• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 8,494 Views, 128 Comments

Xelor Legacy - Skyboss

I am Nox, the strongest Xelor, or Time mage alive. Or rather, I became him. Like him, I lost my family, but unlike him THEY weren't taken from me, I was taken from them. I will find my home or I'll make a new one and change this world.

  • ...

Tock 1: First Impressions pt.1

Author's Note:

So umm.... hi, I hope you all enjoy this chapter since next chapter will be more interesting(depending on you) I used Shmoop for the olden english.

As always ideas, corrections, and constructive criticism are welcomed
Damn! 11weeks, I'm gonna have to fix that pace. I mean it.

Tock 1: First Impressions

Equestria: Everfree forest

[Leon POV]

I have been trudging through this foreboding atmospheric forest for a good 3 minutes now and I can fairly say I’m quite annoyed at the moment. I’m unsure why but this forest just constantly dark, the canopy provided no indication of whether it was day or night so along the way I tried climbing up a tree to at least see the sky. I basically had to fight the branches and vines, It was as if they were sentient and refused to let me see the sky and after my irritation reached a certain point I just fired a blast of wakfu energy, in hindsight that probably would’ve been easier in the first place.

It was definitely daytime. The shot tore through the canopy and the sun was shining bright, so why was there no shred of light coming through, alast that is to be questioned another day I’m already three quarters of the way there so I better mentally prepare myself because it’s almost time to meet the locals. After walking for another 2 minutes of walking I could finally see light.

Looks like I’m finally out of this place.

I checked my map and I was finally at my destination. Thinking about It I somehow walked a mile and a half in 5 minutes, so that has me thinking if my sense of time is distorted or some form of time manipulation from myself or the forest again this is to be questioned for another time. Arriving at the edge I took my first confident step outward where I hoped I could obtain some information on where I am am and wouldn’t terrify the locals.

wha….” [brain.exe file error detected] [Solution: restart program. 3…..2….1…..restart successful.]

What the fuck.” I whisper to myself in no small amounts of horror as I stared at the blindingly bright colors of small equine like creatures that seemed to come in every color my eyes were capable of perceiving and I was never a fan of bright colors.

The equines were the first thing I noticed the second was the architecture, the roads they were using unpaved and made of trampled dirt from probable years of use a few of the equines were pulling carts while some stopped to chat. Most of the homes that I was seeing appeared to have their walls made of wood while the roofing was made from thatching. The few places that didn’t appear to be as flammable were some large homes that were made of stone and assumable the home of the wealthier class and some smaller buildings that I was inferring to be stores. A main detail that I should remember to note is that further in the distance was what appeared to be a castle so these equine have some a form of royalty. but among all this there was an itching in my mind that I just couldn’t scratch and it was fucking IRRITATING.

Why the hell do these things look so familiar” I feel like I’ve seen them or something but my memories just fade in and out. It wasn’t until I saw a pegasus flying in the distance that I remembered.

Is that a pegasus? Wha…...no…..I can’t be in Equestria” I simply refused to accept the fact I was in magical ponyland. I was a fan of the show and I’ve seen all the way up to season 5 then I just kind of stopped and judging from all that I’ve seen so far it’s not a far fetched guess to say I’m pretty far in the past of equestria, how far, I’ll find out later for now I need to get back to the shadows. I remember how in the show they were terrified of a zebra just because they were different so I know for a fact my appearance would cause some kind of panic. The real problem will be dealing with Celestia and Luna if they decide to deem me a threat to their subjects. But this also posted question what era am I in and have they found the elements of harmony yet? I need to fall back and make some plans and figure out with in the name of Xelor am I going to do now.

Mask, do know if there's a suitable location where I can create a work shop? And some place I could train my new abilities?

[There is a large cavern that could serve the purposes you requested. It is 3 miles from our current position, is this acceptable?]

I may be falling in love with this mask...and I mean that in the ‘guy loves his car that he's been working on for years’ type of love. “You mask, are freaking awesome. Lead on….also how soon could we get there if I ran?

[I thank you for the compliment master. Using your abilities you should be able to arrive to your destination in under a minute in real world time.]

Could explain to me how my said abilities work? Mainly for speed and movement for now.” Real world time?

[As you wish. You are a Xelor, Xelor's disciples are created in the image of their god, and like their master, their favorite tactic involves messing about with ticks and tocks. For you, time is your toy and you are capable of playing with it in many ways. Using time control or Xelor’s dial will allow you rapid movement, It can also be used in conjunction with many of your other Xelor abilities granting additional effects. Using Xelor’s dial will allow you to defy the laws of time, and move around the area the dial has been set in with ease, it could be considered to be one of your forms of teleportation. Time control will allow you to place a distortion on someone or something either speeding up their time, slowing it down, or altering their perception of time.]

...“when you put it that way you make Xelors sound overly OP.” Well looking back on Nox he was seriously strong, and I don’t think he could go all out on Yugo in their fight, he probably saw bit of his children in him; in the end Nox was just a broken man after succeeding in reversing time, but not by enough. All his plans, hopes and dreams, shattered, turned to dust and pointless in the end, you could just never really hate the guy. “So how far does my dial extend?” It’d be nice to know what my current limits are and to know whether I can surpass them or not.

[Currently your dial has a max diameter of 100 feet]

Only a 100 feet? That’ll still be useful in quite a few situations, more so if it’s possible to extend that distance.

Is it possible for me to say increase that distance permanently and maybe do similar to my other abilities?” If my limits are locked and unchangeable that’ll just suck donkey balls. Yeah, I’ll still be pretty freaking OP, but if I can’t get stronger it’s only a matter of time before I meet someone or something that’s even more OP than me and they won’t want to be friends.

[Analyzing...Your powers are capable of growth and evolution. Yes, it is possible for you to increase your powers. It is also within the realm of possibility for the creation of new techniques.]

Well then, it looks like I’m gonna have my work cut out for me.” I wonder how far I can take these abilities, maybe I can even do a true time freeze without needing the Eliacube.

All right then so Mask, I really need to give you a name later, how exactly do I activate these abilities” Is it like the green lantern rings? Do I need my emotions to control my powers like Starfire? Please don’t tell me I need voice activation, because that’s just stupid and gives my enemies a warning of what to expect.

[There are a few ways to access your abilities, if you focus on your skills a few hot bars will appear presenting what skills are in your arsenal. By mentally selecting that skill it can then be performed should you have enough energy. Another choice of access is by willing the desired effect if it is within your skill set.]

I can work with this “So I just kind of need to feel the effect I want huh?


Ok, just gotta feel it. So I close my eyes and take a breath. Time control, I want my time to move at a faster pace. I need to go faster than this present time. I can feel a strange sensation within myself, it’s like a pulse going through my whole being. It seems to have a specific Rhythm to its pulsations, like the ticks of a watch...this is it, it has to be so how am I going to do this. The pulse is coming from myself so I’m just going to say that’s my own sort of…(I need a coolish sound name for it) Chrono Tempo, yeah that’ll work for now. I’m trying to speed up my own time, so I should speed up the tempo. I’m focusing on that tempo and willing it to go faster, I can feel it.

One beat per second—Three beats per second—12 beats per second—87 beats per second—202 beats per second.

I opened my eyes the world around me seemed strange, it was silent in a way. “Mask, am I performing time control?” If I’m not then I probably should’ve asked what I should’ve been doing.

[Congratulations Master, you have successfully performed time control on your first try. Most Xelors have difficulty with this ability during their time developing their skills. You are currently moving at a faster time than the rest of the area.]

Doesn’t feel too different. Why is it so silent.

[You are moving in a separate time than compared to the time around the area. As long as you stay stationary sound will eventually reach you, but it will be slow and distorted.]

So what’s the difference between this and super speed?

[With super speed, no matter how fast you are, you'll never truly be going faster than time itself. Time will always be passing by, even if it's infinitesimally slowly. If you're stopping time, everything around you has stopped. With super speed senses are placed in a hyper mode. Speed can not overcome time because a true time stop will stop everything, no matter how fast it is. Those with super speed can be fast whenever they want but time manipulation typically has some caveats to it such as limited range or duration. Also, time manipulation rarely changes the abilities of the manipulator. They can't actually move, react, or think faster, they just compress everything around them until they, at their base level, are the fast one.]

Interesting. Time manipulation is so OP “So to others it’ll look like I’m moving at super speed but I’m just within a separate realm of time.


Well I think it’s time we head to that cave, directions please.” A map of the area then appeared on my HUD with a path highlighted for me. “Thanks.” And with that I am on my way.

Equestria: Kingdom of the two sisters

[Celestia POV]

It's been a long day, my little ponies have been coming in court asking for help and making requests. It hasn’t been long since the unification of the tribes, for a near immortal being a few decades is a relatively short period but we’ve been making due. The Everfree has an abundance of resources that we desperately need, but now is a difficult time with more beasts of the Everfree appearing and endangering my ponies. Just last week a young filly was turned to stone by a cockatrice, she probably thought it was just an unusually looking chicken. She was lucky the guards heard her screams and ended the monstrosity’s life. I truly wish I was as powerful as this goddess they seem to view me as, how I wish I had enough power to give me dear ponies the peace they strive for. There has to be anoth—my thoughts are interrupted by the coming of the doors to my office.

“Thy highness I've cometh to bringeth thee the guard and surveyor reports” it’s Quill page, he a chestnut coated unicorn with a caramel colored mane and bright blue eyes.

“What doth thou has't to report Quill page?” I hope it’s good news this time, or at least non horrible this time, lately the reports have been telling of more timber wolves attacking and causalities ensuing. My subjects are already terrified and our kingdom continues to expand we need more land and resources to sustain our growing numbers. Or some new invention or discovery that can make life easier for them. I take a breath to prepare myself.

“Please start with the worst one” If feels easier to bare when to bad news is given first so it doesn’t overshadow the good news as much. Quill pages shift a bit, in discomfort most likely, before he starts.

“As thee wish thy highness. A squadron of guards encountered a manticore a few hundred feet out from the town's perimeter, those gents wast successful in slaying the beast but those gents hath taken five casualties unfortunately.” This severely darkened my mood. Five brave guards lost, five heartbroken families to inform of said tragedy. I braced myself to receive their names as I asked Quill who they were.

"Red Steel: a single father of two, his former wife hath kicked the bucket of heart complications. Star Hope: a wife who wast planning to has't children. Diamond Edge: the lady wast the eldest daughter in that lady family with three siblings. Solid Shield: married and father of a single son. And lastly we has't Emerald Gaze: the lady wast the one whom spotted the manticore and landed the killing blow but wast stung by the beast's tail; married and a mother of two."

I couldn’t keep the tears away as they began to swiftly flow down my face. I personally knew Star Hope, her talk of children always gave me hope for a brighter future, she said if she had a daughter she wanted to name her Twilight, she was one of the few that would talk so openly in my presence. My sun suddenly seems to have dulled, but I can’t break down now, I must be the pillar for my ponies.

“Princess do you want me to continue? The reports can be read and given later.” I am grateful for Quill’s concern but I need to hear this, I need to stay strong...for Star.

“Aye please continueth with the reports.” he hesitates for a moment and continues

“The surveyors has't reported thither is suitable land near the base of Mount Canterhorn. And I would has't to trust their judgement, the area around thither is suitable for agriculture, enough flat lands to buildeth villages, near a water source, hence from the forest, and an untold number of potential ores to beest mined.”

Finally! Good news. “This is an opportunity that can't beest missed, telleth those folk should those gents needeth more resources that those gents shalt has't the supporteth of the crown in their endeavor.”

“As thee command thy majesty. The rest of the details and other reports art writ within these documents. I would thee a valorous evening.” And with that he summoned the documents in his magic and exited the room.

Maybe thing are finally starting to go my way maybe I’ll finally be able to become the one of the leaders my ponies deserve. *shivers* I feel something...powerful and foreign. It feels stronger than me and that frightens me too the core. Just as suddenly as it appeared it disappeared just as quickly. What if this thing is a threat to my little ponies, what if I don’t have enough power to stop. Why did I have to tempt the fates with that thought. *BANG* And suddenly my doors are no longer on their hinges and have become well acquainted with the floor.

Sister! Didst thee feeleth that disturbance in the world, t hath felt as though a powerful foreign presence hath entered our lands.” My darling baby sister Luna, I love her truly I do, but she needs to not be so excitable. At least I know that power wasn’t my imagination. Which is all the more reason why we shouldn’t take any chances, either send an inspection team or go myself. I refuse to lose more lives of our subjects. Luna seemed to be reading my thoughts.

“For the short amount of time that twas thither t hath felt as though t cameth from the direction of the Everfree. I shalt taketh a squad of night guards with me anon to investigate.” I doubt I could dissuade, she has the gleam in her eyes for when she gets excited or curious about something.

I walked over to her and gave her a bit of a tight hug with my forelegs and wings“Please beest safe Luna” she returned the gesture with even more force and a nuzzle.

“Of course dearest sister. I'll leaveth thee alone for now so thee can returneth to thy worketh.” I cringe at the mention of work, we part from each other and she beings to walk out of the now doorless hole in the wall, I’ve gotten so use to her doing that that I seem to filter it out.

“Would thee care to fix the door on thy way out?”

“What door? I don’t see a door that needs to be fixed.” She just keeps walking through the hole without looking back, I can just feel the cheeky grin on her face. But this is one of the reasons I love Luna so much, she gives me a sense of peace in times like these, I don’t know what’d I do without her and I hope I never have to find out. I take a look out my window and look towards the Everfree.

“Please don’t be a threat to my ponies.”

Equestria: Everfree forest

[Leon POV]

So I’ve been on a light jog towards the cave for about a minute when I see first hand how the rest of the world looks. Along the way I pass what a manticore pouncing on a bunny, sure some people would save the bunny but the thing is that this isn’t an unnatural event. It’s the circle of life and for all I know I could set off some kind of butterfly effect. Save the bunny the manticore goes hungry and looks for prey somewhere else, runs into helpless/weak pony, attacks and there one less pony in the world. Maybe it’s paranoia but it’s also a decent enough probability that I would rather not take that chance. Not yet anyways. We, yes I’m counting the A.I. as an individual, arrived at the cave and I have to say I wasn’t as impressed as the mask lead me to be, or what I assumed. The cave was roughly I’d say 30 meters by 25 meters maybe, with some stalagmites and stalactites coming up from the floor and out the ceiling respectively. It was a bit humid in here but it’ll work. This was when I searched myself for that Tempo and just slowed it down to normal levels, it’s easier to turn off than to turn on.

So this is the place?” It may sound stupid asking that since she’s the one that lead me here but I am a man that likes to have clarification, less bullshit to deal with from ‘assumed or implied.’ I make sure of that after that incident with the trap, I don’t want to think about that right now.

[Correct. The cavern is located underneath this one.]

….I fucking called it. “So how do I get in there?” I see no entrances or holes in the wall besides the one we entered.

[There is a hollow area near the left wall that leads to the larger cavern.]

So how am I gonna get in? Break the wall down or teleport inside, can I teleport without have an visual or prior knowledge to that location?” I shall not become one with the wall.

[You can teleport anywhere within the range of your dial. As long as this requirement is met you can teleport with little restriction. The other option is to use your skills to break this wall down. Such as Line of fire, The Xelor combines Firepower with his knowledge of temporal flux to create a flaming rift which deals damage in a line. This is a strong attack for dealing with enemies or obstacles that stand directly in front of you. There is also the option of firing a ball of wakfu towards a target. This is a basic technique that can vary in power and effect depending on how you manipulate it. The main focus of the Xelor is to disable the opponent by continuous removal or their AP(Action Points)preventing them from using their skills and abilities.]

AP huh, so here it’s like stealing their energy to perform actions. “So this dial, it’s similar to a giant clock on the floor centered around me right?” I got know what to shoot for.


So my limit is 100 feet, does that mean I can extend and shrink it at will?

[I do believe that is within your capabilities.]

Alright. I take a breath and close my eyes. I imagine a clock face on the floor and I’m in the center of it, it’s coming from my core. It feels like I’m expanding, like I’m bigger than this body, bigger than these bones, it’s as though I’m an omnipresent force. This dial, is my zone I can move anywhere within this zone, the zone comes from me, I am the zone. Continue with repetitive thoughts.

When I started getting a headache or just plain tired of saying that mantra I opened my eyes and the world seemed...different. I looked down and I could see a clock face at my feet, I could also see outlines of it on the other side of the wall So I just I just will myself ther-WHOA! And suddenly I’m in darkness, oh there’s the night vision. Just thinking about it actually teleported me to the spot. Teleporting that way felt like I went through a wall of water. Yeah I think I can work with this, better than have a nauseating effect afterwards. Looking around this hollow it seems more rocky than the entrance and to the right a some kind of tunnel that leads further below. “So we’re going down here?

[Yes.] And so I make my way into the bowels of the world, which makes me think ‘aren’t volcanos like a planet’s ani(plural of anus)’ why do I have these random thoughts in my head all the time. I’m still not sure how I lead one subject into another unrelated matter and this is a long path. I’ve been walking down this, I’m going to say 37° incline a few twists and turns. “So how much further till we get there?” Been walking for like four minutes and I need to take a freaking nap. As well ‘adjusted’ as I’ve been taking to this situation this has been more mentally taxing than studying for my college chemistry finals. The tears that stained my textbook that week...

[We have arrived.] lo and behold, I just exited the tunnel into a cavern that’s the size of a commercial airplane hanger. It was strangely flat in here and looking along the walls there were quite a few more tunnels that lead somewhere, explore later, wanna sleep now.

So Mask, do you have any protection from say, I don’t know, mental invasion for example?” I don’t want Luna finding me here.

[Yes. I possess a high level integration system that allows me to communicate with you directly and without the need of vocal commands. Should the be an attempt at mental penetration I shall notify you immediately and depending on the severity, run neural or physical interference such as waking you should there be an attempt that was too close to success in invading your dreams. Or invasion during active consciousness.] The Luck is real with this one.

Impressive “You’re like my own guardian angel, kind of like my pseudo sister back home.” Flashbacks, and there’s the depression coming in, all the more reason I need to sleep so I can pass over this. They were both quite similar in ways, like how they were so willing to help me. “Would you like a name?

[A name?] There was hesitation for a split second and for the first time what could be defined as confusion for her.

Yeah. It’s more like a form of association or identification of an individual

[If that is what you wish mas-]

Please stop with the master, I would prefer it if you called me Leon instead. And I’m not forcing the name on you, I was just asking if you would like one because it’ll probably get old and annoying for the both of us if I only called you mask. You may just be an A.I. but in a way you’re still alive.

[...Thank you...Leon. I would be grateful to be given a name by you.] I feel like she’s smiling even without having a mouth, face, any physical representation that would describe emotions or body language. That got a smile out of me too.

How about Victoria? With some hypocorism thrown in over time like Vicky.

[Victoria...I like it.] My smile only grew wider.

Great! Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to collapse and sleep for at least four hours. Please safeguard my dreams” I didn’t even wait for a reply, I walked over to a smooth looking spot, dropped, and passed out after 20 seconds.

[Rest well...Leon :)]

Comments ( 33 )

D'awww that was a nice touch at the end.

Yes! I'am Loving it, and can't wait for more.:pinkiehappy:

sorry but i thought Xelor used a mix of movement, hand gestures and marshal arts to control his ability like in avatar.

7441680 I I hope there will be more in the future but right now my life is going to shit and I may temporarily be homeless tomorrow, or today depending on your time zones

7445356 Stay safe Sir/Madam... :fluttercry:

Revisiting this fic has brought back good memories


Hey, need someone to help ya out, big guy?

7631146 Thanks, I'm surviving for now. Had to move back home even though I was trying to get away from their in the first place :ajbemused:, now I'm trying to get my life together with my limited resources. Had a job and internet before I left but that went away since I was the only one supporting it. I'm hoping I can get a near 10k word chapter this week, I'm a quarter there.:twilightsheepish:


Well, I can help ya out.

I wrote 29,318 total for my "The Newest Displacer" story, 8,091 total for my "The Ponies, The Heart, And The Guardian Poltergeist" story, 5,553 total for "The Star Warrior of the Universe," 8,915 total for "Antasma and Fawful (Plus Dimentio and Blumiere/Bleck): Partners in Equis!", 3,812 total for "The Legendary Terrarian of Equestria," 3,150 total for "DaRk... DaRkEr... YeT dArKeR...".

I can DEFINITELY help you out.

Is it just me, or does Nox look like Dr. W. D. Gaster from Undertale?


... Huh.

Never thought about that before.

Well, this fic is dead.
I'll just leave this here for the bastard author.

8185525 Fine, I hope I'm stable enough to get a chapter up by the end of June

This was enjoyable to read ^-^ I hope this story gets picked up again

Are you gonna continue the story?

Is this story dead?

This looks interesting :twilightsmile:

Will the story ever be updated?

Plz do a continue of dah story

Rest in spaghetti never forghetti

i really hope someone comes back and continues this fic, it's too interesting and nice to read.

I want to see more of this story

continue com essa historia por favor ta muito legal mesmo eu amei essa historia por favor

did the author forget about this story or did he just give up and forgot about putting the cancelled button?

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