• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 13,199 Views, 311 Comments

Re-Arranged - ThatHandsomeDevil

A fanfiction in the same vein as My Little Dashie, but with a... Celestial twist. Not a carbon copy.

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Instigations and Confrontations

The last thing I heard was a high voice coming through the doorway, saying “Hey, Twilight, who turned out all the lights outside?”, before being slammed back into my own reality. Something hard and on the edge of sharp was poking into my stomach, and, for a moment, I feared the worst. Bolting upright and feeling around my stomach area frantically, I suddenly realized it was just Celestia, cowering in fear. Before I had time to register that, along with the millions of other things that were going through my mind, a furious hand slapped across my cheek.

“OW!” I yelled, one hand flying to my cheek to nurse it while I turned my head to look at who assaulted me.

It was Vannessa, my girlfriend. The one I had never had over. The one that things weren’t supposed to be too serious with. What was she doing here?

“I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know why you’ve got this.. this... THING, in your bed, David. I don’t want to know. But I want YOU to know you’re a sick, sick man, and we’re through. I came over to make sure you were okay since no one’s heard from you for two days and I walk in to see you in bed with an ANIMAL, and with a horn and wings! I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, David, but you better straighten up. Hopefully soon. Goodbye.”

As she walked out, Tia apparently got fed up with her attitude.

“Hey! I am NOT a thing! I am a Princess! And David is the best caretaker I’ve ever had! He would never mistreat me! How dare you treat him this way?”

Astonished, Vanessa turned around, eyeing Celestia with a mixture of fear and fascination.

“D-... Did you just talk?” She said, her voice trembling.

“Well of course I did! You’d know that, if you only thought to ask before jumping to conclusions! You can’t just make assumptions about people at a single glance! That advances your so called “human race” at a pace so sluggish it borders on embarrassing! Trust is the foundation of a good society; something that should be hard not only to gain, but to defy. Have more faith in a man you care for enough to have an intimate relationship with, why don’t you?” Celestia said, clearly very angered. Her vocabulary always went up by about 5 grade levels when she was upset.

“You... you can talk. And you’re a unicorn... with wings...” She said slowly, like she was deriving some sort of pleasure from it. “Animals aren’t supposed to talk...”

Tia looked over to me with a bored expression, clearly not impressed.

“Are all humans so difficult, or did you just pick her for her looks?”

“Tia!” I said, finally snapping out of my stunned state. “There’s no need to behave that way!”

“Forgive me for being upset that she would assault you simply for taking care of me!” Tia said.

Vanessa, obviously still overwhelmed, suddenly began laughing. Not in an insane way, just a small little chuckle.

“What’s so funny? “ Tia asked, looking at her with a slight look of worry.

“Aww, you’re just a little jealous, aren’t you? Look, I’m sorry I hit David. I was just surprised and upset. And David, I’m sorry I didn’t think things through more. I was just upset because no one had heard from you, and well... I feared the worst.”

Tia turned a bright red, averting her gaze from the both of us. “I’m not jealous, I just care about David, is all.” She humphed. “But I accept your apology.”

“David?” Vanessa said.

“I’m sorry, Vanessa. I just had this dream, I can’t really explain it to you right now, although I guess I’m going to have to eventually. The point is, it just knocked me out a little longer than I expected. I promise I’m not crazy, and I know that this is a lot to take in, but believe me, Tia is always on her best behavior, and she doesn’t exactly have a lot of other places to go to.”

“But how do you take care of her? What about food? What about... using the bathroom?” She said quietly, looking over at Tia.

“Tia?” I asked. “Care to explain?”

“Well, miss, I don’t use the bathroom. All of my so called “waste” is thoroughly processed into magical energy I use to perform my SPECTACULAR FEATS OF ALICORN MAGIC!” she bellowed, her horn flaring up with yellow energy.

Vanessa gasped, backing away in fear.

Sooner than it had flared up with magical energy, Celestia’s horn went back to normal (or at least as normal as a unicorn horn could be), and Celestia began laughing hysterically, as Vanessa’s heart tried to get back to normal.

I tried my hardest to stifle my laughter as Vanessa glared at me through her messed-up black hair, which dangled in her eyes. She looked cute, and I told her so, before looking at Tia, clearing my throat and attempting to sound stern.

“Now, now, Tia, that’s enough fun with Vanessa. No doubt she’s quite stressed out from everything that’s happened. I know I am. So be on your best behavior, for me, okay?” I said, hugging her close.

Oh my God... I suddenly remembered, recalling the final moments of my dream. It’s still eternal night on Twlight’s end. I have to save them, and I have to do it now. But I have to keep calm. No use in panicking Celestia.

“Now, if you both would be so kind as to step out for a moment, I do need to get dressed. Why don’t you two wait out in the hallway and get better acquainted?” I asked, eyeing the door.

They both complied, walking through the doorway and closing it behind me.


In the hallway, Celestia and Vanessa stood waiting. It was only a matter of time before one tried to break the ice. Where exactly the other wanted to lodge the icepick, however, had yet to be seen.

“Sooo... Tia, was it?” Vanessa said, trying her best to sound sweet for the sake of David. “You sure are cute, now that I get a good look at you. You said you were a princess?”.

“Indeed. Back on my world, I am highly revered as a tyrannical and ruthless dictator, crushing friend and foe alike underneath my mighty, unforgiving hoof. Thousands of ponies have felt the sting of my cold blade and the might of my army as it unravels their pathetic civilizations at the seams...”

Vanessa paused, a look of worried confusion on her face.

“You... You’re not serious, are you?”

“Of course not! Ponykind has long since lost the need for war. We co-exist in peace and harmony, and I, as their princess, am simply responsible for leading the people and raising the sun.”

“You raise the sun?”

“I sure do. That’s why I’m here in the first place. I abused my power, and my sister banished me to another planet. I landed on David’s doorstep, and he’s been taking care of me ever since. That was 15 years ago.”

Vanessa, still looking at Tia, couldn’t believe her ears.

“Wait, David has had you since he was 20? How has he kept you a secret for so long? What does he do when people visit?”

“I know a spell to make myself invisible, so whenever people have to come over, I just hide away somewhere and make myself invisible until they leave. I don’t need to use the bathroom, and David keeps the house stocked with food. I don’t need to go out.”

“So you’ve been cooped up in this house for 15 years? Don’t you get bored? Claustrophobic? Homesick?”

“Sure I do. But David buys me books and puzzles and other things to keep me stimulated while he has to work, and he plays with me most of the time when I ask. I was locked in a castle before I came here, with nothing to do, so this is actually a nice break.

“So David treats you like his child, of sorts?”

“Of sorts, yes. But he doesn’t love me like a daughter, and I don’t love him like a father. I love him the way I’d love a very special kind of big brother. But he’s better than any big brother could be. He means the world to me, and I can’t imagine going on without him.” She said, looking down with a smile on her face.

“Wow... You really do mean a lot to him, don’t you?”

“I like to think I do. And he means so much to me, too. And you do, too. He talks about you a lot.”

Vanessa felt a little ball form up in her throat, and she looked away from Celestia again.

“He does...?” She asked.

“Indeed. Mind you, nothing terribly dramatic or serious, but I know he’s serious about you.”

The doorknob turned, and the hinges squeaked as I opened the door, fully clothed.

“Hello, ladies. I hope you didn’t miss me too much.” I said, trying my best to continue to sound casual.

Vanessa, in a fit of romance, rushed up and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me close to her. I shot Tia a questioning look. She simply gave me a wink.