• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Enduring Man-Child


Okay, so I haven't written a fic in a zillion millennia (literally). But I've just seen MythrilMoth's blog post “The Importance of Research to Writing," in which he says, and I quote:

don't just pretend to know shit. Look shit up and THEN pretend to know it.

So, since I've had four years of Biblical Hebrew as well as a course titled “Historical Hebrew Grammar," I figured I'd follow his advice. Hey, it's something I know a little about, right? So why not carry it to a ridiculous extreme (and maybe get the creative juices flowing again!)? Plus it's Purim! Yaaaay! So here goes!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

I am so confused right now

Okay, let's get the big issue out of the way first:

Real-world setting intrusion. Judiasm, Hebrew, "Constitutional" anything as related to the United States. It doesn't work with the Equestria Girls setting.

But we'll ignore all that for the moment because this is intended to be a comedic story (similar to my Sunset Shimmer FedEx story, which went against my usual stance on this for Reasons). Just don't make a habit of it. :twilightsheepish:

I will give you kudos for one core principle of this story: Individuals who excel at mathematics, advanced sciences, and engineering tend to have difficulties with language mechanics and learning languages. (And vice versa.) I'm living proof of this; languages and writing are my thing, but in high school I failed Algebra II once, barely squeaked with a C average the second time, and flunked out of the one semester of physics I bothered to take.

Aside from that, I...uhh...

I don't have anything to say about this. This was truly, absolutely, unquestionable random.


I am so confused right now



Okay, let's get the big issue out of the way first:

Real-world setting intrusion. Judiasm, Hebrew, "Constitutional" anything as related to the United States. It doesn't work with the Equestria Girls setting.

But we'll ignore all that for the moment because this is intended to be a comedic story (similar to my Sunset Shimmer FedEx story, which went against my usual stance on this for Reasons). Just don't make a habit of it. :twilightsheepish:

Hey, my fic, my rules! Suppose I want to set an EQG story in the real world, huh? Granted, that's not where it is, but...well, it's the principal of the thing! Plus, this story is supposed to be random. It's supposed to bend reality. It's supposed to have the same effect as a piece by the great Robert Benchley, who once famously wrote

For it was the Eve of the Feast of the Seven Mittens, and on the Eve of the Feast of the Seven Mittens one simply must do something, even if it is only to kill one's uncle and throw his legs away.

Also...JudiASM? Ooh. I don't even wanna know what's goin' on in that perverted mind of yours!

I will give you kudos for one core principle of this story: Individuals who excel at mathematics, advanced sciences, and engineering tend to have difficulties with language mechanics and learning languages. (And vice versa.) I'm living proof of this; languages and writing are my thing, but in high school I failed Algebra II once, barely squeaked with a C average the second time, and flunked out of the one semester of physics I bothered to take.

Um...er...duuuuh...yeah. About that, see...that just sort of happened. I wasn't trying to make that point. I just thought Sci-Twi would make the best lead and I'm in love with her and want to marry her. Or maybe just her glasses. That's all.

Also, I'm absolutely lousy at math and languages. The two seem to work the same way. Actually, Biblical Hebrew has been the only language I have succeeded in learning in my entire life, and I've tried others from Spanish to Welsh.

Aside from that, I...uhh...

Yeah...? Yeah...?"

I don't have anything to say about this. This was truly, absolutely, unquestionable random.




Typo :facehoof: Transposition while typing is pretty much my #1 typographical error.

As for "my fic my rules": while you're right about that to an extent, you DO have to accept that you will receive criticism based on that choice.

Just want to apologize to everyone for making such a mess at first. It's been so long since I've uploaded a fic here that I had to re-learn all over again (it took FOREVER), and then I wound up with a botched first try in addition to the good one. I've just discovered how to delete the disaster, so it should be less confusing now.

At least a little bit.

This fic wasn't really going anywhere for me, until the last line. That did it.

8082678 Most of my pony fics don't seem to go anywhere for anyone. Anyway, thanks for reading and the comment.

8083231 Having everyone so knowledgeable about Hebrew was amusing, but since I know nothing about, it got a little boring for me. Having it turn out to be Equestrian was a great twist, though.

You have to understand the prompt. I mentioned it in the intro.

This has been an interesting read to say the least, truly a good representative of random comedy. The only thing that bothered me a little was that I cannot understand the Hebrew parts, no matter how interesting they might be. Could have discussed grammar rules of Finnish or advanced economic theory and I’d be just as clueless :derpytongue2:

The ending was great though and also raised a lot of questions. It’s not everyday that a random story makes me think, so thank you for that!

Thanks for giving the story a shot!

Complicated, since Judaism is a particular covenant with a particular nation on a particular planet in a particular universe. But HaShem being G-d everywhere? That goes without saying!

I was just being over-technical in the one and only field I have ever succeeded at in my life. The only rewards have been personal fulfillment, but I'll take it. It was a dream come true.

I laughed heartily. There's not a lot of Jewish-themed fan material, and Sturgeon's Law applies, so finding this gem has brightened my evening. Thank you.

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