• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 4,439 Views, 34 Comments

How To (Maybe) Train Your Draconequus - alarajrogers

After the Gala, Fluttershy pulls Discord aside for a talk.

  • ...

"We Need To Talk."

When Discord had asked Fluttershy if he could escort her home from the Gala, her first immediate reaction was to say no. Make a polite excuse about having promised to go out with Rarity. Rarity would back her up on that without question. But then the thought occurred to her that if she said yes, it would give her a perfect opportunity to discuss this with him, in private. Because she was fairly certain he didn't really get why what he'd done was wrong.

She was tired, after a stressful evening – Fluttershy found parties exhausting even when they were entirely fun, and the Gala... had not been. Between the humiliation of watching Discord make a complete fool of himself, the guilt she felt for hurting Discord's feelings, the guilt she felt for being such a doormat that she felt guilty for hurting Discord's feelings after he'd tried to do such a terrible thing to Tree Hugger, the guilt she felt for dragging Tree Hugger into a dangerous situation and the anger she felt at Discord for making it a dangerous situation... right now dealing with Discord was the last thing she wanted to do. But she was the only one who could ever get through to him. And this particular thing he'd done... oh, in the end no real harm had been done, but she could see the pattern. If she did nothing, this toxic behavior would grow until somepony really got hurt, or he ended up in stone, or both.

"Escorting her home", in this case, involved snapping up a giant pumpkin with a delightful little carriage compartment inside, making it levitate, and flying it back to Ponyville. As long as Fluttershy didn't get close enough to the window to see the ground, she could enjoy the view of the moonlit sky and the stars without triggering her fear of heights. Fluttershy didn't want to start the conversation here, up in the sky, supported only by Discord's power; she didn't think he would deliberately harm her out of anger, but if he got upset, what if he lost control of the carriage?

So she waited until they reached her house, and she invited him in for tea. And then when he was sitting on her sofa, sipping at a teacup she'd given him (though at least this time he was drinking the tea too, not just the cup), she said, "Discord, we need to talk."

Discord made a face. "Oh, must we?"

"Yes. We do."

"I hate it when you say those words."

"I know, but we do have to talk," she said firmly. "What you did at the Gala—"

"But I apologized!" Discord said. "And eventually, after Tree Chugger cleared her chakras or whatever she was doing, she said she forgave me and she gave me a hug!"

Fluttershy decided to let the childish misremembering of Tree Hugger's name slide. "You did apologize, yes, and I'm very proud of you," Fluttershy said. "I'm sure it was very hard for you to put aside your pride and say you were sorry, but you did it, and that's wonderful."

Discord puffed up slightly. "There, you see? Everything is just fine. I apologized, she forgave me, it's all water under the bridge."

Fluttershy sighed. "No. It's not."

"But what's the problem? I apologized!"

"Discord, the problem is that you did the thing that you needed to apologize for in the first place. What you did was very, very wrong, and I'm not sure you understand why."

Golden eyes glared down at her. Fluttershy wasn't intimidated – today's events had at least shown her how desperately Discord depended on her friendship, and how miserable the thought of anything disrupting it made him. He wouldn't harm her, no matter how mad he got. Harming others was another story, which was why she had to have this conversation with him. "Of course I understand why. Do you think I'm stupid?" He conjured a floating image of himself in a corner with a dunce cap on, only to surround it with a glowing red circle with a diagonal line through it. The image then vanished. "You weren't rejecting me for Tree Slugger, so everything I feared was absolutely moot and there was no reason for me to have been jealous in the first place!"

Patiently Fluttershy said, "No, Discord. That's not the reason why what you did was wrong. Even if it had been exactly what you thought, even if I had been rejecting you for Tree Hugger – which you should have known I would never do," she added sternly, then continued, "it still would have been wrong."

Discord's brow furrowed in an exaggeratedly skeptical look. "Oh, do tell. Is this where you tell me 'hurting ponies is never the right thing to do, Discord?'" He pitched his voice high and quiet, imitating her. "I wasn't going to hurt her. She'd have done fine in that dimension. Señor Piquante would have made a great friend for her."

"Firstly, it hurts ponies to be separated from their friends and the ponies they love," Fluttershy said, "so yes, being sent to a strange dimension where she doesn't know anypony and doesn't know how to get home would hurt her. How would you like it if somepony did that to you?"

Discord scoffed. "It's been tried. Many times. I always find my way back eventually."

"But what if you didn't know how to get back?"

"Then I'd have to be suffering from such serious amnesia that I wouldn't remember that I had friends back in this dimension, so it wouldn't bother me."

Oh give me strength. He was being particularly obstinate today. Discord wasn't naturally very empathic, but he was imaginative, and he was perfectly capable of imagining what it would feel like to suffer something he normally couldn't feel, but that ponies could... when he felt like it. "Then take my word for it. When you don't have the power to just come back to the dimension you came from, it's very painful and frightening to be sent to a dimension where you don't know anypony and the rules of reality are all different."

"How would you know? No one's ever done that to you, have they?"

"No, but I can imagine it. It would be awful." Fluttershy shivered. "Can't you imagine it too?"

Discord rolled his eyes. "I suppose."

"And secondly, yes, it's wrong to do something like that to someone who hasn't intentionally hurt you. Tree Hugger was willing to try to be friends with you. She complimented you several times."

"She didn't even remember she'd met me before! How do you forget meeting someone like me?"

Fluttershy sighed. "She doesn't always have a very good memory. She says it's more important to live in the present and be, um, I guess aware of all the possibilities around you than to remember the past. That's one of the reasons I thought you'd get along with her, you know. She's a very accepting pony, she doesn't judge anypony, and I remember you saying something about having a similar outlook on life and the past?"

"Well, I've said that the past is past, you can't change it, so there's no point dwelling on it. Which is why I find it very strange that we're having this conversation. If your good pal and I both agree that the past is past, why are you making a big deal about something that both of us got over?"

"Because the reason you did it is wrong," Fluttershy said. "And if we don't address that, you'll do it again, and maybe the next time it won't, um, end up so well."

"We already discussed that the reason that I did it was wrong," Discord said. "You weren't abandoning me, it's possible to have multiple really close friends, la la la."

"No, that's what I'm trying to say," Fluttershy said. "Tree Hugger didn't do anything to you. She was nothing but kind to you. She didn't know that you felt that she was getting in the way of your friendship with me. And even if she had been, she still wouldn't have known. So she was innocent. If I had really rejected you for a different friend, then I would have been the one doing something wrong, not Tree Hugger."

"So what, was I supposed to throw you into another dimension? How would that get me what I wanted?"

"What you wanted was our friendship back the way it had been, right?"

"No, I wanted all of Celestia's secret stash of cake. Really, Fluttershy, must you even ask?"

"How would sending my friend to another dimension ever get you that, then?"

He stared at her. Apparently that hadn't occurred to him. It amazed her sometimes, that Discord could be so very intelligent and yet sometimes so very, very childishly ignorant.

"I... uh..."

"It wouldn't, would it. If I had decided I was going to reject you for no good reason, because I liked Tree Hugger better... how would sending Tree Hugger to another dimension make me feel good about you, or make me feel as if I should go back to being your friend?"

"Well, sending you to another dimension would just make certain you'd never be my friend again," Discord muttered. "So that wouldn't have been any better."

"That's right... because neither of those things would have done any good for anypony. I would have been unhappy, Tree Hugger would have been unhappy, and you might have felt good for a few moments because you would have felt like you got revenge... but then it would sink in that you'd lost your friend, and then you would be unhappy." She flapped her wings and flew over to him, looking him in the eye. "Discord, if you feel rejected by your friend... you should say so. If they're a real friend, and they understand that they're making you unhappy, they'll stop. If they're not a real friend, they won't stop, but then you're better off without them."

"But I wouldn't have been better off without you," Discord said plaintively. "Even if you were rejecting me. I had to have you back. I... I don't have any other friends without you, Fluttershy."

"You have friends! You made friends with Pinkie finally, right? And Twilight! And even Rarity seemed to be warming up to you. And the Cutie Mark Crusaders—"

"—hate me ever since... you know, the whole thing with Tirek. You should have seen how they acted when I went to Rarity's to ask who everypony was going with. Like I was going to eat them or something."

"They did feel very betrayed," Fluttershy said. "I don't think you've ever really tried to make it up to them, have you?"

"I tried to invite them on another trip."

"Discord, if they don't trust you why would they want to go on a trip with you? You have to win back their trust. That includes saying you're sorry. All of us saw you apologize, but they didn't."

"I suppose, but still. If you weren't my friend, Pinkie and Twilight would stop being my friends, and Celestia wouldn't trust me so she wouldn't be my friend, and... and I'd lose everything." He swallowed. "I shouldn't have taken it out on Tree Rubber, I suppose, but... you want me to imagine what it's like to get stuck in another dimension and not be able to get home, when that would never happen to me? Try imagining losing the one friend that connects you to your other friends, so that you have nothing left, no one who cares at all. And you have no idea why."

Fluttershy hugged him. "Discord, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I never meant to, but I was so excited about having a new friend, I didn't think about how it would look to you, since you're not very experienced with having friends." She drew back. "Though I did think you understood that it's possible to have more than one friend. Because you know that you're my friend and so are the others, so you know that I personally have at least seven friends, because five other Element Bearers, plus Spike, plus you..."

Discord chuckled. "You know I'm bad at math."

"I know, but... how did you not know we can have more than one friend, when you know I already do?"

"The six of you are friends for a reason," Discord said. "You're more like a team than a group of friends... you're friends because you have to come together to protect Equestria."

"But we're still friends."

"Yes, yes, but there's all that destiny entanglement and cutie marks connected to each other and what not. And the same is true for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And Spike is connected to Twilight, so that connects him to you."

"Wait – what about the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" She'd been just about to use them as an example to refute his argument.

"Oh... whoops! Spoilers!" He grinned. "I can't really go telling you things you won't find out until the future comes, can I. Just forget I said anything."

"All right," Fluttershy said, because it wasn't as important as making sure he understood this lesson.

"But I don't have any kind of connection like that with anyone. I'm just friends with you because... we're just friends. I mean, all right, there was that whole 'persuade me to reform and keep me from turning Equestria into my chaos playground' thing, but it's not like that was destined to happen or something... and the same goes for Tree Hugger."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Well, there's no destiny binding the two of you together, is there. You're just friends, for no particular reason other than you like each other. And you see, I've noticed, most of you don't have other friends. Oh, Twilight has Cadance, but she's more like family. Rainbow had Gilda, but told her to get lost because she wanted to keep you guys instead. And Rarity has Spike, but I think we all know he's looking for something a little... warmer than friendship." Discord smirked.

"Discord, that's not nice. We all know Spike has a little crush on Rarity, but I'm sure he values her friendship for its own sake, not just because he wishes she was in love with him."

"Oh, probably. For a dragon he's a total sap, really. The point is... none of you have other friends. Except you have me. And then all of a sudden you have Tree Hugger and you're claiming she's funnier than I am and one of the things you kept saying when I asked you why you were my friend was that I was funny so what am I supposed to think?"

"So... you thought we can have only one friend that we're not... what does destiny-entangled mean? Like we're destined to be friends with each other?"

"Exactly. As soon as that Rainboom went off, there were forces connecting the six of you, pushing you toward each other. But that's not why you're friends with me, and that's not why you're friends with Tree Hugger, and hardly any of you have friends outside your little circle, so..."

"Oh, Discord." Fluttershy gave him another hug. "All of us have other friends. Twilight never had any before she met us, but now she has Sunset Shimmer, and you, and she was friends with Cadance before she was family. I was something of a shut-in and I didn't have a lot of friends, but I had some. Rarity and Rainbow Dash have lots of friends. Applejack spends most of her time with her extended family, but she has friends too. And Pinkie Pie is friends with everypony. It's just... we don't have a lot of time to spend with some of our other friends, because, yes, we have to spend some of our time saving the world and things like that. But that doesn't mean we don't have them."

"Well, I know that now."

She released him. "Why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?"

"I can't believe I actually need to explain this," Discord said, scowling. "Do you ponies routinely rip your defenses right open to somepony who's blithely hurting you?"

"If we have reason to believe that maybe the pony who's hurting us might possibly not realize they're doing it, because the last time we checked, they were our friend? Definitely. Friends owe each other the benefit of the doubt. I give that to you all the time, Discord."

"And we all saw how well that worked out for you," he said bitterly, looking away. "Fluttershy, if you decided to give up being friends with me because I've made too many mistakes for your standards and you just can't deal with me anymore... you'd be doing more or less exactly what anyone else I've cared about in my lifetime has done, eventually, so why wouldn't you? Why shouldn't I expect that? I betrayed you. Why wouldn't you betray me?"

"Because I'm not you, silly," Fluttershy said. "You betrayed me, yes, but I forgave you for that. Why would I forgive you and then suddenly decide to stop being your friend anyway?"

"Because you found somepony better to be friends with."

Fluttershy sighed. "This whole problem could have been solved if you'd just talked to me. Discord, ponies have the right to be friends with whoever they want. If I make another friend, you have no right to hurt that pony just because you feel jealous. You had no good reason to be jealous, and if you'd talked to me you'd have found that out, but even if you had had a good reason, it still doesn't give you the right to hurt anypony. Not me and not Tree Hugger. We're not toys you can throw in the trash because we won't do what you want. We have feelings. And if what you want is friendship, you have to remember at every moment that friends don't like it when you hurt their friends, and that every pony in Equestria might be connected to any other pony by their friends. Tree Hugger is my friend; hurting her would never have made me happy with you. And by the way, it was really mean of you to abandon poor Parcel Post just because he brought your tickets late. That wasn't his fault."

"Wait, what are we talking about now?"

"I'm friends with Muffins." Everyone in town called Muffins either Derpy Hooves or Ditzy Doo – she answered to either one of them happily – but Fluttershy thought the nicknames were rather cruel. "Muffins is friends with Parcel Post. When Parcel Post brought you your tickets, you tossed him aside and he got captured by some large flying creature and forced to dress up in extremely fancy mare's clothing by the creature's young."

"Is that what happened?" Discord chortled. "I wondered what he was doing wearing that outfit."

"Discord. He was snagged by a large flying monster. He could have been eaten."

"Oh, the Coelacat is harmless," Discord said, dismissively waving a paw. "She and her young eat nothing but truffula fruit and pine wood. Her girls were just having a bit of fun with your mailpony pal, I'm sure."

"That's not the point. He got lost in your dimension, trying to bring you mail, and he asked you for help... and you tossed him aside and let the Coelacat get him. That was cruel."

"I'm so very sorry that I'm a terrible, horrible, no-good, extremely bad excuse for a draconequus who doesn't deserve to have any friends," Discord said sarcastically. "I'll just go jump off a cliff now, all right?"

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm not trying to hurt you."

"Hurt me? Ha! As if I can't handle a little bit of stern critique! I'm just a bit miffed that it seems to be all you can talk about. Really, Fluttershy, haven't we done this topic to death yet?"

She sighed. "You hurt other ponies. You hurt Parcel Post, and I meant to talk to you about that as soon as I found out, but with all the excitement of the Gala I forgot about it until now. And you hurt Tree Hugger. And when you hurt other ponies, it hurts me. You have to be more considerate of others."

"What do you want from me, Fluttershy?" He paced, hands thrown in the air. "I gave up chaos for you, but that's not enough, is it! Now you want me to be some sort of hero of sensitivity and concern for my fellows? You want me to worry constantly about whether or not I'm hurting somepony's wittle feewings? You're kindness! Not me! How much more of who I am do I have to give up?"

"Discord, you could have all the chaos you wanted if you were just willing to be considerate of others!" Fluttershy snapped. "That's the only thing I want! I never wanted you to give up chaos, just harming others with it!"

"But ponies always think chaos is harmful!"

"Tree Hugger doesn't, but you wouldn't even spend enough time with her to find that out, because you were too jealous to give her a chance!"

He stopped short. "She doesn't?"

"No, she doesn't. That's why I thought you'd like her, before you started behaving like a jealous... jerk. If you had been considerate and you hadn't been jealous for no reason and you'd cared about the wellbeing of others, you might have made a new friend. As it is, you frightened her badly and I don't know if she can forget that. She's forgiven you, but I don't know if she'll ever feel safe enough around you to be your friend."

"I. Well." She rarely saw Discord at a loss for words. "Well, I guess I'm sorry then. But then, I already said so."

"Yes. But being sorry isn't enough. You can't fix the damage you've done just by being sorry. Isn't that why you recovered Twilight's books for her, by going back in time and copying them? Because you understood that being sorry for betraying us to Tirek didn't fix the loss of her books?"

"You bring that up a lot for a mare who's supposedly forgiven me for it."

Fluttershy sighed with exasperation. "Discord. I forgave; that doesn't mean I forgot. You almost learned that particular lesson too late; a lot of damage was done. You could have been killed. We all could have been killed. And I know you regret it, very deeply. I'm trying to help you avoid another similar situation. You have to show more consideration to ponies than you do. You can't toss them into danger without even caring. You can't threaten them because you're jealous that one of them is friends with your friend. If you had lost your powers – if they hadn't come back after Tirek took them, for instance – and somepony treated you like that, you would hate it. And I would hate it, that anypony would treat you like that."

He sagged and more or less fell into a lawn chair he manufactured for himself. "So I need to pay attention to whether ponies are happy with me? Whether they like what I'm doing or not? Why don't you just go out and get me a stone overcoat, we know where this is going to end up if that's the standard I have to –"

"No, Discord. You don't need to care whether ponies are happy. I wish you would, but I know that your nature bothers a lot of ponies without you even doing anything to hurt them, so I would never try to hold you to a standard that would basically mean you can't ever be yourself. What you need to care about is whether your actions are safe for ponies. I don't expect you to go around rescuing ponies in trouble. Just don't endanger them. Or any creature, really, but especially not ponies, if you want to be able to make friends with ponies."

"Do I need to make friends with ponies? I have you."

"I'm not enough." She laid her hooves in his paws. "What happened today proved that I'm not enough. You can't be so afraid of losing me that you hurt my friends. Discord, you have to make other friends. It's not good for you to put so much on one pony. What will you do when I die?"

"I'm trying not to think about that," he mumbled.

"I try not to think about it too, but I'm mortal. I'll get old, and someday I'll die. I can't bear the thought of you going back to being lonely and friendless when I'm gone... and the thing about being mortal is I don't know how long I have. I could be eaten by a monster tomorrow."

"You are never going to be eaten by a monster. I will never, ever let that happen," Discord said, his paws tightening around her hooves as he sat up and looked her straight in the eye. "I promise you this."

"I, um, thank you? But that's not the point. Maybe I'll get sick. Maybe I'll be flying and have a panic attack and my wings will freeze up." Fluttershy had to stop herself. She was entirely too adept at coming up with scenarios that might kill her; she'd been doing it constantly her entire life. Normally being with Discord made her feel secure, because she did know he could protect her from almost anything, and after everything that had happened after the Tirek incident she knew he'd never intentionally betray her again. But today he wasn't making her feel particularly safe. "I need to know that you have other friends you can rely on to help you if I die. Because I will never stop caring about you, Discord. Even if you betrayed me again, even if you went off the deep end and started spreading chaos around and we had to fight you to stop you... I would still care about you. But you will lose me someday, because I'm mortal, and I'll die someday, and I need to know that you'll be able to deal with that."

"I won't," Discord mumbled.

"You have to try. You have to make other friends who will help you. And I can't spend every minute with you either, and I know sometimes you want to spend more time with me than just Tuesday tea, and sometimes I'm not available. I want you to have someone to turn to if that happens, so you can still spend time with a friend. But you can't do that if you're going to be completely inconsiderate and put ponies in danger and throw temper tantrums that get ponies hurt. You just can't."

"I – I'll try," he said, quietly. "You... you know I mess things up a lot, though, right?"

"I don't expect you to be perfect. I just want you to try your best." She withdrew her hooves. "And give Treesie another chance? She's really a very nice pony, and I think I could talk her into giving you another chance, if you were willing to actually try to make friends with her. It makes me very uncomfortable when my friends aren't friends with each other, and I think you could really get along with Tree Hugger if you tried."

"I... suppose... it would be better that way."

"It would! Then you wouldn't feel shut out when she and I are together and you show up, and we could all be friends together."

"I could try." He was mumbling again.

"I'm glad." She went over to the tea tray. "Would you like more tea? I don't have any cookies, I'm afraid, but we all ate plenty of those at the Gala..."

"No, I had probably best make sure that Smooze has managed to ooze its way back home without problems." Discord stood up, the lawn chair vanishing.

"I thought you sent him home?"

"More or less. I sent him back to my house. He may have decided to puddle in my bathtub for the night, or head back to his own amorphously defined abode."

"I think he really bonded with Tree Hugger. Maybe if you can make friends with her, you can bring Smooze for a visit and all four of us can have a picnic together. Maybe Rarity would give me a few gems I could feed him."

"Sure, why not." He ran his paw down his face. "I'm tired, Fluttershy. I'm going to call it a night."

She didn't offer to let him crash on her couch the way she usually did when he got tired at her place. "Okay, be safe going home then."

He rolled his eyes, but grinned. "Fluttershy, how would I not be safe?"

"Okay then, how about, 'Good night, sleep tight, don't let the tatzlwurms bite?'"

Discord groaned. "That was terrible," he said, as she giggled. "So long, Fluttershy. See you next Tuesday?"

"I'll make scones," Fluttershy said.

"Sounds yummy. Good night!" And he was gone.

Wearily Fluttershy winged her way up to her bedroom. She didn't know if he was even going to remember this talk the next time something like this came up, but at least she'd gotten him to the point where he acknowledged that he'd try to do better. That was... progress, at least.

Comments ( 34 )

"So what, was I supposed to throw you into another dimension? How would that get me what I wanted?"

I admit, I burst out laughing.

I have to hand it to you, every single one of your fics is good. Your Discord is my favorite characterization of him on this site, bar none. You write him with the perfect amount of realism and emotion. I also love how you manage to write out episodes where I didn't really like his character in and make it better.

"I need to know that you have other friends you can rely on to help you if I die. Because I will never stop caring about you, Discord. Even if you betrayed me again, even if you went off the deep end and started spreading chaos around and we had to fight you to stop you... I would still care about you. But you will lose me someday, because I'm mortal, and I'll die someday, and I need to know that you'll be able to deal with that."

"I won't," Discord mumbled.


"No, I had probably best make sure that Smooze has managed to ooze its way back home without problems." Discord stood up, the lawn chair vanishing.

"I thought you sent him home?"

"More or less. I sent him back to my house. He may have decided to puddle in my bathtub for the night, or head back to his own amorphously defined abode."

"I think he really bonded with Tree Hugger. Maybe if you can make friends with her, you can bring Smooze for a visit and all four of us can have a picnic together. Maybe Rarity would give me a few gems I could feed him."

"Sure, why not." He ran his paw down his face. "I'm tired, Fluttershy. I'm going to call it a night."

Why do I get the feeling this conversation is a precurser to Discord having one of his mental breakdowns? Discord seems to have gone really quiet and is in a hurry to leave and the Smooze thing sounds like an excuse if I ever heard an excuse...


Why do I get the feeling this conversation is a precurser to Discord having one of his mental breakdowns? Discord seems to have gone really quiet and is in a hurry to leave and the Smooze thing sounds like an excuse if I ever heard an excuse...

I don't think he's going to have a breakdown, per se, or I wouldn't have marked the story complete, but I suspect that if I adopt any part of the comic with Discord having nightmares and Luna helping him, this is exactly what would have triggered that. Discord knows how careless he is, he knows how much he doesn't actually care about the well being of most ponies and he knows how carried away and distracted he can get by really fun chaos... and now he knows that that exact behavior is going to make Fluttershy more upset with him than anything else he could do. So right now he's probably feeling a lot of self-pity and fatalism... but I doubt it will drive him to have a breakdown. The Discord & Luna comic seems like a much more likely outcome, with nightmares about losing Fluttershy because he screws everything up.

He is, however, likely to spend the rest of the evening before he falls asleep eating chocolate potato chips and ranting about how demanding ponies are and what do they even want from him.


He is, however, likely to spend the rest of the evening before he falls asleep eating chocolate potato chips and ranting about how demanding ponies are and what do they even want from him

He really shouldn't eat so heavily before bed, no wonder he's having nightmares!

6916941 I can just imagine him ranting like that to the Smooze, which quietly pulses in agreement at how flighty ponies are...

(And it's too bad you had it be Coelacats that captured Parcel Post; I was having so much fun assuming it was humans!)

This is so good! I overall enjoy stories with Fluttershy and Discord... just talking. Even if it's about Discord sort of screwing up. Especially with the Gala incident. Because I was someone who wanted more talking between them in the episode. There was a lot more to be said, such as what was written here. And it was executed wonderfully! And of course, when Discord's emotions sneak out, my heart breaks a teeny bit. Don't worry, Discord. Maybe someday you'll figure it out (probably not but you're trying).

Well, we saw what captured Parcel. I will admit that in the course of my Catholic school education, I have been taught by nuns who looked something like the Coelacat, but mostly one cannot imagine a human ever looking like this:


Twilight would probably have something to say about being stuck in another dimension with different physical laws. Of course, getting her involved here would be a terrible idea. It's a delicate enough situation with just Fluttershy. The last thing anyone needs is the Princess of Preconceived Notions breathing down Discord's neck right now.

Huh. That's an excellent explanation for reconciling the comics and the Crusaders' reactions to Discord in "Make New Friends..." Nice work there.

In all, an excellent and long overdue introduction to empathy for Discord. If nothing else, it's given him something to think about. Good on Fluttershy for making sure that he understood not just the lesson, but what the lesson was supposed to be. Thank you for this.

I know that there is not a romance tag, but I still see fluttercord shipping. That Is how much it has been played.

They're not actively in a relationship, and Discord is polyamorous so he doesn't really limit his interests to Fluttershy, but in the headcanon these stories come out of, Discord and Fluttershy do each have a romantic interest in the other. The problem is that Fluttershy expects that if a male has a romantic interest in a female he'll express it, and Discord expects that if a pony is a xenophile and has an interest in him they'll make a move on him. He assumes Fluttershy just wants to be friends because most ponies aren't xenophiles and she's never made her romantic interest clear to him; she assumes he just wants to be friends because he's so assertive, if he wanted her wouldn't he have said so? It hasn't occurred to her that Discord has had to protect his heart, in a world where most ponies think he's hideous, by not really letting himself get fixated on a pony romantically unless they demonstrate that they want him, first.

So they're "just friends", but yeah, there is a romantic tension underlying it. At least in this universe. In my Next of Kin to Chaos series they really are just friends because Fluttershy's not a xenophile and Discord has a thing for Captain Picard. :-)

Really nice Fluttershy and Discord fic, probably not in a shipping direction (at least not really for this fic), but I love how patient Fluttershy is as she tries to talk Discord around. By this point he's more petulant than malicious, and while Discord overreacted at the Gala, it did show how much he cared. Obsessed might be a better word, but good thing Fluttershy is so empathic. In a way its almost a scolding parent, friend, or even marefriend, but that's one of the fun things about their relationship. Nice way of tying in comic references too (I wish the show could have had Discord and the CMC on a rampage, er, crusade together, then again Equestria probably woudln't survive that).

:yay: Yay, more Discordand Flutters!

They're not actively in a relationship, and Discord is polyamorous so he doesn't really limit his interests to Fluttershy

That's an interesting point. I know in your universe Discord and Flutters are attracted to one another (though both unaware of the mutual feelings)--since Discord is polyamorous I've often wondered how it would play out if they were to get together. We know Fluttershy doesn't really appear to be a pony that experiences raging jealousy the way Discord does, but I can see her feeling very insecure and comparing herself to other ponies. Discord's a massive flirt with Twilight for example. I know Twilight wouldn't touch him with a ten foot barge pole, but I notice in your stories Fluttershy seems surprised that Discord talks to her on the same intellectual level he talks to Twilight. Does she notice his flirting and compare herself with her friend as a result?

And would Discord be able to have a monogamous relationship with Fluttershy? In my headcanon he's poly, but I guess I rationalize their relationship (in the stories where they do get together) as the fact that since he's done lots of other things for Fluttershy he's never done for other ponies, perhaps he would make the effort for her. Her life span isn't as long as his and he seems extremely attached to her (not always healthily so). I think if he had his way he'd happily have multiple mares (or stallions) but Discord doesn't always get his way.

Not that mares are breaking his door down to be with him, so perhaps it's a moot point. :P

Discord didn't mention Zecora even though all of the Mane 6 are friends with her.
I wonder how well Zecora and Discord know each other.

Zecora kind of intimidates Discord. They interact heavily in "Detente" and Zecora will be interacting with Discord in the upcoming chapter of "Love, Friendship and Chaos", but they're not exactly friends. And Discord would probably have seen the Mane 6's friendship with Zecora as more of a business relationship -- they go to her when they need something -- but he's no expert on friendship. I'm sure they occasionally just spend time with Zecora as friends, not just when they need something.

When you don't have the power to just come back to the dimension you came from, it's very painful and frightening to be sent to a dimension where you don't know anypony and the rules of reality are all different."

*shudders... being given flashbacks of his time in Camden, NJ...* :trollestia:

Fluttershy sighed. "She doesn't always have a very good memory.

"Nopony can do that many joints every day and manage to remember much..." :trollestia:

You should have seen how they acted when I went to Rarity's to ask who everypony was going with. Like I was going to eat them or something."

"THAT psycho Hannibal Lecter-ish carnivore Discord only exists on that one Tumblr! And what a glutton he is too... the whole Mane 6 at once! Gawd, at least take the time to savor each pony!" Fluttershy edges away slowly... :fluttershbad:

"I'll just go jump off a cliff now, all right?"

Alondro leads in with a grin, "Weeeeeeeelll..."

Discord grrs, "I wasn't asking you, Cosmic Troll Guy."

You could have been killed. We all could have been killed.

Fluttershy blinked, "You know, why weren't we all killed? Tirek betrayed you... but kept his word to Twilight and didn't just laugh in her face and squash us all like bugs... that was weirdly out of character for him, now that I think back on it."

Discord shrugs, "Kid's cartoons have to have a happy ending." :derpytongue2:

"You are never going to be eaten by a monster. I will never, ever let that happen," Discord said, his paws tightening around her hooves as he sat up and looked her straight in the eye. "I promise you this."

And, of course, it happens because tragedy is all the rage these days. :raritywink:

I think that if they got together, Discord would be willing to be monogamous with her for the span of her lifetime, but it wouldn't work out well for either of them, because Discord is very easily bored and Fluttershy is not very adventurous, and when you translate this to sex... it's not that Discord would be bored with Fluttershy -- he needs the emotional attachment more than he needs the actual sex, and he could transform Fluttershy if she were willing. It's that he's going to want a lot of variety in their activities, and Fluttershy is going to want to mostly stick to a very limited range of things to do -- vanilla and a few tame kinks. And she's going to be embarrassed that she's so boring and can't give him more, and he's going to be torn between being ashamed that he wants more than she can give and being angry at her that she can't give him more, and if they let it, it would destroy the sexual part of the relationship and damage the friendship, within the next ten-twenty years or so.

I do however have a possible resolution to this that I may be eventually exploring with them.

Discord and Fluttershy gold, as always. ^_^ I had hoped you would write another fic related to "Make New Friends but Keep Discord."


I do however have a possible resolution to this that I may be eventually exploring with them.

I'd be very interested in reading it!

I haven't explored this much with them either. About as far as I've gone was written a short blurb (which wasn't long enough to be a story, so it's just a blog post) where Discord transforms Fluttershy into a stallion in bed and she's okay with it, but she balks when Discord says he'd like to transform into a mare and have Fluttershy take him, because she's not into mares. He's okay with it though, and laughs it off.


True, I did not expect that.

What are your chief weapons?

6919709 Our chief weapon is surprise...
surprise and fear...fear and surprise....
our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....
Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope....
Our four...no...
amongst our weapons....
amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again

This was very good. Hits my personal impression of Discord very well: That he often just doesn't get it. Very nice Fluttershy too, assertive but kind. Overall, very nice. Can't really point at any more particulars. Very well done.

Um, okay how to train your Draconequus!
Get some pitchforks, torches, helmets, um.... torture him I don't know just see the movie?

I like this. Seeing the conversation that was necessary but didn't happen or happened off screen. This was long but worth it. I like it.

I expected a lot of this, but not for it to vere straight into the "mortality talk" we all knew Fluttershy was going to have to have with Discord sooner or later. It's a good start, but I feel like it's a bit unsettled, I suspect Discord will come back with a bizarre way to turn Fluttershy immortal sooner or later. (Maybe that explains that time she became a dragon?)

He is, however, likely to spend the rest of the evening before he falls asleep eating chocolate potato chips and ranting about how demanding ponies are and what do they even want from him.

It's things like this that make me feel Discord has more in common with Rarity than he realizes.

6919785 According to the movie, say hello to him when one of his wings has been cut off and make him a replacement.

Oops, that's in the other fic. The AU one with the "sad" label. Except there they cut off (part of) the wing themselves and forgot to give him a replacement.

It's a nice introspective fic of Fluttershy and Discord's relationship. Glad to see I'm not the only person who sees that 'toy' distinction. A couple of things stood out:

“Discord, the problem is that you did the thing that you needed to apologize for in the first place.”

That got my attention, came out sounding like a show quote in Flutters' voice.

"Then I'd have to be suffering from such serious amnesia that I wouldn't remember that I had friends back in this dimension, so it wouldn't bother me."

“No, I wanted all of Celestia's secret stash of cake.”

Both neat little quips from Discord, one that shows him as logical, in his own way, the other showing the snark that he may have gotten from observing Twilight Sparkle.

But then this:

“She and her young eat nothing but truffula fruit and pine wood.”

Considering the Flim and Flam timeline in the finale, it's kind of odd to think Discord lives in the forest of the Lorax. No hummingfish?

Tree Chugger, Tree Slugger, Tree Rubber.... :applejackconfused: Reminds me of Celestia from "Letter From an Irritated Princess", where she would mix up Applejack's name all the time. At least Discord corrected himself halfway through the story.

Author Interviewer

This is a very important conversation, but I kind of wish it had been about something else. The dialogue goes in a number of circles as it is, but Discord's reactions especially sound like "Nice Guy whines he can't tell racist jokes". I think you could get a lot more use out of the scenario than just addressing what happened in the episode. :B

That's kind of intentional. Discord totally is that guy who'd complain that he can't make racist jokes anymore; he sold out his best friend for the freedom to harass people as much as he likes. He's incredibly lucky that he lives with ponies; humans would never forgive him for that. It's going around in circles because Discord doesn't want to accept it. Believing that he was wrong because he was mistaken is trivial; he's fine with acknowledging that he made a mistake. But believing that he was wrong because there's something fundamentally wrong with his entire worldview is something he really doesn't want to accept, because if he accepted it, he'd have to change.

Author Interviewer

Okay then! :D

I like this short little story, but I feel as though discord was a bit too... lowly. In your other stories like NTH and Negotiating Terms, he seems a *loooot* more like himself. I know he hasn't had a friend in a *realllyy* long time in your universe, but I feel he's acting a bit too much like a child being scolded than a supposedly millenia-old lord of chaos, who would need to understand the intricacies of friendship in order to be able to effectively break them apart and cause all of those deliciously chaotic emotions.

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