• Member Since 1st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th

Silver Scrolls


Twilight was desperate, she wanted nothing more than a chance. She searched high and low for one and finally she found one, but at what cost will this chance come? Is her dream really worth it and can she trust what she found to follow through with its promise.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 16 )

Decent start, only real problem is that I personally feel like twilight would have asked what the consequences were before hand. Otherwise, nothing to note

Seems rushed and could use a little more individual detail rather then overall detail
Otherwise, good so far like the previous

Again, rushed
Had minor spelling errors, but every fiction does
Jump from one thing to the next to quickly. Take a breath and slow down a little, speed isn't necessary. [just my personal opinion]
Can't wait to see more though! Keep going

Anything more to the description? I still don't quite follow...

6750232 I am hoping it will be clearer as the story continues and I am polishing it up a little since I have some extra time before the competition ends, that might also help

This one seemed to be a bit more.... Relaxed, in a good way. Felt like you took your time and made sure it was what you wanted. I haven't re-read the first three, so this might not matter, but;
If I remember correctly, the Luna in it was the true Luna. If that's so, wouldn't the evil entity have noticed? Seeing as it has some little control over the entirety of the "dream" meaning each physical entity inside (celestia, pinky, etc.) was under direct influence from it. And since that Luna had nothing to do with the actual dream, making her foreign, and it being the evil powerful being (the entity), it would have noticed Luna and an event would have ensued. Now I could just be reading too much into it, or the real Luna came in at the end and the other Luna was a true fake, or you could mark it up and just say Luna has more dream power then the other to hide herself. Just want to put it in here.
For this one, besides what I said at the beginning, this one only had minor spelling errors. It flowed well and didnt have a rushed feeling to it. Great work!

Welcome to Creepy Town, Population: Celestia

6763469 Luna is probably more powerful than the entity.

Please continue with the story. I want to know how Luna and Twilight are going to talk. I also want to see what else Celestia is going to do to help Twilight get her memories back.

Glad I'm not the only one, it doesn't seem like to her not to read a contract.

“I know, I know but it’s just...” Twilight pulled away slightly and looked up into Celestia’s lavender eyes. Those eyes full of endless love and patience, possibly the prettiest part of the mare who ruled this small nation. “I’m not sure I’m worth it. I’m only going to bring you pain when I someday leave you.”

Why couldn't Twilight keep the wings?

“Nope, I have no intention of doing such a thing.” Dash stepped back and bumped into the wall, Twilight's glare unnerving her a little. She had heard stories of how testy the seneschal got after a visit with Dr. Unwell and the look in her eyes served quite well to add credence to those stories. “I can't say I agree but I honestly don’t trust that doctor. Something about him isn’t right and I bet these pills really aren’t helping you anyway.” She fluffed her feathers and took a deep breath as Twilight's glare lessened. “I know it’s just rumors but some of us think that it’s a little suspicious that you didn't get sick until after Dr. Unwell showed up. I mean, you’re his only patient and you never seem to get better and you were never sick before him.”

Ok well that raises red flags.

As soon as the feather touched Twilight the bubble collapsed and the creature vanished. Twilight staggered a little and felt Luna catch her. She looked up at her in confusion, but before she could speak Luna began to fade and the sounds of ponies talking excitedly filled her head. Slowly she felt her eyes flutter open and a white ceiling came into focus.

I have so many questions.

The silence was finally broken by Twilight. “I’m sorry, are you one of the doctors, is there something else?” She smiled kindly but it might as well have been empty to Celestia. It was missing everything it was supposed to have. The smile wasn’t one meant for somepony familiar, it was one given kindly to a passing stranger. Sensing something was wrong Twilight let her smile fall. “Um, are you okay?”

.... I'm sorry, what the frick? SHE FORGOT CELESTIA!? HOW THE F-


“It’s fine Luna.” Twilight settled down and leaned back. “I didn’t know you had a sister though.” A dopy grin brightened her face. “Especially one so pretty.”

..... What... The.... Fuck.... She remembers Luna, she doesn't remember Celestia, she doesn't remember Celestia at all. Not even a single second or resemblance of Celestia is in her memory.

I’m sorry it doesn’t ring a bell. Over and over the sentence danced across her mind, trampling happier memories and turning them into shards that impaled her heart. How could she have forgotten all their time together, everything they had had, all the dinners, the lessons, the times Celestia had visited her in Ponyville? Unbidden tears came to Celestia’s eyes and she buried her face in a pillow and let the tears flow.

I think I'm gonna cry.

But this confuses things, if Twilight doesn't remember Celestia and didn't even know she existed, then wouldn't that mean there would be thousands or even millions of gaps in her memory? Was every memory she had that involved Celestia replaced by someone else? She was raised and taught by Celestia.

I don't think this is how memory erasing works.

A smile wormed it’s way onto Celestia’s lips as a plan began to form in her head. If Twilight couldn’t remember by herself maybe Celestia could help her. Show her parts of the life she had forgotten. Her wings fluttered by her sides. It was perfect, she could just help Twilight remember her old life and then things could go back to normal. The smallest giggle bubbled out of Celestia as she rolled from the bed with a newfound energy and purpose and she began to sing a little diddy as she gathered the things she would need and began to plan.

I was actually gonna suggest that.

Although Twilight doesn't have any memory of Celestia, there's still physical evidence that Twilight knows and met Celestia.

Twilight lounged back in her throne with a sigh and blew a tuft of her mane out of her eyes. “Bored.” She elongated the words as she slipped sideways to lay lengthwise in the chair. “Stupid map, stupid throne, stupid memories.” Briefly she growled at the map and then sighed again. “Two weeks and not a mission from the map or word from Luna.”

Ok I think I have a theory, every memory that involved Celestia was replaced by Luna, and the memory that she has turning Nightmare Moon back into Luna was replaced by a version of Celestia.

Wait noz that wouldn't make sense, because she said she didn't know Luna had a sister. THIS JUST CONFUSES THINGS EVEN MORE!

Ever since she had woken up and seen that resplendent alicorn die at the sound of her words it had haunted her. Who could have guessed not remembering somepony could devastate them so much. Twilight shook her head and looked up at the chandelier made from the ancient oak she had first called home when she had arrived in Ponyville. Each crystal filled with a single memory between her and her friends and to her irritation Celestia appeared in a few. Those weren’t the only hints either, little things around the castle. Photos of them together, books signed by her and even a few letters.

.... Are you fucking kidding me?

“What?” Just as she spoke her cutie mark floated up and zipped over the map and came to rest over Canterlot. “Oh.” Twilight shifted so she was sitting up right and Spike came running in.

Friendship problem, or romance problem? Hehehehe.

Twilight’s steps faltered but she managed to keep walking. “Oh.” She dropped into silence as they walked, her trepidation turning into full blown worry after what Luna had said. This Celestia, as she was called, seemed to have fallen off the deep end over her for some reason and, hopefully, this wasn’t related to the map sending her here. Even if it wasn’t it needed to be dealt with if she was a princess of Equestria, though Luna did a fine job of ruling by herself.

Nevermind, I was correct, Luna replaced Celestia in ever memory Twilight has.

The ceiling was made of a purple tinted glass casting the entire room in a gentle purple color but that was only the beginning of the purple. Purple rugs, purple columns with stripes of pink, torches in purple holders, purple pillows with pink trim holding artifacts. If it could be purple it was and if it wasn’t purple it was some other color that adorned Twilight’s furry body. Glass cases lined the walkways that moved throughout, like a large museum dedicated to one individual. The closest one contained the first test she had ever taken in the school for gifted unicorns and presumably the rest contained similar articles if the banner hanging from the ceiling that read Early School Days was to be trusted.

... If I was Twilight with no memory of Celestia at all, my first thought would be; "do I have a stalker?"

“You know what, as much fun as this is, I do have some important friendship work to get to. I can’t neglect the duty of the map after all.” Twilight tugged away from the feathery prison draped over her back and turned to make a run for it. All of five steps, that was how far she made it, only five small steps before a golden glow captured her and she was yanked back to the side of her captor.

This is the "important 'friendship" work".

Moments later Twilight appeared in a bright flash outside and grabbed Luna’s face. Luna was still trying to process the room and barely noticed as Twilight landed beside and grabbed her face. She heard the words and saw the lips move but she hadn’t completely rebooted from the shock of so much purple in one place and could only nod as Twilight spoke. “You, me, somewhere else, NOW!” Another flash and they both vanished and the large doors to the Twilight World exhibit swung closed of their own accord.

What confuses me more is that Luna seems just as confused as Twilight is. What if everyone's memory has been tempered with? Everyone forgot who Celestia is?

I really hope this story gets continued, I have I many questions that needs answering.

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