• Published 28th Mar 2016
  • 24,370 Views, 1,624 Comments

ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!! - Bucking Nonsense

The most terrible villain Equestria has ever known has returned... with the mind of an extremely eccentric human behind the wheels.

  • ...


Something was bugging me, but I couldn't put a name to it.

It had started just after I had healed Honey Butter, and had began intensifying as Bray went to go research whatever records he kept for where Honey had been staying before being sent here. Whatever it was, it was pestering me like an annoying mosquito, but I didn't have a means of swatting it yet with the club of realization.

Meanwhile, the ladies were busy demolishing the pancakes on the dining table. They were going through it like... well, honestly, like a group of starving mares at an all you can eat buffet. There was nothing that I could compare it to, as nothing can properly describe the massacre of the cakes of pan that was unleashed before me. Words failed me, they should have sent a poet. I honestly wished that I had a camera to capture it with. I later heard that bits of pancake were found stuck to the ceiling.

Honey Butter seemed to be demonstrating a little more restraint than most, although that may have been because she was continuously looking back at her reflection in that metal spoon, almost as if she was afraid that it might change back if she didn't keep an eye on it. I could hardly blame her: If I'd been fucked up like that, and then suddenly changed, not just to normal, but into a hottie (At least, according to the other mares), I'd be wondering if I might wake up from whatever dream I was having as well.

...Wake up?

Wait, I'd bitten the inside of my mouth, and I had felt pain from it. I knew that the common belief is that it is impossible to feel pain in a dream, but that isn't one hundred percent accurate: It is possible to feel pain that originated in the real world while you were dreaming, without being woken up. Conceivably, I could have bitten the inside of my mouth hard enough in my sleep that it was felt in my dream, but I am not that heavy a sleeper: In order to be able to sleep peacefully, I typically need a quiet room, pitch blackness, and a soft mattress. Any sort of light, sound, or disturbance would wake me up instantly. Given what I tend to do when I am woken up by anything other than my alarm clock, that means I may give my 'WHO DARES TO AWAKEN ME!?' bit at odd hours. That has, of course, made things a little difficult for my past girlfriends. Can you imagine waking up next to that in the middle of the night? Sorry, getting off-topic again. The point was, I had a reason to believe that my dream may not be just a dream. But how could that be, when this entire situation was so bug-house nuts?

I was distracted from my thoughts when Honey did something surprising.

She stopped eating, and then, after a moment, closed her eyes, and gave a pleasant 'mmmmm' sound. And no, it wasn't a 'Mmmmm, this tastes good' sound. I'm sorry, but while I'm certain that your pancakes may be great, there is no possible way your pancakes can elicit that kind of noise from a female of any species (Barring using pancakes in a way that I am not going to discuss anywhere outside of my bedroom). I recognized that 'Mmmmm'. I've caused that 'Mmmmm'... and enough times to be fully justified in being proud of it. I have skillz. Let's leave it at that. If I say anymore, it'll sound like bragging.

The point is, that was not an 'mmmmm' that belonged at a dinner table... or at least not unless very specific actions were being taken at a dinner table that certainly weren't being done right now.

And the 'mmmmm' that followed that first one a moment later was even more inappropriate than the first.

"Geez," one of the mares whispered to the one beside her, "I didn't think the pancakes were that good. Which stack is she eating off of?"

The one beside the whisperer pointed at a stack. The whisperer asked, "Pass me a couple, will you?"

Honey moved on from simple 'mmmmm's' to the 'oh' stage. You know, 'oh oh oh oh oh'? And if the 'mmmmm's' were suggestive, the oh's, and the moans that quickly followed, were positively lurid. Honey had both forelegs on the table, her postier firmly seated on the ground. She was squirming, but otherwise, seemed to be alright. I'd have stood up and checked on her, but there were two very good reasons why I did not.

Reason Number One: I was too busy staring at her with my best 'What The Fuck' face on, and let me tell you, my 'What The Fuck' face is absolutely fantastic when I decide to wear it.

Reason Number Two: I don't care if those sounds were coming from a mare, they sounded human enough to have started giving a very important part of my anatomy a bad case of 'rigor mortis'. And, ah, given the fact that this place was clothing optional, standing up would have given twenty virgin mares a sight that I doubt that they were in any way prepared for.

Honey reached the 'Yes Yes YES!!!' stage, and was escalating quickly. Up until now, the mares had hardly paid her much mind, but at this point, Honey was the absolute center of attention... and the blushes that came to the faces of a couple of the 'virgins' implied that they were slightly more worldly than expected. Maybe they'd walked in on their parents or something. Finally, Honey reached what I will, delicately, refer to as the 'peak', arched her back, let out one long, loud, magnificent 'YEEEEEEESSSS!!!' sufficient to give everything male and possessing working gonads a case of serious stiffness, and then...


A horn popped out of her forehead.

Thankfully, it didn't shoot out any magic or anything: Just that one image of suddenly sprouting a horn was bad enough on its own. If it had started launching lightning bolts or fireballs at that moment... well, nevermind. Let's not be vulgar.

Honey Butter opened her eyes, blushing and panting in a 'oh certainly not suggestive at all' manner, and after a moment, seemed to notice that something was hanging over her eyes. With a look of horror, she looked at me, and asked, "Did... did an ear just sprout from my forehead?"

Shaking my head, I answered, "No. I am pretty sure that's a horn."

"Oh. Okay." She actually looked relieved for a minute. Then, after a moment to digest what I had just said, asked, "Why did I sprout a horn?"

I answered, with perfect honesty, "I have no id..."

"OH!!!" Honey suddenly moaned, closing her eyes again, and going into another... fit. The other mares sitting beside her got up and started backing away, possibly worried that she might explode or something.

'What the fuck?' I thought to myself. 'What, is she going to sprout wings next?'

Faster than before, and seemingly a great deal more intensely, she reached another... peak. And...


POP!!! POP!!!!


Wings. Motherfucking wings. A pair of them, sticking out of Honey's sides. Dafuq, man. What. The. Fuck.

I am not going to go into detail about how Honey looked after round two with The Happy Fairy. I will say that she was resting against the table, one cheek against the wooden surface, panting, and with a very satisfied look on her face. That's all. Paint your own damn picture, alright? She was in her happy place, for the first time in her life, and didn't give a fuck about decorum. Hell, given the life she'd lived, I doubt she even knew the definition of the word.

I did notice one thing at this point that I had not noticed before: The scar on her face was completely gone. There wasn't even a trace of it anymore. Her face was completely whole now. And she did look a little more filled out. Still thin, but not fashion-model caricature thin.

But why had the spell stopped before?

"What... what is an alicorn doing here?"

I turned to see Bray, standing to one side, an expression of horror on his face, so severe that it was almost comical.

Before I could ask him what an alicorn was, something rushed through my brain, possibly a piece of Grogar's memories.

'Alicorn. The only type of pony to naturally possess both wings and horn. Alicorns are known to be immortal, or perhaps just extremely long-lived, and are either ageless, or age at such a slow rate as to be impossible to measure. Known to be extremely resilient, both against physical harm and magical assault. Alicorns possess tremendous powers, and in most societies are either treated as royalty, worshiped as gods, or both. Extremely dangerous. Do not approach.'

So, wait, Honey just transformed into a god? How would that...?

Wait a sec. I remembered, from Grogar's memories, that when he healed Bray, the same spell had basically made the donkey immortal. As far as I could guess, there were no winged or horned donkeys in the world, so making Bray immortal had just created an immortal donkey. The spell I'd used may have been the exact same one that had healed Bray, but Honey was a pony, not a donkey. Give immortality to an ass, and it remains an ass. Give immortality to a pony?

I guess you get an alicorn.

As for the delay between the healing and this... sudden transformation? Logic, as far as it can be applied to bullshit twinkly magic stuff, states that, while magic can do a lot, it shouldn't be able to create something from absolutely nothing. The spell may have used Honey Butter's own natural reserves to restore herself, but given the mare's deplorable condition, it hit a point where trying to heal her further would end up doing more harm. But then she ate some more, and her body had more to work with, so the spell went to work with a will.

The spell probably had one hell of a pain-killing effect, given that, in Grogar's memories at least, Bray hadn't even whimpered while his skeletal structure was completely reshaped. So, when three new appendages were added (If you can count a horn as an appendage), complete with new nerves firing on all cylinders, instead of feeling outrageous amounts of pain, she just felt good. Really, really, good. Inappropriately good, to the point that a few mares had applauded after round two.

I'd need to figure out a new healing spell, one that wasn't going to spontaneously create god-kings and/or queens every time I used it. I had a feeling that there was probably some sort of cosmic scale that I had just tipped slightly, and there might be consequences for tipping things too far...

But back to the subject at hand, that being why there was now a deity at my breakfast table. How to play this off...

I shrugged, then said, "You know, I was thinking to myself, this palace is a terrible mess, it would be impossible to get it clean if this is all the staff we have." I paused, then asked, "It is, isn't it?"

Bray nodded, mutely.

"So, I thought to myself, why not put an alicorn on the staff?" I continued. "You know, someone with the ability to get at those hard to reach places on the ceiling, and has magic enough to clean entire rooms in an instant. Having that kind of power, I think we could have this place looking spotless in no time."

Bray's jaw dropped, hung open like that for a good minute and a half, and then closed with a click so hard he winced. "Master, begging your pardon, BUT ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?"

I smiled, tilting my head to one side, my expression saying, louder than words, 'I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, but only because your anger amuses me. Don't push it.' Bray blanched, then cleared his throat, and resumed in a more even tone.

"You've allowed an alicorn, one of the few beings that may constitute a threat to you," Bray continued, " to come into existence. A being that can demolish mountains at a whim? And you intend to use her as a maid?

I tapped a hoof against my chin, then said, "Hold that thought." I turned towards Honey Butter, and asked, "Honey?"

Honey Butter replied, "Yes, master?" Her tone was one that brought back my previous 'rigor mortis', but at two or three times the intensity.

'Two Legs Good, Four Legs Bad, dammit. Down boy, down!'

Struggling to keep all manner of emotions in check, I asked, "Do you mind being my maid? Cleaning the place, top to bottom? Following my orders, whatever they may be?"

"Anything you want, master," came her immediate reply, in a tone that, were everyone in this room human, or at least humanoid, would have had me screaming for everyone else in the room to leave while I began pulling my pants off. Ponies should not be allowed to sound that... arousing.

I turned back to Bray, and gave a smile, saying, "I fail to see the problem here, Bray." At his disbelieving look, I motioned for him to come closer. Once he did, I whispered in his ear, "Think of it like this, Bray: I'm going to have to deal with every petty warlord and wannabe royal who thinks that, just because I was dead, I'll be too weak to take back what is mine. When word gets around that not only can I turn a slave into a god at a whim, but that one such god exists solely to clean my palace, well, I think that those would-be overlords will think twice about challenging me, don't you? I suspect that, once the rumor spreads, many will fall right into line, especially with what I have planned at Honey's old stomping grounds."

Bray took a moment to digest that. After a moment, he said, "A dangerous gambit, master, but if you are confident that you can keep her under your control, I will not question your will."

"Capital," I said, smiling. "Now, I trust you have the information I requested?"

The donkey nodded, and said, "Yes master. I suspected where her origins were, just from the description she gave, but I wanted to be certain. Trog-Gob's farm isn't far from here, well within the range of teleportation. And if you plan on making an example of him for his actions, today would probably be the best day to do so."

Curious, I asked, "Why might that be?"

"Today," Bray announced, "is the day of The Festival." He then began to explain exactly what that was...

Of all the ideas Trog-Gob had ever had, he loved The Festival most of all.

As the latest of his victims, a middle-aged mare who was now recognizable as a pony only due to the overall shape of her bloody carcass, was hauled away, the Trog reflected on how perfect the idea had been.

Trog-Gob had appetites, ones that were not slated with wine, or food, or any of the multitudes of recreational substances available in Tambelon. No, he had a hunger for torture, an appetite for destruction, and a lust for despair. And he was not alone. Trog-Gob had, before rising to power, met more than a few Trogs like himself. Even amongst Trogs, who were willing to overlook many forms of decadence, he and his cohorts would be viewed with hatred and disgust, even though they were amongst the wealthiest and most powerful in the land. However, exactly because Trog-Gob were so wealthy aqnd powerful, he was able to create a means of slating their thirsts for torture discretely. Well, not discretely: It was something of an open secret, as many knew, but had no means of proving what happened on the farm, and attempting to do so could end up with unfortunate consequences... much like Trog-Gob's other family members had.

Poison was far too quick for Trog-Gob's tastes, but it got the job done discretely enough.

Trog-Gob wished he didn't have to be so... discrete, in spite of the power he wielded. His grandfather had insisted on treating slaves kindly, stating that the ones you walked over in life would drag you down to Hades when you died. Weak, gutless fool. Trog-Gob was of the opinion that the strong ruled, and the weak served... and that the weak were prey to the whims of the strong. Don't hate the player, hate the game, and hate the fact that the game put you in the role of 'bitch', rather than 'butcher'. This was Trog-Gob's view of the world, and The Festival was the ultimate celebration of it.

Last year, during the first official Festival, Trog-Gob had gathered like-minded nobility from across Tambelon, and they had engaged in... games. Games like 'Whip A Mare To Death In Front Of Her Family', or 'Strip The Flesh', followed immediately by an entertaining round of 'Salt the wound'. Always a party favorite.

Regrettably, during that last Festival, Trog-Gob had nearly run out of expendable slaves before the event had reached a half-way point, going though all one hundred in six hours, and having to make the last remaining slave's death a slow, lingering affair that took eight hours. Fun, but after a time, it was almost like beating a dead horse in more ways than one. This time, he had gathered a total of three hundred fresh slaves, and with noon approaching, they were already half-way through the supply... and he couldn't possibly be happier. His guests had paid good money for this entertainment, more than enough to recoup his losses a dozen times over. Enough that he might even go for five hundred slaves, next time.

As the latest victim was dragged into the room, Trog-Gob got to see his favorite sight. The stallion looked about the room, seeing the dozens of richly dressed Trogs seated about the chamber, looking on with interest. He saw the blood on the floor, walls and ceiling. He saw the implements of torture on the rack beside the table. He saw the manacles on the table. And finally, he saw Trog-Gob, stripped to the waist, and a long, cruel blade clutched in one hand, and the stallion knew, without a doubt, that not only was he going to die, but die by inches. Long, slow, miserable inches.

The stallion let out a long, despairing wail, one that set Trog-Gob's loins astirring, and the Trog began to laugh heartily as his guards began putting the pony into his place with the ease of long practice. Life was good, and he was certain that they would remain that way forever.