• Member Since 4th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Dee Pad


This story is a sequel to A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

It has been a little over a year since the changeling Shade began living in the small town of Ponyville. Accepted by his neighbors, respected by his new friends, seeing his best friend happy, and, above all, loved by his special somepony, Shade's life has never been more enjoyable or comfortable.

Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't hardships ahead of him, and Shade and Winter are about to take on the greatest challenge of their lives.

But unbeknownst to them, rumblings within the Changeling Kingdom begin to stir...

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 201 )

Winter will put this out for a bunch of Time, untill a suprice birth. It has to be It. It will be XD all the way in.

At last the wait is over intill i get done with the chapter if i see any tpos ill throw them out here for u

Love the chapter.

Shade could not know what pregnancy is and ask. It would be hilarious. But well - It was still funny eatger way. Just... Not supricing.

I'm glad to see this story is continuing. And I'm glad that Winter finally told him, yeesh.

However, that last line about his concerns is rather ominous, considering we don't know how much of a changeling the baby will be. As soon as I read that line, I remembered back to the changeling nursery in the first story. Baby changelings hatch as mindless carnivorous eating machines in this world, don't they? That.... could make for a very awkward delivery.

Sir, you have made my day. Thank you.

"Chamella, can pass me that roll of fabric?"

I suggest adding a 'you' between can and pass.

"Not a problem," Twilight said, but not managing to get it out quick enough for the pegasus to actually hear. She looked back at Shade. I guess you want to go with her. You're probably just as curious, huh?"

Missing a quotation mark.

Anyway, thanks for the update. I've been for this moment.

Well, that sweet.
What can go wrong?:pinkiecrazy:

I didn't realize the sequel was out yet until a few days ago. I love it so far.

You may want to make a blog tagged to first story to let people know there is a sequel.

New chapter! And large! I like how you write Nimbus right there! It's getting better and better.:twilightsmile:

it can be hard to really remember it all, what with all the screaming and such."

Ok. It's a minor quible but.....
Quadrupeds don't have the problems of childbirth like bipeds do.

Did you considering add new canon about a changlings(s6e16) in your srory?

I've definitely put some thought into it, but ultimately I've decided that it shouldn't have any effect on this story. Besides, this story takes place around the time season four was going on, so it wouldn't have happened yet.

7508310 Well, I was thinking about more little things. Like, capability turn into not live objects, size can be smaller ( Spike mirror scene), hole in hoofs for transporting eggs (Scene in hive : Crysilys have egg in one of the holes) and etc. Because pretty much else stick with your hade canon. (Live in hive, have their own kingdom, agresive newborns ):trixieshiftleft: You don't have to change anything just add minor ditales.
Sorry if I have mistypes.:derpytongue2:

I know, I considered all of that, but the answer's still no.

I'm sorry but if someone potentially left me to die so they could replace me and steal my special somepony I wouldn't want them to have Anything to do with me or my foal.

Forgiveness is one thing but to forget... No just... No.

As always love the story.

Aw sweet! I had been waiting for the sequel an now i have a bunch of chapters to go through! This is gonna be awesome I loved the first one.:pinkiehappy:

I have a kind of a fringe theory about Shade and Camellia and why they went to such lengths to ovoid each other during the rut. Changelings live much more feral lives, in a sense(Just hear me out), and as such are much more similar to animals than the more civilized races. In nature, most animals will instinctively ovoid procreating with close genetic relations. And while I don't remember it perfectly i believe Dee established that Camellia is younger than Shade. I theorize that they are, in fact, blood relations who share at least a single parent(if not two) and that the reason they are so different is because they share a genetically dormant gene that is a hold over from their species time as ponies. in the same sense hat some human infants are born with tails because both parents carry the recessive genes for it. Or i could just be taking a story about bug-horses way too seriously lol:derpytongue2:

Yeah, you might be taking it too seriously. I know I've done a lot to try and legitimize the little biological things about changelings, but the fact of the matter is that Shade and Chamella are spending less time together because Winter needs Shade's support now more than ever. It's really as simple as that.

As for the two changelings being related, I guess if you want to believe that, go ahead; the possibility exists, but the actual chances of the them being related are very slim. Plus, I mentioned that Shade views Chamella like a younger sister, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is. They were born around the same time.

Also, I have to correct this or it's gonna bug me: you're the second person I've seen to consistently misspell Chamella. It's just for a name that appears so frequently in these stories, I don't understand how someone could possibly misspell it. It's Cham-, with a "K" sound, like "chameleon", plus -ella. It's not complicated. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude about it, but I would've been able to let it go if you weren't the second person to do this.

Additionally, it's avoid, not ovoid. My grammar may not be perfect, but I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to spelling.

this chapter... I like it! * Smashes cup* Another!

Couldn't help myself:derpytongue2: loving this story so far

So far, an excellent sequel to an excellent story. Every time I see this story get updated, I can't help but get excited to see where it leads and so far, it has delivered well. I wouldn't be lying if I said i wasn't a little envious of the quality of your writing, but at least it encourages me to always improve.

That being said though, I have to give my two cents on something that somewhat irks me: Shade's thoughts on changelings as a whole. Not saying that this is a mistake on your part, because we see Chamella call him out on what he says, but the fact that he is so eager to demonize his own kind is in my honest opinion, rather hypocritical of him. He has to remember that he, in many ways, was exactly the same way. True, neither he nor Chamella are that way anymore, but they have been given opportunities that the average changeling could only dream of. Education, a decent home, regular income with good food and the chance to form legitimate relationships and form families are all things denied them. As we saw earlier, Chrysalis' own living standards are barely better at all. With such dire straits, it doesn't surprise me that much that changelings are so aggressive in this story, they have to be just to survive.

There is also socialization to consider. It can be seen that a reason for their hostility is because changeling "society" requires them to do so. If their lifestyle encourages deception, greed and even cannibalism, then they all the more encouraged to do so. They don't seem to be monstrous by choice, the conditions surrounding them force them to be so. They second they are born, it is effectively every changeling for himself, not exactly a mindset that breeds morally good individuals, and breaking free of the programming is by no means an easy task. Such task is, sad to say, a pipe dream for changelings to do so under their current conditions.

Not all seems to be all gloom for the changelings though. Despite her failure and methods, Chrysalis does seem to legitimately care for her subjects, even if she is losing their respect. As said earlier, her own living conditions are wholly inadequate so she is no way blind to the blight of her subjects. She regrets her failure and has to bear weight everyday with, from what we saw briefly, only a single shoulder to lean on for support.

Which brings me to a new character which i wanted to discuss for awhile: Wraith. We barely got to see any of this character, but he immediately grabbed my attention and interest. You do seem to imply that it is he that still brings her food, even though he shouldn't have to. When she doesn't eat, he shows concern for her and when she questions herself, he tries to reassure her. Of course he could end up being just as backstabbing and dangerous as Guise, more so because he is an elite soldier and not a starved conscript mad with power, but only time will tell if you go that route or even if we seem him again. I will say though that I personally wouldn't mind seeing more of him and Chrysalis.

I'm not saying that the changelings in your story are good. They aren't, but how much of that is really up to them? They don't any real education or anything that a pony would be given and what Shade himself had to effectively put his life on the line for. In fact, Shade himself was strongly discouraged from even attempting to live with ponies out of the belief that he would either be ran out of town or be outright killed. If such a mindset is shared among the changeling populace, I can see what they wouldn't want to take such a risk, even less so if they don't even know of the success Shade and Chamella have had. I dare say that they are an excellent example of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave".

I admittedly may have gone over board with this, but my point is that Chamella, in my opinion at least, has more merit to her argument in this with regards to changelings. True, the changelings are not exactly a hospitable bunch, but neither is their home. They are starving, uneducated and kept in the dark from the rest of the world, relying on only word of mouth and the words of an isolated ruler to keep them informed. Only time, and future chapters will tell if this will change, get worse or anything, but you can at least count on the fact that I at least am eager to see.

Finally come to read the update...

...and there isn't nothing else to talk abaut! XD

And on the subject of customers, it was bizarre how he didn't recognize any of today's patrons.

Clichéd dream sequence detected; initiating skip-ahead protocol.

Edit: Oh wow, and in case I skipped ahead you recapped the whole thing.

Praise the lords a new chapter.

Loved the chapter! :twilightsmile:

Just one small nitpick... birthing for quadrapeds is much, much quicker than for humans. (less than 2 hours)

This is a really weird way for that Fight Club reference to end up being used.

These are magical, talking ponies from another universe we're talking about here. There's no evidence to suggest they behave exactly the same way as real world equines. I took some creative liberties for the sake of making it a little more relatable and to push the story in the direction I wanted.

That's why it was a nitpick.
But actually its more of humans being the exception, rather than horses being quick.
There are allot of problems that occur with human childbirth that is the direct result of us being bipeds.
Pretty much every other species on Earth has quick childbirth since they aren't bipedal.

Short version:
Pelvic hole on human is too small for easy childbirth. Reason it is too small is because it has to hold twice the weight compared to a quadruped and if the hips were made bigger to compensate we wouldn't be able to run. (Which in primitive times would mean not getting as much food or being food.)

To my fellow readers, there are spoilers ahead, so please do not read unless you have read the chapter.

Month and months of build up and suspense. Keeping not just Shade and Winter, but all of us readers on the edge of our seats. All to finally show us the product of their relationship. And you know what...

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Seriously, I have not been this jittery with excitement for any story, novel or fan fiction, in a long time. Maybe it's just me, but suspense leading up to this was some of the best I have ever seen. Shade's concern for Winter as well as his own ability to be a father were were realistic in my eyes and conveyed his fears effectively. We just saw he was even having nightmares about it and then he has to go through all those hours of waiting to hear the results. I don't honestly blame him for not being in there. I can easily imagine that seeing Winter struggle in pain like that would have been simply soul crushing for him.

And then he goes in and interacts with his newborn son, and by God does it hit you. Both him and Winter go from being scared stiff to just beaming with absolute joy and pride. Shade proves to Winter, and more importantly, to himself, that he is capable of being a caring parent. The few paragraphs of just him, Winter and their son are just... wow. Just wow.

Of course there is more ahead for them, but I have no doubt these two, now three, and get through it. They have jumped the first hurdle, and are ready for more.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it so much.

I've actually been looking forward to writing the particular scene revealing the baby for a long time; hell, before I even started this story, in all honesty. It's probably one of the scenes I've put the most thought into—not just for this story, but all of my stories—because I wanted to make sure it came out perfectly. I'm so glad to hear that it went over well.

This is just plain awesome. I just count for the pegasus magic to make the flight work.

I also wonder abaut his transformative abilities. If his changeling magic can work - he could go out as a white pegasus, maybe even not know of it as Shade's true form would be kept a secret over the years...

I just realized how much this has in common with MaxBeezy's My New Life in Equestria, despite that being an HiE. This even follows a similar formula! I mean look at it like this; in both stories a non-pony immigrant arrives in Ponyville, some things happen, some problems come about, and then the immigrant falls in love with a native, despite being a completely different species. In the second story, the immigrant and his love interest have taken their relationship to the level of having a child, and the second story mostly revolves around the pregnancy. The third story is all about the kid growing up and reaching adulthood. It seems like this story is coming to a close, but it does not feel like the book is over quite yet.

Now, don't get me wrong, the story is amazing and I am enjoying it. In fact I only just now noticed the similarities. I am not accusing you of anything either, Dee Pad. I just thought it was worth bringing up. If you haven't read My New Life in Equestria, I would recommend setting aside some time to read it. It is worth at least a look, and it hits a lot of the same flavors that this story hits. I very seriously doubt someone would like one of these stories and not the other.

Nice chapter even if the conclusion was really something they propably should tried in this month... :fluttershyouch:

Well, it was graphic. And I know that changeling will want their child, but behind Cryssy back... It will be even worse. :fluttershbad:

Wow. Okay. Shade is an incredibly terrible parent, and it's a good thing Rarity never had to act in her role as godparent, because leaving an infant with someone who is not trained in child care and especially has not even agreed to watch it is borderline criminal negligence.

7920259 In his defense, I say, Rarity in this story seem OK with babysitting than Rarity in season 2. Though I think he mention her only to be polite. And when left it was on 10 minutes on top. And professional babysitter need when you left child half an hour or more. (Though can be wrong)

I've read the sequel first and I've really enjoyed the story! You're a great author!

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