• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 33,439 Views, 2,241 Comments

Justice Itself - Autocharth

Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, saving mankind and blasting himself unintentionally across reality.

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Act II - Ch. 15 Stirring Shadows

And here comes Chapter 15, Stirring Shadows. Really, I’m just coming up with some vaguely related chapter names now. I only have chapter names worked out before hand for every important chapters, like what may be the next chapter “The Three-Fold Mark”.

Still, here you go. Now, I was off my tits (not that I have tits, being a man) from very strong painkillers for a part or two of this (bloody teeth) so be warned. Still, I think it holds up. After some thought provoked by a comment, I’ve began to refocus on something that I feel I left a bit out. It’s a very important bit to the story in general and Tyrael’s journey from Tyrael to Paladin (and perhaps back again, who knows? Besides me, I mean).

[Insert super beta-reader comments activate start GO!]

Well if you give me an intro like that I’m contractually obligated to say something! Darn, my usual plan of silently slinking off into the shadows won’t work this time. On the plus side I’m just a couple weeks away from finals, after that I’m on winter break! And not the crummy 10 day break including weekend days, like in high school. Time for relaxing, editing, and making some pony-related gifts for family.

[End](isn’t that an anticlimax after the ‘Insert’ thing or what?)

Enjoy this chapter....if you dare!


Chapter 15 – Stirring Shadows


They all tried talking at once, quite understandably confused. They could feel it, some unexplainable feeling like a lead weight in the back of their brains. Yet soft, light while somehow heavy. Just trying to think a description was giving Rainbow Dash a headache and Applejack could feel one of her own not far behind.

Pinkie smiled happily as her friends talked at her. It was really funny, watching her friends’ devolve into gabbling and confusion.

Finally, Rainbow Dash resorted to a proven tactic for getting attention; shouting.

“Pinkie, what did you do?!” Rarity and Applejack fell silent, looking at Pinkie Pie for the answer too.

Pinkie shrugged. “No idea,” she said cheerfully. “I...”she frowned.

When she just kept frowning with a thoughtful expression, Rarity leaned forward. “Pinkie, dear?”

“I....think it was...” Pinkie rubbed her forehead, expressing crinkling slightly. “Ohh, I’m not sure what to call it. That was my new magic voice. Remember when Dashie was flying away from us because she didn’t want anypony to realise she was scared of trees?”

“Hay!” Rainbow Dash scowled at Pinkie. “I...well...whatever.” She looked away, definitely not pouting when Applejack gave her a look. Even with the silver helm hiding Applejack’s expression, Rainbow Dash could tell she was getting one of her ‘don’t lie’ glares. “What’s your point?”

Applejack made an ‘oh’ of recollection. “Ah remember. That shoutin’ was from you, Pinkie?”

“Shouting?” Rarity inquired before her eyes widened. “Oh my, you mean the shout which made those pegasi drop the piano? I honestly never really thought about it much at the time, but it was rather strange. I just assumed they were surprised.”

“Sure didn’t feel normal ta me, now Ah think about it. Was kinda busy and never really gave it any thought after,” admitted Applejack.

“We had Dashie to be worrying about,” Pinkie agreed, pulling Rainbow Dash into a one-legged hug. The tired pegasus struggled half-heartedly. “I didn’t mean to do it either, so I decided not to bother anypony about it.”

Rainbow Dash gave in and just glared at Pinkie. “Bother us? Pinks, if you suddenly have a magic voice I think that’s kinda something we might like to know.”

Shrugging weakly, Pinkie smiled slightly. “You were all sad and needed our help most. I haven’t been able to do it again until just now anyway.”

“Still...” Looking away from Pinkie, Rainbow Dash suddenly noticed something. “Uh, you know...haven’t been here in a while...can we, uh...go somewhere else?” She asked with a slight but noticeable tremble in her voice.

The others looked around to see what was causing such a reaction, save Applejack who decided not to risk throwing her brother off by accident.

“What do you- oh!” Rarity gasped, looking at Rainbow with concern. “The trees. I’m sorry darling, in the strain of...well, all this it simply slipped my mind. Are you okay?”

Gulping, Rainbow Dash forced herself to nod. “I think I can...put up with it. Please, girls, let’s get out of here.” She bit her lip to keep a whimper in.

Applejack’s voice was regretful in her response. “Ah’m sorry Dash, but gonna need ya to hold on for a bit longer. Rarity, we can talk ‘bout Pinkie’s voice in a minute. Right now, y’all need ta help me get Mac inside. We got a first aid kit an’ yer magic can get it all on better than mah hooves can.”

“Of course darling, where is it? Pinkie, stay with the foals and Rainbow Dash,” Rarity asked and commanded one after the other as she set off to the house with Applejack.

Rainbow Dash raised a few weak protests at being counted together with the foals. Her complaints were duly ignored.

“Granny keeps it in the kitchen, bottom shelf of the pantry- Granny!” Applejack yelled, nearly unsettling her brother. “Where’s Granny?”

“Applejack!” Rarity turned and grabbed her friend’s face between her hooves. “I know you’re worried about Granny Smith, but right now your brother needs your help right away.”

The farmpony nodded, but Rarity could tell she was still worried. Darting into the kitchen she returned with the first aid kit in her magical grip. Applejack moved to the table, edging her brother onto it.

As she unpacked the first aid supplies Rarity added in a softer tone; “I can’t imagine whoever is doing this using a mare of such considerable age. She’s hardly a physical powerhouse. I’m certain she’s still abed.”

Letting out a heavy breath, Applejack nodded. “Yer right, sure she’s fine. Let’s get Mac fixed up. Y’all okay ta do this? Ah’ve had to patch up enough farm accidents ta know mah way around some o’ this stuff.”

“Darling, I’m no Nurse Redheart but I will do my best. Tell me what to do.”

Together they managed to lay Macintosh out and get to work. He didn’t stir as they worked, cleaning the splits in his skin where he was bleeding and setting bandages over them. Rarity’s unerring eye never failed her, setting each cloth perfectly.

Then, to Applejack’s surprised, Rarity punched her brother in the chest.

“Rarity!” She yelled furiously. “What in Tartarus are ya doin’?!” One of her hooves came down hard as she stamped to emphasise her demand. The floor trembled at the force of the blow.

Rarity blinked, suddenly realised what she had done. “Oh, I was...setting a bone back into place?” She said uncertainly. “I...just saw that it was out of place and a firm jab right there would put it back. I suppose I should have said something, my apologies.”

“This is gettin’ too much! RD is teleportin’, Ah grew magic armour, Pinkie’s got a magic voice and now y’all can apparently see broken bones INSIDE mah brother! Just what the hay is goin’ on?” Applejack growled, fighting the urge to stamp again for fear of breaking the floor.

“That’s what Ah’m wondering!” An old, cranky voice snarled. They both looked to the door to find an elderly green mare glaring at them. “What’s happened to that brother o’ yers an’ why’re ya wearing some fancy tin suit?”

“Granny!” A smile appeared beneath Applejack’s helm. She was thankful it also hid the tears of relief threatening to leak out. “Ah was so worried!”

Granny Smith trudged into the kitchen, her glare settling on Big Mac. “Sweet Celestia!” She quickly moved over to him, passing Applejack who stepped aside anxiously.

Watching the old mare, something looked wrong to Rarity’s eyes. She stared at Granny as the elderly mare bumped into one of the kitchen drawers before reaching where Macintosh’s head lay.

“Poor darlin’....” Granny sighed, leaning down.

A flash of silver, a moment of reflected light that was too quick for Applejack to notice. It was a different case with Rarity. Her eyes began to burn with a feeling that was still alien to her, and it felt to her as though suddenly a light had appeared when all she saw before was darkness.

“Applejack, get her away from him!” She cried, stepping forward with horn lit.

Looking at her friend Applejack’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What y’all talkin’ ‘bout?”

This, you stupid foal.” A now familiar voice informed her mockingly.

“Granny...” Applejack’s horrified eyes settled on Granny Smith, whose eyes had turned black. A knife, taken from the drawer the old mare had ‘bumped’ into, was held by a hoof against Mac’s throat.

She flinched at the harsh expression of sadistic pleasure on her grandmother’s face. “This was far easier than I thought. However you foals are thwarting me, you clearly lack complete control over these abilities of yours.

“Get away from mah brother!” Letting Applejack get the attention of the monster controlling Granny Smith Rarity focused her magic on the knife. If she could just get it out of her hooves fast enough this situation would be much less difficult.

Granny’s usual laughter was replaced by something far more sinister. “Remove your armour and- oh no you don’t!” This was hissed, shadows running down the length of her foreleg to cover the knife. Rarity’s magic faded, no longer able to grasp the knife.

“Pony-feathers.” Indulging in a rare bout of less than ladylike swearing, Rarity glared at the evil shadows she could now she coiling beneath Granny’s coat. They fluttered and flared like living tattoos beneath the old green fur.

It returned the glare in full force. “Futile. In the end I will take what I need from you. It matters not what strange magic you have acquired, nor where you have hidden Kindness. Even your new powers will simply add to my own might when I have claimed you.

“Yer plum crazy is ya think y’all are gonna get away with this. Ah don’t care how ya did it either, but Ah’m tellin’ ya now we can end this without it goin’ any further,” Applejack tried, her voice flat and her eyes fastened on the blade against her brother’s throat.

Granny laughed again. “You ponies are telling me to give up? I hold the bargaining chip here, both of them.

“Come on now Trixie-”

Trixie?” The thing inside Granny burst into amused laughter. “You really are a foal. That pathetic little unicorn was a convenient pet; it only took a few days to break her weak mind. Oh how she trembled and wept!

Rarity’s eyes narrowed. “So, this is to do with Trixie.” She moved an inch at a time, trying to close the distance.

Not another inch. Did you seriously think that mortal could have stunned Celestia, even by surprise? My sister is not so weak!” It boasted.

Frowns appeared on both ponies’ faces. “Yer sista?” Applejack glared at it. “What, ya expect us to believe yer related to the Princess? A third sister?” She spat on the floor to show her opinion of that.

I am her ONLY sister!” It suddenly roared, voice far louder than any Granny’s aged throat could achieve. “The TRUE diarch- no, monarch of the Night! Not that false, weak thing she keeps at her side.

Like the dawn of a sun, Rarity suddenly understood. “The Nightmare.”

Before Applejack could react or the monster in Granny’s skin could reply a blur of Pinkie burst into the room.

Drop the knife!” Pinkie’s bellow struck like a hammer to an anvil, ringing through them with a deep resonation that touched something less than physical inside Rarity. Applejack could feel it but the feeling was muted and dulled to her protected ears. Where the Nightmare’s voice was a seeping sound of old hates and cold fury that felt like a living sickness given voice, Pinkie’s was still light as air and a tremble away from bursting into joyous laughter.

The shadows and Granny’s hoof release the knife instantly. Rarity leapt at her, hoof striking out. She let her strange sight guide her, gently pressing in a point on the side of Granny’s neck with the tip of her hoof. The shadows around the old body buckled, fighting off the automatic affect the attack imposed. Yet just as the shadows had no power to strengthen Granny Smith’s age-weakened body it could not stop this either.

Granny began to fall limply, quickly caught by Rarity. A snore rose from the old mare, undisturbed as Rarity deposited her on chair.

Pinkie grinned at them, just shy of a smirk. “Pinkie Pie saves the day.”

She was ignored by Applejack who turned a furious glare on Rarity. Not that it could be seen from within the helm.

“What did y’all do ta Granny?”

“Erm, put her to sleep I believe. Hence the snoring,” Rarity pointed out calmly, if nervously. “I do believe I pressed one of those nerves Aloe mentioned at the spa once. She is perfectly fine.”

Pinkie’s widened comically in surprise. “Wow, you learnt to knock ponies out with a touch from the spa?! Why didn’t you just tell Dashie that when you were bugging her to go? She’d love to learn that.”

A haughty sniff prefaced Rarity’s reply. “I do not do anything so crass as bug anypony, not even Rainbow Dash....speaking of whom...”

“Y’all go check on her,” Applejack instructed them, moving to check on her grandmother. “Ah’ll take Granny up to her bed and move Mac somewhere comfortable. After that, we’re headin’ into town.”

Rarity and Pinkie nodded. Just as Pinkie was about to leave the room, Applejack called out to her.

“Yeah?” Looking back with a relatively calm smile, Pinkie regarded her friend curiously.

“Thanks fer the save. Ah...Ah don’t know what Ah woulda done. Can’t hurt Granny but Ah couldn’t let her hurt Mac either. Thanks fer not making me choose.” Applejack’s thanks were sincere and heartfelt, and had she not still been covered in a thick layer of armour she would have given Pinkie a hug. “Ah just...mah family havin’ this thing in ‘em....

As it was, Pinkie went ahead with the hug anyway.

“That’s what friends are for, silly. We’ll get your family back, and we’ll get the Cakes back too. We’ll get everypony’s families back to normal, and that is a Pinkie Promise,” the party pony told her quietly, her smile now more subdued but filled with certainty.

Applejack nodded, not trusting her voice with the lump in her throat as she looked at two-thirds of her close family over Pinkie’s shoulder.

Eventually Pinkie pulled away, a soft smile on her face. “I better go check on Dashie, I left her with the twins and all those scary trees. I don’t think she’ll appreciate Rarity fussing over them or her.”

A weary chuckle forced its way out of Applejack. “Y’all are spot on there sugarcube.”

At that moment Rarity was indeed fussing over Rainbow Dash. She had exited the house to find the pegasus stubbornly glaring at the ground, doing her best to ignore the gurgling foals Pinkie had forced on her. There was one on each side, cuddling her of all things. When Rainbow looked up at the sound of hooves her expression was that of a pony suffering great indignity.

“Not a word, Rarity. I’m this far away from freaking out right now. This far.” Her wing tips were held apart with barely room for a single hair to get between them. The shivers running down Rainbow Dash’s spine every time she caught sight of the evil, leafy abominations around her threatened to close that gap.

Rarity coughed delicately, not at all hiding a giggle. “Of course dear. I’ll just keep you company, shall I? Applejack should be done in a minute and then we can head back into town.” With a barely concealed look of distaste she settled with some reluctance on the ground next to her friend. She made very sure to not look like she was watching when Rainbow shuffled slightly, adjusting the foals so they had a better grip.

A few quiet seconds passed before Pinkie Pie arrived. She beamed at the sight of the twins and Rainbow Dash before deciding to join in.

“Aw, come on Pinkie. Not now,” Huffed Rainbow Dash, her cheeks going red. There was altogether too much sappiness going on right now for her. Still...she didn’t protest too much, since more Pinkie meant fewer trees in sight.

Pinkie’s voice was unflinching in her determination. “When a friend needs a hug, Pinkie Pie delivers. And you, Dashie, need a hug.”

Letting out a pained sigh, Rainbow Dash muttered loud enough to make sure Rarity heard that she would be perfectly fine, but if Pinkie insisted.

Rarity looked away and covered her smile, holding her giggles inside. Despite the severity of what was happening it was comforting to see Pinkie still doing as Pinkie does. Soon enough they would likely be embroiled in problems aplenty, a few minutes of peace would do them all a world of good.

She took a few steps closer, not enough to join in but close enough that she could reach out and lay a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. The pegasus glanced up from the earth pony hugging her chest, eye brows shotting up in surprise. She gave Rarity a hesitant smile, aware of just how against her usual ‘no sappiness’ rule this was.

Rainbow Dash’s trembles, Rarity noted with pleasure, were nearly gone and every passing moment the tired pegasus was looking more relaxed.

That new trick of hers must be quite exhausting. I wonder if the Elements are causing this...oh, if only Twilight were here.’ Rarity thought with a shake of a her head. Her expression of concern soon melted into one of relief when she heard light snores. Having closed her eyes Rainbow Dash had let her tired body have its way. Surrounded by the comfort of other ponies, safe from the traumatic sight of the nightmare plants around them, she had soon drifted off.

The door to the house swung open to reveal Applejack. Her inexplicable armour was gone, and she looked none too relieved about it. She also looked like somepony had used her as a punching bag.

Kicking the door shut behind, Applejack gave the snoring pegasus a slightly forced smile of amusement. “Welp, Granny’s in her room and Ah got Mac in his. Tha’ armour kinda just vanished after Ah moved Mac. Jammed the doors too, just in case.”

“Applejack!” Rarity stepped away from Rainbow Dash, a frown coming out in full force. “Darling, what happened to you?”

The farmpony shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck. “Ya see, the armour didn’t really, y’know, appear right away. Those varmints got a few shots in.”

Rarity winced. “I do hope you didn’t do too much damage, I’m fairly certain they may not have been in control of themselves at the time.”

“Ah didn’t exactly have time ta ask ‘em nicely, especially after the first couple’a kicks.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ah mighta given ‘em a bit of a bruisin’ but they’ll live. What didja want me ta do?”

Holding up a hoof to placate her friend, Rarity conceded the point. “I completely understand, let us just leave the issue for now. What is important, however, is you.”


“Yes, you. First we are going to make sure you were not hurt, not badly at least, and then we shall plan our course of action,” Rarity said briskly, using her magic to lift one of Applejack’s legs so she could get a better look at it.

Applejack yanked her limb back, frowning. “Ah’m fine. Let’s fix this mess.”

Magic surrounded her hoof again. “You may not be fine, we need to be sure.”

“Ah said, Ah’m fine. We got more important things to worry about like findin’ Trixie an’ Twilight! We were her in town, for all we know somethin’ has already happened to her,” Applejack insisted stubbornly, pulling her hoof free.

“In which case you need to be at your best. Now give me your leg, you’re bleeding.”

“Ah’m fine!”

“Then let me check and we can go!”

The tug-of-war for Applejack’s hoof continued, both participants glaring. Pinkie giggled, quickly joined by the twins who weren’t sure why they were giggling but it was fun so why not?

“Girls, that looks really fun but maybe we should get Dashie out of here before she wakes up and gets all shaky again?” She pointed out after enjoying the spectacle for a little bit. “Applejack, if you aren’t as hunky-dory as possible you could drop Dashie halfway there and she’ll wake up and go ‘oh no, somepony save me from the evil trees!’ which will really embarrass her when we swoop to her rescue and-”

An orange hoof was held up in surrender before Pinkie could continue. “Alright! Just make it quick,” Applejack ground out through clenched teeth.

Rarity didn’t roll her eyes, because that’s not what ladies do. At least she didn’t according to her.


They emerged from the edge of the Everfree Forest into gloom little different from that which choked the forest’s innards. Blocked by the dark ceiling of ominous clouds the light that reached them brought a feeling of the early morning Tyrael judged they had left behind some time ago.

He came to a stop and allowed Fluttershy to gently slide off his back. She did so with no small amount of relief on both their parts. The feeling of her mane brushing against the side of his neck had been....strange.

For the umpteenth time Tyrael cursed the madness of a mortal form. A simple, unwitting touch or gesture caused it to stir strange and bring things to life within him that were not of his own making. His thoughts were affected by the state of his body regardless of his determination to ignore it. Hunger, tiredness and...other...things.

He almost hated that fact the sensation of being so close to another living being was...pleasant. It was ironic that something causing feelings that felt good resulted in such a negative reaction from a supposed beacon of purity.

He didn’t like that either, actually. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

Fluttershy breathed in relief. She would never dream saying anything, but she had felt Paladin’s wings twitch a time or two. It was only natural and she knew it was likely unconscious. After all with dozens of animals living in her house she had long since accepted the facts of nature and how they manifested.

That didn’t make it any less awkward on her part, much less after considering her own reaction. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Close behind them Air Raid, the bear and a thoroughly fed up Trixie joined the pair.

Air Raid looked at the pair of pegasi, Paladin directing his steady gaze at the nearby town with all the force of a catapult while Fluttershy shuffled nervously behind him.

Lucky bastard.’ he thought sourly. ‘Bet he gets all the plo-

“Thank Celestia!” The guardspony dropped to the ground, side-stepping just in time for the unicorn who had just screamed to land next to him instead of on top. Since Trixie had rarely had the chance to leap from a bear to the ground while in a state of heavy exhaustion she remained standing only long enough to wobble before face-planting in the dirt.

“Something wrong?” Air Raid asked with a snigger.

Trixie lifted her head enough to glare at him. Her attention was diverted when a light touched pressed against her side, revealing itself to be Fluttershy when she turned to look. The meek pegasus gave her a shy smile as she helped the weakened unicorn to her hooves.

“A-are you okay?” She asked softly.

Trixie nodded, although one of her hooves sprung up to rub the base of her horn. “Trixie- ow. Trixie is fine.”

Once the unicorn was able to stand on her own Fluttershy turned to the bear, who backed up a step nervously just in case. To his relief the pegasus just patted him on the nose and thanked him for helping. With that the massive, tonnes-heavy bear turned and fled back into the Everfree.

In the privacy of her own thoughts, Trixie was very glad she hadn’t encountered Fluttershy during that fateful show in Ponyville. She shuddered to think how the other pegasus would have treated her.

“That bear could have been useful,” Air Raid commented loud enough to be heard by all. He arched an eyebrow at Fluttershy questioningly. “Maybe you shouldn’t have sent it away.”

Fluttershy shook her head slightly, lowering her head when he continued to look at her.“Him. And, well, I don’t think he really wanted to. It’s not like it’s any of his business e-either, what ponies do.”

Air Raid resisted the urge to point out the bear had probably not wanted to carry Trixie but that hadn’t stopped her.

“It is fine.”

Paladin’s voice cut through the air like a knife and he had their attention instantly. He was facing away from them still, his eyes locked on Ponyville.

“Sir?” asked Air Raid hesitantly.

“The bear will not be needed.” Paladin glanced back at them contemplatively. “It is too large and I do not wish us to be seen. Air Raid, your colouration does not favour a stealthy approach. You and Fluttershy are to circle that way-” He pointed a hoof to one side “-while I shall take Trixie and approach from the other, since only Fluttershy and I know the local terrain. We will converge on Fluttershy’s home.”

“M-my home?” Fluttershy repeated clearly confused. “Why would we go there?”

“It is likely that the entity formerly in control of Trixie will use places you are familiar with as ambush locations. Your home is closest possible trap and the only one we can safely assume to not have been sprung by one of your friends.” He answered quickly.

My friends...oh no!’ A gasp was torn from Fluttershy’s mouth before she could stop it. “If somepony is there, then what about all my little animal friends? Angel Bunny would never let anypony in, what if he’s hurt? Oh no!”

Her wings spread and pumped, lifting her into the sky before Paladin could stop her. The usually timid pegasus flapped her wings hard and was quickly gaining speed by the time Paladin’s voice was able to call out.

“Stop!” he roared uselessly, galloping hard after her. “We must turn their trap against them! Fluttershy! Stop!”

The figure of yellow and pink was becoming more distant by the second, ignoring or not hearing his shouts.

Reason reasserted itself in Tyrael’s mind and he spun back to face the other two. “Air Raid, after her!” he ordered.

“Yessir!” The pure authority in Paladin’s voice drove Air Raid’s acceptance and salute faster than usual.

“Now!” the massive pegasus thundered, urgent heat in his blue-white eyes.

Air Raid didn’t waste another moment on pleasantries like respecting superiors this time, simply taking off. His wings beat furiously as he pursued the wayward Bearer.

Fluttershy’s wings worked harder than they were used to, hard enough that only a minute into her flying sprint they began to ache with too-familiar heaviness. The sharp, sudden jab-like knife into one of her wing joints broke the fog of frantic worry gripping the normally placid mare. Flying of her extremely competent friend and the royal guard was not her best idea, it suddenly occurred to her. Full realisation nearly locked her wings in place. It was only Angel’s face appearing in her mind’s eye as she began to get closer to the ground that sparked a burst of will power. Her wing-beat resumed, steadily climbing every passing second.

I hate to just fly off like that, b-but I can’t just leave my poor little animal friends on their lonesome if somepony evil is waiting for me at home. Paladin will understand...I hope.’ She thought, fighting her usual habit of looking down and hiding behind her hair. It had been a quickly learnt lesson that such a thing was something of a bad idea while flying.

Behind her Air Raid cursed mares to the moon and back. His wings were straining and he had shed several pieces of armour to get rid of some of his excess weight. He skimmed above the ground, keeping low so he didn’t stick out like a storm cloud on a sunny day.

I thought she was supposed to be the weak one!’ It was with some relief that he saw a dot of yellow and pink ahead of him. She was low to the ground as well and Air Raid thanked the Princesses and anything else that could have helped.

Yet the dot began to shrink. Whatever was making her fly even faster was putting the last nail in Air Raid’s coffin as far as he was concerned. A sweat broke out and his wings began to pick up their efforts.

Had anypony been close enough to look they would have seen fear burning brightly in the guardspony’s eyes. ‘Oh Celestia, if she reaches there first and it really is a trap, the captain will kill me!’ Spurred on by a mental image of Captain Bulwarkand her likely reaction to finding out he failed to stop her daughter from walking into a trap Air Raid strained and pushed every ounce of speed from his body.

He pumped his wings, rising over a tree for a moment. He fell down once past it and darted through the branches of another that lay in his path. His eyes widened suddenly when he realised the tree wasn’t as empty as he thought it was. Something large with the texture of burlap rammed into his face and sent the guard tumbling to the ground. Pulling his head out of the obstruction, Air Raid shook off the...streamers?

Who the hell leaves a sack of party supplies in a bucking tree in the middle of nowhere?!’ Letting out an agonised groan his took the air once more, hoping he was going in the right direction. That one distraction had cost him dearly. He just hoped it wouldn’t cost Fluttershy as well.

Third in the impromptu race came the ground bound pegasus. Paladin’s blue hooves crushed any plant or pebble unfortunate enough to find itself in his path as he charged across the country side. His passenger this time failed to appreciate the ride despite circumstances, unlike his last rider, and just bit her lip to hold back a whimper. Trixie’s hooves pressed against the base of his wings as she held herself in place with little regard to his discomfort. To be fair he gave no indication of his feelings on the matter, being far too preoccupied trying to work out a plan.

With unending eons of experience planning battles, Tyrael was quite literally one of the most skilled tacticians in existence. He was thus rather galled that the best plan he could work out for when he reached the ambush was to attack the enemy before they could do harm to his wayward charge.

He narrowed his eyes as he bounded over a fallen tree blocking the road. ‘No matter. Some situations give little opportunity to plan or exploit. I will not allow our enemy to succeed, whoever it may be.’ An idea had been sitting at the back of his mind for some time, since Trixie’s appearance and explanation, stirred to life.

Fluttershy could feel the familiarity of the half-lit landscape around her before she had arrived at her home. She was no stranger to waking at awkward hours to feed or care for her many animal friends. In the gloom she could almost mistake for pre-dawn morning it could have felt comforting in its familiarity.

But already she could spot things that were wrong. The chirp of early rising birds out for worms was absent; the rustle of wakening animals crawling from their dens was gone. The sounds of nature were as silent as the Everfree had been. For all its familiarity there was just as much that made it alien and Fluttershy could feel shivers running down her spine.

Her wings slowed and she dropped to the ground at the bridge leading over the stream outside her cottage. There was no sign of her animals, which she couldn’t decide was good or bad.

“H-Hello?” She called with all the volume of a voiceless mouse. Gulping, she took another breath and tried again. “I-Is anypony there?”

When this somehow failed to convince any intruders to reveal their nefarious presence Fluttershy jogged in place, looking around nervously. If only one of her little friends would peek out from a bush or a burrow, or some other sign that said she didn’t have to go into the dark, possibly occupied cottage.

Fluttershy was really regretting flying ahead now. If Paladin was with her now....

She stopped moving. Standing straight, Fluttershy took a deep breath again. ‘No, I have to be brave. Angel Bunny could be in danger and nopony else is here to do anything. Paladin has been so brave, staying all alone in the Everfree Forest with those Timber Wolves. I just need to be like him, because my friends need me. All of my friends.

It wasn’t just her animal friends relying on her. All of her friends could be in danger in Ponyville, just like Paladin said. She had to make sure everything was alright here so she could go help them, she had to.

Fluttershy approached the door to her home, slowing down the closer she got. For all her determination each step was followed by a smaller step until she reached the door going at little more than an inch a step. She peeked through the windows but found nothing visible between the gloom and the tightly drawn curtains.

Taking what she really hoped would be her last deep breath; Fluttershy gently nudged the front door open. She poked her head in slowly, inch by inch.

“H-Hello?” She whispered, trotting in with small steps. The creak of the door opening just as slowly as she was entering filled the dark cottage, the only sound. With the walls and curtains blocking most of the meagre light available it was particularly shadowy inside and it took Fluttershy a few seconds to adjust.

She took another step deeper into the darkness when her hoof tapped something metal. A sharp squeak burst from her lips and she leapt backwards. Something crunched under her hoof and a figure came falling down on top of her. Fluttershy withdrew in on herself, wings freezing against her back in fear as her eyes went wide.

The looming figure fell right past her, crashing into the floor. Flutttershy blinked, staring down at the unconscious guardspony on the ground in front of her.

“Oh my.”

Her vision had adjusted enough that when she looked up Fluttershy was able to make out the slumped shapes of armoured stallions covering every inch of her home. Despite their lack movement the sight still sent her heart racing and she retreated towards the door. Looking down again she found the source of the earlier crunch; a piece of thin, cracked pottery.

Before she had time to work out where it had come from the sound of a door swinging open alerted her to new movement. A shrill scream was just making its way up her throat to hurt the ears of every living creature in earshot when a familiar voice interrupted her.

“Be calm my pegasus friend, your fright can come to an end.” Zecora pulled herself from the cupboard she had been jammed into. She frowned, tugging harder to free her hind legs and flanks. “For myself a diet may be a good idea, in Pinkie’s treats I have indulged I fear.”

“Oh, Zecora!” Throwing her hooves around her friend, Fluttershy hugged her with all the strength she could manage. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Zecora patted her friend, chuckling softly at Fluttershy’s relief. “And I you, when I found these ponies here I feared the worst. Luckily for me they did not expect my potions to work first.”

Pulling back, Fluttershy looked at her in confusion. “Your potions?”

The zebra nodded, pointing towards the shattered clay. “After my home was lost I decided to brew a few extra measures. Should trouble again stir my foe would learn I brew not just for pleasure. A single whiff of my potent potion and nopony should keep in motion.”

“You....you made a knock out gas potion.” Fluttershy gaped at the canny alchemist, to which Zecora gave her a sly smirk.

“Indeed I did and it served me well. One little sniff and down they all fell.” To demonstrate Zecora tapped one of the guards on the head, smiling with satisfaction at his lack of reaction.

“Um, but....why did you use it on the guards? I thought they were here to help.” Flutter kneeled next to one, checking his pulse and making sure he wasn’t sitting on any of his limbs.

Zecora looked surprised she didn’t know. “You do not know? Darkness has spread and something is draping the minds of ponies in shadow. Their will has been stolen and their bodies bent. I fled their reach but until I hid they did not relent. Only my charms spared me its touch. Since then they have been up to much.”

“Something is controlling them?” Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with her hooves.

“Although I regret to inform you, there were other victims too.” Indicating with her head, Zecora led Fluttershy towards the back of the house. Pulling open a cupboard Fluttershy used to store grains and various bird feeds, the tender pegasus found herself staring a trio of snoozing fillies.

“Oh no!” She swooped down, gathering the Cutie Mark Crusaders in her hooves. Looking back Fluttershy peered through her mane as Zecora with worry in her wide eyes. “What happened to the little dears?”

Zecora rubbed her nose with a hoof, a distinct expression of embarrassment on her face. “I...may have accidentally knocked them out too. They are fine and safe though, trust in me that that is true.”

If anypony would know of side-effects from her potions it would be Zecora, so Fluttershy took her at her word and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why were you here if, um, you don’t mind me asking?” Fluttershy asked carefully, unable to resist looking over the fillies just in case.

“These young fillies were bored so they were staying with me, as your friends Rarity and Applejack were away,” the zebra began to explain, pulling a vine-woven net bag of clinking clay jars and glass bottles . “When my masks cried their warning and the darkness spread I took them into the forest until the shadows gave way to day. When the gloom remained I risked a venture to find what was going on, only for the girls to follow me.”

Fluttershy sighed in time with Zecora and both gave the girls long suffering looks.

Zecora shook her head sadly before completing her rhyme. “But skilled pathfinders they are not and this band found them as they came most stealthily. In pursuit I galloped with great haste, finding them here I let no time go to waste.”

“Thank goodness! I’m sure Applejack and Rarity will be thankful that you saved them. And um, Scootaloo’s parents. I’ll have to ask Pinkie who they are now I think about it.” Fluttershy frowned at the small mystery before dismissing it for now, relying on the fact that Pinkie knew everypony to help later.

“They were in my care and I failed to keep them safe. In my long life I have learned to fulfil my responsibilities, regardless of how troublesome fillies make them chafe.” Shaking her head, Zecora threw her roughly woven saddlebags over her flanks. “Now you must help me with the girls. We need to go before around us once more this foul darkness curls.”

Fluttershy nodded, reaching down to lift the first of the Crusaders onto Zecora’s back when a distant pounding reached her ears. Zecora’s ears twitched as well and they exchanged looks. Every second the pounding of a single set of hooves got closer and closer.

Zecora waved a hoof to ward Fluttershy back and crept back into the front of the cottage. She slid through the shadows like she was born to it, somehow muffling the sound of her hooves until she had reached one of Fluttershy’s windows next to the front door. Lifting one of the curtains just enough to see through, Zecora searched for the source of the sound.

Her eyes widened as she saw a large figure sprinting towards them. It leapt over the bridge, landing with a heavy thud without breaking stride. Zecora had enough time to make out that it was one pony being carried by enough before the rider fell tumbling down and the galloper leapt right over the small rise separating the door to Fluttershy’s cottage from the stream.

A lifetime of journey that had involved less than perfectly safe adventures served Zecora well in abandoning stealth in favour of leaping wildly away. It was fortunate that she did, since a door slammed nearly off its hinges has little appreciation for how stealthy the pony it just hit was being.

Paladin burst into Fluttershy’s cottage, wings flared majestically and an expression best captured by ancient murals of forgotten war gods. Every inch of his body was tense and ready for battle, his nerves burning at the slightest sound yet bound in iron control so no movement was wasted in vain.

Behind him the door swung half-heartedly, letting out a loud creak before the lower hinge broke and it tumbled to the floor. A pair of hoof marks had been smashed directly into its centre with enough force to have splintered and cracked the rest of it.

Paladin’s mouth opened but nothing escaped it. His war cry died somewhere deep in his chest as he took in the vision of unconscious, unmarked guardsponies around him. He remained in his battle stance, although this was likely due more to surprise and paranoia than any belief that the guards would spring back to life and attack.

A single blue eye flanked on one side by a long pink mane peeked at him from around a corner.

“H-hello P-Paladin,” Fluttershy’s whimper was nearly inaudible, only managing the feat of being heard by the complete lack of sound. “Um...s-sorry m-my door g-got i-in your w-wa-way. Z-Zecora a-already knocked t-them out b-before I got...h-here....” her explanation ran down in the face of his harsh expression until Fluttershy was just shaking in the face of Paladin’s anger.

With a snort he relaxed his stance somewhat. With a dismissive glance at the downed guards he began to slowly get closer to Fluttershy. His expression was cold and empty, his eyes now more ice than fire. Although he didn’t fully understand it, his tail flicked and whipped as though it was giving the guards around him a dismissal.

“U-uh, I’m s-sorry for r-running off l-like that.” She whispered, backing up slightly. Paladin was incredibly intimidating normally, but now that he was clearly angry.... Her back hit something and she peeked through her mane after a few seconds of nervous lip-chewing. She trembled and another apology was forming on her lips when Paladin shook his head.

“Foolish.” He didn’t spit the word, not quite. Paladin glared down at her. “That was foolish. They were waiting for you. What would you have done if Zecora had not already done this? Would you even have the sense to know they were the enemy? So filled with worry and fear, unable to control your emotions, would you have been able to detect the stench that wafts from these puppets as I do? What would you have done?”

Fluttershy flinched as he spoke. There was something....primal about his anger. It rolled off him in waves like a fire, practically scorching her. “I-I’m sorr-“

“You simply charged ahead without regard for planning! Without tactics or thought to guide you!” Paladin roared over her. He snorts, streams of breathing shooting from his nostrils almost like the steam from a kettle. “Sorry is not good enough!”

By now Fluttershy could feel tears leaking down her face. She had been shouted at before but not like this. Not somepony she considered a friend and not in such a raw, furious fashion.

In the silence following his final shout, a sob replaced it. Behind him a curtain stirred as Zecora pulled herself upright and a single flash of lightning in the distant stormwall illuminated a falling tear.

Paladin stepped back. His eyes were no longer cold and hard, nor hot and furious. Now confusion replaced them, and a hate he had only recently discovered – self-loathing.

What am I doing?’ A cold weight seemed to form in his chest as Tyrae- no, Paladin stared at the crying Fluttershy. ‘I...I didn’t mean to do that, I didn’t mean to say that! Why am I so an-

Fluttershy’s tearful, sob-smothered voice cut through his internal strife. “I...I just wanted to s-save my friends.” Lifting her eyes away from the floor, Fluttershy’s eyes of cyan met Paladin’s white-blue. “I couldn’t....I couldn’t stand the thought of them being hurt for m-my sake. Please, I just...I couldn’t let them hurt all the animals I love so much! Even if I put myself in danger, I couldn’t do nothing! I-I don’t care if that makes you angry. I’m sorry for not waiting for you but I’m not sorry for wanting to help my friends and I never will be!”

The last she said with a voice that was no stronger but was more resolute. She cried as she spoke but this didn’t diminish the certainty of her words.

Their eyes met as she opened her heart and white light flared in Fluttershy’s eyes. For a moment both sides of the locked stare were white-blue. Unseen threads of pure white spun into being between their minds and emotion flowed from one to the other.

Paladin gasped, drawing back like a drowning pony who had just reached air. His mind whirled at the influx of emotion. He could feel it. Like a thousand suns erupting within him he felt it.

Every time Fluttershy had felt loved and comforted. Every time a friend had been kind, or she had been kind to another. Every time a friend had just been a friend. Her mother’s love, an unending flow of care and affection. The constant flow of companionship from Rainbow Dash since they first met, the ever expanding joy in her heart that simply talking with one of her close friends gave birth to. The moment when she had first realised she was friends with the fussy unicorn in her new town who couldn’t stop complimenting her mane. The moment Applejack thanked her for curing Winona and called her ‘friend’. Waking up one morning to find a smirking Rainbow Dash bragging about landing a position on the local weather team, so guess she’ll have to move into the area like Fluttershy. Nervously entering Sugar Cube Corner, afraid that the exuberant pink pony would have gathered a horde of unfamiliar faces for her welcome party only to find a waving Pinkie bouncing next to a familiar sky blue pegasus, fussy white unicorn and bone-worked orange earth pony. Trotting after the strange purple unicorn, her ears filled with the life of a dragon played out before her. Standing with that unicorn as they faced down a creature that might as well have been pulled from her nightmares, having giggled their way through a dark forest with only friendship to guide their way.

Being talked out of her hiding spot by a looming, dark pegasus with brilliant wings whose voice held something that told her his heart was far brighter than he looked.

All of those and a thousand beside played across his mind and his soul. Paladin would have cried out if he could but at the onslaught of reflected love his body froze. So alien to him yet burning with such a brilliant light that all the High Heavens could not match it, Tyrael wilted at the wave of emotion and Paladin felt his heart nearly burst.

Even as her friend fell back from her, Fluttershy could feel something sweeping into her. Emotions not her own roared into her mind like a storm. Righteousness like nothing she had never experienced washed across her, fuelled by certainty only to break as its base fractured. Fear of the unknown, of giving in.

Fear that he was wrong, that he had failed. Fear of who he was becoming, that he would fail to control what he was turning into. She could feel his impotent, furious rage that all he was had been reduced and he was left with so little time. Self-loathing and recrimination for what he had done and guilt for wondering if saving lives had been the wrong thing to do.

Confusion at his own feelings, at why he felt the way he did. A mess of fractured, broken emotions collected by a mind that had gone so long without ever considering a flaw in his own thinking. At the end a cold restraint jamming shut emotions, confining them in an attempt to remain free of their hold, to remain the master of his own many new feelings.

The surge subsided and Fluttershy found that her trembling had subsided. Paladin, on the other hand....

He stumbled backwards, panting desperately. He pawed at the floor mindlessly, animal sounds bursting from his lips as he struggled against the unfamiliar feelings let free with him.

Before he could retreat further something hit the ground beneath him with a sharp crack. Paladin failed to realise the danger before a cloud of green smoke rose past his face and was pulled in by his pants.

Zecora stepped a bit further away. Despite herself she was impressed by how long it took her small jar of knock-out gas to bring Paladin down. The moment the liquid’s container broke and air touched it evaporated into a useful cloud that could bring a healthy buffalo down in seconds. Zecora and a shocked Fluttershy were treated to another minute of a stumbling, mindless Paladin before he finally fell to the floor.

Fluttershy slowly turned her incredulous gaze from Paladin’s recumbent form to Zecora.

The zebra shrugged. “I have seen something like this, he was overtaken by emotion and his mind was retreating. I thought a calming brew would keep the same result from repeating.”

“C-calming brew?” Fluttershy was still somewhat lighted headed from the...whatever that had just occurred. “You knocked him out!”

The mysterious alchemist gave Fluttershy a satisfied smirk. “I made due with what I had. Better by far than him going mad.”


Waking up had become a familiar experience, but Paladin still hated it. His eyes opened slower than he wanted and his limbs felt heavy. A groan rumbled up from his chest that felt like it perfectly verbalised exactly how his body felt.

“Ah, I see you have awoken.”

Zecora!’ A rush of memories began to flood Paladin’s mind. He gasped, trying to stand. To his credit he managed to make it halfway up before his leaden limbs failed him.

“My brew has left your control broken. Wait for a few and your limbs will return. Until then we must talk about the fire with which you burn.” The zebra stepped into his sight. Behind her he could make out what was likely Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Fire?” He asked slowly, his voice slurred slightly.

Zecora nodded, her eyes hooded and shadowed in the gloom. “In your eyes. To my sight it never died. When we first met it burned in your soul like a fury. Yet I saw your eyes as you grew ever mad and they were practically dreary.”

A single bark of laughter was her answer. “Divinity,” he croaked, unable to stop his sluggish thoughts from answering aloud. “You speak of my divinity.”

To his surprise this seemed like something she had been expecting, prompting only a nod from Zecora. “You are no mortal soul, cast adrift like those around you. But you are a spirit no more, and to this your mistakes are due.”

Paladin said nothing, staring back at Zecora expressionlessly. Inside he was furious at himself for giving away such information regardless of Zecora’s lack of a reaction. He was better than that, better than his body’s weakness. The thought prompted a wince. He could still feel the strange mark left upon him by the sudden attack of Fluttershy’s emotions.

She projected so much of herself into me, so many of her emotions and memories of emotion. Did my angelic essence truly awaken such empathic power within her?’ It was the only explanation he could think of and sent a shudder down his spine. His already imperfect control of his wayward emotions was likely to be far less perfect in her presence now and he had to fight back a growl at the thought. The very fact he had to do so was only another indication of how far he was falling.

Zecora leaned down until her face was in his face, forcing his attention to her. “Whatever you once were, I was not foaled yesterday. Your anger was as much meant for yourself as to make her pay. You spoke of losing control and charging ahead yet I saw you charge into here like a beast driven to fury. You must see the truth; no matter how deeply you try your emotions are not something you can bury.”

The stallion before her had frozen, his eyes wide with unwilling realisation. Mercilessly Zecora pushed her way on.

“You spoke with such rage that you prompted something divine in nature from kind Fluttershy, and I suspect what has been done is not something that will go away with some little white lie. I suggest you think on what you truly are now and who you truly should trust. Truth is a dangerous thing but with friends I think you will find it is a must.” Stepping back, Zecora muttered something about checking on Fluttershy and Trixie before trotting away.

Left on his own to gather his strength, Paladin stared into the wood grain before him.

She’s right. That...that mortal is right. By the Arch, I am being left helpless. I have been forever Justice Incarnate, bound to that singular ideal. All other emotions and concepts were merely facets of my thirst for Justice, yet now I am cast adrift without that pillar to cling to.’ Closing his eyes, Paladin left out a deep sigh. ‘I must control myself, control what I feel but it is no longer so easy. Do all mortal suffer this? Are they all so...mad?’ he wondered.

Interrupting his own contemplation, Paladin rose to his hooves unsteadily. His ears flicked at the sound of voices and he began to make his way towards the next room. Just as he turned into it a certain pink mane appeared and rammed into his muzzle.

Being substantially taller than Fluttershy, Paladin only received a mouthful of her pink mane. Looking down he was assaulted by the annoyingly familiar emotion of guilt. Paladin opened his mouth, an apology stirring to life only for Fluttershy to cut him off.

“They have my friends!” She wailed, sniffing back tears.

With a sinking feeling in his gut, Paladin decided she was probably not talking about her animals this time.


And there’s chapter 15! I hope you enjoyed the ride, please let me know what you think in the comments below. As I write this its 4am and my tooth socket is aching a bit, so I’m just gonna wrap things up real quick. Granted, when I actually post this it will likely be at a much different time when I’m, far less tired but meh.

EDIT: Ignore that, been ages and tooth socket is perfectly fine!

I hope Zecora’s talking wasn’t too bad, bit nervous about that. Might write that story of what happened with her and the CMC for the side-stories at some point, if I feel like it and there’s any interest expressed.

Not much else, like I said I hope you enjoyed it and that you feed my desperate craving for attention by leaving a comment. Pathetic, I know, but luckily my ego will protect me!

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