• Published 7th Jun 2012
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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06


Dear Princess Celestia,

How the hell have you not been overthrown yet?

A dragon decides to hibernate on one of the mountains near Ponyville, begins to fill the sky with smoke, and instead of sending an experienced team of guards, or expert dragon-convincers, you're sending me up there with the rest of my friends?

First off, you're not technically my teacher anymore, and the only reason I decided to do this is because I didn't want to be thrown in a dungeon in whatever place you end up banishing me to. Yeah, I'm one of the ponies who sees right through to your tyranny. Secondly, why do we have to convince him to leave? Scouts reported he was sleeping in a cave? Well, get a couple blocks of C4 and collapse the mouth to the cave. Dragon problem solved, smoke problem solved, and everypony's happy. Seriously, that's a great idea. Why isn't there any C4 left from the war?

Another thing; what is it exactly that Twilight and Friends can do that a team of guards can't. Yeah, I came up with a name for this sad little group. I'm currently working on a jingle. Tell me what you think of these lyrics:

Twilight is a unicorn
From Celestia's nation
Taking her friends up to their ends
By a dragon altercation

Yeah. So it's been nice knowing you.

Well, after convincing my friends that there's actually some chance of survival, they all went off to prepare for the journey up the mountain. Rainbow went and painted her face. Either she's partaking in a war ritual, or is hoping the dragon see's her as absolutely fabulous. Applejack packed apples for everypony's last meal. Rarity might have seen right through my lies, because she just came back with a giant hat and a saddlebag full of scarves. I guess she wants to die looking her best. I told Pinkie Pie to prepare an improvised explosive in a saddlebag. I got the idea from one of the books here in the library. It's something called “absolute jihad”. But the damn thing went off when she came out the door, and she made it out of streamers. Fluttershy came back looking like she was trying out for hoofball. And she's afraid of her own shadow. Pathetic.

Well, before we even began our ascent, Fluttershy was intimidated by how tall the mountain is. Well no fucking shit, Shershy. It IS a mountain, as Rainbow so dubiously pointed out. The dragon snored, and that just froze that quivering dumbshit up completely. As the lowest member of society in our group, I made Applejack drag her up the long way around so we would have something to sacrifice in case we had to make a run for it. I'd sacrifice Pinkie, but I need her alive, for now, and I hope her second suicide bomb works. Actually, on the other hoof, the dragon eating Pinkie might not be such a bad idea. If the bomb was properly constructed, we could detonate it once she's in him. Problem solved. And if it doesn't go off, the amount of drugs in her system might actually kill him anyway.

We met Applejack and Fluttershy halfway up the mountain, and Fluttershy came up against her next daunting obstacle; a two-foot chasm. She should just fall and get it over with. And if she doesn't die, I'll just send Applejack down to drag her up again. Then, and you're not gonna believe this; further up the mountain, a leaf falls on Fluttershy's back, and she freaks out and screams, causing an avalanche. Seriously? A fucking. Leaf. Don't worry, we all could have been crushed, but at least the leaf didn't harm Fluttershy. Am I getting hazard pay out of this? I fucking better be.

Well, at the mouth of the cave, I wasn't going to put up with any more shenanigans, so I went in alone to confront the dragon. He just blew smoke in my face and told me to piss off. Kind of the way my dad ignored me as a filly. Then Rarity tried a little slutty charm, and well, you know how slutty and charming Rarity is, so that completely fucking failed. In another one of her drug-filled highs, Pinkie tried to party with the dragon, and then Rainbow just flew in and kicked him. I swear, Rainbow has no depth to her character whatsoever.

As the dragon is about to put an end to our meaningless troll-filled lives, Pinkie must have slipped Fluttershy some crack or something, because she just completely fucking snapped. The dragon must have got some different stuff too, because he just cowered like a bitch when Fluttershy scolded him for falling asleep where he could harm other beings. Then he started to cry.

Yep, crying. Pinkie, what the fuck did you give him?

So after he flies off, we made the journey back down the mountain, and Rainbow tried to set a record for the most ball bounces off her head. And this is a seriously freaking amazing ball. You have got to check it out sometime.

Your skeptical student,
Twilight Sparkle

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