considering the fact that she lived in a library, she had a deep love of research, studying, and books in general.

There was just no other way around it. He’d fallen head over heels with Twilight Sparkle, who hailed from a parallel dimension no less. It was just like his father and Great-Uncle Ford had always told him; when the right girl for you comes along, you’ll know it. You won’t be able to explain how or why, you’ll just know that she’s the one for you.

However, Dipper couldn’t just go and pick out wedding invitations and have Rarity make him another strangling tuxedo right away. There was still one very important question he needed to have answered first.

How does she feel about me?

Whatever the answer to that one was, Dipper decided that he’d find out tomorrow, after breakfast, and maybe get some advice on how to tell her from Flynn or someone.

With that, Dipper closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, back in Gravity Falls inside Bill Cipher’s new fortress, the villainous triangle guy was leaning back in what could only be described as an office chair mixed with a throne, playing with a paddleball toy, awaiting the arrival of his subordinate as multiple prison bubbles circled around him.

“When my brother gets back here with his super powerful ninja cat army, you’re gonna be sorry that you ever laid a finger on me, you isosceles monster!” yelled Mabel, her voice slightly echoey as she yelled from her bubble.

“Keep dreaming, sister! There are no ninja cats where your brother is. Although, I do have an agent and something that means the entire multiverse to me there, as a matter of fact,” replied Bill without a single care in the world as the door to his throne room opened.

“Ah got yer message. What’s this about, Bill?” asked a Southern sounding voice that made Mabel groan out loud.

“Not him…”

"Ah Gideon, so great to see you, your skin is still as white as ever."

"Why thank you, I've been tryin new skin cream." The now tall and slim Gideon looked to Bill. "No side trackin, tell me what you want." Bill just rolled his eye.

"Alright fine. I need you to go to the world that pine tree went to and deliver your journal to my agent there, goes by the name Shadow Strike. And you are to assist him in any way."

"And what's in this for me?" Bill snapped his fingers and Mabel appeared in her bubble.

"I'll give you her for eternity if all goes according to plan." Gideon looked over the matured Mabel and grinned.

"Very well, you got yourself a deal." They shook hands and Gideon pulled out his journal, number 2. Bill snapped his fingers and Gideon was transported to Gaia.

"There is no way I am staying with him for eternity!" shouted Mabel from her bubble.

"Sorry shooting star, you haven't got a say in the matter."

Author's Note:

And thus concludes Chapter Six! You know what, since this chapter was such a short one, I think I'll upload Chapter Seven as well today! Anyways, if you liked what you saw here, then be sure to fav, like, and comment! And remember: dying is easy, comedy is hard!